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Pre-Service Teacher’s Name Stefano Albert

Year 11 Date 23/11/2020 Time 60 mins

Key Learning Area(s) Business studies

Learning Purpose - brief and explicit description of the purpose of the lesson and the outcomes expected
The purpose of this lesson is to get students to understand the difference regarding the
characteristics of the business life cycle stages, challenges faced in different stages of the
business lifecycle, contemporary business outlined in relation to business life cycle.
Students will have the opportunities to engage in group activities and share their ideas
with reference to the topic at hand.

Links with previous learning and links to other KLAs

This lesson links directly with the previous topics of the nature of business. The topic
will help students bring their own background knowledge from previous lessons and
help further incorporate the concept at hand.

Syllabus outcome/objectives(s) Indicators / Content (List up to 3)

Pre 2012 Post 2012 NESA
P1 discusses the nature of business, its role in Business growth and decline
society and types of business structure
 2 Types of Cessation
P2 explains the internal and external
influences on businesses o Voluntary cessation
o Involuntary cessation
P6 analyses the responsibilities of business to  Different methods available for a
internal and external stakeholders business to cease trading
o Bankruptcy
P7 plans and conducts investigations into
o Voluntary administration
contemporary business issues
o Liquidation
P8 evaluates information for actual and
hypothetical business situations

Cross-curricula priorities
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Sustainability  
Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia   Difference and diversity 
Civics and citizenship  Work and enterprise
General capabilities
Critical and creative Intercultural understanding Numeracy
Ethical understanding Personal and social Literacy
Information and communication technology capability
Quality Teaching elements
Intellectual Quality Quality learning Significance
Deep knowledge Explicit quality criteria Background knowledge
Deep understanding Engagement Cultural knowledge
Problematic knowledge High expectations Knowledge integration
Higher order thinking Social support Inclusivity
Metalanguage Students’ self-regulation Connectedness
Substantive communication Student direction Narrative
Sequence of Teaching/Learning experiences Teaching strategies Assessment Time Resources

BEFORE CLASS: PowerPoint Slides,

Worksheet, Class
 Organization of classroom to ensure projector and computer is
completely functional
 Ensure PowerPoint slides to be ready
 Print off additional Worksheet and Class activities to be
handed out to each student
 Provide feedback and evaluation on students’ worksheet
submitted through Google Classroom and the list of students’
personal goals regarding last lesson

 Class settles in with textbook (Business studies in action 4 th
edition), (4.2 Business life cycle – stages and responding to
 Administration to ensure roll is checked and to provide any
important announcements

SLIDE 1 & 2 Whole Class, Direct Informative Assessment 2 mins PowerPoint Slides
 Teacher introduces the topic of the day “Business growth and Instruction - Ensure students
decline” with the focus on the voluntary and involuntary understand the
cessation outline and
 Teacher outlines the proposed “Learning Outcomes” from the instructions of today’s
“Business Studies stage 6 syllabus (2010)” lesson
 Teacher to distribute the worksheet and provide instruction to
students to fill the worksheet that will be used as their personal

SLIDE 3 Whole Class, Direct Informative Assessment 5 mins PowerPoint Slides

 Teacher to provide a quick review on the PEEL structure as it Instruction
will be crucial for the upcoming business report assessment
 Teacher to clarify the expectation for what is expected when
writing an extended response for business studies.
 Teacher to explain the basics of essay writing:
o -Introduction: outline the main points and the case
o Body: Use of PEEL structure where example is the
use of a relevant case study.
o Conclusion: Summary of argument

SLIDE 4 Direct instruction, short essay, Formative Assessment 5 mins Whiteboard,

CLASS ACTIVITY – SHORT ESSAY Low order Question - To assess student’s PowerPoint Slides,
 TASK: understanding from
o Identify the 4 stages in business life cycle along with previous lesson as it
the challenges is still connected
o Write as many words as you can in 5 minutes with this - Low order question
learning task Literacy skills
- To assess student’s
 Expected answers: report writing skills
o Refer to worksheet
 During the activity, Teacher will walk around the class to
ensure each student stays on task and answer any content
related questions
 Teacher to collect all the essay written by the student to be
assessed and given feedback through google classroom

SLIDE 5 Direct Instruction Informative assessment 5 mins PowerPoint Slides,

 Teacher to define “Cessation” Textbook pp.164,
 Q: “What is Cessation?” Worksheet
 A:
o Cessation refers to the closure of a business
 Teacher to explain that Cessation’ is not a word you hear
every day
 Teacher to provide a list of words that have a similar meaning
to cessation
 Teacher to explain that there are 2 types of cessation
o Voluntary cessation
o Involuntary cessation
 Teacher to put stronger tone when speaking the underlined
words to emphasis its importance
 Teacher to instruct students to fill the definition on their
Direct Instruction Informative Assessment, 3 mins Whiteboard,
SLIDE 6 - Clearly explaining PowerPoint Slide,
 Teacher to explain about voluntary cessation topic Worksheet
o Happened when the owner of a business decides to - Engaging use of
end the operation of a business by his or her own free Worksheet
will, it is called voluntary cessation
 Teacher to outline the 3 possible reason behind voluntary
o Considering retirement
o Change of lifestyle
o Death (in case of sole trader)
 Teacher to explain that voluntary cessation is rarely a problem
because the cessation is planned, and all the stakeholder
interests are considered.

 Teacher to put stronger tone when speaking the underlined

words to emphasis its importance
 Teacher to instruct students to fill the explanation on their

SLIDE 7 Direct Instruction

 Teacher to explain about involuntary cessation - Clearly explaining Informative Assessment 3 mins Whiteboard,
o The opposite of voluntary cessation topic PowerPoint Slide,
o Involuntary cessation occurs when the closure of the - Engaging use of Worksheet
business is forced on the owner Worksheet
 Teacher to outline the most common reason behind in
voluntary cessation:
o The inability of the business/company to repay its debt

 Teacher to put stronger tone when speaking the underlined

words to emphasis its importance
 Teacher to instruct students to fill the explanation on their

SLIDE 8 Direct Instruction

 Teacher to explain about the different methods available for a - Clearly explaining Informative Assessment, 3 mins Whiteboard,
business to cease trading topic PowerPoint Slide,
o Bankruptcy - Engaging use of Worksheet
 Bankruptcy is declared when a sole trader or Worksheet
business partnership is unable to repay the
financial obligations (debt) of the business.
 Bankruptcy can be either voluntary or
involuntary, with either the business owner or
a creditor applying to a court for a bankruptcy
order to be made
 Teacher to put stronger tone when speaking the underlined
words to emphasis its importance
 Teacher to instruct students to fill the explanation on their

SLIDE 9 Direct Instruction

- Clearly explaining Informative Assessment, 3 mins Whiteboard,
 Teacher to explain about the different methods available for a
topic PowerPoint Slide,
business to cease trading
- Engaging use of Worksheet
o Voluntary administration
 When a company is experiencing financial
difficulties, it can be placed in voluntary
 Happened when an independent administrator
is appointed to operate the business in the
hope of solving the present financial problems
 The administrator’s main tasks are to bring the
business and its creditors together, and
examine the financial problems of the
 If successful, the business may resume
normal trading. If unsuccessful, the business
goes into liquidation

 Teacher to put stronger tone when speaking the underlined

words to emphasis its importance
 Teacher to instruct students to fill the explanation on their

SLIDE 10 Direct Instruction

 Teacher to explain about the different methods available for a - Clearly explaining Informative Assessment, 3 mins Whiteboard,
business to cease trading topic PowerPoint Slide,
o Liquidation - Engaging use of Worksheet
 If a company is in financial difficulty, its Worksheet
shareholders, creditors, or the court can put
the company into liquidation
 Happened when an independent and suitably
qualified person (the liquidator) is appointed to
take control of the business with the intention
of selling all the company’s assets in a fair
way to pay the creditors
 Teacher to outline the main features of liquidation:
o Can be regarded as the equivalent of bankruptcy for a
o Results in the life of a company coming to an end
o Normally occurs because the company is unable to
pay its debts as and when they fall due (insolvent)

 Teacher to put stronger tone when speaking the underlined

words to emphasis its importance
 Teacher to instruct students to fill the explanation on their

Direct Instruction, Individual

SLIDE 11 Questions, higher order Formative Assessment 15 mins PowerPoint Slides,
 CLASS ACTIVITY: CASE STUDY QUESTIONS thinking - Test students Worksheet
o Teacher to present students with case study in their - Case study to draw understanding of topic
worksheets and on PowerPoint slide. upon knowledge with - Questioning, open
o Students will be instructed to read the case study and higher order thinking based
answer various ranges of questions question - Thinking strategy
o This is a group of 2 work
o Questions:
 1. Construct the life cycle of Krispy Kreme
 2. Focus on the post-maturity stage. Construct
a list on how KKA could ‘reinvent’ itself as a
profitable business?
o Expected answers:
 Refer to worksheet
 During the activity, Teacher will walk around the class to
ensure each student stays on task and answer any content
related questions
 Teacher to select 4 random students to share their answers
 Teacher to provide engaging feedback to the answer such as:
Excellent / Nice / Brilliant / Good responses
 Teacher to correct or justify the answers if necessary

Whole class discussion

SLIDE 12 (Targeted Questioning), Informative Assessment, 10 mins PowerPoint Slides,
 Teacher to summarize this lesson and do some review on Direct Instruction, connect Formative assessment Worksheet
lesson 1, 2 and 3 to refresh student’s memory of the topic extend challenge - To assess student’s
 Teacher to summarize the unit of work with a teaching strategy overall understanding
“Connect, extend and challenge”. Providing question regarding - Clearly summarizing
topic to students. topic
 Question 1: ““Identify” one of the strategies that can be utilized
to solve slow business growth during maturity stage”
 Expected Answer:
o Focus on diversifying new products, and value of the

 Question 2:” “Explain” the strategies that can be utilized to

solve outdated product issues during post maturity stage
 Expected Answer:
o Hire new qualified manager with innovative idea and
focus the renewal on a possible new product

 Question 3:” Identify the stage of business life cycle where the
business’ sales and market share are increasing”
 Expected Answer:
o Growth stage

 Question 4:” Identify the 3 possible stage of business life cycle

after the post maturity stage”
 Expected Answer:
o Renewal, steady and decline stage

 Question 5:” Explain the difference between voluntary and

involuntary cessation”
 Expected Answer:
o Voluntary cessation means the business is closed
down by the owner willingly without any force from
other parties while involuntary cessation means that
the business could close down as a result of force
from other parties such as the court or creditors

 Teacher to randomly select multiple students to provide

 Teacher to provide engaging feedback to the answer such as:
Excellent / Nice / Brilliant / Good responses
 Teacher to correct or justify the answers if necessary, as a

SLIDE 13 PowerPoint Slides,
 Teacher to ask if any of the students have questions regarding 2 mins Google Classroom
today’s lesson Direct Instruction
 Teacher to inform students that the slides will be available
through Google Classroom
 Teacher to instruct all the students to email their filled Informative Assessment
worksheet and notes from the case study activity through
Google Classroom to be checked
 Teacher to instruct all the students to also email their list of
personal goals that they would like to achieve
 Teacher to provide a brief outline of next lesson’s topic from
the “Business studies stage 6 syllabus (2010)”
 Teacher to thank all the students for the attentions and
participations on today’s class and finally dismiss the class
Links with further learning
This links with previous topics learnt in the nature of business as well as a good lead onto the
topic of business management. Direct links to the business life cycle and the next stages of the
concept at hand.

Reflection after Teaching

Student learning (give examples of how you know that students have learned the skills and
understandings taught, and identify areas that still need addressing)

Teaching skills and strategies (Critical evaluation/ reflection of two or three key aspects of your

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