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Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 109 (2019) 109872

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On the influence of geometrical parameters on the spray characteristics of T

high shear injectors
Kuppuraj Rajamanickama,1, Aditya Potnisa,1, K.R. Sakthi Kumarb, D. Sivakumarb,
Saptarshi Basua,

Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India
Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India


We discuss the influence of geometrical parameters over the performance of high shear injector. High shear injector usually consists of a series of air swirlers (primary
and secondary) with diverging flare at the exit and centrally mounted fuel nozzle. In this study, we have considered only parameters pertaining to air swirler i.e.
geometrical swirl number (SNgeo), flow split ratio (γ), area ratio (Δ), flare angle (θ) and flow orientation of primary and secondary swirlers (co/counter rotation). The
above parameters were categorized into two paradigms, first, SNgeo, γ, Δ are designated as internal geometrical parameters, which induces variations in the bulk
Reynolds number at the exit. On the other hand, parameters like flare angle (θ), flow orientation doesn’t yield any variations in bulk Reynolds number. Time resolved
PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry; ~ 3500 frames/s) is employed to extract the topological structures of the flow field. The length scale (W/Df), which embodies the
radial extent of the recirculation zone is governed by near field swirl number (SN10) and Reynolds number for cases with variations in SNgeo, γ, Δ. Contrarily, with
variations in θ and flow orientation, (W/Df) is found to be a function of near field swirl number f (SN10) only. The spatial distribution of the spray shows linear
relationship with the W/Df. Finally, the droplet size spectrum obtained from 3D PDI (Phase Doppler interferometer) also shows insensitivity with respect to the
different test cases. This clearly indicates that in high shear atomizer configuration, spread of the spray can be altered without deterioration in uniformity and droplet
size distribution.

1. Introduction parameter in governing the topological structure of the spray and

subsequent flame dynamics [5]. The CTRZ in turn is influenced by
Liquid fuel injection and atomization are crucial in the successful several geometrical parameters. The complete understanding of the
operation of any combustion system [42,41]. Particularly, in gas tur- fundamental relationship between these parameters and topological
bine combustors with highly turbulent swirling flows, the liquid fuel structures of the flow field is necessary for swirl cup design optimiza-
must be distributed uniformly in the air stream to achieve an acceptable tion. Unlike normal flows, the swirl cup used in gas turbines has mul-
range of premixing [21,23]. Hence, in addition to finer atomization, tiple swirlers namely primary and secondary. It is imperative to identify
uniform distribution of fuel is also critical in achieving a homogenous the role of each swirler in such complicated configurations. It is cus-
mixture. tomary to utilize counter rotating swirling flows (i.e. swirl direction of
Most of the modern-day gas turbine engines utilize high shear swirl primary and secondary swirler is opposite to each other) in gas turbine
cup/mixer to yield finely atomized spray [27,40,32]. In general, these swirl cup to yield higher shear stress which essentially improves the
designs have two or three radial swirlers (see Fig. 1) with fuel injector atomization quality. Several works [18,15] have been devoted towards
being mounted in a coaxial configuration. The thin liquid sheet dis- understanding the governing mechanisms between co and counter-ro-
charged from the fuel injector undergoes strong shearing action with tating swirl flows. For instance, [25] reported a decrease in the axial
the airstream delivered by the swirlers. Droplet size, spatial uniformity extent of CTRZ with counter-rotating swirl as a manifestation of the
of the spray is strongly dictated by flow field at the swirl cup exit [39]. decay in tangential velocity. Spray characterization and combustion
It is well known that the swirling flow field generated by swirl cup is studies conducted by [15] reveal that counter-rotating swirl has the
three dimensional in nature with complicated hydrodynamic topology potential to yield lower droplet size and better flame stability. Fur-
[26,22,31]. Furthermore, swirl flow exhibits a central toroidal re- thermore, the type of fuel injector (simplex, duplex, airblast) is also
circulation zone (CTRZ) as a manifestation of the vortex breakdown found to play a major role in governing the spray topology [21]. Several
phenomenon [3]. The size of the CTRZ is considered as an important investigations [34,33,8,7] have been carried out to identify the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Basu).
Kuppuraj Rajamanickam and Aditya Potnis are equally contributed to this work.
Received 17 May 2019; Received in revised form 8 July 2019; Accepted 9 July 2019
Available online 11 July 2019
0894-1777/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
K. Rajamanickam, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 109 (2019) 109872

Fig. 1. High Shear Injector; (a). 3D cut-section illustrating main functional sections (1.) Simplex Injector (2.) Hollow cone spray (3.) Primary swirler (4.) Secondary
swirler (5.) Venturi (6.) Secondary passage (7.) Flare; (b). Longitudinal cross-section of injector.

functional relationship between the droplet size and nozzle operating 1.1. Scope of this paper
conditions. These studies proposed correlations to predict mean droplet
size in airblast atomizers. The major idea of this paper is to understand the sensitivity of the
Cohen and Rosfjord [6] investigated the influence of design para- swirl cup with respect to design parameters. In a global sense, three
meters and fuel injector configurations in the performance of high shear parameters namely, flow topology, spray patternation, droplet size
swirl cup. The major parameters being considered are primary and become crucial while selecting the atomizer. Strictly speaking, all these
secondary swirl numbers, flow split ratio, fuel injector configurations parameters are highly coupled in nature. For instance, in this paper, we
(radial discrete jets, duplex injector, airblast injector). It is found that will show how the spatial distribution of volume in the sprays is linked
spray patternation is more sensitive towards injector configuration than with the size of the recirculation zone acquired from flow field data.
the swirler geometry. In addition, they also reported the influence of Here, one needs flow field data to delineate this phenomenon. Likewise,
manufacturing and assembly related aspects of the injector and swirl the relationship between the flow field and resultant droplet size also
cup (i.e. misalignment in injector fixing, defects in injector orifice). needs to be identified. Most of the past studies reported either flow field
However, only very few studies ever made any attempt to investigate data or only droplet size distribution or spatial volumetric distribution.
the evolution of the flow field, patternation and droplet size as a However, in this study, we have made an attempt to identify the
function of design parameters in high shear configurations. functional relationship between the above mentioned important para-
Kilik [20] experimentally investigated the effect of blockage ratio in meters as function of various swirler designs.
flat and curved vane swirlers using hot-wire anemometry. The width of In order to bridge the literature gap in swirl cup design, the paper is
the recirculation zone (CTRZ) is found to increase with blockage ratio. organized as follows,
However, in this study, only the air flow fields pertaining to various First, we have used PIV to rigorously characterize the evolution of
designs have been reported. The parametric evaluation reported by flow field topologies w.r.t different design parameters. Specifically, we
[35] also suggests that near field spray distribution is influenced by a have characterized the flow field in the presence of sprays. This enabled
change in air flow pattern with respect to the various design config- us to identify the optimal proportions of liquid and air flow rate at
urations. Lin et al. [24] studied the effect of venturi profile and chev- which one retain the swirl flow structure. We have carefully selected
rons added to the venturi exit using high-speed PIV. It is found that the design space as functions of swirl number and Reynolds number. It
swirl strength is decreased with convergent venturi profile; hence, flow is known that the size of the recirculation zone governs the spatial
field possesses lower turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) as compared to distribution of volume in the sprays. Hence, one needs to know how the
other cases. In addition, the flow field acquired in reacting configura- design parameters govern the size of recirculation zone. We have elu-
tion also suggests venturi with convergent profile to exhibit lower cidated this in greater details in Section 4.
dominant instability frequency. A monotonic increase in CTRZ width is In Section 5, we have shown the linkage between spray patternation
reported by [9] with an increase in flare angle. The turbulent kinetic and recirculation zone size. Finally, the influence of swirl cup design
energy (TKE) maxima are observed at the center for lower flare angle over the droplet size distribution is delineated in Section 6. We have
and the same is observed at the walls for higher flare angle. The un- quantitatively shown the relationship between flow field topology,
steadiness associated with the shear layers is found to be pronounced spray patternation and droplet size distribution.
for higher flare angle cases.
Though several researchers [9,24,12,27,16,17,4,19,37,13,38] at-
tempted parametric evaluation of various swirl cup designs; most of the 2. Parametric space and experimental setup
studies reported flow field without the presence of spray. In most cases
only droplet sizing is used as a criterion to rank the swirler designs. 2.1. High shear injector design and configurations
However, information on flow topology, spatial distribution of droplets
in the spray (patternation) and droplet size are crucial to analyze the The high shear injectors consist of a simplex nozzle assembled co-
sensitivity of the swirl cup. axially with the swirl-cup. Fig. 1 shows the internal structure of the
injector. The major difference between the high shear and low shear

K. Rajamanickam, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 109 (2019) 109872

injector lies with the intensity of shear [6]. In common practice, fuel swirler entry. The third parameter (SNsec) is the geometric swirl number
nozzles which have two or more swirlers are usually referred to as high of the secondary swirler. Geometric swirl number (SNgeo) is defined
shear injectors. The nozzle used in this study has been a widely adopted using only geometrical characteristics of the swirler. It is a close ap-
injector configuration in several gas turbine engines [43]. Hence, in proximation of the flow swirl number (SN) defined using experimen-
order to understand the influence of various geometrical parameters in tally observed quantities and is illustrated in Eq. (1). It should be noted
a realistic configuration, we have chosen this particular design. The that SNgeo is valid at a location near the swirler exit. In the absence of
skeleton for this nozzle is adopted from [12,15,9,24]. any other geometrical feature such as venturi, SNgeo quantifies the re-
The swirl cup is comprised of two radial swirlers, primary and lative strength of swirl produced by the swirler. SNgeo is calculated
secondary. The simplex nozzle injects a hollow cone spray generated by using Eq. (2) derived for radial swirlers by [36].
liquid pressure and angled internal passages. Swirling air stream gen- Ro
erated by the primary swirler interacts with the hollow cone spray 0
Uy U 2 r 2dr
SN =
further atomizing and centrifuging the droplets onto the venturi sur-
R 0
Uy2 2 rdr (1)
face. In common practise, simplex nozzle exit plane will be usually
flushed with primary swirler entry plane, here also, we have followed where Uy is axial velocity; U is the tangential velocity; R is the char-
the same practice. The spray impinges on the venturi forming a thin acteristic radius (radius of flare exit), Ro is the outer radius of the flow
film. Filming on the venturi under the centrifuging effect of swirling air, at the particular axial location. The numerator denotes axial flux of
increases the probability of uniform film thickness and better symmetry tangential momentum and denominator is radius times axial flux of
of spray in the azimuthal plane. Primary air flows to the venturi exit axial momentum.
thinning the film along the profiled surface. Incoming air from the 1 tan
secondary swirler merges with the primary swirling flow exiting the SNgeo = 0.28. ·
1 1 + tan · tan ( / z ) (2)
venturi. The interaction of these two swirling flows results in high shear
and turbulence. The atomized spray exits swirl cup via divergent flare where is the swirler blade angle; Z is the number of blades; is the
(part 7 in Fig. 1a). In common practice, it is customary to add additional blockage factor,
linear section between the venturi and divergent portion of the flare. It Blockage factor ( ) can be written as
is usually refereed as mixing length (ML). The term ‘mixing length’ Z. t
refers to the additional linear length over which the flow travels from =
2· · Rinner · cos (3)
the swirler exit before it reaches the divergent portion of the Flare.
The flow subsequently exits the swirl cup through the flare. The where t is blade thickness (mm); Rinner is the swirler inner radius (mm).
flare exit angle dictates the radial expansion of flow. In this study, SNsec is varied by only changing the swirler blade
The swirl-cups were designed using modelling software (CATIA V5) angle. Change in blade angle results in a corresponding change in
and manufactured via 3D printing using Polylactic Acid using Selective minimum distance between blades and thus the equivalent area of
Laser Sintering. 3D printing enabled creating identical models without swirler also changes as shown in Fig. 2(b–d). The height of swirler is
any misalignments or inaccuracies in assembly. The following geo- modified to compensate for the change in minimum distance between
metric parameters responsible for maximum variations in flow field and blades to ensure that the equivalent area of the swirler is unchanged.
spray topology are listed below: The fourth and fifth parameters, namely the flare exit angle (θ) and
mixing length (η) are varied with the help of interchangeable flares
1) Split Ratio of Area of Primary swirler to Area of Secondary Swirler (Fig. 3(a)). θ controls the direction of flow at exit i.e. the degree of flow
(γ) expansion which in-turn determines the spray cone angle. η governs the
2) The ratio of Total Inlet area/Total exit area = (Area of Primary zone available for the interaction of primary and secondary air streams
swirler + area of Secondary swirler)/Cross-sectional Area at Flare to mix within the swirl cup. The sixth parameter is the relative direction
Exit (Δ) of rotation between the two radial swirlers i.e. co-rotation (COR) or
3) Swirl Number of Secondary Swirler (Swirl number of Primary counter-rotation (CR). The blade directions in both configurations are
swirler is kept unchanged) (SNsec) illustrated in (Fig. 3(c)). The configurations are listed in Table 2. One
4) Flare exit angle (θ) configuration was selected as a benchmark to study the effects of
5) Mixing length (η) parametric variations. This configuration is termed as a BASE and is
6) Swirler configuration: Co-Rotation (COR) or Counter-Rotation (CR) indicated in Table 1. Values of the parameters of the BASE configura-
tion are: Counter Rotation, SNsec = 1.143, γ = 40:60, Δ = 0.194,
It is to be noted that the equivalent area of a swirler is calculated as θ = 50°, η = 5 mm. Rest of the configurations are designed by varying
the minimum cross-sectional area between two adjacent swirler blades, the parameters marked in bold and keeping values of all other para-
times the number of blades as shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b). Minimum meters unchanged (see Table 1).
cross-section area between blades governs the velocity of the flow
through the swirler. The same is considered when calculating the 3. Experimental setup
equivalent area. Additionally, as illustrated in Fig. 2, change in blade
angle changes the minimum cross-sectional area and specifically does The experimental setup is illustrated in Fig. 4. The high shear in-
not change the inlet or outlet area of swirler. Hence it is pertinent to jector was mounted in an air plenum. The plenum had provision for
consider the influence of minimum cross-sectional area between blades interchanging of swirl cup without disturbing the relative position of
for characterizing flow behavior. Thus, the first parameter (γ) is de- the simplex nozzle. The plenum was supplied air from a high-pressure
termined by varying the ratio of the height of the two swirlers (hpri, hsec; line through a pressure regulator and a mass-flow controller (Alicat
see Fig. 1b) keeping total inlet area constant. Total inlet area is the sum Inc., accuracy ± 0.8%). The liquid used was water. Water delivery
of equivalent areas of primary and secondary swirlers. system consisted of a water reservoir, pump, inline filters, and an inline
Exit area of the injector is kept fixed for all configurations. Ratio of flowmeter (range: 0 to 5 lpm, accuracy ± 1%) for metering. Air flow-
the area of primary swirler to that of secondary counterpart determines rate and liquid flowrate were maintained at 3000 lpm and 250 mlpm
the split in the volume of air between the two swirlers. This in-turn respectively and were kept constant for the whole study. The complete
affects the momentum ratio of air streams that mix at venturi exit. The injector setup was mounted over a large chamber for collection of
second parameter (Δ) is varied by changing the total inlet area for a spray. The chamber was sufficiently large to avoid any wall effects. All
fixed split ratio of 40:60. Value of Δ determines flow velocity of air at experiments were carried out in a non-reactive, unconfined

K. Rajamanickam, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 109 (2019) 109872

Fig. 2. Illustration of change in equivalent area of swirler due to change in minimum distance between blades with varying swirl number. (no change in distance
between blades at inlet and outlet); (a). Blade Area at Swirler Inlet, Outlet and Minimum cross-section; (b). CR, SNsec = 0.79; (c). BASE; (d). CR, SNsec = 1.75
where: .

environment at ambient pressure and temperature. with decreasing size of the interrogation window. The initial and final
During this study, high-speed PIV, high-speed shadowgraphy, PDI interrogation windows were selected as 64 × 64 pixels and
and patternation were employed to characterize the spray produced by 48 × 48 pixels with two passes each with a 50% overlap for the smaller
the injectors. window. Velocity vectors thus calculated were filtered using a median
filter to remove spurious values. Uncertainty in velocity vectors was
carried out in Davis 8.4 using correlation statistics and the error is re-
3.1. High-speed PIV ported to be roughly ± 1% of local velocity values.
Droplets produced by the high shear injector was used to scatter the
High-speed PIV was used to determine the instantaneous velocity incident laser sheet without any external seeding. However, for estab-
flowfield in the central longitudinal plane, downstream of the high lishing that the resultant flowfield is greatly influenced by the presence
shear injector exit. A dual pulsed high repetition rate (~10 KHz) Nd: of spray, high speed PIV was carried out with and without spray by
YLF laser (with a wavelength of 527 nm and pulse energy of 30 mJ) was seeding the air using Alumina powder (size ~ 4 µm). In the absence of
used as an illumination source. The cylindrical beam from the laser spray, flow at the injector exit shows an average velocity up of 30 m/s
head was oriented using a fibre optic arm and converted to a thin sheet or higher. This is attributed to the deceleration of bulk flow caused by
of ~1 mm thickness using sheet making optics. A high-speed camera the transfer of momentum from air to liquid thus proving that PIV with
(Model-Photron SA5) was oriented orthogonal to the laser sheet and spray is a necessity. Thus, all PIV investigations carried out as a part of
used to record the mie scattered raw images in double frame mode. this study were conducted only in presence of spray and without any
These raw images were acquired at 3.5 KHz with an acquisition time of external seeding.
0.57 secs (i.e. 2000 images were considered for each test case). The
camera sensor resolution was 1024 × 1024 pixels with a rectangular
field of view of 130 mm × 130 mm; a spatial resolution of roughly 3.2. Particle doppler interferometry
8 pixels/mm was obtained.
The complete PIV system was controlled and synchronized using a Phase Doppler interferometry (PDI) was used to determine the
high-speed programmable timing unit (PTU). Lavision’s Davis 8.4 was droplet size distribution and droplet velocities in three dimensions.
used for control, data acquisition, vector reconstruction, and post pro- Sampling locations were selected in a rectangular grid in the long-
cessing. The time interval between two pulses was chosen to be 5 µsecs. itudinal plane along the axis of the injector, from 10 mm (y/D = 0.22)
This interval was optimized for an average local flow velocity of till 60 mm (y/D = 1.33) downstream of flare exit, from the centreline
~30 m/s such that maximum particle displacement lay within 1/4th of till 100 mm (r/D = 2.22). Measurements were carried in the radial di-
the initial interrogation window. Vector reconstruction was carried out rection in steps of 5 mm (r/D = 0.11) while it was 10 mm (y/D = 0.22)
using cross-correlation mode with an adaptive multi-pass algorithm increment in the axial direction. Close to the injector exit, droplet

K. Rajamanickam, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 109 (2019) 109872

Fig. 3. Illustration of parametric space; (a). Flare angle and Mixing Length; (b). Equivalent area of swirlers; (c). Swirl Configurations; (d). Swirler Blade Angle; (e). C/
s of the assembled high shear injector.

distribution varied significantly with changes in probe location, so a and the receiver. The transmitters were aligned 30° on either side of the
relatively fine resolution was chosen for sampling in the radial direc- axis as it was the optimal position for recording maximum scattered
tion. light due to Mie scattering [2]. The lasers were aligned to meet at a
The three-dimensional PDI (Make- Atrium Technologies Inc) system single point which was the measurement probe location. An oscillo-
was mounted on an automated traverse as shown in Fig. 6. The PDI scope was employed along with the PDI setup to check the signal output
setup consisted of two transmitters emitting two (532 nm and 473 nm) from the receiver. The signal to noise ratio was maintained such
and one (561 nm) laser beams respectively along with a single receiver. that > 90% of the droplets passing through were recorded successfully.
An optical lens with focal length 750 mm was used in both transmitters

K. Rajamanickam, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 109 (2019) 109872

Table 1 ¯
a (Um . area )swirler (Dh )swirler
(Re)P , S =
Details of BASE injector geometry. µa (4)
Primary Swirler Secondary Swirler
P, S – stands for primary and secondary swirlers
Blade Details
Blade angle (°) 70 75
No. of blades 14 14 where (Um .¯area )swirler represents the bulk velocity at minium cross section
Thickness (mm) 1 1 area inside the primary/secondary swirler. As illsutared in Fig. 2b–d,
Dimension while changing the blade angle to vary the swirl number (SNgeo), inlet
Outer Dia (mm) 45 45 and outlet areas do not change. However, varaitions are observed with
Inner Dia (mm) 32 34 minimum area, hence, the same has been used in the Eq. (4).
Height (mm) 7.5 7.5
Geo. Swirl Number (SNgeo) 0.79 1.143 Qa
Flow split ratio 40.29% 59.71% (Um .¯area )swirler =
Aswirler (5)
Here represents flow split ratio; Qa - volumetric flow rate (m /s);
3.3. Spray patternation Aswirler – mimimum cross sectional area inside the swirler (m2).

Mechanical patternation was carried out for obtaining the spatial Aswirler
(Dh)swirler 2
distribution of spray in planes perpendicular to injector axis (R-θ Pswirler (6)
planes; see Fig. 5). The patternator had a grid size of 12 × 12% of the
droplets passing through were cells with each square cell of side 20 mm (Dh)swirler 2
((BladeDistminimum)swirler *hswirler )
and depth 50 mm. The edges of cells were provided with a chamfer at (BladeDistminimum)swirler + hswirler ) (7)
45° to reduce the occurrence of droplets bouncing off on impact. Each
(Dh)swirler – hydraulic diameter of swirler (m); Pswirler – perimeter of the
cell drained into a collection chamber. The volume of collected liquid
swirler (m); hswirler – height of the swirler (m) (see Fig. 1b.
was measured using measuring cylinders (accuracy 0.2 ml). The liquid
was collected for a maximum of 10 min. The time for the collection was ¯
a (Um . a .)total (Dh )total
recorded using a stopwatch. For each run, the volume collected per cell (Rem . area)total =
µa (8)
was normalized with the total volume collected in all the cells for that
run. The total volume of liquid sprayed by the high shear injector over a Qa
(U¯m . area .)total =
given time interval was calculated using the liquid flowrate (250 mlpm) (Aswirler )pri + (Aswirler )sec (9)
and checked manually using a measuring flask. The collection effi-
ciency for each run was calculated as follows. Apri + Asec
(Dh)total 2
Volume Collected Ppri + Psec (10)
Collection Efficiency =
Actual Volume sprayed
(Dh )total
The collection efficiency was found to between ~48% to 68% with
larger recirculation zone within spray resulting in a lower collection 2 ( ((BladeDistminimum )pri * hpri Zpri) + (BladeDistminimum )sec * hsec Zsec
((BladeDistminimum)pri + hpri) Zpri) + ((BladeDistminimum)sec + hsec ) Zsec ) ) (11)
efficiency value. This would be elaborated in following sections.
Since, in this study, two coaxial jets are involved (liquid and air);
hence it is customary to define another important parameter namely,
3.4. Flow parameters and test conditions
momentum ratio (MR)
In addition to the swirl number (SN) described in the previous ¯
a (Um . a .)total (A)total
section, we have also used Reynolds number to delineate the topolo- MR =
l Ul A eff (12)
gical variations in the flow field. Here, three different Reynolds num-
bers namely, bulk flow Reynolds number {(Rem . area )total} , primary and The calculated MR values across all the test cases are illustrated in
secondary swirler Reynolds number {(Re )P , (Re )S } are used. Table 3. We have MR ≫ 1, which indicates strong way gas to liquid
It should be noted that all these quantities are evaluated based on coupling. In other words, the resultant spray mimics the air flow field
the mass conservation principle. topology.

Table 2
Nomenclature and Parametric space for the configurations investigated.
Nomenclature Swirl Configuration Sec. Swirler Swirl Number (SNsec) PrimarySwirlerArea InletArea Flare Exit Angle (θ) Mixing Length (mm) (η)
(γ) (Δ)
SecondarySwirlerArea OutletArea

1 BASE Counter Rotation 1.143 40:60 0.194 50° 5

2 CR, γ = 50:50 Counter Rotation 1.143 50:50 0.194 50° 5
3 CR, γ = 60:40 Counter Rotation 1.143 60:40 0.194 50° 5
4 CR, Δ = 0.147 Counter Rotation 1.143 40:60 0.146 50° 5
5 CR, Δ = 0.259 Counter Rotation 1.143 40:60 0.259 50° 5
6 CR, SNsec = 0.79 Counter Rotation 0.798 40:60 0.194 50° 5
7 CR, SNsec = 1.75 Counter Rotation 1.751 40:60 0.194 50° 5
8 CR, Θ = 45°,η = 0 Counter Rotation 1.143 40:60 0.194 45° 0
9 CR, Θ = 50°,η = 0 Counter Rotation 1.143 40:60 0.194 50° 0
10 CR, Θ = 45°,η = 5 Counter Rotation 1.143 40:60 0.194 45° 5
11 COR, Θ = 45°,η = 0 Co Rotation 1.143 40:60 0.194 45° 0
12 COR, Θ = 50°,η = 0 Co Rotation 1.143 40:60 0.194 50° 0
13 COR, Θ = 45°,η = 5 Co Rotation 1.143 40:60 0.194 45° 5
14 COR, Θ = 50°,η = 5 Co Rotation 1.143 40:60 0.194 50° 5

K. Rajamanickam, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 109 (2019) 109872

Fig. 4. Schematic of experimental setup.

Fig. 5. Mechanical Patternator; (a). Top view of patternator showing cell dimensions and outline of flare diameter (in red); (b). Representative image of high shear
injector showing plane of measurement. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

4. Global observations As mentioned earlier, the geometric swirl number defined in Eq. (2)
holds true only for swirler (i.e. without flare addition at the swirler
In this section, the spatial evolution of the flow field perceived as a exit). Hence, the swirl number calculated based on the velocities ac-
function of various geometrical parameters are discussed in greater quired from the experiments are used. Here, SN10 represents the swirl
details. The characteristic length scale which embodies the width of the number calculated at ~ 10 mm downstream of swirler longitudinal axis
recirculation zone (W / Df ) is used as a parameter to characterize the (i.e. y ~ 10 mm). Here, the axial (Uy ) and tangential (U ) velocities are
flow structures. The time averaged spatial structures observed across evaluated from PDI measurements. The discussions on variations en-
different test cases are illustrated in Fig. 7a. In addition, the length countered in the SN10 across various test cases has been extensively
scales along with flow parameters pertaining to all the test cases are elaborated in Fig. S1 (supplementary material). In most of the swirl
shown in Table 3. flow literature, geometrical swirl number (Eq. (2)) is widely used. Only

K. Rajamanickam, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 109 (2019) 109872

Table 3
Experimental test cases.
Test cases Configuration (SN10) (Rem . area )P [x10^5] (Rem . area )S [x10^5] MR

W / Df L/ Df

1 BASE 1.177 0.889 2.400 0.327 0.378 28783.85

2 CR, γ = 50:50 0.754 0.850 1.778 0.361 0.355 28829.25
3 CR, γ = 60:40 0.640 0.800 1.267 0.392 0.322 28827.99
4 CR, Δ = 0.147 0.908 0.889 2.667 0.374 0.452 38378.46
5 CR, Δ = 0.259 0.966 0.733 1.889 0.280 0.310 21587.89
6 CR, SNsec = 0.79 1.041 0.800 1.956 0.327 0.393 28793.73
7 CR, SNsec = 1.75 0.895 0.889 2.178 0.327 0.357 28781.2
8 CR, Θ = 45°, η = 5 1.047 0.833 2.222 0.327 0.378 28783.85
9 CR, Θ = 45°, η = 0 1.076 0.956 2.356 0.327 0.378 28783.85
10 CR, Θ = 50°, η = 0 1.189 1.122 2.556 0.327 0.378 28783.85
11 COR, Θ = 45°, η = 5 1.310 1.078 – 0.327 0.378 28783.85
12 COR, Θ = 50°, η = 5 1.391 1.267 – 0.327 0.378 28783.85
13 COR, Θ = 45°, η = 0 1.322 1.111 – 0.327 0.378 28783.85
14 COR, Θ = 50°, η = 0 1.636 1.422 – 0.327 0.378 28783.85

a few researchers have used momentum based swirl number which is secondary swirler plays a dominant role in governing the flow field in
calculated from the measured values of Uy and U from experiments. addition to the swirl number. To precisely probe the individual char-
This will be more accurate if all the velocity components are measured acteristics of each swirler, experiments have been conducted with only
in a simultaneous fashion and not averaged over the plane. However, primary and secondary swirler for BASE case. The time-averaged axial
with planar, spatially averaged data, sometimes one may not observe velocity contours of the same is illustrated in Fig. 8a and b. For the
any variations in the swirl number. This may lead to the conclusion that primary swirler, an increase in axial velocity (Uy ) is clearly witnessed.
the flow topology remains the same. To avoid this, in this study we have This is compensated by reduction in recirculation length scale (W / Df ) .
used Uy and U (acquired in same temporal space) at a spatial location For the given test case, any phenomenon which induces an increase in
corresponding to the near field of the swirler (i.e. not planar averaged). axial velocity will always result in deterioration of the width of the
Hence, it is believed that SN10 become an appropriate parameter to recirculation zone. In other words, the secondary swirler Reynolds
represent the flow field. number (Re)S should be sufficiently large to retain the width of the
It is well known that, in swirling flows, higher swirl number always recirculation zone.
yields wider recirculation zone (W / Df ) . However, this may be valid for As mentioned earlier, in Table 3, test cases 2 to 7 pertain to the
the single swirler configuration, however, in multi swirler configura- variations in (Re)P , (Re)S ; we shall now investigate how Reynolds
tion, the spatial interaction of flows discharged from various swirlers number influences the flow structure. To correlate the combined effect
governs the flow topology. of swirl number and Reynolds number, a parameter, ' ' which embodies
The results shown in Fig. 7 b also shows increasing trend of W / Df the ratio between these two quantities has been used.
with respect to SN10. Though this may be true in a global sense, how-
(SNgeo )P (Re)P
ever, for some of the cases decrease in (W / Df ) is noticed even with the
increase in the SN10. To be more precise, in Fig. 7b, Zone A shows non- (SNgeo)S (Re)S (13)
linear relationship with SN10 while zone B shows relatively linear re-
Throughout the study, the geometric swirl number of the primary
lationship. It is necessary to identify the parameters which govern this
swirler (SNgeo )pri is kept constant; hence, the parameters
non-monotonic behaviour.
(Re)P , (Re)S , (SNgeo)sec are the only variables in Eq. (13). It is very im-
Here, we have shown that how the Reynolds number of primary and
portnat to note that, the parameter ' ' remains constant for cases 8 to 14,

Fig. 6. Illustration of optical arrangements involved in 3D PDI system.

K. Rajamanickam, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 109 (2019) 109872

Fig. 7. (a). Illustration of global variation of recirculation zone width W / Df across different test cases; b. variation of W / Df with near field swirl number [Zone A – Test
cases 2 to 7; Zone B – Test cases 8 to 14 as per Table 3].

in other words doesn’t have any influnce over W / Df in these cases. either (Re)P or decrease in (Re)s causes reduction in W/Df. Inline with the
For the improved clarity, the geometrical parameters in test cases 2 aforementioned argument, the increase in axial momentum due to
to 7 are tabulated in a detailed manner in Table 4. The degree of var- higher flow being discharged through primary swirler restricts the
iations in (W/Df) across all the test cases is compared with respect to the spatial growth of W/Df.
BASE case (i.e. test case 1). From Eq. (13) it is obvious that increase in As mentioned earlier, the geometrical parameters varied in this

K. Rajamanickam, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 109 (2019) 109872

Fig. 8. a and b Illustration of topological and velocity magnitude variations in primary and secondary swirler flows.

study includes split ratio (γ), the total inlet to outlet area(Δ) and sec- W / Df f ( corrected ) (15)
ondary swirl number. Among these, parameter ‘Δ’ yields drastic var-
iation in combined primary and secondary swirler Reynolds number
(Rem . area )total (see cases 4, 5 in Table 4). For the other test cases 2 to 7 1
W / Df f
(except 4, 5), though (Re)P , (Re)S are altered, the total bulk Reynolds
number of combined primary and secondary swirler remains unaltered.
(/ ¯
a (Um . a .)total (Dh )total
µa ) (16)
Accordingly, increase and decrease in (Rem . area )total is witnessed for The parameter being represented in reciprocal manner in Eq. (14)
cases 4, 5 respectively. On account of this, cases 5 experiences decay in is just for graphical convention (i.e. to illustrate increase in W/Df trend
the velocity magnitude at swirler exit. It should be noted that, all these as shown in zone A of Fig. 7a).
flow field results have been obtained in the presence of spray, i.e. Next, for the test cases 8 to 14, the parameters
coaxial flow/atomizer configuration. In coaxial atomizer, it is well (Re)P ; (Re )s ; (Rem . area)total are kept constant (i.e. = constant; see
known that decay in gas phase momentum results in deterioration of Table 3), however, we have investigated the flow orientation (i.e. co/
swirl strength and generally this phenomenon is governed by a para- counter), effect of flare configuration and angle. Since all the geome-
meter called momentum ratio (MR). Experimental investigation carried trical parameters are kept constant for cases 8 to 14, the correlation
out by [29] illustrates the decay of swirl structure in coaxial flows shown in Eqs. (14) and (15) turn out to be only functions of swirl
across various swirl levels (i.e. MR). Furthermore, beyond certain number at the exit (SN10) i.e. corrected SN10
threshold of MR values, flow doesn’t exhibit any changes in its topo-
logical structure. This can be better understood from the plot shown in W /Df f {SN10} (17)
Fig. 9a; here, an attempt is made to evaluate the dependency of W/Df First, for the same flare, while the flow switches to counter rotation
with respect to (Rem . area)total . Compared to the BASE case, the variation from co -rotation, reduction in W/Df is observed (for e.g. case 8, 11 in
is more pronounced with case 5; while case 4 exhibits close resem- Table 3). The quantitative reason behind this can be understood from
blance to the BASE case. This may be due to the decrease in MR with the flow field acquired from azimuthal plane at the near field of the
case 5 (see Table 3). Hence, the relation shown in eqn.13 is valid, only swirler. As illustrated in Fig. 10a–c, decay in tangential velocity (U )
if, (Re)P , (Re)S is changed without altering the (Rem . area)total . magnitude is noticed for counter rotation case (Fig. 10b). This is clearly
Hence, the parameter ' ' should be corrected with (Rem . area)total ; witnessed with the tangential velocity U plotted against radius of the
based on this Eq. (13) can be rewritten as follows swirler (Fig. 10c). In particular, sharp decay is observed at the inner
shear layer region. Hence, the spatial decay of U becomes the gov-
corrected 1/ erning parameter in the reduction of W/Df with counter rotation. Next,
(Rem . area)total (14)
for the given flow orientation (either co/counter rotation), increase in
Furthermore, the correlation between the recirculation zone width flare angle shows monotonic increase in W/Df. This phenomenon also
W/Df and geometrical parameters can be written as follows attributed as a function of increase in U induced by flare angle ( ) . In

Table 4
Variations in flow parameters as function of geometrical variables.
Test cases Configuration Swirl Number (SN10) (SNgeo)sec (SNgeo)Pri (Rem . area )P [x105] (Rem . area )S [x105] (Rem . area )total [x105]

1 BASE 1.177 1.14 0.75 0.327 0.378 0.356

2 CR, γ = 50:50 0.754 1.14 0.75 0.361 0.355 0.358
3 CR, γ = 60:40 0.640 1.14 0.75 0.392 0.322 0.361
4 CR, Δ = 0.147 0.908 1.14 0.75 0.374 0.452 0.417
5 CR, Δ = 0.259 0.966 1.14 0.75 0.280 0.310 0.297
6 CR, SNsec = 0.79 1.041 0.79 0.75 0.327 0.393 0.364
7 CR, SNsec = 1.75 0.895 1.75 0.75 0.327 0.357 0.344

K. Rajamanickam, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 109 (2019) 109872

Fig. 9. Influence of various design parameters over W / Df [Dashed line is illustrating the trend not based on best fit] (a). W / Df Vs (Rem . area)total ; (b). Variation of W / Df
in Zone A after correction; c. Variation of W / Df in Zone B.

addition, radial expansion in the flow field as a manifestation of U is with the help of calculated void area ( ) . The calculated void area is
also clearly witnessed in Fig. 10d and e. plotted against W/Df and SN10 (Fig. 11b andc). It is found that, the near
Unlike, test cases 1 to 7, here, it is found that the swirl number field swirl number (SN10) plays major role in comparison to W/Df. For
calculated at near field (SN10) is the only parameter which governs the instance, central void zone is witnessed for case 1, 4 and not for case 7,
topology of the final flow field. This is the reason why, for test cases 8 to though all possess same W/Df values of ~ 0.89. This is due to the fact
14, monotonic increase in W/Df is observed with increase in SN10. (see that SN10 value is lower for case 7, as compared to cases 1, 4. The plot
Zone B in Fig. 7b). It is perceived that, W/Df in zone A, shows linear shown in Fig. 11b clearly indicates formation of void zone beyond SN10
relationship, only after considering all the geometrical parameters values of ≥ 1.05. Hence, SN10 ≥ 1.05 is considered as critical value
(Re)P ; (Re )s ; (Rem . area)total in the correlation. This can be better under- which leads to void formation in the central zone. However, an outlier
stood from the trend shown in Fig. 7b (Zone A) and Fig. 9b. For in- is observed with case 4, even though its SN10 is lower than critical
stance, non-monotonic behaviour observed with Zone A in Fig. 7b value. As mentioned earlier, for case 4, 5, the changes incurred with
shows linear trend in Fig. 9b, this is due to the fact that all geometrical total Reynolds number across the swirlers results in alteration of mo-
parameters have been considered. mentum ratio. This can be more quantitively understood from the near
In another words, field velocity distribution.
The spatial distribution of droplets in the swirl flows is governed by
• For Zone A f (SN , (Re )P , (Re )S , (Rem . area )total) balance between the centrifugal and radial force (Eq. (18) and (19))
• For Zone B
c f (SN ) ; where, (Re)P ,(Re)S , (Rem . area )total) = constant acting on the droplets. Here, centrifugal force (FC ) always favours the
dispersion of droplets towards the periphery and radial force (FR ) does
the opposite. Essentially, the condition FC FR forces a higher number
5. Spray patternation
of droplets in the periphery region.
In this section, we shall now look into the circumferential dis- do3 (U 2 )d
tribution of spray acquired at a particular axial plane. The volumetric FC
6R (18)
distribution of the spray across the circumferential plane is illustrated
with the help of contour plot. Two parameters namely, magnitude of CD do3 (UR2 )d
void fraction ' ' (zero volume zone; e.g. see case 14 in Fig. 11a and FR
spatial uniformity index ( ) is considered here. The main idea is to
understand the correlation between W/Df and , . It should be noted For brevity, the near field velocity distribution pertaining to only
that, all the volume distribution contours shown in Fig. 11a, pertains to five cases are shown in Fig. 12. Once again, all the cases are compared
data collected at ~ 50 mm downstream of swirl cup exit. We have ob- with BASE condition (i.e. 1 in Fig. 12). As mentioned earlier, the total
served slight variation (not shown here) in the magnitude of with Reynolds number (Rem . area )total is increased/decreased for case 4, 5
respect to the measurement locations. respectively. It is argued that, in coaxial atomization, decrease in gas
The normalized volume distribution across the circumferential phase Reynolds number results in sharp decay of velocity. From Fig. 12,
plane for various test cases are illustrated in Fig. 11a. It is observed that it is evident that, in comparison to case 1, case 5 decay in tangential
for some of the test cases, presence of void (zero volume) is noticed (e.g. velocity (U ) is observed. However, slight increase in U is noticed for
see case 14 in Fig. 11a). The variations incurred in circumferential case 4. The increase in U associated with case 5 is the major reason for
spray distribution across the test cases are quantitatively represented the presence of void and vice versa for case 4. Similarly, though case 7

K. Rajamanickam, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 109 (2019) 109872

Fig. 10. Spatial distribution of azimuthal velocity. (a). counter rotation; (b). co rotation; (c). velocity magnitude plot [ISL, OSL – inner, outer shear layer]; (d and e).
Illustration of radial flow spread as function of flare angle.

exhibits wider recirculation zone (W / Df 0.889) , the decay in U (see 7 From Fig. 11b and c, it is clear that void area ( ) exhibits linear
in Fig. 12) restricts the formation of central void region (see 7 in relationship with W/Df Furthermore, it is important to note that, unlike
Fig. 11a). the observations made in Section 4, shows monotonic behaviour
In the test cases 8 to 14, the variations are only with respect to flow across all the regions I, II, III.
orientation (i.e. Co/counter clockwise) and flare angle. Here, as illu- Based on the observation perceived from above discussions, the test
strated in Fig. 7b and Table 3, W/Df shows monotonic response to the cases can be globally categorized into three flow regimes as illustrated
SN10; the same is reflected in the calculated void area as well in Fig. 11b and c. Here, the swirl number SN10 1 is considered as
(Fig. 11a–c). Furthermore, step increase in U values in comparison to critical swirl number SC . The choice of SN10 1 as critical value is ar-
BASE (i.e. case 1) is also noticed. For brevity, only the values pertaining rived based on the trend observed with with respect to SN10 . In
to case 14 is illustrated in Fig. 12; here, an increase of ~ 15 m/s is common practise, the flow condition at which swirl flow exhibits ax-
observed. As per Eq. (18), sharp rise in U induces higher centrifugal isymmetric bubble breakdown is considered as critical swirl number
force over the droplets, which essentially results in the formation of a [3]. However, in our case, we have categorized the flow topologies
void in the central region. In summary, W / Df 0.9 and SN10 1 are based on the magnitude of .
considered as the critical values.

0 < W / Df < 0.9; 0 < SN10 < 1 =0 6. Droplet size distribution

W / Df 0.9; SN10 1 >0 In this section, the droplet size distribution acquired across various
spatial locations with the help of 3D PDI will be discussed. The

K. Rajamanickam, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 109 (2019) 109872

Fig. 11. (a). Contours of volume distribution in circumferential plane observed at y ~ 50 mm; (b and c) – variations in size scale of central void zone.

measurement locations are illustrated in Fig. 13; the automated traverse outwards. Here we also observed a similar trend across all the test
system is utilized to ensure the precision in the spatial movement of the cases.
probe position. For each axial location, radial measurements are carried Surprisingly, substantial variation in droplet size is not witnessed
out with an interval of ~ 10 mm. It should be noted that, final radial with respect to the test cases. In particular, at the centreline location,
position is decided based on the acquired droplet counts. For instance, the size scale of the droplets always lies in the range of ~ 10–15 µm
the outer boundary of spray in the cases with smallerW /Df is at a across all the test cases (Fig. 14a and b). Although some variations in
shorter lengthscale. Hence, for some cases, the spray edge will be at droplet size are noticed among the test cases at the spray edge for
R ~ 50 mm, while others have a spray edge extending upto y ~ 10 mm (Fig. 14a), the variations are diminished along the axis (see
R ~ 60–70 mm. y ~ 50 mm; Fig. 14b).
In general, spray injected into highly turbulent swirl jet always In order to check the variations in the droplet size, single re-
exhibit smaller size droplets in the centreline (R ~ 0 mm) followed by presentative size (average of SMD acquired at all probe locations, Davg )
bigger droplets in the periphery region (R ~ spray edge). This is due to is calculated for each test case. The calculated average diameter across
the fact that bigger sized droplets are always centrifuged radially all the test cases lies in the range of ~30–35 µm (Fig. 14c).

K. Rajamanickam, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 109 (2019) 109872

Fig. 12. Schematic illustration of radial and azimuthal velocity distribution across radial plane.

(SMD )R = 0, y = 10 + (SMD)R = 60, y = 50


where n- total no. of measurement location.

U¯ exit
Uy2 + UR2 + U 2

Here Uy, UR, U represents axial, radial, tangential components of ve-

locity obtained from PDI.

6.1. Secondary atomization

Fig. 13. PDI measurement locations.
In general spray formation process in any atomizer is broadly di-
It is believed that, in coaxial atomizers, higher shear (i.e. case which vided into two stages, primary and secondary atomization. Here ma-
exhibits higher air flow velocity) rate yields lesser droplet size. jority of primary atomization process takes place inside the atomizer. In
However, more quantitively it is governed by the important parameter other words, only secondary atomization takes place at the flare exit.
named ‘weber number’ (Eq. (20)) which defines the ratio between As per Eq. (20), in secondary atomization zone, the droplet will
aerodynamic shear and surface tension force. undergo deformation and subsequent breakup only when We ¯ >1
[11,14]. However, at the flare exit, the calculated weber number based
a Uexit Davg
on Davg and Uexit is found to be 0 < We ¯ 1 (see Fig. 15). Hence, the
(20) extremely low We ¯ values do not allow any scope for subsequent sec-
ondary atomization, which essentially resulted in similar Davg values for
Here Davg represents averaged SMD across all the measurement location all the test cases.
shown in Fig. 13. Strictly speaking, the variations incurred with the length scale W/Df

K. Rajamanickam, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 109 (2019) 109872

Fig. 14. (a and b) - Illustration of variations in droplet size across various spatial locations; (c) – variations in averaged droplet size as function of SN10.

7. Summary and conclusions

The main idea of this study is to meticulously assess the sensitivity

of the swirl cup with respect to various geometrical parameters. The
criteria on which the characteristics of the atomizer are graded become
very important. Most of the past studies reported either flow field data
or only droplet size distribution or spatial volumetric distribution. For
instance, [10] reported the changes in the air flow field topology in the
similar swirler geometry as function of flare expansion angle, however,
the detailed spray characteristics are not reported. Hadef and Lenze
[15] investigated the effect of flow orientation (i.e. co/counter rotation)
in spatial distribution of droplets using PDI technique. But the flow field
information is not reported.
However, as seen above, if atomization (in particular primary) oc-
Fig. 15. Variation of Weber number (We) and ohnesorge number (Oh) across
curred inside the swirl cup, it is difficult to quantify the swirl cup
various test cases.
performance with respect to the droplet size. It is well known that, in
addition to the droplet size, flow topology and circumferential dis-
do induce changes in droplet size in localized zones in the spatial do- tribution of droplets also become critical parameters in swirl cup de-
main. For instance, the case which falls under Zone A, where W/Df is sign. Hence, in this study we have made an attempt to delineate how
very small, the probability of droplet collision and coalescence is more. the flow topology, spray patternation, droplet size influences each other
Essentially droplet coalescence results in an increase of droplet size in as function of swirler design. The typical approach followed is illu-
that localized region. It is very difficult to interpret this phenomenon strated in Fig. 16a. In this study, more specifically, we have char-
from PDI data; however, this can be more quantitatively visualized with acterized the flow field in the presence of spray. Most of the previous
the help of high-resolution local imaging using long distance micro- studies shown injector flow field in the absence of spray, however, it is
scope (LDM). highly important to evaluate the hydrodynamic flow topology in the
In addition, the local strength of eddies in the flow field also governs presence of spray. This enabled us to identify the optimal air and liquid
the spatial size distribution [1,28,30]. Similar to the observations made flow rate at which the swirl flow structure can be retained.
with the uniformity in spatial distribution of droplets, the measured In this study, parametrical variations have been considered under
droplet size also shows insensitivity towards the design parameters. two major categories, first, variations in the swirler geometry itself (γ,
However, it should be noted that the variation in size may occur with Δ, SNsec), second, downstream parameters like flare configuration and
respect to spatial location across the different cases. For example, the angles.
spray with W / Df < 0.9 may have higher droplet size at R ~ 50 mm; the As mentioned earlier, the idea of this paper is to establish the global
same has been observed at R ~ 60 mm for W / Df > 1 cases. relationship between flow topology, spray patternation and droplet
size. The width of the recirculation zone W/Df is considered as a swirl
cup response parameter. For a quantitative argument, the parameter
which relates ratio between the length scale of BASE with respect to

K. Rajamanickam, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 109 (2019) 109872

Fig. 16. (a). Illustration of typical injector assessment approach followed in this study; (b). Three-dimensional plot illustrates the key governing parameters across
various test cases; (b). Flow chart-based representation of key observations.

others are considered (Eq. (21)). In other words, the parameter ' ' can the geometrical variables (test cases 8 to 14 in Fig. 16b).
be referred as sensitivity/response variable. An attempt has been made identify the functional relationship be-
tween W / Df and swirler geometrical parameters. The key governing
W / Df
functional relationships are illustrated in the form of flow chart in
(W / Df )BASE (21) Fig. 16c. It is clear that, for cases 8 to 14, the length scale W / Df exhibits
linear relationship with SN10. Whereas, for cases in which swirler
Fig. 16b illustrates the variation of swirl cup sensitivity ( ) plotted geometrical parameters are varied (i.e. cases 1 to 7), in addition to
against the experimental variables. It is clear that the length scale W / Df SN10, the flow parameters also govern the topology of the flow field (i.e.
much more sensitive to a change in flare angle, flow orientation than

K. Rajamanickam, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 109 (2019) 109872

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