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March 21,2011

From The Archives:

ObamaCare Remains Unpopular, Despite Democrats’ Out Of Touch
Claims Made A Year Ago


“Nearly Two-Thirds Of Americans Say The Health Care Overhaul Signed Into Law Last Week Costs
Too Much.” “Nearly two-thirds of Americans say the health care overhaul signed into law last week costs
too much and expands the government's role in health care too far, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds,
underscoring an uphill selling job ahead for President Obama and congressional Democrats.” (Susan Page, “Poll:
Americans Say Health Care Overhaul Will Increase Deficit, Hurt Quality of Medical Care,” USA Today, 3/30/10)

• With Most Predicting Higher Costs And Lower Quality Of Care. “When it comes to their families,
they see less gain and more pain: Pluralities say it will make coverage and quality of care worse for
them. By 50%-21%, they predict it will make their costs higher.” (Susan Page, “Poll: Americans Say Health Care
Overhaul Will Increase Deficit, Hurt Quality of Medical Care,” USA Today, 3/30/10)

• And Over Half Said The Way Democrats Passed The Bill Was “An Abuse Of Power.” “There was a
strong reaction against the tactics Democratic leaders used to pass the bill. A 53% majority call
Democratic methods ‘an abuse of power;’ 40% say they are appropriate.” (Susan Page, “Poll: Americans Say Health
Care Overhaul Will Increase Deficit, Hurt Quality of Medical Care,” USA Today, 3/30/10)


Nancy Pelosi: “We Have To Pass The Bill So You Can Find Out What Is In It.” (Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Speech Before The
Legislative Conference for National Association of Counties,3/9/10)

David Axelrod Said Democrats Would “Be Able To Campaign Proudly” On The Issue. “The White House
told naysayers that public sentiment would become more favorable and turn out to be a political plus for
Democrats this fall. Democrats would ‘be able to campaign proudly’ on the legislation, White House senior
aide David Axelrod said at the time.” (Peter A. Brown, “Health Care Continues to Wound Democrats,” The Wall Street Journal, 8/10/10)
“Democrats Also Argue That Public Support For The Law Will Grow Once The Benefits Begin To Kick
In This Year.” (Alexander Bolton, “Schumer: Those Who Voted Against Healthcare Will Be Hurt In November,” The Hill, 3/28/10)
Obama’s Pollster Said Americans Would Like ObamaCare Once It’s Passed. “President Barack Obama's
pollster said the healthcare bill will win over public support once it becomes law despite polls showing
Americans against the plan. … ‘When it comes to health care and insurance, once reform passes, the tangible
benefits Americans will realize will trump the fear-mongering rhetoric opponents are stoking today,’
Benenson wrote in a Washington Post op-ed Saturday.” (Walter Alarkon, “Obama Pollster: US Will Like Healthcare Bill, Despite Poll
Numbers,” The Hill, 3/13/10)

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HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Said The American People Just Didn’t Understand The Law, But
When They Did They’d Be “Enthusiastic” About ObamaCare. “Secretary of Health and Human Services
Kathleen Sebelius says that, despite a new CBS News poll showing widespread skepticism and confusion,
Americans will be ‘enthusiastic’ about the health reform bill passed by the House of Representatives once
they understand it. ‘I think what's been going on for the better part of a year is a lot of attempts to confuse
and scare Americans,’ Sebelius told ‘Early Show’ co-anchor Maggie Rodriguez.” (Tucker Reals, “Sebelius: Americans Will
Embrace Health Reform,” CBS News, 3/22/10)

Obama Advisor Valerie Jarrett: “We Are Confident That The American People Will Support This”
Because “It’s Good For Them.” “Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to President Barack Obama, said people
will begin to support the law when they learn more about it because ‘it’s good for them.’ ‘We are confident
that the American people will support this,’ Jarrett said on ABC’s ‘This Week.’” (Alexander Bolton, “Schumer: Those Who
Voted Against Healthcare Will Be Hurt In November,” The Hill, 3/28/10)

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY): “‘It’s Going To Become More Popular And Here’s Why,’ Schumer Said.
‘The Lies That Have Been Spread, They Vanish Because You See What’s In The Bill.’” (Alexander Bolton,
“Schumer: Those Who Voted Against Healthcare Will Be Hurt In November,” The Hill, 3/28/10)

• Sen. Schumer: “I Predict That By November Those Who Voted For Healthcare Will Find It An
Asset And Those Who Voted Against It Will Find It A Liability.” (Alexander Bolton, “Schumer: Those Who Voted
Against Healthcare Will Be Hurt In November,” The Hill, 3/28/10)


65 Percent Of Americans Oppose ObamaCare’s Individual Mandate. (Bloomberg, 1,001 A, MoE 3.1%, 3/4-7/11)

41 Percent Of Americans Think ObamaCare Should Be Repealed. (Bloomberg, 1,001 A, MoE 3.1%, 3/4-7/11)
• Only 12 Percent think It Should Be Left Alone. (Bloomberg, 1,001 A, MoE 3.1%, 3/4-7/11)

50 Percent Of Americans Oppose Most Or All Of ObamaCare. (CNN Opinion Research, 1,014 A MoE 3%, 1/14-16/11)
• Only 6 Percent Of Americans Favor The Entire Bill. (CNN Opinion Research, 1,014 A MoE 3%, 1/14-16/11)

50 Percent Of Americans Want All Of ObamaCare Repealed. (CNN Opinion Research, 1,014 A MoE 3%, 1/14-16/11)

Paid for by the Republican National Committee.
310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 -
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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