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Pineda 1

Yosef Pineda
Professor James Keyworth
8 Jun 2021
ACTIVITY 5 ON PP. 281-282.
Pineda 2


Pineda 3

ACTIVITY 16 ON PP. 311-314

Pineda 4
Pineda 5
Pineda 6

COVID 19 Changed Life for Everyone

Coronavirus (COVID-19), the topic the whole world is talking about and has changed everyone's
life. The disease originated in 2019 in Hubei, China. With a first case on November 17, 2019, of
a man who was 55 years old who allegedly ended up infected by having eaten a bat in an
underground market. As a result, he began to infect his acquaintances, family members and the
doctors who treated him, spreading more and more around the world through international travel
by residents of China and nearby countries. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization
declared Covid 19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus a pandemic.
COVID arrived in Mexico on February 27, 2020, bringing with it problems that affected my
school and personal life. At that time I was studying my second year in high school which was
one of the most important because I enjoyed going to school, nobody thought the COVID would
be something serious and bring consequences for the country, but it ended up being the opposite,
as the days passed the problem was growing more and more, first the school closed temporarily
on March 20, 2020 and it was announced that classes will continue in online mode.
I never like used to the online classes as it was a very difficult way to learn, because the schools
were not prepared to offer online classes, most of the teachers had very bad internet connection
and some students did not have computer equipment at home, which complicated the situation
much more for everyone. The first classes were complicated because we had to inform all the
students how we had to enter the classes, for example, we had to enter the platform called zoom,
where there were many problems because some students entered the wrong classrooms, others
lost the connection or the light and could not watch the whole class, in fact I had similar
experiences. The worst cases were when outsiders entered the meetings just to disturb and make
Covid 19 affected me in several ways in life, personally, I could not meet with my family
because there is a risk of infection or even lose a loved one if you get infected, with my friends I
could not meet because the government had said that it was totally forbidden meetings of more
than 2 people, all the time that lasted the quarantine you had to stay at home because all
establishments were closed and I suffered a lot for it.

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