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Picture Perfect Written by: Zoey Raven

Chapter v1.0

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This guide will do its utmost to make sure your journey through the
game as painless as possible. I aim to give you the best decisions for
each variable and let you make your own wherever possible.

Warning! – This game has adult content, please make

sure you are of legal age in your country.

Stat Points

[CharacterName/RP] Relationship Points gained/lost per character.

[Miracle & Sabrina/”MirSab”RP] Relationship Points gained/lost as a pair.
[Paris & Sasha/”ParSas”RP] Relationship Points gained/lost as a pair.
[Event Trigger] Triggers that affect dialogues, scenes and choices.

Picture Perfect Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter v1.0

Chapter 1 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 2 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 3 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Chapter 4 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Chapter 5 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Chapter 6 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 7 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 8 v0.12 ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Chapter 8 v0.13 ................................................................................................................................................................. 8

Picture Perfect Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter v1.0

Chapter 1

Note: All characters start at 99 points default.

1. A) Tell a crude joke.

B) Try to brush it off. [Miracle+1]

2. Steal a peak of those melons. (Your Choice)

3. A) Just walk away.

B) Respond to the misdirected youth.

4. A) Ask her to turn you around again.

B) Compliment her. [Paris+1]

5. A) Resist your lust.

B) Smell them. [Miracle+1]

Chapter 2

6. A) Knock
B) Open the door. (It is your house) [Paris-1]

7. Check her out. (Your Choice)

8. A) Knock
B) Open the door (It is still your house) [Sasha-1]

9. A) Give her a hug. [Miracle+1]

B) Hugging is for the weak.

Note: Choice A is only for those who obtained [Miracle]>=2.

10. A) Ask to see her panties.
B) Don’t ask.

11. A) Confide in her. [Sabrina+1] [SabrinaConfide]

B) Fuck that (Why so aggressive)

12. Cop a feel. (Your Choice)

Picture Perfect Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter v1.0

13. A) Let her. [MiracleKiss]

B) Don’t let her.

Note: If you choose A:

{Yes} {Go to #15}
{No} {Go to Chapter 3}
14. A) Spend time with Sasha [Sasha+1]
B) Don’t spend time with her.

15. A) Intervene. [Sasha+1]

B) Don’t Intervene.

16. A) Dodge. [Sasha+1]

B) Block.

Note: Choice A is only for those who obtained [Sasha]>=2.

17. A) Give in. [SashaRoute]
B) Don’t give in.

Chapter 3

18. A) Help Paris up. [Paris+1]

B) Don’t help her up.

19. A) Miracle and Sabrina. [MirSab+1]

B) Sleep with Sasha and Paris.

20. A) Try to convince her to open the door. [Paris+1]

B) Demand she open the door.

21. A) Accept her feelings. [Paris+1] [ParisRoute]

▪ Kiss her. [Paris+1]
▪ Pull out (Lowers pregnancy chance.)
▪ Stay inside. (Increases pregnancy…)
B) Do not accept.

22. A) Watch porn together. [MirSab+1]

B) Don’t watch video.

Picture Perfect Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter v1.0

Chapter 4

23. A) Invite Sabrina for a hug too. [MirSab+1]

B) Don’t invite her (Jerk)

24. A) Try Sabrina’s tea. [Sabrina+1]

B) Don’t try tea.

25. A) Kiss Sasha [ParSas+1]

B) Don’t kiss her.

Note: #26 is only for those who obtained [ParisRoute]:

26. A) Spank her. [Paris+1]
B) Don’t spank.

27. A) Teach them. [MirSab+1] [MirSabLessons]

B) Don’t teach them.

Chapter 5

28. Your Choice

Note: #29 is only for those who obtained [ParisRoute].

29. A) Tell the truth. [Paris+1]
B) Just keep it to yourself. GAME OVER.

Note 1: #30- 31 are only for those who obtained [SashaRp].

Note 2: If [Sasha]>=1; you will get a scene if you choose A.
30. A) Kiss her. [Sasha+1]
B) Don’t kiss her.

31. A) Touch her. [Sasha+1]

B) Don’t touch her.

Picture Perfect Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter v1.0

Chapter 6

32. A) Hug her and say you love her. [Sabrina+1]

B) Just make me breakfast.

33. A) Help her out. [Sabrina+1]

B) Don’t help her out.

Note: #34 is only for those who obtained [MirSabLessons].

34. A) Ask her to turn around. [Sabrina-1]
B) Don’t ask. [Sabrina+1]

35. A) Stay calm.

B) Get angry. [Sabrina+1]

Note: If [Sabrina]>=6; you will get a scene if you choose A.

36. A) Let her help [Sabrina+1] [SabrinaRoute]
B) Don’t let her.

Chapter 7

37. A) Accept the kiss. [Miracle+1] [MiricleRoute]

B) Don’t.
Note: If you chose B & obtained [SashaRoute]. {Yes} {Go to #41} {No} {Go to End Chapter 7}

Note: #38 is only for those who obtained [ParisRoute].

38. A) She is pregnant. [Paris+1] [ParisPreg]
B) She is not pregnant.

Note: #39 -40 are only for those who obtained [MiricleRoute].
39. A) Be sweet.
B) Embrace your caveman-like ways. [Miracle+1]

40. A) Talk Dirty. [Miracle+1] [DT]

B) Don’t talk dirty.
Note: #41 is only for those how obtained [SashaRoute].
41. A) Accept. [Sasha+1]
B) Decline.

Picture Perfect Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter v1.0

Chapter 8 v0.12

Note: #42 is only for those how obtained [ParisRoute].

42. A) Convince her to tell. [Paris+1]
B) Don’t say anything.
Note: #43 is only for those how obtained [ParisRoute] & [ParisPreg].
43. A) Tell everyone. [Paris+1]
B) Don’t tell everyone.
Note: #44-45 are only for those how obtained [SashaRoute].
44. A) Flirt back. [Sasha+1]
B) Stop her.
45. A) Don’t fuck her. [Sasha-1]
B) Full steam ahead! [Sasha+1] [SashaSex]
Note: #46-48 are only for those how obtained [MiracleRoute].
46. Encourage her. (Your Choice) [MMeet]
47. Listen to the story. (Your Choice
48. Help her. (Your Choice)
Note: #49-53 are only for those how obtained [SashaRoute].
49. A) From the top of the court. [U11Top] [Sasha+1]
B) From the side.
50. A) Shoot from the top [U11Bet]
Note: Will only appear if [Sasha] >=7
B) Shoot from the side.
51. Brush it off. [Sasha+2]
52. No. [Sasha+1]
53. A) Let her handle it.
B) Step in.
Note: Will only appear if [Sasha] >=20
Note: #54- are only for those how obtained [ParisRoute].
54. A) Let her tell them. [Paris+1] [ParisTell]
B) Tell them yourself. [Paris+2]
55. Suggest taking nudes.
Note: If [Paris] <=13, then [ParisPhoto]
56. Dismiss it. [Paris+2]
57. A) Don’t Propose.
B) Propose.
Note: If [Paris] <=15, then she accepts.

Picture Perfect Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter v1.0

Chapter 8 v0.13

58. Worried for Miracle. [Sabrina+1]

59. You don’t know. [Sabrina+2]
60. Don’t tease. [Sabrina+1]
61. Push her. [Sabrina+2]
62. A) Suggest Photoshoot.
Note: A will only appear if [Sabrina] >=14.
B) Skip photoshoot.

Chapter 8 v1.0

63. Don’t say anything.

64. Mary. [Harem+1]
65. Sabrina. [Harem+1]
66. Paris. [Harem+1]
67. Miracle. [Harem+1]
68. Sasha. [Harem+1]
69. Hit the gas!(Timed Choice) [Harem+1]
70. Turn now. (Timed Choice)
71. Hit the gas! (Timed Choice)
72. Hide! (Timed Choice)
73. Don’t shoot. [Harem+1]
74. Shoot! (Timed Choice) [Harem+1]
75. Step up! (Timed Choice) [Harem+1] [DDRPTS+1]
76. Step right! (Timed Choice) [Harem+1] [DDRPTS+1]
77. Yes, yes, yes… (Your Choice)


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