00 - Activity in Technopreneurship - Alejandro

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College of Industrial Education

Home Economics Department

Name: Alejandro Angelica B. Year/Section: BSIE-HE/3A

002_Activity no. 2 in Technopreneurship

I. Watch the video (links attached below). Answer the following questions after
watching the video. 15 pts.

Guide questions:
1. What is the video all about?

Based on what I’ve watched on the video it’s all about the 10 small
business ideas that can start at home. A small business at home is a
venture whether full-time or run as a side hustle that you can start and
operate using your own home as your base of operations. Furthermore,
these are the 10 small business ideas that I’ve learned after I’ve watched
the video including the following: Outsource with the incredible growth of
the internet thousands and millions of people working independently thru
the use of the internet, Online Affiliate Programs one of the internet
greatest introduction to the home-based business owner over the last
decades has been affiliate marketer, Freelance Writing, Service to home-
based business running a home-based business is a good idea, but
providing services to people working from home is even better, Image
Consultancy at this point you should have a genuine and credible interest
in the work and take a relevant course, Social media specialist on this
idea you have to use social media sites in able to promote their product
and services, Life coaches or Life coaching, Reviewers, Art Dealers and
Tutoring. However, at some point, this video copes my interest because in
choosing the best home-based business ideas you should be passionate
and enjoy your enthusiasm will come through when selling your services
and it’s normal that at first it is
very hard and difficult but if you don’t give up anything is impossible to
reach the desired success.

2. Give 10 small business ideas you can start at home.

1. Graphic Designer
2. Affiliate Marketer
3. Freelance Writer
4. Researcher
5. Image Consultancy
6. Social Media Specialist
7. Life Coaches or Life Coaching
8. Reviewers
9. Art Dealers
10. Tutoring

3. Do you think this could help you to start your own business at times
like this? Why or why not?

Definitely yes, I think it helps me to start my own business at times

like this because as a student based on my experiences during online
class and as far as I know, it’s very easy to start my own business at times
like this because all people or everybody has the opportunities to used
internet for different online transactions and it’s the great opportunities to
share my expertise when it becomes in creating web pages. Furthermore,
I know to myself that I’ve enough skills and passion for creating and doing
credible web pages to start my own business at times like this.

4. Give 4 cons and pros of being an entrepreneur.

 Lack of a Road Map
Until recently, there hasn’t been much of a road map for
entrepreneurs starting a business. You’re figuring out much of it as
you go along on a daily basis. Your flashlight lets you see just far
enough ahead to take the next few steps.

 Risk
As the business owner, you will take on much of the risk associated
with starting a new venture. This means, instead of your employer
taking the fall, you’re often risking your savings, time and effort to
get your business off the ground.

 Limitations
The idea of running your own business can be very different to the
reality. From late nights to lonely weekends, being an entrepreneur
is not without its challenges. You can also find it quite limiting in the
early stages, without the funding of a big name or well-established
business behind you.

 Workload
It takes serious hustle to get a new business up and running, and
for the most part, you’ll be doing all the grunt work especially in the
early stages. All the heavy lifting can be hard for one person to
manage. While it can be an exciting time, full of possibility, it can
also be exhausting.

 You Get to Do What You Love
You might not love every task and hour of the journey, but overall,
you get to choose to work on something you love and care about.

 Profits
Instead of making others richer, now your profits can slide right into
your own pocket. This means each business success becomes
your success, and as your business grows, so does your potential
income. This can be incredibly motivating for many new
entrepreneurs on the path to success.

 Freedom
There’s no denying that one of the best parts of being an
entrepreneur is the complete freedom you have to do your own
thing. No more bosses to report to, or managers peering over your
shoulder now you’ve gone from the bottom all the way to the top.
You are the boss.

 Control Your Own Destiny

Becoming an entrepreneur means taking control of your own
5. What is the most significant lesson you learned in the video?

Honestly, the most significant lessons I have learned in the video is before
you start in a home-based business it’s important that you are capable and have
skills in that business, I also learned it’s very important that you are passionate
this means that you will work tirelessly to create a product or a business that is
demanded by your consumers or customers because you will work to provide
the best customer service that keeps your existing customers loyal to your
business and enjoy your enthusiasm will come through when selling you
services, lastly one of those lessons I will never forget on the video that I’ve
watched is to Don’t give up on your business because at first, it's very hard and
difficult but if you give your best of not giving up and once your service or
product gets some exposure over the experiment you will see your business
begin to blossom.
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