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T P O L Question & Answer Responses 2021

After your presentation slides, we will continue the conversation with specific questions that we have for you
about your work throughout the year.

Directions: Write at least a 1 paragraph response to each prompt using complete sentences and proper
spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

1. What have you learned about yourself as a student this semester? How will you use this
information/knowledge as you approach a new school year?

This semester I learned that I was more capable than I originally thought I was. The biggest lesson I learned was the
importance of a good work ethic. Also trying to learn how to balance activities,procrastination, and sleep. Looking back
in the first few months, homework would’ve taken me the whole day to complete. Now my homework only takes at least
2 hours to complete. I’m very proud of my growth in improving as a student. And I would continue this practice for next
school year and improve on that skill.

2. Describe a stressful (positive and/or negative) situation from this year. How did you handle the
situation and what was the outcome? How have you learned to productively and effectively handle
yourself around others when you are feeling stressed/frustrated/sad/angry or other intense emotions?

The most stressful situation I faced was coming to the zoom classes late. I would always worry excessively If I was in
the wrong zoom meeting and if I was messing up my schedule and confusing it. I think I handled the hurdle pretty okay,
once in a while I will click on the wrong zoom link. But I learned to effectively memorize my schedule better and to
always double check if it's the right meeting. I’ve handled my emotions pretty well, this year, ironically, I’ve been pretty
happy. There were times where I would have an emotional low but I learned to compose myself and take care of myself.

3. How have you challenged yourself to “get out of your comfort zone”? Explain and be specific with

I got out of my comfort zone by joining NHI, or this sort of debate thing I’m doing over the summer. I got the opportunity
to do it from one of our college advisors. So I made the choice to get out of my comfort zone by joining something. Next
school year I would love to have the opportunity to join more clubs because this year it was a pain to join anything in
general. I also got out of my comfort zone by talking and engaging with people. In the beginning of the year I would
freeze up when talking to people. Since quarantine happened I didn't have a lot of time to converse with people my age.
So those are the big things I did this year.

4. What would you tell your 10th grade teacher about the way you learn, the way you interact with
others, and your strengths? What is important for them to know about you, and why?

I would tell my 10th grade teacher that I ask a lot of questions and that I am a visual learner. Also that I am quite picky
with the people I work with in groups, I am the type that likes hard working people, who want to engage in what we’re
doing. I like collaborating, but I also know that I’m not going to get along with everyone. I will try my best to be as
cooperative as possible. I just hope the people I work with in the future are the same. My strengths is that I am
“passionate” I guess. I always get described as such and you can take that how you like. I don't really know my
strengths because I don’t think I’m very well rounded in a lot of things. I’m a master of none and a contributor to many.
Something you want to know about me is that I’m very willing to learn, I always want to improve in something and to be
as efficient as possible.

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