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Garveyisin whichoccurred

inthetwentiedi* century is an example of 16. The age depeiidency ratio (AÓR) is

cultural BEST defined as the

(A) norm (A) ratío of dependents to the working

(B) renewal
(C) diversity (B) nuxriberofold people dependent
(D) retention on young people
(C) number of dependent men and
women in a population
12. Which of the following aspects of (D) ratio of young men who are
Caribbean culture is LEAST threatened employed to the number of
by cultural ensure? old men

(A) Way of dress

(B) Driving habit 17. Whichofthefollowingtypesofdevelopment
(C) Oral tradition seeks to protect future generations?
(D) Food preparation
(A) Global
(B) Human
13. Mr Polygan has been advised by the (C) Economic
agricultural agency that he needs to (D) Sustainable
minimize soil erosion. Which of the
following= methods should he use?
18. Which of the following indices is NOT a
(A) Terracing measure of human devekrpment?
(B) Crop rotation
(C) Slash and bum (A) GNP
(D) Monocropping (B) Literacy
(C) Birth/death rate
(D) Life expectancy
14. Which ofthe following measures was used
by Caribbean peopletochallengeEuropean
domination during the fifteendi century? 19. Which ofthe following does NOT
promote the development of a country?
(A) Subsistence farming
(B) Micro-level resistance (A) Use of technology
(C) Economic independence (B) Class stratification
(D) Poisoning the water supply (C) Government poliGies
(D) Entrepreneurial drive

15. Julia migrated to the United States where

she works and sends money to her mother 20. Which of the following organizations
who takes careofher children. This money ,aims to regulate trade among countries?
is known as
(A) EU
(A) revenue (B) IMF
(B) reparation (C) WTO
(C) remittance (D) GATT
(D) investment
42f 1

21. Whist of tire following actions The mv media in the Carib is seen
demonstrate ’ aspromoting cultural imperialism
gender iequality? because of
I. Fathers are denied paternity I. its focus on American talk shows
leave. and celebrity interviews
II. Women can fight discrimination 11. its relay of the 24-hour European
in the law courts. and American news cycle
III. Males are guaranteed secondary 111. the emphasis placed on showcasing
education. Caribbean indigenous cultural
(A) I and II only
(B) I and III only (A) ’I only
(C) II and III only (B) I and 11 only
(D) I, II and IH (C) I and III only
(D) I, II and III

22. Which of t.he following is considered an

element of good governance? 26. Which of the following is NOT an
achievement of the OECS?
(A) Cronyism
(B) Popularity (A) A high court
(C) Rule of law (B) A central bank
(D) Exclusiveness (C) A common currency
(D) A central government

23. Soil erosion in the Caribbean is caused by

27. The action of a government in diverting
(A) te.'-racing money earmarked
(B) reforestation fordisasterrelieftoother projects may be
(C) monocropping considered
(D) planting cnver otops (A) nepotism
(B) cronyism
(C) comiption
24. On which of the following was (D) favouritism
Sir Arthur Lewis’ theory,
‘Industrialization by Invitation’, based?
28. Early nineteenth-century writings from an
(A) Direct foreign investments indigenous perspective served to
(B) Indirect foreign investments
(C) L o c a 1 i n v e st m e n t fr o m (A) give credit to the Europeans for
entrepreneurs shaping our history
(D) Income generated from private (B) convince Caribbean people that
enterprises the Kalinagos were peace
(CQ describe people li v ing in the
Caribbean prior to the arrival
of Columbus
(D) reject the notion held by Europeans
that early inhabitants did not
have a history

29. Pan-Africanism glorifies the past of 2016

Africans and instils pride in African
values as an attempt to

1. unify Africa
II. regenerate Africa
III. bring glory to Africa

(A) I and II only

(B) I and 111 only
(C) H and III only
(D) I, II and III

30. In its manifesto, a political party

promised to improve citizens’ welfare
and ensure equal acoess to resources.

Which où the folÎowing BEST describes

what the pazty is promotiog?

(A) Social justice

(B) Sustainable development
(C) Educational opportunities
(D) Environmental conservation

3y. Which of the following would NOT be a

purpose for conducün8 research?

(A) To validate a theory

(B) To generate new lmowledge
(C) To find solutions to problems
(D) To gather data to support the
researcher’s agenda

32. Reliability in research refe;-s to

(A) getting simi lar results after

repeating trials
(B) accessing up-to-date information
for research work
(C) making accurate inferences based
on research findings
(D) getting different results from a
measurement instrument
An accessible population ccr•ists of (D) limitation of the research

(A) everyone who can provide

S6. In research, the process of identifying a
credible information
(B) those members of the population
problem to be investigated involves
chosen by the researcher (A)8
(C) a group of people with some (B) conducting an archival search
connection to the issue being (C) making inferences from statistical
(D) those members of the target (D) reformulating a topic to make it
population who can be reached
by the investigator

37. Why is it important to cÎarifya tesearcÏi

34. Whîch of the following is NOT a
problem in the initial stage o£the process2
characterîstic of the research process?
(â ) To give insight into the issue
(A) Validity
being investigated
(B) Accuracy
(B) To provide a solution to the
(C) Replicability problem being investigated
(D) Conformability (C) To proh ibit the forià ation of
multiple problem statements
35. A hypothesis may be descrîbed as a (D) To provide the basis for
conducting an empirical
(A) question to be answered investigation
(B) summary of the reséarch
(C) prediction of the outcome GO ON TO THE TEXT PAGE

“Teenagezsw'1mbleach their skin have 42. Whicli of the following mary be

low ’used in a quantitative survey†

(A) Oiscussion
Whioh ofthe.folIowingaccurately (B) Questionnaire
describes (C) Call-in programme
diîssùAemooî7 (D) Participant observation
(A) Hypothesis
(B) Research question
(C) Problem statement Which of the following is of LEAST
importance when refining a research
(D) Oependent variable

39. A researcher wants to conduct a qualitative (A) Relevance

study on traditional dances that are no (8) Feasibility
longer practised. Which of the following (C) Sample size
data soumes would be useful? (D) Availability of information

Video footage
II. Bureau of Statistics
111. Oral historiens

(A) II only
(B) I and II only 40. Which of the folfowing data collection
(C) I and III only methods is MOST suitable for gathering dam
(D) I, Il and III for quanü tative research?
(A) Focus gmup 44. The findings from an investigation which
(B) Questionnaire used focus group discussions to gather
(C) lridividual interviews data are BEST preserited in the form of
(D) Participant observation
(A) text
(B) tables
In collecting dam for her research (C) bar charts
project, Michelle organizes adiscussion (D) line graphs
forselected students from her school to
get their opinions. What data collection
method is she using? 45. Ravi thinks that the results from his
research could be affected by the size of
(A) Focus group
die sample. fn what section of his
(B) Target population
reseamh report should he explain this?
(C) In-depth interviews
(D) Participant observation
(A) Analysis of data
(B) Research methodology
(C) Limitations and recommendations
(D) Presentation and discussion of



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