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Written by: Evan Tsitsias

Copyright 2019
2 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

ANNA --------- 35, Female --------- fragile, tenacious, damaged. A dreamer.

GARY --------- 35, Male – charming, sexy, bull in a china shop.

BRAD --------- 35, Male – a quirky, loveable man---child

MOM --------- 60, Female – a Bulldog. Brash, gruff, brutally honest, with a lot of heart

BECKY --------- 40, Female – awkward, mushy, determined.

QUINN --------- 16, Female – passionate, vigilant, easily bruised.

/ indicates overlapping dialogue

In black, we hear the sounds of renovation.

A saw hacks away. A hammer hits a nail hard. An electric drill spins
fast. The sounds crescendo into a symphony of renovation. Something
grand is being built. As the sounds climax they suddenly stop.


Lights snap up to reveal ANNA standing centre stage in the interior

of a trailer home. It’s tacky, trashy, terrible, typical. Not one
matching item in sight. But ANNA is beautiful. Perfect. She is
dressed all in white. Sparkling head to toe. A china doll in a
dumpster. She is surrounded by GARY, MOM, QUINN and BECKY. They all
smile at her. And stare. No one says a word. For an uncomfortably
long time. Finally...

ANNA Say something.

Explosion of reactions.
MOM Well honey, you just look so darn fancy, I need to come up
with something fancy to say t’ya.
BECKY You look so… different.
GARY Like an angel.
MOM That’s it! One of those angels you see in church. All shiny
and shit.
GARY She's perfect.
General agreements. The following dialogue is all overlapping.
MOM You’ve changed Annabel.
BECKY Transformed.
GARY Annabel?
MOM That’s her real name. There was no need to call her that.
Till now.
BECKY Did they fill in that gap in your teeth?
MOM They sure are white.
BECKY What did they do to them?
GARY Perfect.
MOM I’d eat a pound of horse shit for teeth that white.
4 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

BECKY Veneers?
MOM That little paint bottle thingy?
BECKY And look at your nose.
GARY Perfect.
BECKY So small.
MOM Bleach?
BECKY And straight.
MOM Those strip watchamacallits?
GARY Like an angel.
MOM Or that thingamajig?/Aw shit - with the light…
BECKY Your nostrils are so tiny.
MOM That blue light thingamabob…
BECKY My nose looks like a cashew.
MOM Laser! That’s it. Shit.
BECKY Or a pecan.
MOM They look like diamonds.
BECKY Your nose used to look like a banana.
GARY Perfect.
BECKY They called you Anna Banana.
MOM You look like such a lady.
BECKY Remember?/
GARY Amazing./
BECKY (chanting it like the kids used to) “Anna Banana”.
MOM Like a teenager again.
BECKY She never looked like that!
GARY Perfect.
BECKY (Chanting again) Anna Banana. Remember?!
GARY Just perfect.
BECKY And your hair.
MOM If I had teeth like that things would have been different.
BECKY Are they extensions?

GARY Like an angel.

MOM I would have been ...(makes a rocket launching noise)!
BECKY Mine’s all wirey.
GARY My angel.
BECKY Is it a special conditioner?
MOM I’m telling ya I’da been…(makes an explosion noise)
GARY That’s what you are.
BECKY Maybe I can order it online.
MOM Oh ya Becky can use some of that.
BECKY (to MOM)I can?
GARY Beautiful.
MOM (to Becky)Your hair's as dry as a pile of hay in the desert.
BECKY Mother!
MOM I’m just trying to help.
GARY Your dress is beautiful.
MOM Forget the dress, look at those tits!
BECKY They’re implants.
GARY Perfect.
BECKY Augmented, right?
MOM Is that a fancy word for big boobs?
BECKY I could never pull that off.
GARY An angel.
MOM Becky’s tits are like bee stings.
BECKY Mother.
MOM All nipple.
BECKY Mother please!
MOM You’re a late bloomer.
BECKY I don’t appreciate it when you criticize me like that.
MOM Oh put it in neutral Becky.
BECKY It’s just difficult to be constantly bombarded with
6 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

MOM Don’t you start that Oprah shit.

BECKY I’m feeling very fragile right now and I’d appreciate
some positive affirmation.
MOM Don’t be stupid.
GARY Look at my angel.
BECKY Everyone’s fawning over Anna and no one is honouring my
…authentic spirit.
MOM You don’t even know what that means Becky.
MOM Have some friggin’ respect, there’s a lady present stupid.
BECKY I’m an adult mother. I will not be spoken to like that.
MOM Then quitcher whining. You did the same thing when you were
little. “Na na na wah wah wah. Feed me, hug me, love me.”
What ababy!
MOM Always an excuse. Jesus H. Christ! Sorry Annabel.
BECKY I’d really appreciate if you called me by my full name as
MOM And I’d “appreciate” if you shut your pie hole for aminute.
BECKY My real name is Rebecca.
MOM I named you stupid!
GARY It’s just…
BECKY Oh god I can’t breathe.
MOM Back up folks, Becky's gonna blow!
GARY You’re an angel!
BECKY (Trying to catch her breath) RE-BE-CCA. (Huge inhale)
GARY My angel.
MOM Stop that Becky.
GARY My Annabel.
BECKY passes out. They all stop. After several moments MOM bursts out

laughing. ANNA takes a step to help BECKY up but-


Anna freezes…one foot in front of her.

MOM What are you doing?

GARY You’re so beautiful right there.

ANNA looks at BECKY.
MOM Just leave ‘er. Your not supposed to move ‘er. It
“confuses”‘em. Shit.

ANNA slowly takes her foot back and stands back in place. GARY and MOM

GARY Perfect.

MOM Don’t worry, the doctor says just leave ‘erso I leave ‘er.
She’ll be fine. She’s just playing around anyway. AREN’T YA

(She lifts up Becky’s arm then let’s go. It flops hard on the

See. At least now we got some peace and quite. So we can sit
here and just lookatcha.
GARY Another few minutes. For us. (He sits.)
MOM Don’t you move Annabel. (She sits)
GARY Just stay right there.
MOM You’re teeth are so damn white.
GARY You’re just…beautiful.
MOM Pound of horse shit, I’m telling ya.

ANNA just…stands there. BECKY is still passed out. MOM and GARY just
stare, smiling. So ANNA does too. QUINN does not. They all stay
there. For a long time.
8 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

A few hours later. ANNA stands in the same spot, her eyes shut,
waiting. The place has been cleaned up a little, including GARY
himself. He wipes the counter with a towel, grabs a teapot and two
mismatched cups and places them on a makeshift serving tray. When he
feels it all looks okay he stops, quickly tucks in his shirt, and
places himself in the perfect spot.
GARY Okay.
ANNA opens her eyes.
GARY Ta da!
She looks around.
GARY I wanted to surprise you.
ANNA You did.
GARY Good. (He slaps his hands together. Hard. ANNA flinches.)
Next to you it everything looks like shit.
ANNA I was hoping you’d like it.
GARY Like? That’s a small word for it. You’re - I don’t know the
word but whatever it is that’s what you are.
ANNA smiles, carefully, lips together.
I’m afraid to come too close. I don’t want to ruin anything.
ANNA You won’t.
GARY You got me so… Like a hurricane in my head. A tornado in my
gut, you know? Look at you. That face. Those legs. Where’d
those legs come from?
ANNA shrugs.
Those are some good legs.
It’s a miracle. You’re a miracle.
ANNA smiles again, quickly covering her mouth with her hand.
You don’t have to do that anymore.
ANNA takes her hand away. Teeth exposed.
GARY Beautiful.
ANNA Your voice -

GARY You’re perfect. My angel -

ANNA When you say that -

GARY A fireplace! That’s what we need. I’ll make us a fireplace.

Put you up there. Smack dab in the middle of the mantle. Look
at you while I eat. Watch TV. Or Christmas! Shit. Yes. I’ll
put you on top of the tree. Plop you right up there. My very
own angel. Sing carols and shit to you. (sings) “Hark the
herald angels sing…”
ANNA You’re smiling.
GARY Gonna be all smiles now baby. 24/7. Even when I sleep.(Shows
her). Like that.

ANNA laughs at this. It just bursts out. She surprises both of them.
GARY laughs too. She stops suddenly. Smiles carefully.
GARY Beautiful. Shit that’s not the right word. I need to find one
for you baby. You deserve your very own word.
She smiles. He does too. It’s nice.
GARY I’m glad you’re back. I…missed you.
ANNA is overcome.
GARY Annabel?
ANNA Sorry.
GARY You want a hug?
ANNA What?
GARY I could do that.
ANNA You can?
He just stands there.
ANNA Okay.
GARY Okay.
After some negotiation they finally hug. Awkwardly. Carefully. Gary
starts to explore her new body with his hands. ANNA lets him. They hug
and hug until ANNA almost squeezes the breath out of him. He suddenly
10 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

pulls away and holds her hands in his.

GARY Better?
GARY Like you.
ANNA Different.
GARY Different person, different hug.
ANNA You’re so warm. I’d forgotten.
GARY (looking at her arms.) They got rid of them?
ANNA Yes. Laser, something.
GARY All of them?
GARY Perfect.
ANNA No signs of decay.
GARY Fresh start.
GARY Yeah?
After a moment…
GARY Thank you. Annabel thank you. My angel.
ANNA I’m not-
GARY (Showing off the trailer.) Did I do good baby? It still looks
like shit but it’s a start. I’ll fix this place up now. Some
paint. New floors. Renovate.
ANNA Is that a new shirt?
GARY You noticed. Good. (He claps his hands hard. ANNA flinches
again. He notices.) Things are gonna be different around
here from now on. Promise. Things are gonna change. (He
moves in to give her a hug again but changes his mind, and
instead, gingerly gives her a kiss on the cheek.) I'll take
care of everything now. You just stay right there and look
beautiful. My angel.
She smiles with her teeth. He exits to bedroom. She looks around, not
sure what to do. MOM enters, brushing her teeth. She sees ANNA and
immediately curtsies.

ANNA What are you doing?

MOM I gotta do something. Look at you. It’s like “Pimp My Ride”
but with your face.
ANNA It’s just me.
MOM Oh no. You’re something special. Like the statue of Jesus,
watching over us. You should be hanging up somewhere, just
like him.
ANNA I haven’t seen it yet.
MOM Of course you did. At the “reveal”. Aww shit that’s my
favorite part.
ANNA They wanted me to stand in a room full of mirrors when it was
over. This, circle of mirrors. Thousands of me. Imagine. I
couldn’t do it.
MOM Well you gotta see it.
MOM Let me get you a mirror.
MOM Don’t be stupid.
MOM Okay. You shouldn’t yell looking like that.

Oh! We saw a commercial for your episode the other day.
You’re gonna be on TV. Can you believe it? How many times
have we watched that show? And now there you’ll be for the
whole world to see. My Annabel.
ANNA That name.

MOM It’s something huh? You were just Anna before you were born,
but the second I looked at you I said, “Shit she’s beautiful.
She needs a beautiful name.” And someone said “Belle”. I said
it out loud and it was like licking butter pecan ice cream.
“Belle”. Well I just thought that was the prettiest thing I
ever heard. A name’s important. Makes you who you are. You
get a bad name and you’re screwed. You gotta fight it the
rest of your life believe me. But I took one look at you and
I knew…“Annabel”.
12 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

ANNA You’ve never told me that.

MOM There was no point till now. Annabel’s a lady’s name. And
that’s what you are. A lady. From now on it’s (makes the
rocket launching noise). Can you feel it?
ANNA I guess.
MOM Good girl! The ladies from Bingo are gonna shit I’m telling
ya. They’re gonna just shit themselves! (she laughs)
ANNA You’re laughing.
MOM I know! I heard humming before and I almost grabbed the
baseball bat till I realized it was me.
ANNA I didn’t know you could do that.
MOM Me neither.
ANNA You look…
ANNA Pretty.
MOM What?
ANNA You look pretty when you smile.
MOM Huh. Well wouldja look at that. You’re shittin’ me. Who’da
thought? Me... I was a looker when I was your age but now I-
Goddammit this is- aww shit Annabel you’re gonna make me -
Pretty huh? Well that’s- look what you did. I feel like -(she
hums a happy tune) You got me humming for shit’s sake!
She laughs. ANNA watches at first then joins in. They share a genuine
Thank you Annabel.
Now let me go finish up. I didn’t want you to see me looking
like this.
ANNA I should change too.
MOM NO! What for? You look perfect just like that. You stay
right there. Just like that statue of Jesus. But with better
teeth. I’m gonna go brush mine till they shine like yours.

I’ll make you proud.

ANNA smiles.
MOM Look at those. Like diamonds.
MOM exits with a glass, brushing her teeth and humming. ANNA stands
there…like Jesus. She runs her tongue across her teeth. QUINN enters,
wearing a new dress that she’s obviously uncomfortable in.
QUINN You’re still there?
QUINN We’re gonna be late.
ANNA Okay.
She doesn’t move.
QUINN We gotta go Mom.
ANNA Right. I just…can’t…(She almost takes a step but changes her
ANNA You’re wearing a dress?
QUINN Oh. Yeah.
ANNA You look-
ANNA Different.
QUINN Different?
ANNA I’ve never seen you in a dress.
QUINN It’s not a big deal.
ANNA Let me look at you.
QUINN Look at me?

ANNA nods. After a few moments QUINN relents. She stands there
awkwardly letting ANNA look at her.

QUINN This is strange.

ANNA Well get used to it.
QUINN You too.
QUINN moves to the kitchen, grabs a box from under the sink and starts
14 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

to pack some supplies.

ANNA What’s all that for?
QUINN Everyone's waiting.
ANNA Everyone?
QUINN You’re the talk of the town Mom. You wouldn’t believe all the
fuss. You’re like, the Messiah.
ANNA I thought it was just us.
QUINN It’s a surprise party.
ANNA Oh. I can’t stand there while everyone stares at me.
QUINN Maybe they’ll light a candle by your feet. Rub your toe for
good luck or something.

A car horn honks.

That’s Aunt Becky.
ANNA She’s driving again?
QUINN The doctor gave her some helmet to wear.
ANNA I don’t want you in the car with her.
QUINN You want her to drive alone?
The car horn honks several times quickly.
ANNA Ask if she has an extra helmet.
QUINN grabs the box of food and heads to door.
ANNA You haven’t said anything.
I thought you looked fine before. My mistake.
Three fast honks from offstage. MOM enters wearing something a little
over the top and crosses to the door.

MOM I can’t wait to see the faces on those Bingo bitches. They’re
gonna shit! (She hums a happy song)
Another set of honks.

MOM (screaming out the door) BRING IT DOWN TO A 5 BECKY!

She exits.
QUINN You are coming, right?
ANNA I’ll see you there.
QUINN almost says something, changes her mind, then exits, leaving
ANNA standing there, staring out the door. Gary enters looking for
loose change anywhere he can.
ANNA You look nice.
GARY We need to match.
ANNA New pants?
GARY You like?
GARY Good.
ANNA And your hair.
GARY This is just the beginning Annabel. Seeing you standing
there. It’s liked dynamite in my heart you know? I want to
write you a poem for God’s sake. A fucking poem. That’s what
you’ve done to me. I’m just …(he howls), you know?
ANNA laughs. So does he. He suddenly stops, fighting back tears. A
long silence.

God sent me back an angel.

GARY Who else? It’s a miracle.
ANNA We should go.
GARY I gotta deal with some business first.
ANNA You’re not coming?

GARY You know I hate that shit. Everyone standing around talking
ANNA I can’t go alone.
GARY Then don’t go.
ANNA But everyone’s waiting.
GARY Let them. They’re a bunch of losers Annabel. What do they
16 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

have to do with you now? Look at you. Stay here. I’ll be

right back.
ANNA You said you were done with all that.
GARY We’re just playing. For fun.
ANNA Last time you said that we lost the house.
GARY stops dead. So does ANNA. Gary calms himself. It takes a while
but he does it. He turns to her and smiles.
ANNA I just wanted to celebrate. Together. For the first time I

GARY You are. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
He carefully kisses her on the cheek. He smiles. So does she.
I’ll be back in a bit baby. I hope you’re here. My angel.

He exits. After a moment ANNA takes a step and quickly stops, one foot
in front of her. She deliberates, then brings her foot back to its
place. She stands there.

Scene 3
ANNA stands exactly where she was. She hasn’t moved. She stares at the
front door. There is a new chair that’s replaced the old beaten up
one from the previous scene. BECKY and MOM are eating breakfast at the
table, the TV plays in the corner. Becky is wearing her helmet. MOM
watches ANNA intently while she eats.
BECKY Mother please stop eating so fast. You're making that noise.
MOM I'm having breakfast with a line backer and you’re
complaining? Take that stupid thing off.
BECKY The doctor told me I needed it for my own safety. My black
outs are too… sporadic.
MOM Spo-ra-dic? Shit Becky it's just us here. Talk regular.
BECKY I’m trying to show a little class Mother.
MOM Well the helmet's sure helping.
She laughs, checking to see if ANNA thinks it’s funny too. She

BECKY See? That’s exactly what I’m talking about. I get no support.
MOM (some stupid cheering move) Gooooo Becky!
BECKY I refuse to let you upset me mother. I know you do all this
from…(reciting) “a place of fear and the… inability to
express your love in a positive fashion”.
MOM You don’t even know what that means Becky.
BECKY Rebecca!
MOM You heard that on Oprah.
BECKY Well it’s true.
MOM You can’t just memorize things stupid.
BECKY You’re afraid. Let me help you.
MOM Quit it Becky.
BECKY I’m changing Mother. Whether you like it or not.
MOM I noticed. What you got stuffed in there? You look like a
BECKY These are mine.
MOM laughs hard, spilling food from her mouth. She grabs for a napkin
but they are all gone.
18 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

MOM Now where’d all those napkins go? (BECKY slowly reaches into
her shirt and pulls one out and gives it to MOM. MOM waits.
Finally BECKY pulls out a huge wad of napkins.) Stupid stupid
BECKY So it’s okay for Anna to fix herself but not the rest of us.
MOM checks to see if ANNA heard this.
MOM It’s Annabel, Becky.
BECKY Rebecca!
MOM Oh quit it.
BECKY At least I’m being…(trying to remember) “pro-active in the
pursuit of my goals”.
MOM Shut it stupid.

BECKY She didn’t even come to her own party.

MOM Shut up Becky!

BECKY Rebecca!

MOM She's right there. (She turns around and waves at ANNA. To
BECKY) Don’t make her mad.
BECKY She’s just standing there. What about me? (to Anna) Say

Anna opens her mouth but she’s surprised to discover that nothing
comes out.

BECKY Thanks a lot.

ANNA tries again. Nothing. She tries harder. Still nothing.
BECKY What is she doing?
MOM Something beautiful people do I guess. (MOM starts imitating
Anna’s actions.) How do I look?

BECKY Can anyone see me?

MOM Aw shit look at her nostrils. Don’t worry Annabel, you
didn’t need to be at the party. You should be around your own
BECKY Mother that is very exclusive.

MOM Stop using stupid words.

BECKY Mother I’m trying to … cultivate my seeds of knowledge and
spread my pollen into the world.
MOM Jesus Christ Becky I’m eating.
BECKY Why are you up so early anyway?
MOM It’s noon.
BECKY Exactly.
MOM I’m getting my hair done down at the salon. Norma cornered me
at the party and told me to go in today. Said she’d do my
nails too. One of those manicures and whatchamacallits they
do on your toes. For free! You should have seen them waiting
for you Annabel. Those Bingo bitches were clawing at each
other to get a good look. You were amazing.
BECKY She wasn’t even there.
MOM She didn’t have to be. Look at her.
BECKY So she’s allowed to do whatever she wants now just because
she has a new nose?
MOM (under her breath) Shut the hell up stupid. You’re gonna
ruin it.
BECKY I don’t even exist.
MOM Don’t pay any attention to her Annabel./Just keep doing what
you’re doing.
BECKY Am I actually here?/ Can anyone see me?
MOM YES I SEE YOU! (Whispers) Now shut it.
BECKY I’m leaving this place.
MOM busts out a huge laugh.
I mean it. I’m working extra shifts at the factory.
MOM Always the same ole’ song/ Wah wah wah Becky.
BECKY You never take me serious/ No one ever takes me serious/
MOM Where you gonna go Rebecca?
BECKY Anywhere.
MOM Like?
BECKY Somewhere. Else.
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MOM And do what?

BECKY Something. Else.
MOM Well sounds like a great plan to me. You want help packing?
Come on, I’ll give you a nice wet kiss and send you on your
way. (Gets up.) Well?
BECKY I was just…
MOM What?
BECKY Forget it. It was stupid.
MOM Can we finish our damn breakfast now?
BECKY Yes mother.
MOM sits back down.
MOM And change that channel will ya. I don’t wanna hear that
crap. Bad news everywhere. Wah Wah wah. Put it on something
happy for Chrissake. (BECKY changes the channel until it
lands on a commercial for the makeover show.) Aw shit look at
that! Annabel it’s you! Holy crap! Can you believe it? You’re
on TV! Annabel look! (Commercial ends.) Wouldja look at that!
My Annabel. A goddam celebrity. Right there on the TV. I knew
one day something good would happen to us. I just knew it.
Didn’t I tell ya?
MOM Well I knew it. My Annabel.
BECKY What about me? I’m doing Yoga every morning and meditating
every night.
MOM What for?
BECKY To clear my mind.
MOM It’s already empty.
BECKY Mother when you tease me like that I start to get very –
MOM Gotta hurry up. Got a date after the salon.
BECKY Excuse me?
MOM I…got…a…date.
BECKY With who?
MOM Albert.

BECKY Albert?
MOM (in a British accent) Is my e-lo-cu-tion not clear enough
for you?
BECKY Where did you learn that word?
MOM I know lots of words stupid.
BECKY You just watched “My Fair Lady” again didn’t you?
MOM Oh shit I love that gal. (imitates) “therrrrain in spain
stays mainly on the plain”. You two used to love that. Now
that’s a lady. Just like my Annabel.
BECKY Where did you and Albert meet?
MOM Craigslist.
MOM I put up an ad.
BECKY We don't have a computer.
MOM Went to the library.
BECKY You’re reading now?
MOM Yup.
BECKY And now you have a date? Just like that?
MOM Just like that. Got about three dozen replies. Some horny
buggers out there.

BECKY Did you post a picture?

MOM Yes ma'am.
BECKY From this decade?
MOM I'm a looker ya know. When I was your age I had to wear my
belt around my knees they wanted it so bad.
BECKY If that's a dig at me mother I'm trying my hardest to-
MOM Bring it down to a 5 Becky.
BECKY I just think you’d be better off meeting people in a way.

MOM Listen toots, when I want an opinion from an ass I’ll fart.
BECKY Mother, I know that’s your ego speaking. I forgive you.
MOM Organic huh? I saw your ad on there too.
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BECKY freezes.
MOM “Soft kisses on a rainy night, butterfly kisses in the
BECKY begins to hyperventilate.
MOM Don’t you start that.
BECKY (Through gasps) Mother…please….don’t…
MOM Quit playing Becky.
BECKY (Gasping)Re…be…cca
MOM Okay then. What was it? Aww shit, I memorized it…Right.
“Tender soul looking for another. Work in progress seeks
patient understanding mate with a huge capacity to nurture a
gentle woman as we navigate the unchartered terrain of love
BECKY continues to take huge gasps of air.
BECKY Mother!
MOM Next time try to post a picture without the helmet. Maybe
you’ll get more replies.

BECKY That is not funny Mother. At all.

MOM laughs hard.
BECKY At all. At all at all at all at all at all at all at… (She
hyperventilates until she blacks out and her head drops onto
the table into her pancakes.)

MOM Well damn, the helmet does work.

She sees the time and scarfs down the rest of her pancakes as quickly
as possible. Gets up, lifts BECKY's head by the helmet, grabs her
plate of pancakes and let's go of her helmet, letting it slam down on
the table. She puts the plates in the sink humming and walks out.
ANNA stares at BECKY.


ANNA stands centre stage. Hasn’t moved an inch. QUINN enters, doing
her best to make her lunch and leave quickly.

ANNA’s voice is back. She gasps with excitement.
ANNA Nothing. You're in a hurry.
QUINN I’m late.
QUINN School?
ANNA Right. Of course. It’s been so crazy around here. Everyone’s
in such a rush.
QUINN Lots to do suddenly.
ANNA I’ve hardly seen you.
QUINN Well here I am.
ANNA You seem-
ANNA Something.
QUINN Okay mom. I’m sorry I seem something. I’ll do my best to not
seem something.
ANNA Quinn.
ANNA It’s me.
QUINN Sure it is, Annabel.
MOM enters in a flurry. Her hair’s been dyed and her nails done. She
looks cleaner.
MOM See you two later. I got another date with Al. He won’t
leave me alone. Who’d of thought? At my age. I’m telling you
Annabel you’re our lucky charm. I should hang you around my
neck. The whole town’s gone nuts over you. You should see the
ladies down at the Piggly Wiggly when I walk in. They clear
the aisle for me. Like Moses and the Purple Sea. Now they’re
all getting their hair done like yours down at the “Salon”.
That’s what they call it now that you’re back. It’s Spanish
I think. They call it “The Annabel”. I’m thinking of getting
24 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

it done myself. (she grabs ANNA’s hand and kisses it several

times before rubbing it on her cheek.) That should do it.
See ya! (She quickly exits.)
QUINN I gotta go.
ANNA Stay. Keep me company.
QUINN Can’t. Elections.
ANNA Of course. I knew that.
QUINN Uh huh.
ANNA How’s the campaign?
ANNA They’re lucky to have you.
ANNA You’re an amazing manager.
QUINN I’m running actually. For President.
ANNA Since when?
QUINN Last week. Decided last minute.
ANNA That’s-
ANNA Surprising.
QUINN We’re all full of surprises lately.
ANNA Well you’re a perfect candidate. You look…

QUINN stops dead. She tries to move but freezes for a moment. She
forces herself to move. Success.


ANNA Presidential.

She grabs her jacket and ANNA notices a bandage on her arm.
ANNA What happened to your arm?
QUINN Just a scratch.
A long moment passes.

ANNA Good luck.

QUINN Ya. Thanks a lot.
ANNA Quinn -
QUINN What?!
ANNA I hope you win.
QUINN is about to say something but changes her mind and exits. ANNA
looks down at her own arms. She traces imaginary scars with her
fingers. She looks at the door and tries to take a step towards it but
can’t. Her feet are stuck to the ground. No clue what’s going on, she
tries again. She can’t move. What the-

26 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

ANNA stands centre stage. Still hasn't moved. GARY places the last
chair, then sneaks up on ANNA and kisses her.

GARY Wakey wakey sleepy head.

ANNA wakes.
Morning sunshine.
ANNA Morning?
GARY Yup. Breakfast time angel.
ANNA Did I come to bed?
GARY You can't sleep on that pile of shit. I'm buying you a new
one. Delivered today. What you feel like? Eggs? Sunny side
ANNA nods. GARY almost skips to the kitchen humming while preparing.
He’s doing everything he can to impress.

ANNA When did you learn to do that?

GARY While you were gone babycakes. “Mothers are the necessity of
invention” or “necessity’s the mother of invention” or
something. Read that in one of your books this morning. You
almost slept the whole day away. But that’s okay. You need
your beauty rest.
ANNA What time is it?
GARY Almost noon.
ANNA I’m late.
GARY No you’re not.
ANNA I start work at 9.
GARY No you don’t. I called your boss, told him you quit.
ANNA You what?
GARY You can’t clean people’s shit looking like that.
ANNA We need money.
GARY Brad’s getting me some work.
ANNA Gary-
GARY I got it covered. Promise. You trust me don’t you?
ANNA nods.

GARY Good honey. (waits) Is that weird?

ANNA shakes her head “no”.
GARY Good. Honey.
ANNA smiles, followed by GARY. They’re getting used to them.
GARY Everywhere I go people are talking about you Annabel.
You’re a fucking celebrity.
ANNA I haven’t left the house.
GARY That’s the beauty. You don’t need to. There’s some money
somewhere in there I know it. You’re keeping everyone
guessing. Waiting. Wanting. Clever girl Annabel. You’ve
always been an (mispronounces) enigma (enijma. He basks in
his brilliance for a moment.) You like that? I decided to
learn a new word a day. Like enijma. Who the fuck came up
with that? A fucking genius that’s who. I’ll give you a new
one tomorrow baby. Actually, you know what? Shit! I got it!
I’m gonna make up my own language. Why the fuck not. The
language of Gary. Make a mint. For us.

ANNA I’ve never seen you like this.

GARY It’s the new me baby.
ANNA Are those new shoes?
GARY Won 'em last night.
ANNA You said you were working.
GARY Don't worry about that. I’m on a roll.
ANNA You’re gambling.
GARY It's not gambling when you win baby. I just want to catch up
to you. Give you everything you've ever wanted.
ANNA Not this way. Not again.
GARY (He breaks an egg hard on the pan and burns himself.)
GODDAMMIT ANNABEL!(He stops himself. When he’s calm…) Just
let me do this for you. Okay? (ANNA nods.)
How bout some bacon? You love bacon. I know there’s some
left in here.

He checks the freezer but it’s empty.

28 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

SHIT! Goddammit I’m sorry. I’ll go get some.

ANNA It’s okay.
GARY No! My baby wants bacon and I’m gonna get her some bacon.

ANNA Okay.
GARY smiles at her.
GARY Okay.
A nice moment passes between them.
ANNA Come here.
GARY Baby I gotta get you some bacon.
ANNA Come here. Please.
He moves to her. He tries to kiss her again. GARY still can’t find a
way to touch her. ANNA grabs GARY’S hands and put them on her body.
He doesn’t know what to do with them and pulls away. They stare at
each other. ANNA grabs GARY and kisses him. Hard. He resists but she
wants it. She puts his hands on her again and moves them inside hers
all over her body. She tries to unzip his pants but he stops her and
pulls away.

GARY Annabel.

ANNA reaches her hand out for him. He reluctantly gives it to her. She
gently lifts his hand to her face. Kisses it. She strokes her cheek
with his hand a little more until she suddenly uses it to cover her
face. GARY lets. He kisses her hard. BRAD walks in, startling them.
He’s an awkward, sweet, genuine, man-child.
GARY Buddy!
BRAD I should have knocked.
GARY No worries. Get in here.
He does. He stares at ANNA – almost terrified.
GARY Well? What do you think?
BRAD makes some sort of noise.
GARY I know. Beautiful right?
BRAD It’s…something.
GARY Perfect right? Like an angel.
BRAD Sure.

GARY Stay and keep my baby company will ya? I’ll be back in a
bit. With bacon. For my angel.(To BRAD) Lend me a twenty
(BRAD reaches into his pocket and hands it to him. GARY gives
him a kiss on the cheek) This will get us everything we need
baby. Just like Jesus and the fishes!

He exits.
BRAD You really did it.
BRAD Look at you.
ANNA New and improved.
BRAD You were fine before.
ANNA Fine? That’s…fine.
BRAD Not “fine”.
ANNA It’s, fine.
BRAD We missed you at the party. I practiced my face for the big
reveal. It was like…(Shows her.)

ANNA That’s a good face.

BRAD I waited all night for you. Just in case. I didn't want you
walking in and seeing an empty room.

ANNA That’s very sweet.

BRAD You were gone so long.
ANNA There was a lot to do.
BRAD Look at your nose.
BRAD makes a sound- a squeal- something. He can’t look at her.
ANNA What’s wrong?
BRAD Nothing. It’s just …What happened to that mole on your cheek?
ANNA Gone. (She touches her face where the mole used to be.)
He makes another pained sound. He looks away again.
30 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

ANNA Are you - ?

BRAD I’m fine!
ANNA (pointing to the corner of his mouth) You’re starting to
BRAD What did they do to all your freckles?
ANNA Vanished.
BRAD makes a huge sound.
ANNA Gary used to say it looked like someone shit on my face
through a screen door.
BRAD Asshole! Sorry. I just miss your nose.
ANNA It was huge.
ANNA What?
BRAD Not huge.
ANNA Too late.
BRAD Meaty.
ANNA Meaty?
BRAD Substantial. No. Roman! That’s it. A roman nose. Like one
of those statues you’re always looking at in those books. A
big beautiful Roman nose. Better?
ANNA A bit.
BRAD It was a good nose. (affectionately) Anna Banana.
ANNA Not funny.
Brad laughs. He can’t help himself.
ANNA Stop it.
BRAD Oh come on. At least you weren’t “Wolf Boy”.
ANNA bursts out laughing, releasing a wolf howl, like the kids used to
when they made fun of Brad.
BRAD Not funny!
ANNA I’m sorry. I - (howls again) - forgot.
BRAD Just cause I had some belly hair and a moustache.
ANNA We were in the third grade.

BRAD I had a glandular problem!

ANNA (Stops laughing.) I’m sorry. I didn’t speak to Gary for a
week after he started that.
BRAD A whole week huh?
ANNA It’s hard to say no to him.
BRAD I know. Always. For you at least.
ANNA He walked into that classroom and opera wanted to come out of
my mouth. He looked at me and I froze. I thought “If I don’t
move, I’ll stay in this moment. Forever.”
BRAD He gets everything he wants with that face of his.
ANNA Bradley, your face is-
BRAD Don’t.
ANNA Okay. But I like it. Makes me smile. (She let’s out a little
tiny howl. He does too. They share a laugh.)I missed you

He makes some sort of sound- a moan or, something, but quickly pulls
out a very badly wrapped gift from the back of his pants to recover.

BRAD I got you a gift. “Ancient Ruins of Delphi”. You don’t have
that one.
ANNA That’s…thanks.

BRAD You okay?

ANNA Yes. It’s all just happened so fast. Everyone’s telling me

how much I’ve changed. I guess I need my insides to catch
up. Oh God I’m so stupid! I should be happy. Right?

BRAD I don’t know the rules.

ANNA You should see the way he looks at me now. I should be…no…I
will be. I am. Happy. See? (she forces a big smile)

BRAD That’s –

ANNA Happy?

BRAD A little scary actually.

32 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

This makes her laugh.

ANNA It’s so nice to see you Bradley.

He makes a sound.

ANNA You okay?

BRAD Sorry. It’s just- nobody else in the whole world calls me
ANNA Bradley?
He moans.
BRAD I missed it.

ANNA Bradley-

He moans again.

BRAD Please say it again.

ANNA Bradley what’s –

BRAD Oh God!!

BRAD impulsively kisses her. She’s taken by surprise not just by the
kiss but that she lets him do it for a moment or two before pushing
him away. GARY bursts in, armed with bacon. He heads straight to the
GARY Now we’re cooking. Bacon. For my angel.
BRAD I’m gonna get going.
GARY Plenty to go around buddy.
BRAD It’s okay. (A little too loud and formal to Anna.) It was
nice to see you. Congratulations on all your…I’m gonna just -
umm (To Gary) I’ll see you there. (He just leaves)

GARY See Annabel? What did I tell you? I’m a working man now. You
didn’t believe me did you? It’s okay. I’ll prove myself to
you. I got you something. Been carrying it around with me.
For good luck.

Pulls out a little glass angel from his pocket.

ANNA It’s beautiful.

GARY Just like you. Exquificent. (He waits. Anna has no clue how
to respond) You like that? I made it up. It’s exquisite and
magnificent smashed together. BOOM! Just like that. I told
you you needed your own word. I made you one. Exquificent.

He places the angel on the counter.

My angel. What’s wrong baby? Why you making that face?
ANNA I was thinking.
GARY What do you have to think for with a face like that?
ANNA I’m…curious. Would it matter if I looked the way I did…
GARY Why the fuck would you wanna do that?
ANNA I’m just curious.
GARY Shit Anna. I- fuck, why are you – I don’t know.
ANNA You don’t know?
GARY No. Okay. It wouldn’t.
ANNA So what happens? Later?
GARY Are you trying to start something?
ANNA When I’m older. And things crack. Or, an accident or -
GARY We’ll get it fixed.
ANNA With what money?
GARY Well I’ll just keep you right there then. Nothing’s gonna
happen if you stay right there.

You’re eggs are ready.
ANNA Thank you.
GARY You’re welcome.
Silence except for the sound of the bacon sizzling.
See? Now this is the way to do it. Cordial. Meaning polite.
“Thank you. You’re welcome.” This Is the way to do it.
THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING! Civilized. I feel like – shit -I
don’t know – but it feels good baby! (He howls) I feel
like…(he does some karate moves)…like that, y’know? Shit.
What the hell did we wait this long for? We could’ve - ah
well, we got plenty of time to make up for it. I mean
34 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

lookatcha. We can have it all now baby.

(He goes back to the stove.)

Remember how much bacon you used to eat. Shit. Ancient

history, right? But this is veggie bacon. Who the fuck
thought of that?

(He laughs as he grabs the pan with the bacon and brings it
to her singing.)

Here you go baby, just the way you like it. Right out of the

(ANNA reaches for a piece and burns herself.)

ANNA It’s okay.
GARY Oh shit!

ANNA I’m fine.

GARY Shit shit shit!

ANNA It’s okay.

GARY IT’S NOT FUCKING OKAY! (He almost hits her. Almost. He calms
himself. He grabs her hand. Kisses it.) I’m sorry. I didn’t-
shit. Don’t move. (He wraps a wet towel around her hand.
Holds it there for a moment.) Better?
ANNA nods.
GARY Good. That was fucking close baby. You think it’ll leave a
ANNA shakes her head “no”.
GARY Thank god. Fuck. That was - Okay. Good. It’s all good. My
ANNA tries to smile at him.
GARY Gonna make you good as new. (He finishes)
There you go. Perfect. My beautiful angel.
I have this, thing, inside me. In my gut. This fever. A

demon, or, something. And I want it gone. I do. I push it

down but it keeps strangling me. But I can beat it. If you
let me. God’s sent me an angel to drag it out of me. My very
own angel. And when it’s gone we can do anything. With that
face of yours. Those legs. Baby those legs. Perfect.

Anna forces herself to smile.

Now I gotta get to work okay? Make some money for my honey.
ANNA nods.
We’re doing real good Annabel.
He kisses her, but only for a moment. She notices. He heads for the
door. But before he exits…

Those are some good legs.

He exits. ANNA is left alone. She looks down at her legs. She tries
to take a step but she can’t. Tries again. Nothing. She bends down to
try to get her feet to move. Still no luck. She’s stuck good. She
stays there a moment. As she comes back up, she scratches her legs
hard up her shins, leaving trails of blood behind.
36 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias


Lights up. There are tools around the living room waiting to be used.
More renovations have been done. The place looks much better. Newer.
There’s a little hole in one of the walls. ANNA stares at the hole.
MOM enters, sees ANNA and the blood on her legs and immediately prays
to herself. ANNA catches her.

ANNA Mother!?
She scares Mom half to death.
MOM (Composing herself) Sorry. Shit. Sorry. Yes?
ANNA Were you praying?
MOM God no.
ANNA I saw you.
MOM Okay. Yes. It’s just… (gesturing to Anna’s legs)
ANNA What?
MOM Look.
ANNA Oh. It was an accident. I… It was –
MOM - a miracle!
ANNA What?
MOM A friggin’ miracle. It’s just like the piñata.
ANNA The what?
MOM Pinatas. Those things that people get when they’re touched by
ANNA Stigmata?
MOM That’s it! I knew it was something Spanish.
BECKY runs in out of breath from outside. She has a ribbon attached to
her chest. She gasps for breath as she speaks.

BECKY You won’t believe what just happened.

MOM It’s a friggin’ miracle!
BECKY I know! Thanks. That’s – Mother -wow – that means a lot.
MOM I gotta tell everyone. People have to know.
BECKY Who told you?

MOM It’s a goddam miracle right here in my own home.

BECKY Mother that is so sweet of you.
MOM You’re gonna save us all.
BECKY If you start choking yes. I will save you too Mother.
MOM All these years I was waiting and here it is. In front of my
own eyes.
BECKY Mother you’re embarrassing me. I just did what any
responsible human would do in that situation.
MOM Annabel our saviour!
BECKY Oh stop Mother you’re – wait. What?!
MOM (finally addressing Becky and pushing her down) Bow stupid.
BECKY What are you talking about?
MOM She’s a miracle.
MOM Who do you think stupid? Look! (she indicates Anna’s legs)
BECKY You started that again?
MOM No dumb nuts, they’re piñatas.
BECKY Like Jesus?
MOM Exactly! They’re miracles.
BECKY Those?
MOM Of course.
BECKY I just saved someone’s life Mother.
MOM Oh don’t be stupid Becky.
BECKY What do you think this is for? (she pulls at her ribbon)
MOM I don’t know. You’re always wearing crazy shit.
BECKY It’s a ribbon Mother. I got it for saving someone’s life by
performing the Heimlick on them.
MOM Oh Becky keep your sex life in the bedroom for Chrissake.
BECKY It’s a life saving maneuver Mother. I’ve been volunteering
with sick children at the hospital and they taught me. I was
eating outside the library – it was such a gorgeous day and I
wanted to just bask in the sunlight you know, just like, soak
in nature - and someone started choking on some apple sauce
38 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

and I jumped in and performed the Heimlick and when the

ambulance got there they told me I saved her life. Me. They
gave me this ribbon for my service. Isn’t that incredible?
MOM It is.
BECKY I know!
MOM (to Anna) Because of you!
BECKY What??!!
MOM Your making miracles happen everywhere!
BECKY I’m the one who performed the Heimlick!
MOM Can’t you see?
MOM Nothing like this happened before. It’s like Jesus walking on
water. Or the Pope touching you and being cured.

BECKY But she wasn’t even there.

MOM Exactly! That’s what makes it a miracle! I gotta go tell
everyone about your piñatas! And now, the Heimlick miracle!
Those Bingo bitches are gonna shit!
She runs out. Silence.

ANNA She’s just excited.

BECKY It’s hopeless. No one can see me with you standing there
looking like that.
ANNA I didn’t do this to hurt you.
BECKY Well then, I guess it’s just a byproduct of the surgery.
I just learned that word. And I’m very glad I had a chance to
use it already. And I’m pretty sure I used it correctly.
Thanks for the byproduct sis. I’m gonna go now, but only
because I have things to do. Important things. Like saving
lives. Have fun holding down the floor.

As she leaves, she stops, bows to Anna and exits. Anna tries to move
her feet but they are stuck. She tries again, exasperated.

GARY, goggles on, finishes pounding the wall with his sledgehammer.
GARY Well? What do you think?
ANNA What is it?
GARY I’m building you a window. Thought it’d be nice to have a new
perspective. (He waits) Means “point of view”. It’s true,
look it up. Crazy word…perspective. Who thought that up?
Probably someone like me. Waiting. Just looking for a
new…perspective. I got all these ideas you know. These
thoughts. I never used to have “thoughts”. Now I’m like (does
a gesture of thoughts shooting out his head.) I’m gonna find
a way to use them all. These ideas. Make something big.
Finally. For you. Look at you. At us. Imagine what we could
have done. The possibilities. Now’s our chance.

He gives her a gentle kiss on the lips. The sound of a car pulling up

GARY Aww shit I forgot. Brad got me another job for today.
Drywallin’ or something. Don't care, just want some more
cash. Keep fixing this place up.
ANNA I don't care about that.
GARY I know. That's what makes you, you. My low maintenance
BRAD enters.
GARY Give me a few minutes.I promised the guys next door I’d help
them with something. Keep my baby company will ya? (He goes
to Brad and whispers) Lend me a twenty? (Brad reluctantly
takes it out of his pocket and Gary snatches it from him.
Kisses him in gratitude.) You’re always there when we need
you buddy. Like a cocker spaniel. (He laughs. Alone. He
BRAD Hello.
ANNA Hi Bradley.
He moans a little.
40 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

BRAD Sorry.
ANNA Please don’t be strange.
BRAD Okay.
He stands there, quiet and motionless.
ANNA It’s not working.
BRAD I’m sorry. I just- (He looks at her, makes one of his
noises and looks away)
ANNA What?
BRAD I can’t look at you.
ANNA Bradley.
BRAD Where did you go?
ANNA Stop it.
BRAD Let me just- (he closes his eyes.)
ANNA Brad -
BRAD If I close my eyes I can-
ANNA Don’t-
BRAD Shhhh. (After a moment) There you are. Oh ya. Those
freckles. You gotta see these. 2172.

ANNA How do you know?

BRAD Counted them in class. Every day a different part of you.

Wouldn’t stop till I was done.
ANNA Is that why you were kept back?
BRAD Well you kept on moving. I had to start over every day.
ANNA Bradley.
BRAD Oh ya like that.
ANNA Open your eyes.
BRAD Hang on. (He keeps them closed.) Oh ya. Oh ya. Oh ya. Do you
know when you blink, sparks come out of your eyelids.
Like…(he makes a gesture indicating it)
ANNA Open your eyes please.
BRAD opens his eyes and quickly kisses her. She pushes him off.

ANNA Shit!
BRAD I need you.
ANNA What?
BRAD I can't stop thinking about you.
ANNA Well try harder.
BRAD You make me feel – like – you know- like- (Frustrated that he
can’t come up with the words he does some crazy move to
express it.) Like that. I'm obsessed. Officially. I'm
officially obsessed with you.
ANNA Bradley.
He moans. He can’t help it.
ANNA Brad!
BRAD I love you!
ANNA Don't be crazy.
BRAD Love is crazy.
ANNA No you're crazy.
BRAD Crazy for you. Crazy in love!
ANNA It’s just a phase.
BRAD Since second grade?
ANNA A long one.
BRAD I love you!
ANNA I change my nose and everyone goes nuts.
BRAD looks at her chest.
And my tits! Yes they fixed my damn tits!
BRAD They did a really good job on those.
ANNA STOP IT! Just, stop. Okay. Enough.

BRAD You shouldn’t have done it.
ANNA I was a monster.
BRAD Don’t say that! You were…I don’t know the word. But you don’t
need one. You don’t need any words. You’re.. (he makes the
same gesture as before-sparks coming out of her eyelids.)
42 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

He heads to the door.
I’m glad you’re back. When you were gone everything seemed
kinda…big. Like, huge. The world seemed too, huge. Or
something. I missed you Anna.
ANNA What did you call me?
BRAD Anna.
ANNA Say that again.
BRAD Anna?
ANNA makes a sound.
ANNA It sounds so safe in your mouth. When Gary says my name I… I
want to be safe in someone’s mouth.
BRAD (whispers) Anna.
ANNA moans and swoons.
ANNA Bradley.
He moans and swoons.
BRAD Anna.
Another set of moaning and swooning.
ANNA Bradley.
And another till the are in a battle of moans and swoons.
BRAD Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna/
ANNA Bradley Bradley Bradley
They kiss. They get lost in it till hey hear someone coming and let go
just in time. BECKY walks in, wearing a new helmet, carrying
groceries. There are a few more ribbons attached to her.
BECKY (muffled) Brafley, I fifnmo you fer heew. (They stare at her.
She takes her mouth guard out and repeats.) Bradley I didn't
know you were here. (She lifts the mouth piece of her helmet
and smiles, big.)
ANNA He was just picking up Gary.
BECKY How nice of you.
BRAD Got him another job today.
BECKY Oh that's so kind of you.

BRAD It was nothing.

BECKY You are such a kind man.
BRAD It's the least I can do. I practically live here.
BECKY Still, it's so...kind of you.
BRAD Thanks.
BECKY You are so welcome Bradley.
BRAD You look different.
BECKY New helmet.
BRAD Different colour?
BECKY You noticed. I needed a change. Something, you know (she
makes some grand gesture)
BRAD Well it matches your…eyes? (BECKY giggles flirtatiously. It’s
just awful.)
BECKY Thank you Bradley. That's very...
ANNA Kind?
BRAD Well, I'm gonna get going.
BECKY No! Stay a while. I was going to make lunch. Chicken. You
can join us.
BRAD I’d love to -
BECKY You would?
BRAD Yeah, but I’m gonna be late.
BECKY You sure. My chicken is award winning. See? (she pulls at one
of her ribbons.) The cooks at the homeless shelter have been
teaching me. I’m volunteering. I’m their “Seuss chef”. That’s
French. They taught me to make this dish. It’s basically
mushroom soup from a can poured over chicken but I added my
own secret spices –Shhhh- to it. (she winks at him. It’s
awful.) I won first place at the “Top chef” Shelter night.
The judges were three very nice homeless men with acute
palates. That’s what us “foodies” like to call it. They all
loved my “Poulet Champignons”. That’s French too. It’s just
chicken though. Shhh shhh shhhh. Don’t you love that word,
chicken? So fun to say. And so fun to eat. What more can you
ask for from a piece of meat, n’est pa?
44 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

Nobody knows what to say.

BRAD Well, nice seeing you Becky. (BECKY clears he throat.)

Sorry, Rebecca.
BECKY (before he exits) Au revoir Bradley. (They stare at her) I
started French class down at the centre a couple days ago.
Just in case.
ANNA In case what?
BECKY It’s the language of love…sorry…amore, isn’t it?
BRAD If you say so.
BECKY J’adore amore.
ANNA Amore is Italian. Amour is French.
BECKY (in awful French accent) Whatever!
BRAD Well keep it up. You never know right?
BECKY Exactly.
ANNA You mean exactement.
BECKY Yes. I mean, oui.
BRAD moves to the door and BECKY quickly peeks into her bag she is
BECKY Au revoir Bradley. (Trying to remember) Je…de…poitrine…du…

BRAD Oh. Okay. Well…(he just leaves)

ANNA You just told him you have breasts like a chicken.
BECKY (pulling out a package of chicken breasts from her bag.) I
read the label. Oh my god. Why is French so hard? (in French)
Stupide stupide stupide. (more hyperventilating.)
ANNA Mom’s not here. You don’t need to do that.
BECKY (She stops.) Why did you have to humiliate me like that?
ANNA I didn’t know I was.
BECKY Anna I have a secret.
ANNA Keep it.
BECKY A confession actually.
ANNA Don’t you have a journal?

BECKY I'm in love.

BECKY With Bradley.
ANNA Oh God.
BECKY And he's in love with me too.
ANNA Becky -
BECKY Rebecca!
ANNA Rebecca -
BECKY I have another confession.
ANNA Oh God.
BECKY While you were gone getting, fixed…I was feeling a
ANNA Fragile?
BECKY Yes. Exactly. You are so intuitive. I was feeling fragile and
Brad kept coming over to check if you were back…
ANNA Step on the gas Rebecca.
BRAD Well one thing led to another and he, well, we - well, you
BECKY Don’t make me say it.
ANNA Oh for god sake just spit it out stupid!
BECKY He took my flower!
ANNA Excuse me?
BECKY Brad deflowered me.
ANNA He what?
BECKY He opened up my bud and spread his seed -
ANNA I get it! Jesus. God I’m so stupid. Stupid stupid stupid.
BECKY You aren’t happy for me?
ANNA Of course I am.
BECKY You're not.
ANNA I’m thrilled!
46 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

BECKY Your nostrils are flaring. You know I hate that.

ANNA I do not flare my nostrils.
BECKY You do. Like Father. You're doing it right now.
ANNA I am not.
BECKY Yes you are! You are! Just like - (She exaggerates Anna’s
nostril flare)
ANNA Stop looking at my fucking nostrils!
BECKY Why are you so upset?
ANNA I'm not! Everyone's just…fucked. We're all fucked!
BECKY I'm not fucked. Not till last week. Not till Brad lifted my
petals and gently stroked my leaves while I -
ANNA He fucked you Becky! Okay? A plain and simple fuck!

Mom enters. She’s wearing a mini skirt and a shirt that’s two sizes
too tight. Her hair’s been dyed and styled to look more like Anna’s.
She looks ridiculous. She thinks she looks incredible.
MOM They migtha fixed yer face Annabel but they sure as hell
didn't fix that mouth of yours.
ANNA I didn't know my mouth needed fixin'. (She catches herself.)
MOM Becky finally got stuffed huh?
BECKY Don't make it ugly Mother. It was beautiful.
MOM Hope you used protection.
BECKY Of course.
MOM The helmet doesn’t count. (She laughs hard. So does Anna.)
BECKY That is not funny! You are hateful. Hateful people, both of
MOM Put it in neutral Becky.
BECKY Mother what are you wearing?
MOM You like it? Al picked it out for me.
BECKY You look ridiculous.
MOM (knocking Becky’s helmet) I look ridiculous?
ANNA Rebecca I’m sorry.

BECKY They shoulda fixed your insides Anna. At least before your
face matched. Now you'll fool everyone.
MOM Don’t listen to her Annabel. Her helmet’s squeezing the
sense right outta her and she only had a couple pennies to
begin with.
BECKY Mother, your words of today bear the fruits of my actions
MOM Well that’s just stupid Becky.
BECKY Mother I’ve done everything I can to improve myself. I’ve
read every book in the library. I’ve taken all the free
classes at the community centre. I’ve volunteered at the
women’s shelter, brought food to the homeless, donated my
last ounce of blood, rescued strays from the street and read
every issue of “O” magazine! But no one’s noticed. They’re
too busy staring at Anna’s face!

MOM Don’t forget her tits!

BECKY You know. “A woman who is afraid to be ugly, will never be
MOM Well then you’re gonna be a supermodel.
BECKY Ever since Anna got back you’ve been extra awful to me!
MOM Take it down to a 5 Becky, I’m just playing.
BECKY starts to hyperventilate.
BECKY Oh god I feel dizzy.
MOM Just breathe.
BECKY When I think about breathing, I can’t breathe.
MOM Go outside and get some air.
BECKY Alone?
MOM You got your helmet. You’ll be fine.
BECKY heads out the door, inserting her mouth guard and biting down on

MOM: Bradley likes to keep it in the family huh?
ANNA Excuse me?
48 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

MOM Better keep my legs crossed in front of him. Don’t want him
getting any ideas.
ANNA Mother-
MOM You gotta good thing going here. Don’t shit on it.

Come on we should be celebrating. Today’s a big day. They’re
naming a street after you.

ANNA What?

MOM Annabel Lane. Pretty huh? Wish I lived there. You gotta be
someone special to live on a street with a pretty name like
that. There’s a statue of you and everything. They put you in
the middle of the square so that everywhere we go, there
you’ll be. People looking up at you all day. Some of them are
even praying to it.
ANNA That’s insane Mother.
MOM We have to pray to someone. Why not you?
ANNA But no one’s even seen me.
MOM You don’t wanna let people actually see you. Ruin everything.
If you met Jesus and you heard him fart you think you’d be
able to take him seriously after that? Better to stay right
and let them wonder. Dream. We all need our dreams don’t

ANNA struggles to move her feet and MOM does her best to pretend not
to notice.

MOM I know what you need. Bacon! Oh yeah my little piggy. (she
oinks) Remember? (oinks again.) You used to love that.
ANNA I don’t want bacon Mother.
MOM You can’t say no to bacon.(She grabs the
bacon and slams it in the pan on the stove.) That always put
a smile on your face. (She oinks some more)

ANNA continues to struggle but it’s no use. She’s completely stuck.

MOM Hey you think they’ll wanna interview me when they get here?
Imagine. Me on the TV. Aww shit,I’m gonna get my teeth so
bright they’ll have too. I’ll borrow some of those strip

thingamagigs they gave you from the show.

ANNA They’re just teeth Mother.
MOM Just teeth huh?


MOM See this one, right in front. Crooked. Pokes out a bit. It’s
awful I know. The second I saw it growing like that I tried
everything to make it straight. I’d hold it all day long.
Twist it. Even tried pliers once. Nothin’ to be done. Just
one crooked tooth right in the middle. And that’s who I’ve
been ever since. All this stuff inside me? Didn’t matter. I
was just crooked tooth.
Don’t you see?
MOM You fixed your crooked tooth Annabel.
ANNA Mother I’ve been thinking.
MOM Oh don’t do that. Nothing good will come of that.
ANNA I want you to do me a favour.
MOM Of course. Anything for you.
ANNA Call me Anna again.
MOM What the hell for?
ANNA That’s my name.
MOM Anna is too plain. You’re fancy. You’re Annabel.
ANNA This isn’t me.
MOM It’s you now.
ANNA It’s all lies. Look.(She pulls out a hair extension.)
MOM Stop that Annabel!
ANNA All those scars. Gone.
MOM That’s what you wanted.
ANNA Like it never happened.
MOM Keep looking forward Annabel. You look back for a second and
you’ll miss what’s coming.

ANNA I can’t move.

50 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

MOM Don’t blow this, okay? You got a chance here.

ANNA For what?
MOM More. Don’t you want more? Than this? Things can change
Annabel. Even at my age. You know what it’s like to know
that? That it’s not too late. Please do this. For us.
ANNA And do what? Be your monument?

MOM You’ve been given a gift. You’re a brand new person.

ANNA I know.

MOM So what’s the problem?

ANNA You’re all the same.

MOM Well. There you have it.

ANNA I didn’t-

MOM - You’re right.

ANNA I’m not –

MOM We’re all trying Annabel. ‘Cause of you. And all your piñatas
and your miracles.
ANNA I did this Mother. To myself.


I’m not a miracle. I’m just an ordinary person. Sorry.

MOM Well nobody else needs to know that.

ANNA What?

MOM We need someone Annabel. The whole town does. To show us

things can change. That there's hope. You can be that can’t
you? Look what you've done already. To everyone. FOR
everyone. What the hell does it matter if it's true? Let us
worship you.

ANNA I can't do that.

MOM Why the hell not? We all sacrifice something. You can be

like, Mother Theresa. Ya. Saving the suffering. Look what

she did looking like a dried up prune. Imagine what she could
have done if she looked like you. With those teeth of yours.


You just have to stand there. We'll do the rest.

Okay? That's it. Just, stay there.

ANNA Forever?

MOM Look what’s happened already. Look at him.

ANNA He’s still in there. I know it.
MOM What does it matter? Forget what he’s done. Look at what
he’s doing. Look at this place. When I was a little girl I
used to dream about living in a trailer like this and now
it’s yours. And he did this. For you. As long as he’s changed
who gives a shit why?

ANNA It’s not real. None of this is.

MOM This is bigger than all of us. Don’t you see? This is
something huge. You’re like… the second helping.

ANNA You mean “coming”? The second coming?

MOM Yes, that’s it. See? You’re psychic too! Oh sweet Jesus thank
you for all your gifts! (she makes the sign of the cross)


Now I gotta get going. Getting my hair done again for the
ceremony. Just like yours. In your honour. Maybe they can
add some of those extensions. See what you do Annabel? Every
time I come near you I just wanna be better.

ANNA Do you smell that? Like burnt bacon.
MOM Oh god is this another miracle?
ANNA No Mother. The bacon. It’s burning!
MOM Oh shit!(running to stove) Got it! Geez that was close. It’s
still good though. Bacon’ll make it all better. Don’t worry,
it looks like shit but it’s better this way. The burnt part
is the tastiest. Who cares what it looks like, right?
52 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

ANNA Absolutely Mother.

MOM looks for a place to put the pan, no space anywhere, so she grabs
a cloth and puts it on a table close to ANNA. ANNA reaches for it.
MOM Let me get you a plate Annabel.
ANNA NO! I like it, out of the pan.
MOM Please Annabel. Let me get you a plate. You need a plate.
ANNA The pan mother.
MOM But you’re a lady now. Aren’t you? (ANNA motions for the pan
and MOM reluctantly hands it to her. She goes to the
cupboard, grabs a plate and brings it to the table.) Just in
case. (She smiles at ANNA, carefully)
Everything’s changing Annabel. Just give us a chance to
prove it.
I’ll see you in the square Annabel.

Anna nods. MOM exits. Anna stands there staring at the plate on the
table, then at the pan. She holds it for a long time till she
finally closes her eyes and quickly slams her hand into the pan,

Lights up. ANNA stands there, her hand wrapped in the makeshift
bandage with blood seeping through. More things have been replaced
with new and beautiful décor. QUINN enters.

QUINN What happened to your hand?

ANNA Looks worse than it is.
QUINN Looks pretty bad.
ANNA Feel better already.
How are the elections?
ANNA I miss you Quinny.
QUINN I’m right here.
ANNA So am I.
QUINN You sure?
ANNA It’s still me. I’m in here. Somewhere. I hope.
QUINN Why did you do it mom? The show. The makeover.
Anna is caught off guard.
ANNA I wanted to feel beautiful. Just once.
QUINN And you weren't beautiful before?
ANNA I don't think so.
QUINN That's what I thought. (She starts to leave.)
ANNA Hey -
QUINN You always use to tell me I look like you when you were my
QUINN So if you were ugly before all this, then what does that make
ANNA That’s not –
QUINN You just said it. I look just like you. The way you used to
ANNA You are beautiful.
QUINN No you are! Now you are, right?
54 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

QUINN heads out the door.

ANNA This doesn’t matter.
QUINN He workships you Mom. Everyone does. Like magic.
What’s changed?

I want someone to adore me too.
ANNA Someone will.
QUINN Not like this.
ANNA You are beautiful.
QUINN Stop lying!
ANNA You’ll find someone to adore you the way you are.
QUINN Like you did?
Silence. Quinn almost apologizes. Almost. Instead she heads for
the door.

ANNA Don’t leave!

QUINN You want to know why everyone's avoiding you mom? Because
we're scared. To be around you. To look at you. To see what
we are not. When I look at you now all I can see is what I
don't have. What I want to have. I look in the mirror and I
hate what's in there. I hate it!
ANNA This doesn't mean anything.

QUINN It means everything! And you know it. You remember that doll you
bought me when I was a kid? You saved up for it for months and
surprised me. She was perfect. Everything about her. I loved that
doll more than anything. Then my friend Jill put some mascara on her
with a permanent marker and ruined it. Her. And I didn’t want her
anymore. I didn’t know why. Couldn’t even look at her. She was
ruined. I was just a kid but somehow I knew. That little bit of
marker. It wasn’t opinion or judgment. It was just fact. You can’t
argue with fact.

But you don't have to worry about that anymore. You're
perfect now.
ANNA I'm not even close.
Quinn picks up a hand mirror and puts it in ANNA's face, but ANNA
won’t look.
QUINN Look at that mom. That's what we have to look at. I will
never be able to be that. Ever!

ANNA Quinn please…(ANNA refuses to look in the mirror but QUINN is

determined.) Stop it! (QUINN stops.)
QUINN Now you now how we feel. (She places the mirror at ANNA’s
feet.) In case you want to see what we have to.

ANNA grabs QUINN’s arm. QUINN reacts in pain. She tries to move her
arm away and ANNA struggles with her to pull the bandage off. She
finally does and there are huge scratch marks all over her forearm.
ANNA A scratch?
QUINN Learned from the best.
ANNA God Quinn…
Honk from outside.
QUINN I’m late. (She yanks her arm away and runs out)
ANNA Quinn please. Come back. I can't chase you!

ANNA lets out a scream trying to move her feet. She stands there. She
looks around and sees the hand mirror by her feet. She bends down and
picks it up and looks at herself. Every new inch. It’s the first time
she’s seen herself after the makeover. When she reaches her face, she
stares at it, examining.
ANNA Oh God. You are beautiful.
She looks at herself for a few more seconds, amazed at her reflection,
then quickly smashes the mirror into her face.
56 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

Scene 9

Lights up on BRAD finishing up cleaning ANNA’s face. He places a

bandage on her forehead.

ANNA You think it’ll scar?

BRAD Seems okay.


Glad I came when I did.

ANNA Me too. I can always count on you.


BRAD Sorry about the other day.

ANNA It’s fine. Everyone’s a little off kilter since I’ve been
back. Forget about it.

BRAD Right.


So how did this –

ANNA Accident.

BRAD Okay.

ANNA I used to watch that show every day. Every time they’d walk
out at the end everyone was crying. Families hugging and
laughing and then they’d all step into their new lives.
Promises. Plans. Then go to a commercial. I never thought
about what would happen after.

BRAD What happens?

ANNA I’m finding out.

BRAD Well, if you don’t like it, change it.
ANNA Everyone’s counting on me.

BRAD They’ll get over it.

ANNA I can’t let them down.

58 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

BRAD Fuck them.

ANNA Brad!

BRAD Yes. Fuck them. And fuck “Annabel”. And her new legs and her
new tiny nose and her new tits. Well actually those are
pretty great, but fuck everything else! Anna was perfect.
With your big nose and your moles and that big gap between
your teeth. I loved that gap.

ANNA You did?

BRAD Yes. That gap saved me. When we had to do that public
speaking assignment in school? Remember?

ANNA When you broke out into hives and dry heaved all morning?

BRAD Yes. And I got up there and everyone started howling at me.
Even the teacher joined in.

ANNA He actually started it.

BRAD But I looked out and I saw you. Smiling at me with that big
gap between your teeth. And I got through it. Because of
you…and your gap.

ANNA And now it’s gone.

BRAD Vanished.

ANNA I miss my gap.

BRAD Of course you do. Where you gonna store your M&M’s now?

They share a laugh.

None of this matters. It’s all… frosting.

ANNA They need me.

BRAD You’re just a cross around their neck. A bible in their top
drawer. They just pull you out when they need you. You’re my
cereal. My toothbrush. My pajamas. You’re my Anna.

He moves towards her and leans in for a kiss, but just as he reaches
her lips –

ANNA You fucked Becky.

He freezes. Before he can say anything, QUINN enters, catching them a

little too close.

QUINN Don’t mind me. Just passing through.

BRAD No. I was just- I’m gonna, umm –

ANNA Goodbye Brad.

There’s nothing for him to say so he exits.

QUINN What happened to your face?

ANNA Renovations.
Election results today. Right?


ANNA I’ll be rooting for you.

QUINN From here?


QUINN Thought so.

ANNA What happened to your face?

QUINN It’s nothing.

ANNA I know what you’re doing.

QUINN I didn’t do this. There are some people that aren’t exactly
thrilled at your transformation.

ANNA Quinn I’m so sorry. I did this for you.

QUINN You did this for him! Always for him. The rest
of us are just collateral damage.

ANNA I’ll fix this. I will.

QUINN Too late Mom. You made your face. Now you have to live in it.

QUINN exits. ANNA struggles hard to get her feet unstuck. They won’t.
She yanks out some of her hair extensions, holds them away from her
and drops them to the floor.
60 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

Scene 10

Lights up. ANNA stands centre stage. There is a curtain covering the
hole on the wall. There’s pounding coming from behind it.

GARY (from behind the curtain) You’re gonna love it baby!

He pops in the room from behind the curtain.

This is it - you know when you sense something - you have

to trust it? Well I have this…intuition- good word huh?
That’s what it is. I looked it up. This is divine fucking
intervention. Now hear me out k- this might sound a little
crazy but it’ll work - I can feel it. Deep. I’m getting
shivers - look. So I was thinking - hear me out k – since
everyone wants to see you - you’re like a commodity now
right? Ya - commodity- I don’t know why I’ve never used
that before- commodity - fucking brilliant- it’s eluded me
all these years- see! - there’s another one- eluded- I mean
FUCK, come on, all these words they’ve just been sitting
there waiting for me to put them in my mouth, fucking chew
on them, they make me feel invincible - see what you do to
me? Okay. So I was thinking, since you’re a commodity now
and the whole town is dying to see you why not bank on
that? Right? Why the fuck not? Everywhere I go everyone’s
asking about you - you’re a goddam celebrity. So I was
thinking, what’s wrong with making a little money. Right?
So first I thought we should put you somewhere. Like at one
of those art galleries. People line up to go see that shit.
And you’re prettier than all that. You’re better than art.
You’re real. But then I thought - I want to keep you here.
So I thought I’d build something for you. Something where
they can just look at you. I mean I’d pay to look at you.
Be near you. You have power now, you see? Your beauty.
Right? A commodity. Even that word is a commodity now that
I know how to use it. So let's use it. Your beauty. Your
commodity. And you’re not even really using people. You're
helping them. They look at you and they think they can do
anything. Achieve anything. That it's all possible. You're
like Jesus. Come back to show the world they can start all
over again. So what if we stop at the bank on the way to
saving someone’s soul? I don't see anything wrong with
that. So I had this idea. It’s not done yet but you’ll get
the gist. Now I’m gonna show you, but it’s not done
remember. You ready?

ANNA nods even though she’s not sure.


Close your eyes.

She does. Gary grabs the curtains and yanks them open.


Anna opens her eyes. Behind it is a half completed window. A tiny platform
in the middle of it.

Whaddaya think?

ANNA It’s a window.

GARY Fuck no. It’s a “bay” window. And look at this. Stained
glass. Just at the top. Subtle. For decoration.

ANNA You made all that.

GARY With this hammer. Amazing huh? A piece of wood and some
metal. So simple. This thing can change our lives. Whoever
came up with that is a millionaire now. Probably a
billionaire. Fuck.

ANNA It’s beautiful.

GARY It is isn’t it? I didn’t know I could that.

ANNA What’s that?

GARY What does it look like?

ANNA A pedestal.

GARY It’s a platform. But I like your word better. Pedestal. Nice.
I built a fucking pedestal. No. An altar. Yes. To worship you.
Your worth worshipping. Right?

ANNA They also used it to sacrifice.

GARY Oh ya? Well it’s for you. I realized that new paint and
chairs aren’t a real renovation. It would just be cosmetic.
62 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

You have to strip down to the studs. Start from scratch. So

I’m building you a bay window. I had this, revelation, while
I was in there. No. This, epiphany. I thought about you
standing in this bay window looking out at all of us and I
thought, I’m gonna put you on a little box. Then I’m gonna
round everyone in town outside that beautiful bay window that
I built just for you and when they’re all there screaming and
chanting your name I’m gonna pull the curtains and there
you’ll be. Shining over everyone, staring at you. Reaching
out for you. Worshipping you. My angel. And then, you ready
for this?

She’s not.

I’m gonna charge them!


To look at you!
Give it a minute.
ANNA I’m so stupid.
GARY You gotta let it sink in.
ANNA Stupid stupid stupid.
GARY You don’t like it?
ANNA All these years I thought I was holding you back-
GARY It was just an idea.
ANNA - From your potential.
GARY I never said that.
ANNA That is was my fault.
GARY That wasn’t me.
ANNA But this is your potential.
GARY No Annabel. I got a million ideas.
ANNA What were you going to do Gary?
GARY Don’t say my name like that.
ANNA With all your potential.

GARY I don’t like that voice.

ANNA What kinds of things?
GARY Different things.
ANNA Name one.
GARY Look what I built for you.
ANNA What? That altar?
GARY Yes. Like a church. Saint Annabel. Why not? The Church of Saint
Annabel. Who wouldn’t want to go to that?
We can do this. Bit by bit. Look at this place already. Look
at me. New hair. New clothes. Pretty spiffy huh?
ANNA You look beautiful. Always. That face. God that face. I
remember you. Every detail. Do you remember me? Cause I
can’t. I can’t remember what I looked like before this.
GARY You don’t need to.
ANNA I’m turning into a dot.
GARY A dot? Shit, I need a fucking map with you. But it’s
okay. I’m gonna try to find my way. Okay Annabel?

ANNA Anna.

GARY Don’t start that.

ANNA Call me Anna.

GARY Anna’s gone! Okay? Dead. She’s not coming back. You’re St.
Annabel. Okay?

Give me a smile baby. (She forces one.) My angel.
ANNA Yes. Your angel.
They have a stare – off. Then…
GARY I know I was...neglectful. Is that the right word?
ANNA It’s a start.
GARY I know it. But now you're showing us that we can change. All
64 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

of us. That there's a possibility. You know how amazing that

is? Isn’t that what this was for? A chance at something new?‘
Isn’t it?
ANNA nods.
GARY I’m trying. Every day. A new word. A new moment. You see
that don’t you? We’re gonna pile up all these new moments
and before you know it, that’s who we’ll be. We're so close.
Just give me a chance. You’ve changed Annabel. Now you have
to let me.
I’m gonna shower. I can’t be near you looking like this.
He starts to leave.
ANNA Wait.
He stops.
ANNA Let me see you.
GARY What?
ANNA I want to see you. All of you.
GARY Annabel –
ANNA Please.
GARY deliberates, then unbuckles his tool belt. Anna smiles. He puts
his tool belt down. Then takes off his shirt. Then his pants till he
stands only in his underwear. Anna just watches him.

ANNA Beautiful.
GARY’S stands there.
ANNA Come here.
He does. Anna grabs him and kisses him hard.
ANNA Fresh start.
ANNA smiles. Then Gary. Just as he leaves –
ANNA It’s enigma.
GARY What?
ANNA The word. It’s enigma.

ANNA Thought you’d like to know.

After a moment…
GARY Thank you.
ANNA You’re welcome.
The moment is thick. He leaves, everything left on the floor. Anna
grabs the toolbelt.

GARY (from offstage) Maybe I’ll add an extension? What do you

think? We need more room.
SILENCE as ANNA takes out the pliers from the toolbelt.

ANNA Sure. I’m working on something too.

GARY (Offstage) Oh ya? More renovations?
ANNA Restoration.
She puts the pliers in her mouth and begins to yank out her veneers,
maybe a tooth or two in the process.

GARY (offstage) That’s a good word baby. Sounds more like it.
Restoration. We need to start fresh. Shiny and new. Forget
all that shit.
ANNA is done with her teeth so she picks up the hammer. Holds it for
a moment.
GARY (Offstage) Don’t you think Annabel?


ANNA My name is Anna.
She swings the hammer back up to her nose hard as…
66 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

Lights up. ANNA stands centre stage. Blood dried around her mouth and
down her clothes. She is an absolute disaster. ANNA smiles surrounded
by everyone. They are all dressed up to their own version of the
“nines”, except BRAD, who wears the same clothes he always wears.
BECKY is covered almost head to toe in ribbons. MOM has attached
ANNA’s hair extensions to her own hair. They all stare at her. For a
very long time.
ANNA Someone say something.
Explosion of reactions.
GARY Jesus Christ!
MOM Look at you.
GARY What did you do?
BRAD You okay?
MOM What happened to your teeth?
GARY Shit.
BECKY What’s wrong with everyone?
MOM They gone?
GARY Goddammit, there’s a line up outside.
BECKY Why is everyone so upset?
MOM They were like diamonds.
GARY You should see all of them.
MOM Shit how do mine look? (she shows her teeth)
GARY Around the corner.
BRAD You sure you’re okay?
BECKY She looks good to me.
GARY Why Annabel?
BECKY I think she looks better.
GARY (to Anna) How they gonna see you like this?
ANNA They're just teeth.
MOM They still look white-
GARY What are they gonna think?
MOM -The ones you have left at least.

BECKY What happened to your nose?

ANNA I broke it.
BRAD Sweet Jesus.
ANNA I took a hammer and broke it.
BECKY I like it.
GARY Goddammit!
ANNA (to Gary) You said it wouldn’t matter.
GARY I didn’t mean it!
BRAD Does it hurt?
ANNA Feels good.
BECKY Looks good.
GARY Jesus Christ.
ANNA I just wanted my old nose back.
GARY It was huge.
QUINN It was a great nose.
BECKY It suits you.
ANNA It was a really great nose.
GARY What do we do now?
ANNA About?
GARY This! Look at you. You're a fucking mess!
ANNA We go back to the way it was.
GARY The way it was?
ANNA Before.
GARY Before was shit you ugly bitch!
MOM Watch it.
ANNA It's okay. I know this Gary.
BRAD Apologize.
ANNA I'm used to this Gary.
GARY (to BRAD) Fuck you.
ANNA He’s just starting.
GARY You know what this bitch has put me through?
68 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

ANNA There he is.

BRAD I’m asking you, politely.
ANNA I knew you were still in there.
BECKY He’s so kind.
GARY You know what I could have been?
BECKY Isn’t he kind?
ANNA Tell me.
BECKY So kind.
GARY With this face.
GARY Anything.
ANNA Like?
GARY Everything.
ANNA Really?
GARY Then you come back here -
GARY All shiny and new -
GARY Holding a fucking torch high above your head. HOPE. A fucking
chance. Freedom. From all this, shit.
GARY My future. Right in front of me. At my goddam fingertips.
Just when I think it’s all over. That this is it.
ANNA Yes. Yes.
GARY My angel.
ANNA Your angel.
GARY Swing a diamond in front of my face then shit all over it. My
ANNA Your angel.
GARY Change my hair. My clothes. My…
GARY Make a fool of me. Make me look like a goddam idiot!

GARY That’s what you wanted.
GARY That was your plan?
GARY You fucking monster!
ANNA YES!!!!!!!!
GARY lunges for her and BRAD intercepts. GARY pushes BRAD away and
they struggle…
GARY Stay outta this asshole!
BRAD Apologize.
GARY Get your own family.
BECKY (to Gary) You leave him alone!
GARY (to Becky) Shut up stupid!
BRAD Apologize.
MOM I’m the only one allowed to call her stupid, stupid!
GARY (To Brad) What the fuck is it to you?
BECKY Mother that is so sweet.
MOM Shut up stupid!
GARY She’s my wife.
BECKY So sweet. (Moves to hug her.)
Full stop.
MOM Oh shit.(She takes Becky’s helmet off her head and puts it on
her own.)
BECKY But you fucked me!
GARY He what!?
BECKY (hyperventilating) A…plain…and…simple…fuck!
GARY lunges for BRAD and they struggle.
70 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

BRAD You don't deserve her.

GARY And you do?
BRAD She's too good for you.
GARY You fucked her sister!
BRAD (to ANNA) But I was thinking of you the whole time.
BECKY You what! (She slowly turns to ANNA, breathing hard. She’s on
ANNA Becky I'm sorry.
BECKY IT’S REBECCA… (she grabs the helmet again and snaps the clasp
under her chin) MOTHERFUCKER!!

BECKY lunges for ANNA and they struggle. MOM tries to intervene. Arms
and limbs everywhere. Finally…
QUINN STOP IT!!!! (They all stop.) This is what I come from. This
is me.
GARY (To ANNA) We finally had a chance. Make things better. What
chance did we have before? With that face of yours? Now look
at you. You think this is better? Honest? Is that it? Well
let’s see what you can do with that face now. Let’s see where
this takes you. Right back where we started. Cause in this
world, your face is all that matters. With a good one, you
can do anything.

ANNA Then why are you still here?

GARY (to Brad) You two are perfect together. You can have her.
Take her. Take this ugly bitch. (He moves towards ANNA and
QUINN tries to intervene.)

GARY pushes QUINN out of the way to get to ANNA and ANNA
instantly reacts with a huge slap to his face. GARY reacts, fist held
high. Holds it there. No one moves. He lowers it.
GARY You’re done. Cursed. All of you. Not me. Quinn’s grown. I
served my time.
MOM Watch it.
GARY You think you’re better than me? I’m the asshole cause I
wanted that face of yours. Huh? When I walked into the

classroom what did you see Annabel? What did you want? My
Look at me. At this place. See what I can do? What’s inside
me? The potential? I’m a changed man. I’m ready. My chance.
You guys can stay here and rot. I’m not staying to watch.
I’m transformed. Resurrected. Like Jesus. Yeah. I’m just
like Jesus.

GARY leaves.

MOM He thinks he’s hot shit. But you know what happens to hot
shit? It gets cold. And you know what’s left? Just a pile of

Cold shit.
ANNA Here I am. Inside out.
BRAD You look beautiful. Like an angel…fallen from heaven. But
through like, a lot of branches, and thorns, and maybe a
roof, or, something.
ANNA I did this. All of it. Stupid stupid stupid. I’m just me.
Anna. Plain old Anna. Sorry.
MOM Anna listen to me. You may never be what I dreamt you would
be, but what you are, is more than I ever dreamed of.
Nice silence between them.
ANNA Fortune cookie?
MOM That Confucius was one smart little shit.
What are we gonna do now? Whose gonna save us?
BECKY I’ll save you Mother.
MOM Sweet Jesus help us.
72 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

BECKY Can I have your clothes? You won’t need them now will you?
(Looking at the blood all over ANNA’S dress.) Maybe not that
ANNA Of course, Rebecca.
BECKY I need a new picture. (to BRAD) For Tinder.
BRAD Rebecca-
BECKY It’s okay Bradley. I’m a woman now. Evolved, you know? Like
a…(she searches)… fish.
BRAD Anna-
ANNA Don’t.
BRAD I just missed you so much. I didn’t -
ANNA I know.
BRAD I love you. Like, a lot. Like huge, gigantic, ginormous love.
ANNA I know.
BRAD I can give you everything. Just not his face.
ANNA I know.
Silence. BRAD exits.
MOM Well here we all are. Like a party. Minus the fun.
More silence.
Well there’s no point in standing here with our thumbs up our
asses. I’m gonna get ready. I gotta date with my Al.
She heads out. BECKY follows.
BECKY I’ll help you Mother. Maybe I can teach you some French. See
I got a ribbon for Best Pronunciation. (she shows her)
MOM Since when do you know French?
BECKY I’ve been taking classes.
MOM What for? So you can say stupid things in two languages?
BECKY Mother that is exactly the kind of comment that pushes me
back two steps –
MOM Ah bring it down to a 5 Becky.
They exit. ANNA and QUINN are left alone.

QUINN: You think he’s really gone?

ANNA: Yes.
QUINN: Just like that?
QUINN Will he come back?
ANNA Hope not.
QUINN This is all my fault.
QUINN I ruined everything.
ANNA You saved me.
QUINN What do we do?
ANNA I don’t know.
QUINN (indicating outside) How about all them?
ANNA I’ll take care of it.
QUINN Is this it Mom? Is this all there is?
ANNA Maybe.
QUINN Nothing more?
ANNA Yes. A lot.
QUINN Better?
ANNA Sometimes yes. Most times, no.
QUINN Well that’s just… perfect.
ANNA It’s the marathon, not the sprint.
QUINN You sound like Gran.
ANNA Good.
Honk from outside. Quinn goes to the door.
QUINN Oh god. They’re here.
QUINN They’re throwing me a party. To celebrate.
ANNA You won?
74 Aftershock by Evan Tsitsias

ANNA Quinn!
QUINN Me. President. It’s ridiculous.
ANNA It’s perfect.
QUINN All those people. Staring at me. I can’t do it.
ANNA It’s your turn. Go.
QUINN I can’t leave you here.
Another honk from outside.
Can people change?
ANNA Only if they want to.
QUINN walks to the door. She stops.
QUINN I can’t do it.
ANNA They’re waiting.
QUINN I can’t.
ANNA It’s out there. Nothing left in here.
QUINN I can’t.
ANNA Take a step.
QUINN I’m scared.
ANNA Just open the door.
QUINN opens the door and tries to move. She can’t. She starts to
struggle. Trying to lift her feet of the ground. She can’t. She’s
stuck to the floor.
QUINN I… can’t… move …Mom.
QUINN cries, struggling to move then collapsing. Feet still stuck.
ANNA watches her, determined to help her. She struggles and struggles
and finally steps out of the spot and moves to QUINN. She lifts her
up, hands on her back.


QUINN tries to turn around, but before she can, ANNA gently pushes her
out the door and closes it behind her. She looks back into the empty
room. At that spot.

She moves to the wall and pulls the curtains. Behind them, GARY’S
shrine has been completed- A bay window with footlights and a tiny

pedestal for ANNA to stand on. The sound of a crowd outside. She
looks at it, steps on the pedestal and draws the curtains.


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