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References:DM No. 99, s. 2003; DM No. 92, s. 2008, RM No. 12, s. 2017

Republic of the Philippines

Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Sur


Monitoring Tool

School:___________________ Name of School Head: _______________________

District: ___________________ Date: ______ Type of School: _________________


Please write your actual score in each of the indicators under every GOAL. You may rate the perofrmance of the school
with 1-5 or 0. Add all points to make the total score for the part I. Part I has an overall highest score of 53.

Indicators Highest
Points Actual Score
GOAL #1: Encourage children’s participation in school and community
a. Your school has a working student government.
b. Your school involves students in meetings and planning sessions that concern well-
c. Your school encourages students to get involved in community work.
d. Your school encourages students to get involved in community work.
d. Your school has a mechanism such as a school publication, students bulletin board
or opinion box for pupils to express their opinions about school and community issue.

Subtotal score: 0 0
GOAL #2: Enhance children’s health and well-being
a. Your school maintains and regularly updates a health record of each student
b. Your school holds annual weighing and health examination of your pupils.
c. Your school holds annual dental examination of your pupils/students.
d. Your school maintains and regularly updates a health record of each student
e. Your school has a feeding progran for malnourished children
f. Yours school serves or sells healthy and nutritious foor in your premises.
g. Your school practices proper waste disposal.
h. Your school has a steady of supply of clean and safe drinking wanter.
i. Your school has a separate toilet for boys and girls consisting of urinals and lavatories
that are regularly maintained and keep clean.
j. Your school has a fuctional clinic or refers to the health center or other doctors pupil
health problem.
Subtotal score 0 0
Goal #3: Guarantee safe and protective spaces for children
a. Your classrooms have proper ventilation and lighting and enough space for 45-50
b. Your classrooms desks and other furniture are sized to the age of pupils. In the case
of shared desks, each pupil has enough space.
c. Your classrooms layout and furniture allow pupils to interact and do group work.
Indicators Highest
Points Actual Score
d. Your classroom has a bulletin board or a corner that displays helpful learning
materials such as posters, illustrations, newspaper and magazine clippings and your
pupils own work.
e. Your classrooms facilities and premises are regularly maintained and keep vlean.

f. Your school has a literary for reading and for study.

g. Your school has facilities and equipments for recreation and efforts.
h. Your school has sufficient lawn space and vegetation.
i. Your school has duly assigned personnel incharge of securing its premises, property,
and those of the pupis and teachers.
j. Your school coordinates with the barangay and local authorities to ensure the sefety
and protection of your pupils.
k. Your school has a policy against descrimination with regard to gender, cultural origin,
social status, religious belief and others.
l. Your school has a program for children with special needs.
m. Your teacher uses non-threatening styles of discipline.
Subtotal score 0 0
Goal #4: Encourage enrollment and completion
a. Your school has a master list of all school-age children in the community, whether
enrolled or not.
b. Your school has regularly coordinates with local barangay council to identify school-
age children who are out of school, for the purpose of bringing them to school.

c. Your schools conducts campaigns to encourage parents to enroll their children.

d. Your school has a system to regularly check on the attendance of its pupils and
address problems concerning non-attendance.
Subtotal score 0 0
Goal #5: Ensure children’s high academic achievement and success
a. Your school has a clear vision/mission statement that is prominently displayed and
adequately explained to all school personnel.
b. The principal and teachers are familiar with child-centered and child-friendly
c. Your school provides each student with a complete set of textbooks.
d. Teachers regularly prepare their lesson plans.
e. Your school encourages and promotes cooperative and “hands-on” learning
(“learning by doing”).
f. The principal has a set of data on the schools past three years’ performance in the
division, regional or national tests for the purpose of improving its current year
g. Teachers regularly monitor and assess their pupils’ academic performance, in view of
improving their performance.
Subtotal score 0 0
Goal #6 Raise teachers’ morale and motivation
a. Teachers undergo continuing and advanced professional training at least once a
b. Teachers are regularly trained in new and effective teaching-learning strategies.
c. Teachers have their own lounge and / or work area.
d. Teachers are given annual medical check-up.
e. The principal provides strong direction and leadership guided by a written
supervisory plan.
f. Teachers support their co-teachers by sharing teaching techniques and experiences.

g. School provides annual medical examination to your teacher and other staff.
Subtotal score 0 0
Goal # 7: Mobilize community support for education
a. Your school has a Parent-Teacher-Community Association (PTCA) that has elected
leaders, meets regularly and has a written plan of acton.
Indicators Highest
Points Actual Score
b.Your school coordinates with the barangay and loal institutions to enroll illeterate
parents in litercy programs
c. Your school takes the lead in conducting literacy programs for illiterate parents.
d. Your school enlists the support of community organizations to help raise funds and
resources for learning.
e. Your school invites parents to discuss with your teachers the learning experiences
and progress of their children.
f. Your school consults parents in the drafting of its policies and in the planning and
implementation of school activities.
g. Your school coordinates with barangay institution BCPC to identity children who are
physicaly or sexually abused or are made to do hard physical labor for the purpose of
identifying their special needs.
Subtotal score 0 0
Total Points for Part I 0
In each target, rate the performance of the school by writing in the box for the actual points.

Percentage Result Points Range Actual Points

TARGET 1: All children 6-12 years old in your community are in school.
Below 79% Poor 1 point
79 - 82% Fair 2 points
82 - 87% Good 3 points
87 - 92% Very Good 4 points
Above 92% Outstanding 5 points
TARGET 2: All children in your school who enrolled in Grade 1, six years ago finish Grade 6
Below 59% Poor 1 point
59 - 65% Fair 2 points
65 - 70% Good 3 points
70 - 79% Very Good 4 points
Above 79% Outstanding 5 points
TARGET 3: All Grade 6 pupils pass the schools division and national tests (Mean Percentage Score)
26 - 50 MPS Poor 1 point
51 - 65 MPS Fair 2 points
81 - 90 MPS Very Good 4 points
91 MPS Very Outstanding 5 points
26 - 50 MPS Poor 1 point
51 - 65 MPS Fair 2 points
66 - 80 MPS Good 3 points
81 - 90 MPS Very Good 4 points
91 MPS Very Outstanding 5 points
TARGET 4: All your students are well nourished
26 - 50% Poor 1 point
51 - 70% Fair 2 points
71 - 80% Good 3 points
81 - 90% Very Good 4 points
91 and Above Outstanding 5 points
TARGET 5: All your pupils are healthy
26 - 50% Poor 1 point
51 - 70% Fair 2 points
71 - 80% Good 3 points
81 - 90% Very Good 4 points
91 and Above Outstanding 5 points
TARGET 6: All your pupils have good dental health
26 - 50% Poor 1 point
51 - 70% Fair 2 points
71 - 80% Good 3 points
81 - 90% Very Good 4 points
91 and Above Outstanding 5 points
Total Points for Part II
Part III Best Practices and Innovations

Identify best practices/innovations that the school implemented and rate using the following point system below.
Evaluator may rate as high as 3 points for each criterion, 2 points or 1 point. Evaluator may also rate 0 if the schoolhas
no identified/presented best practices/innovations.

Criteria Highest Points / Scores Actual Points/Score

Relevance to CFSS implementation 3 points
Impact result of the practice/innovation to CFSS 3 points
Maturity/sustainability of the best practice/innovation 3 points
Uniqueness of the best practice/innovation 3 points
Total points 12 points

Part IV Scoring
Tally the score of Parts I, II and III

Indicators Highest Points Actual Points/Scores

Part I: Goals of the Child-Friendly School
1. Encourage children's participation in school and community 5
2. Enhance children's health and well-being 10
3. Guarantee safe and productive spaces for children 13
4. Encourage enrollment and completion 4
5. Ensure children's high academic achievement and success 7
6. Raise Teachers morale and motivation 7
7. Mobilize community support for education 7
Part II: Achieving Targets
1. All children 6-12 years old are enrolled in school 5 points
2. All children who enroll in Grade I finish Grade 6 5 points
3. All Grade 6 pupils pass School Division Diagnostic Test 5 points
4. All Grade 6 pupils pass National Achievement Test 5 points
5. All pupils are well-nourished 5 points
6. All pupils are healthy 5 points
7. All pupils have good dental health 5 points
TOTAL 35 points
Part III: Best Practices / Innovations
Relevance to CFSS Implementation 3 points
Impact result of the best practice/innovations to CFSS 3 points
Maturity/sustainability of the best practice/innovation 3 points
Uniqueness of the best practice/innovation 3 points
Sub-Total 12 points
Based on the calculated scores/points. Select which category of Child-Friendliness the school fails into.

Percent/Points Category Description Category Identified

Achieved (Please check one)

An outstanding CF school which could serve

91 - 100% Model School as model of a demostration site for other
schools to learn from
A CF school that has implemented many of
71 - 90% Established the core principles and goals but with some
room for improvement
A CF school that is showing substantial
progress from the beginning stage but
51 - 70% Developing stage needs to deepen the CFSS practices and
could learn from established of model CF

A CF school that needs to establish basic

principle and practices of the Child Friendly
Below 50% Beginning Stage
School System, in collaboration with the
chidlren and parents/community members.
Remember: A low score is not a sign of failure, rather it is a way of determining what action needs to be
taken by a school to progress further towards becoming a child-friendly school.
Consolidated Result of District Evaluation for the 2018 Best School Implementer of the Child Friendly School System

District: PSDS:

Elementary Level
Part I
School Name of School Head Part 2 Part 3 Total Rank Category
Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Goal 5 Goal 6 Goal 7

Secondary Level
Part I
School Name of School Head Part 2 Part 3 Total Rank Category
Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Goal 5 Goal 6 Goal 7

District Evaluators: 1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8

Activity Completion Report includes Narrative, Photo Documentation, Issues and Concerns and Recommendations

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