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PROFESORA. Gabriela Borrego

To Be - Past Tense

A) Fill in the gap with the correct form of To Be (Completa con el pasado
del verbo to be )

Ej, 1. Why ______were____ you so ill yesterday?

Ej. 2. ___Was_______ Steve at the library last Friday?
3. We __________ n’t in Spain last year, we were in France.
4. Unfortunately she __________ n’t offered the job.
5. I __________ a good worker but he fired me anyway.
6. They __________ busy all day.
7. It __________ a very difficult situation.
8. Yesterday it __________ very cold. I hope it will be warmer today.
9. My brother __________ a teacher for 20 years.
10. They __________ really unkind to me, but I __________ n’t any better back.
B) Create a sentence using the words below using the correct form of To
Be. Sometimes the verb needs to appear twice and in different tenses.
(ordena las palabras usando la correcta forma del verbo to be)

1. he / fat / but / year / thin / now / last

Ej. He was fat last year but now he is thin

2. meeting / I / to / the / late

3. lucky / friend / very / my


4. 21st/ the / yesterday / the / today / 22nd

5. cold / rainy / sunny / hot / It / It / and / and / not

6. policeman / firefighter / Bert / not / a / a


C) Answer the following questions using the past form of To Be

(responde las preguntas con la forma correcta del verbo TO BE)

1. Where were you last weekend?

Ej. I was at home.

2. Who were you with last weekend?


3. Where was your mother yesterday?


4. Were you a good student at school?


5. How did Mike feel when he got the test results?


6. Why was the teacher angry?


D) Choose the correct form of "to be" in present tense or past tense.
Escribi la formo correcta del verbo TO BE. PRESENTE O PASADO)

My dog (be) is sick today. (present tense)
My dog (be) was sick last night. (past tense)

1) The clouds moved away, and the sun shone through. The sky was full of pretty colors.
It (be) ________ beautiful.

2) Arturo and Ryo (be) ________ at the party last night.

3) (be) ________ Taylor going to the pool later?

4) The old house (be) ________ built in 1967.

5) Christ opher, where (be) ________ you last night? I (be) ________ looking all over
for you.

6) Yesterday (be) ________ the best day of my life!

7) I (be) ________ ready to go. When (be) ________ we leaving?

8) Who (be) ________ at the pool yesterday?

9) I (be) ________ very tired. I (be) ________ tired yesterday too. I think I (be)
________ getting sick.

10) I (be) ________ driving to the office this morning when I noticed that I was getting
low on gas. So, I stopped to get more. A kind man filled the tank for me. He (be)
________ very nice.
A) Complete the questions using was or were. Then, answer them.
Ej. _WERE__________ you there last night? Yes, __I WAS__.
1) ___________ the movie good? No, _________________.
2) ___________ you at school yesterday? Yes, _______________.
3) ___________ the doors closed? No, _________________.
4) ___________ it very windy? Yes, _______________.
5) ___________ the weather cold? No, _________________.
6) ___________ she angry with you? Yes, _______________.
7) ___________ Bill and Fred at the restaurant? No, _________________.
8) ___________ you thirsty after the walk? Yes, _______________.
10)___________ the umbrella in the car? No, _________________.

A) Fill in the gaps with the present simple or past simple of the verbs in

EJ. She __________WENT____________________ (go) to Australia in

1994 and she liked it very much.
2) My father usually ______________________________ (like) his steak
3) The dog ______________________________ (eat) its toy last night.
4) The policeman ______________________________ (talk) to the burglar
5) ______________________________ (you /have) a test last week?
6) I often see her mother but she never ______________________________
(speak) to me.
7) The gentleman ______________________________ (speak) to his servant 2
hours ago.
8) The kangaroo always ______________________________ (carry) its baby.
9) My friend ______________________________ (talk) a lot every day.
10) The man ______________________________ (drive) to the supermarket last
11) My brothers ______________________________ (leave) for England last week.
12) My sisters ______________________________ (leave) for England every year
in June.
13) I don't like that man because he often ______________________________
(laugh) at me.
14) Her sister never ______________________________ (smoke).
15) The cat usually ______________________________ (leave) its basket when it is

Past Simple – Regular verbs

A) Fill in the Simple Past form. (REEMPLAZA EL VERBO EN PASADO)

1. He learns English. (simple present)

EJ. He ___LEARNED___________ English. (simple past)
2. I like apples. (simple present)
I ______________ apples. (simple past)
3. They ask many questions. (simple present)
They ______________ many questions. (simple past)
4. We open the windows. (simple present)
We ______________ the windows. (simple past)
5. She talks to David. (simple present)
She ______________ to David. (simple past)

B) Fill in the Simple Past form. (COMPLETA LOS ESPACIOS CON PASADO
6. She _____LIVED_________ in Scotland. (to live)
7. They ______________ at the weekends. (to work)
8. John ______________ a flat in Edinburgh. (to rent)
9. Lisa ______________ her present. (to open)
10. Ben ______________ his bike. (to scratch)
11. Sue ______________ basketball. (to play)
12. Helen ______________ her new school. (to love)
13. The shops ______________ at nine o'clock in the evening. (to close)
14. Mother ______________ the turkey. (to cook)
15. Emily ______________ a cake (to bake)
16. First I ______________ TV, then I ______________ my friend. (to watch/to visit)

Simple Past Verbs with -y, double consonants (explicacion)

Regular verbs make their past tense by adding -d, -ed, or (if the verb ends in a
consonant + y), changing the y to i and adding -ed

hurry - hurried, cry - cried

Vowel and consonant at the end of a verb:

Double consonant and add -ed.
stop – stopped
plan – planned

A) Fill in the Simple Past. (Usa pasado simple respetando la regla


Example: John married Emily last year. (to marry)

1. She ___________ her suitcase to the bus. (to carry)

2. They ___________ in the park to play football. (to stop)
3. The children ___________ to the playground. (to hurry)
4. John ___________ to win a medal. (to try)
5. Peter ___________ his trip to France. (to plan)
6. The thieves ___________ the old lady. (to rob)
7. Grandma ___________ the cup. (to drop)
8. The family ___________ to Spain. (to travel)
9. The baby ___________ because he was hungry. (to cry)
10. She ___________ a bag. (to carry)
11. The pupil ___________ to find the answer. (to try)
12. Sarah ___________ enjoyed the new film. (to enjoy)
13. The team ___________ yesterday in London. (to play)
14. My uncle ___________ stayed in America. (to stay)
15. The car ___________ in front of the traffic lights. (to stop)
16. Ann ___________ her visit in Denmark. (to plan)
17. They ___________ to Paris. (to travel)
18. The boys ___________ to the city centre. (to hurry)

A) Make a Yes/No question in the simple past and answer the

question with a short answer. ( Hace la pregunta si/no. Y responde
con la forma corta
1. Ej, (you/have a good time) _Did you have a good time_?    Yes, __I did___
                                                                                No, _____________.
2. (they/like/it) ___________________________?    Yes, _____________.
                                                                                No, _____________.
3. (you/get up late) ________________________?    Yes, _____________.
                                                                                No, _____________.
4. (Walter/get a new car) ___________________?    Yes, _____________.
                                                                                No, _____________.
5. (it/rain) ______________________________?        Yes, ____________.
                                                                                No, _____________.
6. (your father/let you go) __________________?        Yes, ____________.
                                                                                No, _____________.
7. (you/pass the driver's test) ________________?    Yes, _____________.
                                                                                No, _____________.
8. (the plumber/come) _____________________?    Yes, _____________.
                                                                                No, _____________.



Algunos verbos tiene dos significados diferentes. HANG colgar en una pared o gancho a cierta altura . Las
formas pasadas son HUNG- HUNG

PERO también significar colgar a una persona para matarlo. Las formas pasadas son HANGED- HANGED

LIE. Tiene 2 significados. Poner alguien horizontalmente (yacer) generalmente en una cama, Pasado LAY.LAIN

PERO también significa mentir, en ese caso el pasado es LIED. LIED

READ. (LEER) AUN cuando se escriben las 3 formas igual se pronuncian diferente, (RID. RED. RED).
Past Tense: Irregular Verbs

A) Change the verbs in brackets into the past tense. Some are regular
and some are irregular. ( CAMBIA LOS VERBOS AL PASADO. Algunos son regulars
(agregan ED) otros irregulars (fijate en la lista de arriba).

Yesterday (to be) ____WAS___________ a busy day. I (wake) __WOKE ---- up at 6am,
(have) _______________breakfast quickly and then I (go) _______________to work. I (finish)
_______________at noon and then (eat) _______________some lunch. Afterwards I (drive)
_______________to the shops, (buy) _______________some paint and then (paint)
_______________my bedroom. My housemate (come) _______________home from work so I
(help) _______________him paint his room, then we (repair) _______________his chair as it
(wobble) _______________a lot. I (wish) _______________I hadn’t, as I hurt my hand! After
that I (clean) _______________my house. I (vacuum) _______________all the downstairs and
then (tidy) _______________up the living room and the kitchen. I was pretty tired by then so I
(eat) _______________ some dinner, (yawn) _______________, and (go) ___________to bed!

B) Change the verbs below into the past tense and put them into the correct place
in the sentences

Pay :: Ring :: Think :: Drink :: See :: Eat :: Go :: Take :: Leave :: Say

1. I ____THOUGHT_____________that he was fired.

2. My mum _________________me last night but I wasn’t at home to take her answer.
3. I _________________to the zoo with my son last weekend.
4. I _________________four cakes for lunch. I feel sick!
5. He _________________him to see the doctor because he had been ill for so long.
6. I _________________that new movie last night. It was great!
7. He _________________his son alone all day!
8. I _________________two bottle of grape juice last night. I don’t feel too well today.
9. They _________________it tasted horrible.
10. It was too expensive and we _________________too much for it.

Simple Past: Regular and Irregular Verbs

Put the verb in brackets in the correct simple past form. Note that some
of these verbs are REGULAR and some are IRREGULAR.

Emily Carr, British Columbia's most famous artist, ____________ (be) born in 1871. Her parents
____________ (die) when she was still a teenager. She ____________ (study) art in San
Francisco and Paris, but when she ____________ (come) back to Victoria, she ____________
(keep) a house called "The House of All Sorts", where she ____________ (be) the landlady. Many
years later, she ____________ (begin) painting again. To find subjects for her paintings, she
____________ (take) trips into the forests of British Columbia, and she often ____________
(meet) with the First Nations people and ____________ (paint) them too. Emily Carr also
____________ (write) several books, and she ____________ (win) the Governor General's
Award for one of them

C) Fill in all the gaps, with the right form of the verb in brackets.

William Shakespeare ___________ (be) born in Stratford-on-Avon on April 23,

1564. He ___________ (go) to the local Stratford Grammar School, where he
___________ (be) ___________ (teach) by Master Walter Roche. Lessons began
at six o'clock in the morning in the summer in order to make the most of daylight
His father ___________ (be) ___________ (call) John Shakespeare a Stratford
upon Avon glove-maker. He ___________ (send) William to the local grammar
school in 1571, but when William ___________ (be) only 14 years old his
fortunes fell so low that William ___________ (have) to leave school. Some
historians say he ___________ (work) in his father's shop.
At the age of 19 William ___________ (to marry) Anne Hathaway the daughter
of a rich farmer near Stratford. Three years later Shakespeare ___________ (go)
to London. How he ___________ (live) there we do not know.
In about 1587 he ___________ (become) a member of one of the few theatrical
companies which ___________ (exist) in those days. Around 1590 he
___________ (begin) to try his hand at writing plays. There ___________ (be)
no female actors in those days, all the female parts ___________ (be)
___________ (play) by boys. It is thought that he ___________ (write) his first
major play, Henry VI., Part One, in 1592.
His most famous play, Hamlet, ___________ (be) probably first seen in 1601 at
the Globe Theatre. Shakespeare ___________ (continue) to write about 2 plays
a year.
He ___________ (return) to Stratford in 1612, where he ___________ (live) the
life of a country gentleman. He ___________ (die) of a fever on his birthday in

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