Barros House - Hallelujah

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Barros House - Hallelujah

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4. A more or less dramatic text or poem, founded on some 1. A Hebrew exclamation of praise to the Lord, or an
Scripture nerrative, or great divine event, elaborately set invocation of blessings.
to music, in recitative, arias, grand choruses, etc. 2. A song; esp. a little song or hymn.
7. To utter with a melodious voice; to sing. 3. To sing; to warble a little tune.
8. Praise ye Jehovah; praise ye the Lord; -- an 5. A short poetical composition proper to be set to music
exclamation used chiefly in songs of praise or thanksgiving or sung; a lyric poem.
to God, and as an expression of gratitude or adoration. 6. Excellence of character; dignity; worth; worthiness.
13. any song of praise, joy, or triumph. 9. High commendation; praise; honor; exaltation; glory.
14. Commendation for worth; approval expressed; honor 10. To sing; esp. to sing joyfully; to warble.
rendered because of excellence or worth; laudation; 11. A sacred song; a poetical composition for use in the
approbation. praise or worship of God.
15. Faith; creed; religious profession. 12. To sing a variation or accomplishment.
16. An air or song; a melody; a tune. 19. A lay; a German song. It differs from the French
17. To utter a sudden and loud outcry, as in joy, triumph, chanson, and the Italian canzone, all three being national.
or exultation, or to attract attention.
18. A hymn tune; a simple sacred tune, sung in unison by
the congregation.
20. A song for the evening; the evening service or form of

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