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Development of negative skin friction on single piles: Uncoupled analysis based

on nonlinear consolidation theory with finite strain and the load-transfer

Article  in  Canadian Geotechnical Journal · June 2011

DOI: 10.1139/t11-004


13 2,543

2 authors:

Hyeong-Joo Kim Jose Leo Mission

Kunsan National University National Marine Dredging Company (NMDC)


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Analysis of Negative Skin-Friction on Single Piles by One-Dimensional Consolidation Model Test View project

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Development of negative skin friction on single

piles: uncoupled analysis based on nonlinear
consolidation theory with finite strain and the
load-transfer method
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by China University of Science and Technology on 06/04/13

Hyeong-Joo Kim and Jose Leo C. Mission

Abstract: The development of negative skin friction (NSF) on single piles is investigated based on an uncoupled method of
analysis with the Mikasa (1963) generalized nonlinear consolidation theory in terms of finite strain and the nonlinear load-
transfer method. Predicted results are compared with results based on the conventional linear consolidation theory with in-
finitesimal strains. It is found that predicted development of dragload using the conventional consolidation theory is slightly
greater and conservative compared to that using the nonlinear consolidation theory based on effective stress (b method). Ef-
fective stress predictions using the conventional theory are larger due to the faster dissipation of excess pore pressures, with
the assumption of constant coefficient of consolidation and permeability. However, since the relative displacements required
to mobilize the ultimate skin friction are small, and piles are usually installed near the final stages of soil consolidation, the
differences in the predictions for the development of dragload on piles between the two consolidation theories are overshad-
owed. Using the uncoupled model for pile NSF, it is therefore found that the most significant factor for the estimation of
dragload and downdrag is the proper selection of the b value rather than the consolidation theory used.
Key words: pile negative skin friction, one-dimensional nonlinear consolidation, effective stress method, nonlinear load-
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transfer method.
Résumé : Le développement de la friction superficielle négative (FSN) sur des pieux simples est évalué selon une méthode
d’analyse non couplée avec la théorie de consolidation linéaire généralisée de Mikasa (1963) en termes de déformation finie
et de la méthode de transfert de charge non linéaire. Les résultats des prédictions sont comparés à ceux basés sur la théorie
de consolidation linéaire conventionnelle avec des déformations infinitésimales. Il est observé que les développements de la
charge de traînée prédit à l’aide de la théorie de consolidation conventionnelle sont légèrement plus élevés et conservateurs
comparativement à ceux obtenus par la théorie de consolidation non linéaire basée sur les contraintes effectives (méthode
b). Les prédictions des contraintes effectives obtenues à l’aide de la théorie conventionnelle sont plus grandes en raison de
la dissipation plus rapide des pressions interstitielles en assumant un coefficient de consolidation et de perméabilité constant.
Cependant, comme les déplacements relatifs nécessaires pour mobiliser la friction superficielle ultime sont faibles et que les
pieux sont normalement installés durant les derniers stades de la consolidation du sol, les différences entre les prédictions
pour le développement de la charge de traînée sur les pieux selon les deux théories de consolidation se confondent. À partir
du modèle non couplé de FSN pour les pieux, il a été déterminé que la sélection adéquate de la valeur de b est le facteur le
plus important pour l’estimation de la charge de traînée et de l’entraînement vers le bas, plutôt que la théorie de consolida-
tion utilisée.
Mots‐clés : friction superficielle négative d’un pieu, consolidation linéaire unidimensionnelle, méthode des contraintes effec-
tives, méthode de transfert de charge non linéaire.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Introduction (Bjerrum et al. 1969; Endo et al. 1969; Fellenius 2006). Sev-
eral methods for the prediction of NSF in single piles employ
Consolidation of a saturated clayey soil produces settle- a two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) elastic–
ment and variation in effective stresses and its shear strength plastic continuum model using finite element procedures for
properties due to the dissipation of excess pore pressures the soil and pile in a coupled analysis (Indraratna et al.
with time. Consequently, downward movements of a consoli- 1992; Jeong et al. 1997; Comodromos and Bareka 2005).
dating soil relative to an embedded pile develop to negative Alonso et al. (1984) used the load-transfer method to predict
skin friction (NSF), accumulating to downdrag and dragload the NSF on single piles in an uncoupled analysis with the
Received 10 March 2009. Accepted 15 November 2010. Published at on 2 June 2011.
H.-J. Kim and J.L.C. Mission. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kunsan National University, Miryong-dong,
Kunsan, Jeollabuk-do, 573-701, South Korea.
Corresponding author: J.L.C. Mission (e-mail:

Can. Geotech. J. 48: 905–914 (2011) doi:10.1139/T11-004 Published by NRC Research Press
906 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 48, 2011

classical Terzaghi (1943) assumptions of one-dimensional the development of dragload on a single pile are compared in
(1D) consolidation theory and an elastoplastic and bilinear an uncoupled method of analysis based on the nonlinear and
load-transfer function for the soil–pile interface. Wong and linear consolidation theories and the load-transfer method.
Teh (1995) also utilized the load-transfer approach using a
hyperbolic criterion for the soil spring at the pile shaft in a Analytical soil–pile model
numerical procedure by applying a known value of the soil
settlement at the layers, which was determined using the con- A pile embedded in a compressible soil layer that is sub-
jected to a surcharge load, q, on its surface experiences an
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ventional Terzaghi consolidation theory. Chen et al. (2009)

studied the influence of nonlinear soil consolidation based increasing variation of its effective stresses (s′) and settle-
on the Davis and Raymond (1965) theory on the develop- ment (Figs. 1a–1c). A 1D soil–pile model is being used,
ment of NSF on a pile using a hyperbolic interface model, based on the vertical beam on Winkler foundation and the
but consideration for variation of the coefficient of consolida- nonlinear load-transfer method as shown in Fig. 1d. The
tion, finite strain effects, and reduced soil–pile interaction soil–pile interface is modeled by a zero-length spring whose
length due to settlement was not accounted for. On the other load-deformation behavior is defined by a nonlinear load-
hand, Kim and Mission (2009a, 2009b) studied the develop- transfer curve in skin friction or T–z curve (Fig. 1e). The
ment of NSF on single piles in an uncoupled analysis based load-deformation behavior at the base of the pile can be mod-
on finite strain consolidation theory, but the consolidation pa- eled by a zero-length spring whose property is defined by a
rameters were assumed constant. Since soil–pile interaction is load-transfer curve in end bearing or Q–z curve for a com-
greatly influenced by the effective stresses at the interface pressible bearing stratum. As used in this study, the backbone
and the relative movements at which they are mobilized, and of the T–z curve for clay is approximated from the Reese and
coupled with the fact that the ultimate soil–pile interface O’Neill (1987) relation (Fig. 2a), and the backbone of the T–
shear stresses become fully mobilized at small relative soil– z curve for sand is approximated from the Mosher (1984) re-
pile movements, the effects of nonlinear consolidation may lation (Fig. 2b), all of which are being implemented in the
be a significant consideration in the analysis of pile NSF. software program OpenSees (2000) using the TzSimple1 ma-
Considering the complexity involved in continuum ap- terials (Boulanger 2003). The ultimate properties of the T–z
proaches, while some of them incapable of being used with curve are determined based on the effective stress (b
For personal use only.

an advanced settlement theory or deformation analysis, as method), as described in the next sections, depending on the
well as consideration for delayed pile installation from the type of soil and pile present. The TzSimple1 command in
start of surcharge loading or fill, this study presents a simpli- OpenSees accepts as input the ultimate capacity (in unit of
fied uncoupled method for the analysis of NSF in single piles force) of the T–z material and the displacement at which
using the Mikasa (1963) generalized 1D nonlinear consolida- 50% of the ultimate capacity is mobilized. A more detailed
tion theory for the prediction of soil settlements and effective formulation of the parameters for the nonlinear T–z and Q–z
stresses, and the nonlinear load-transfer method for the pile soil springs used in this study can be found in the OpenSees
analysis. The analysis makes use of a set of simplified non- user manual (Mazzoni et al. 2006).
linear load-transfer curves for clay and sand developed in the The transfer of load through shear along the sides of a cir-
literature that is representative of the average axial soil–pile cular pile is given by the following differential equation (Re-
responses and behavior observed in the field from various ese and O’Neill 1987),
pile load tests under different soil conditions. Soil–pile slip d2 zp
is also being implicitly considered by curtailing the soil–pile ½1 EA ¼ pDfs
interface stresses to some limiting values (Chow et al. 1990) dz2
based on the effective stress method. where zp is movement of the pile or shaft at depth z, A is the
Most load-transfer approaches employ the classic Terzaghi cross-section area of the pile, E is the modulus of elasticity
1D consolidation theory in the prediction of soil settlements of the pile material, D is the pile diameter, and fs is the shear
and effective stresses. The Terzaghi theory is expressed in force per unit area of load transfer from the shaft to the soil
terms of excess pore pressures and is formulated under the at depth z. With the presence of ongoing settlements around
following assumptions among others: (i) infinitesimal strains; the vicinity of the pile from soil consolidation, if we let zs
(ii) the coefficients of consolidation (Cv), permeability (k), equal soil settlement and zp equal pile settlement, then a cri-
and volume compressibility (mv) are constant during the con- terion for T–z load transfer can be established based on the
solidation process. Since small relative soil–pile movements following:
are required to mobilize the ultimate skin friction, accurate
1. (zs > zp), T is negative (downward drag force)
prediction of soil settlements and interface shear stresses
2. (zs < zp), T is positive (upward shaft resistance)
may be significant factors in the analysis of pile NSF. In ad-
3. (zs = zp), T = 0 (equilibrium, location of neutral plane)
dition, large soil settlements may have a significant effect on
the reduced soil–pile interaction length in the computation of Thus, the shear force per unit area of load transfer, fs, in
the interface shear forces and axial load on the pile. Given eq. [1] can also be viewed and written in a generalized form
that most field data on consolidation tests and pile observa- as a function of the difference between the pile and soil set-
tions are typically available in terms of strain or settlement tlements, zp and zs, respectively, as shown in Fig. 1e.
rather than on excess pore pressures, this study uses the Mi- ½2 fs ¼ f ðzp  zs Þ
kasa (1963) generalized 1D nonlinear consolidation theory
that considers finite strains as well as the variation of the co- The soil settlements, zs, at any time and depth in the soil
efficients of consolidation. In this study, the predictions for layers are predicted from a 1D consolidation theory and are

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Fig. 1. (a) Typical pile in compressible soil layer undergoing consolidation settlement; (b) effective stress profile; (c) soil settlement profile;
(d) nonlinear load-transfer curves; (e) 1D soil–pile discretization (all after Kim and Mission 2009a).
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Fig. 2. Normalized load-transfer relations (T–z curve) for side resis- applied as boundary conditions (imposed displacements) at
tance of piles: (a) in clay (Reese and O’Neill 1987); (b) in sand the free ends of the soil springs at any time during the prog-
(Mosher 1984). D, pile diameter; Tu, ultimate skin-friction resistance. ress of consolidation (Fig. 1d). The ultimate resistances of
the nonlinear T–z springs are determined from the effective
For personal use only.

stresses (b method) that exist at the time when NSF is to be

evaluated. The 1D soil–pile finite element model is shown in
Fig. 1d, and the analysis is implemented using the open-
source software finite element program OpenSees (2000)
that is used in this study. Since the soil–pile model used is
1D, the method is thus limited to the analysis of NSF on sin-
gle piles and is uncoupled. Analysis of pile NSF in pile
groups is possible using coupled analysis with 3D finite ele-
ment method or other modelling methods that account for the
pile–soil–pile interaction. Nevertheless, various interaction
factors can be applied to the single pile to approximate the
magnitude of dragload for other piles in the group, depend-
ing on number of piles, location, and pile spacing (Poulos
and Davis 1980; Chin 1988; Kuwabara and Poulos 1989;
Chow et al. 1990; Jeong et al. 1997).
It can be noted that when consolidation in clay takes place
with an embedded pile, the surface elevation of the soil
moves downward due to the finite reduction in thickness of
the clay layer from settlement. During the progress of consol-
idation, the total soil–pile interaction length in the compressi-
ble soil layers is then also reduced, with a total reduction
equal to the total settlement S (Fig. 3). When large settle-
ments in the clay layer exist, the calculation for the ultimate
soil–pile interface shear strength (in unit of force) that is trib-
utary for a given soil–pile node of the T–z soil spring would
be overestimated if this reduction in length is not taken into
account and infinitesimal strains are assumed. This condition
is being considered in this study by continually updating the
longitudinal geometry of the 1D soil–pile model after each
time step by maintaining the same number of nodes and ele-
ments but adjusting the coordinates of the soil–pile interface
nodes as shown in Fig. 3. Similarly, with an increase in ef-
fective stress due to dissipation of excess pore pressures,
there would be differences in the prediction of the interface
shear strength fs, which is linearly related to the vertical ef-

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908 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 48, 2011

Fig. 3. Model updating process of the soil–pile interaction length Fig. 4. Constitutive relationships for normally consolidated clay:
due to the effect of large settlements. 1D soil–pile model of the pro- (a) compressibility; (b) permeability.
file: (a) before settlement; (b) after settlement. e, void ratio.
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The natural (logarithmic) strain 3 is related to the void ra-

tio e from the following equation (Mikasa 1963; Tan and
Scott 1988):
fective stress s′, between linear and nonlinear consolidation 1 þ e0
analysis that assumes either constant or variable consolida- ½6 expð3Þ ¼
tion parameters. In this study, the combined effects on the de-
velopment of NSF on single piles based on linear or From eqs. [4] and [6], the vertical effective stress s' is re-
nonlinear consolidation theory with infinitesimal or finite lated to the natural strain 3 as follows:
strain are being investigated in detail.
½7 s 0 ¼ s 00 10f½ð1þe0 Þ=Cc ½11=expð3Þg
For personal use only.

1D nonlinear consolidation theory Similarly, from eqs. [5] and [6], the coefficient of perme-
considering finite strain ability k is related to the natural strain 3 as follows:
Mikasa (1963) derived a generalized nonlinear 1D consol- ½8 k ¼ k0 10f½ð1þe0 Þ=Ck ½1=expð3Þ1g
idation equation for a layer of clay having homogeneous con-
solidation properties throughout its depth, which is initially From eqs. [4], [6], and [7], the coefficient of volume com-
in equilibrium with its self-weight and the effective overbur- pressibility mv is related to the natural strain 3 and derived as
den stress s 00 as follows: follows:
@3 @ 2 3 dCv @3 2 1 de Cc
½3 ¼ Cv 2 þ ½9 mv ¼  ¼
@t @z d3 @z ð1 þ eÞ ds 0 ð1 þ eÞs 0 ln10
f½ð1þe0 Þ=Cc ½1=expð3Þ1g
¼ mv0 expð3Þ10
where 3 is the natural strain, t is the consolidation time, and z
is the depth. Equation [3] considers the changes of the coeffi- where mv0 ¼ Cc =½ð1 þ e0 Þs 00 ln10 is the initial coefficient of
cient of consolidation Cv, coefficient of volume compressibil- volume compressibility. Using eqs. [8] and [9], the coeffi-
ity mv, and coefficient of permeability k, with the decrease in cient of consolidation Cv is related to the natural strain 3 and
void ratio e during the progress of consolidation. derived as follows:
It is generally accepted that the void ratio – effective stress
relationship for normally consolidated homogeneous soil is ½10 Cv ¼ ¼ Cv0 f
linear in semi-logarithmic space of e–logs′ (Fig. 4a) (Lambe mv g w
and Whitman 1969; Burland 1990), the slope of which is
called the compressibility index (Cc). A similar linear rela-
tionship can also be presented between the void ratio and k0
permeability (Fig. 4b), the slope of which is called the per- ½11 Cv0 ¼
mv0 g w
meability index (Ck) (Tavenas et al. 1983; Sridharan and Pra-
kash 1999). Based on Fig. 4, the following constitutive is the defined as the initial coefficient of consolidation, gw is
relations in eqs. [4] and [5] are written in which e0 is the ini- the unit weight of the saturating liquid, and
tial void ratio corresponding to the initial effective stress s 00
and coefficient of permeability k0. 10f½11=expð3Þð1þe0 Þð1=Cc 1=Ck Þg
½12 f¼
 0 expð3Þ
½4 e ¼ e0  Cc log 0 Differentiating eq. [12] with respect to the natural strain 3
k df ð1=Cc  1=Ck Þð1 þ e0 Þ ln10
½5 e ¼ e0 þ Ck log ½13 ¼f 1
k0 d3 expð3Þ

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Equations [10] and [13] are then used in the 1D consolida- dation. However, the derivative terms of the natural strain 3
tion equation in eq. [3] to account for the variability of the in eq. [3] at depth z can be written numerically in finite dif-
coefficient of consolidation Cv during the progress of consol- ference form, accounting for the reduced thickness of the clay
idation. Equation [3] was also derived based on infinitesimal element in the numerical differentiation due to consolidation
strain assumption that does not consider the finite reduction settlement as follows:
in thickness of the clay layer during the progress of consoli-
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(    2 )
ð3zþDz  3z Þ=DzzþDz  ð3z  3zDz Þ=DzzDz df 3zþDz  3zDz
½14 D3 ¼ Cv0 Dt f þ
ðDzzDz þ DzzþDz Þ=2 d3 DzzDz þ DzzþDz

where Dt is the time step and Dz is the depth increment as It can be noted of the similarity between eq. [19] by Mi-
shown in Fig. 5. If H0 is the initial thickness of the clay layer kasa (1963), which is expressed in terms of the strain 3, and
and n is the number of elements in the finite difference grid, the conventional 1D consolidation theory according to Terza-
then the initial element thickness is Dz0 = H0/n. After the ghi (1943), which is expressed in terms of pore pressure u,
value of strain 3 has been determined for the time t = Dt, it under the same fundamental assumptions of which they were
is used to determine the nodal coordinates for the new grid derived. When the magnitude of the distributed surcharge
to be used to predict the value of strain at the next time step load q causing consolidation is uniform and constant, the re-
(Fig. 5b). The reduced element thicknesses Dzz–Dz and Dzz+Dz lationship between the strain 3 and the change in vertical ef-
can then be expressed in terms of the initial element thick- fective stress Ds′ is given as
ness Dz0 by the reduction factor a determined from the natural
strains as follows (Tan and Scott 1988): ½20 3 ¼ mv Ds 0 ¼ mv ðq  uÞ

DzzDz The excess pore pressure u can also be determined by sub-

½15 azDz ¼ ¼ exp½0:5ð3zDz þ 3z Þ
Dz0 tracting the calculated effective stress in eq. [7] from the total
For personal use only.

stress as follows:
DzzþDz ½21 u ¼ s 00 þ q  s 0
½16 azþDz ¼ ¼ exp½0:5ð3zþDz þ 3z Þ
Similarly, when infinitesimal strains are assumed, then
The total settlement S at any time during the progress of eqs. [15] and [16] are reduced to a z+Dz = a z–Dz = 1.0
consolidation is then determined by or Dzz+Dz = Dzz–Dz = Dz0. Equation [18] is then trans-
formed to the conventional finite difference expression for
n X
½17 S¼ Dz0 ð1  aÞ ¼ H0  Dz0 a eq. [19], which is written as
1 1 Cv Dt
½22 D3 ¼ ð3zþDz  23z þ 3zDz Þ
Substitution of eqs. [15] and [16] into eq. [14] and simpli-
fying, the modified finite difference expression for eq. [3] is The numerical solution proceeds by ensuring that the crite-
derived for the numerical analysis of 1D nonlinear consolida- rion for numerical stability and accuracy is satisfied in deter-
tion that now considers finite strain, and is given as mining the time and depth increments, Dt and Dz, respectively,
(  "  as follows (Forsythe and Wasow 1960; Mikasa 1963):
Cv0 Dt 2 3zþDz  3z
½18 D3 ¼ f
Dz20 azDz þ azþDz azþDz Cv Dt 1
 #  ) ½23 
3z  3zDz df 3z0 þDz0  3z0 Dz0 2 Dz2 2
azDz d3 azDz þ azþDz Since all the variables are approximated as constant in the
piecewise linear iteration, the time increment must be suffi-
Equation [18] shows the finite difference scheme that al- ciently small. Given that Cv and Dz varies with consolida-
lows for uneven nodal spacing or reduced element thickness tion, the constant time step Dt is initially determined using
during the consolidation process. The method is similar to the largest value of Cv and smallest value of Dz for any given
the updated Lagrangian concept or the moving boundary ap- condition. Mikasa (1963) recommends eq. [23] to be smaller
proach (Fig. 5) to large strain consolidation (Lee and Sills 1979) than 1/4 in ordinary case for the determination of Dt and Dz.
but accounts for the convective effect (Tan and Scott 1988). The numerical solution proceeds by utilizing the following
When Cv is assumed constant, f = 1.0 and dCv/d3 = 0, initial and boundary conditions for an immediately applied
then eq. [3] is reduced to the case of linear consolidation, surcharge load, q, which remains constant during the prog-
which is written as ress of consolidation. At the permeable boundaries at the sur-
face (z = 0) and (or) the bottom of the clay layer (z = H0),
@3 @23 the natural strain 3 is calculated from eq. [10] using the final
½19 ¼ Cv 2
@t @z effective stress s′ = s 00 + q.

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Fig. 5. (a) Variation of strain, 3, and thickness, Dz, in a soil element; (b) schematic diagram of the numerical algorithm with mesh updating method.
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½24 3ðz; 0Þ ¼ 1:0 initial condition pile shaft. In this study, it is assumed that the unit skin fric-
tion resistance is the same both for the positive (upward) and
2 3 negative (downward) direction of side shear. The coefficient
1 þ e0
½25 3ðz; tÞ ¼ ln4  5 b is a function of the soil type, pile material and surface
ð1 þ e0 Þ  Cc log ss0 roughness, and the method of pile installation. Fellenius
0 (2008) expressed the b coefficient as a function of several
at a permeable boundary parameters,
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½29 b ¼ M tanf0 ð1  sinf0 ÞðOCRÞ0:5

½26 ðH0 ; tÞ ¼ 0 at an impermeable bottom boundary
@z where M = tand′/tanf′, f′ is the effective soil friction angle,
d′ is the effective interface friction angle, which is a function
From eq. [26], an impermeable boundary ð@u=@z ¼ 0Þ is of pile surface texture and material, and OCR is the overcon-
also an incompressible boundary ð@3=@z ¼ 0Þ. Equation [26] solidation ratio.
can be implemented into the finite difference solution by in- For sand, b is a function of the lateral earth pressure coef-
serting a dummy node after the impermeable boundary at ficient, Ks, and the interface friction angle, d, expressed as
depth H0, and in which by the method of central difference,
3zþDz  3zDz ½30 b ¼ Ks tand
½27 ¼ 0 or 3zþDz ¼ 3zDz
2Dz where different values of Ks and d have been suggested in the
literature as given by Poulos and Davis (1980), Kulhawy
Equations [3]–[27] describe the formulations for the 1D (1984), and Tomlinson (1986) for different types of pile ma-
nonlinear consolidation in a single layer of homogeneous terial and property of sand.
clay having uniform consolidation properties as defined by
During the consolidation process, predictions of the ulti-
eqs. [4] and [5] and shown in Fig. 4. Nevertheless, similar
mate interface friction stresses using the effective stress ap-
relationships can be extended for the nonlinear 1D consolida- proach (b method) are simpler to adopt compared to the
tion in multilayered clay having nonhomogeneous consolida- total stress approach (a method), as values of fs are largely
tion properties using appropriate interface boundary relations influenced by excess pore pressures. While it is recognized
as described by Kim and Mission (2010) and Takada and Mi- that the b method is a simplistic method, case histories and
kasa (1984), or by using relative consolidation parameter re- research findings, however, have demonstrated that actual
lationships as described by Mikasa et al. (1998). shaft shear stresses are proportional to the effective overbur-
den stress, where reasonable agreements have been obtained
Soil–pile interface shear strength based on with correlations through the b coefficient (Fellenius 2008).
effective stress To give a more reasonable estimation on the magnitude of
For piles embedded in saturated soils, the unit friction re- NSF, Burland (1973) also suggested that NSF is best ac-
sistance fs for the soil–pile interface can be evaluated from ef- counted for in terms of effective stress, since NSF results
fective stress parameters (b method) as given by eq. [28]. The from consolidation of clay and usually takes a long period of
appropriate effective stresses s′ are those prevalent at the time time to fully develop.
when downdrag is to be computed (Alonso et al. 1984).
Numerical validation example
½28 fs ¼ bs 0 ¼ bðs  ut Þ
To study NSF, Chan (2004, 2006), and later Ng et al.
where s is total vertical soil stress and ut is the sum of hy- (2008), reported consolidation tests and experiments in a cen-
drostatic and excess pore water pressure (u) adjacent to the trifuge model that was spun at 60g on free-head single piles

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in clay, which were subjected to a surcharge load from fill. Table 1. Estimated nonlinear consolidation parameters for soft clay.
Unless otherwise stated, all the test and simulation results
are presented in prototype scale in this paper, in which the Initial average void ratio, e0 1.60
prototype soil and pile geometry were scaled by a factor of Initial average effective stress, s 00 (kPa) 64.0
60 times the actual values used in the centrifuge model test. Initial average coefficient of permeability, k0 (m/year) 0.13
The clay layer subjected to the surcharge load was 18 m Slope of e–logs′ relation, Cc 0.40
thick. Two types of driven prototype single piles were inves- Slope of e–logk relation, Ck 0.80
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tigated in this study: (i) test 1, a bearing pile penetrated

through 18 m in clay and socketed 1.2 m into the underlying Fig. 6. Comparison between measured and predicted soil settle-
dense sand; (ii) test 2, a floating pile penetrated through ment – time curves.
17.7 m in clay. Both types were aluminum piles with an ex-
ternal diameter of 1140 mm and wall thickness of 90 mm in
prototype scale, with elastic modulus property E = 70 GPa.
A sand fill having a unit weight of 15 kN/m3 imposed an
equivalent surcharge loading of 45 kPa, which was applied
on the surface with the pile already in place. Other data on
the initial nonlinear consolidation parameters were not avail-
able and were estimated from the initial conditions based on
the available measured data. A uniform initial void ratio (e0)
of the clay was assumed and was determined from the aver-
age water content measurements before the tests. The satu-
rated unit weight of the clay before and after the centrifuge
test was found to be 16.3 and 16.7 kN/m3, respectively
(Chan 2006). An assumption of a constant and uniform initial
void ratio e0 also leads to a uniform initial effective stress s 00
and permeability coefficient k0, which was taken as the aver-
For personal use only.

age for the clay layer and is assumed to be effective through-

out the total thickness of the clay profile for the purpose of
consolidation analysis. The compression index Cc was ap-
proximated from the correlation given by Nagaraj and Murthy
(1985, 1986) in which Cc = 0.2343e0. In addition, the value
of Ck was approximated as equal to half the initial void ratio, in Fig. 7a wherein the results from nonlinear theory are plot-
which is typical for many natural soft clay deposits (Tavenas ted in convective coordinates. When the settlement is quite
et al. 1983; Leroueil et al. 1990; Mesri et al. 1994). The large, the decrease in the thickness of the clay layer is clearly
estimated nonlinear consolidation parameters for the soft seen from the profile. When a pile is present, a portion of the
clay that were used in the consolidation analysis are shown length of the pile is therefore exposed due to settlement,
in Table 1. which literally means that the embedding soil has lost contact
For soil consolidation analysis, the 18 m thick clay layer to the pile by almost the same length.
was subdivided into 36 elements. An initial uniform element The excess pore pressures were calculated using eqs. [20]
thickness of Dz0 = 0.50 m and a time step of Dt = 0.25 day and [21] for the conventional and nonlinear consolidation
were used, which were consistent with the criteria for stabil- theory, respectively. The excess pore pressures were then
ity and accuracy given by eq. [23]. For comparison with the subtracted from the calculated distribution of the total stress
results from conventional consolidation analysis using in the profile based on the unit weight and applied surcharge
eqs. [19] and [22], which assumes infinitesimal strain and load to give the effective stress profile distribution shown in
constant consolidation properties, appropriate “equivalent” Fig. 7b. As expected, dissipation of excess pore pressures
properties were selected in which the coefficient of consoli- with the conventional theory proceeds at a slightly faster rate
dation Cv was calculated from eq. [10] using k0 and an equiv- due to the assumption of constant coefficient of permeability.
alent value for the coefficient of volume compressibility mv, On the other hand, the permeability coefficient decreases
which was computed from eq. [20] using the final strain at with increasing strain for the nonlinear theory, which slows
the end of consolidation. the dissipation of excess pore pressure. The conventional
Figure 6 shows the comparison of the predicted and meas- consolidation theory therefore has the potential to underesti-
ured settlement–time curves. The close agreement between mate the excess pore pressures in a clay layer. As a result,
the predicted final settlements is expected, since the constant the soil effective stresses (Fig. 7b), undrained shear strength,
coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) for the conven- and soil–pile interface shear stresses would then be overesti-
tional theory was matched to that of the final strain corre- mated based on effective stress analysis.
sponding to the nonlinear consolidation theory. Nevertheless, One-dimensional numerical pile–soil models were then
soil consolidation for the conventional theory proceeds at a created as typically shown in Fig. 1d. Whenever the dragload
slightly faster rate due to the assumption of constant coeffi- was evaluated, the models were updated to account for the
cient of consolidation and permeability compared to the non- finite reduction of the soil–pile interaction lengths, as shown
linear theory. The differences in settlement predictions can in Fig. 3, and the ultimate shear properties of the soil–pile inter-
also be seen in terms of the soil settlement profiles as shown face were also updated based on the current state of effective

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912 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 48, 2011

Fig. 7. (a) Predicted soil settlement profiles; (b) predicted effective Fig. 8. Comparison between measured and predicted dragload dis-
stress and excess pore pressure profiles. tributions on pile: (a) test 1; (b) test 2.
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to a soil-friction angle f = 29.7° of the bearing stratum.

The ultimate properties of the pile in skin friction were cal-
culated using the b method as described in the previous
section. Ng et al. (2008) reported that at earlier stages of
soil consolidation, an estimation of dragload using a con-
stant b value would overestimate dragload, since the partial
mobilization of shaft friction is not considered at the lower
layer near the pile tip. For test 1, the mobilized b value in-
creased with time from about 0.18 during the early stages
and reached 0.30 during the final stages of consolidation.
Figure 8a shows the predicted development of dragload on
the pile for test 1 at three stages of consolidation, that is
after 2, 4, and 6.7 years, using the reported b values of
stress at the layers. In the uncoupled method of analysis, 0.18, 0.25, and 0.30 by Ng et al. (2008), respectively. As
the free ends of the soil springs in skin friction were sub- expected, dragload predictions based on the conventional
jected to the downward free-field soil settlements (Fig. 7a) consolidation theory are slightly larger than predictions
at the layers, which act as boundary conditions for the sides based on the nonlinear and finite strain consolidation theory
of the pile. For test 1, the nonlinear load-transfer properties due to the overestimation of the soil effective stress, settle-
for skin friction of piles were based on the Reese and ment, and soil–pile interaction length. A similar method of
O’Neill (1987) T–z relation in clay and the Mosher (1984) numerical modeling and analysis was performed for the pile
relation in sand. Similarly, the nonlinear load-transfer prop- in test 2. For the floating pile in test 2, the nonlinear load-
erties for end bearing were based on the Vijayvergiya transfer relation of the end-bearing spring was based on the
(1977) Q–z relation for piles in sand. The ultimate bearing Reese and O’Neill (1987) Q–z relation for clay. The ulti-
capacity of the pile in sand was calculated based on the mate end-bearing resistance (Q) was calculated from the lim-
Meyerhof (1976) limiting point resistance qu = 50Nq tanf iting point bearing capacity (qu) of a pile in saturated clay
(kPa), where Nq is the bearing capacity factor corresponding based on the undrained shear strength Cu, that is, qu = 9Cu.

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Using the same values of b factors from test 1, the pre- can be then be inferred that these differences in the predic-
dicted development of dragload on the pile for test 2 at tions on the development of NSF can be attributed to the
three stages of consolidation are compared with the meas- following reasons: (i) differences in predictions of the free-
ured data as shown in Fig. 8b. Similar trends of results are field soil consolidation settlements that impose the dragload
observed in which dragload predictions by the conventional on pile; (ii) differences in predictions for the effective
consolidation theory slightly overestimate those based on stresses from which the ultimate soil–pile interface shear
the nonlinear consolidation theory. strength is based; (iii) decrease in the soil–pile interaction
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by China University of Science and Technology on 06/04/13

Since most piles are usually driven in the field in which length from settlement and decrease in thickness of the
the surrounding soil must have nearly stabilized from consol- clay layer based on the nonlinear finite strain consolidation
idation settlement and the excess pore pressures have nearly theory. Since the relative displacement required to mobilize
dissipated, it is believed that the differences in dragload pre- the ultimate skin friction is small, and piles are usually
dictions between the linear and nonlinear consolidation theo- driven and installed near the final stages of soil consolida-
ries are still minimal as shown in Fig. 8, in which the tion, the differences in the predictions for the development
dragload predictions using the two theories are in good of dragload on piles between the two consolidation theories
agreement with measured data. The dragload predictions us- are overshadowed. However, based on the results of this
ing the linear consolidation theory therefore produces an study using the effective stress method of analysis for pile
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