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Issue Legalizing Marijuana

Problem statement: Some politicians and public supports the legalization of
marijuana because of its big to contribution to the economy
and is use for medical uses.
Possible solutions: One of the best solution on not legalizing marijuanas is
teaching minors about the consequences of marijuana. It can
have a profound effect like early consumption of marijuana
takes to a lifelong addiction.

Evidence to support the solution: There is no proof that marijuana causes health problem that
can lead to death or sexual program but like alcohol, it is not
recommended for children or teenager to use. This is simply
because children and teenagers are in process of growing up
and it would not be a good idea to smoke anything like
Specific steps that needs to be done to achieve the Parents guidance must take place.
solution Teens and minors has the higher level of curiosity
Teens and minors are usually the innocent ones that if they
were told to take marijuana, they would possibly do it.

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