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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to the honourable judges, teachers and friends. I’m going
to tell a story entitle`Friends Stick Together’

Pak Anjang is a fisherman. He lives with his son, Rosli. Both Pak Anjang and Rosli stay in a
small hut. Pak Anjang has four close friends. They always go fishing together. They lead a very simple
life and they are happy. They share the fish and the money together. “If only I don’t have to share
this money with anyone,” Pak Anjang starts to grumble. “I’ll never get rich this way”.

On his way back alone, Pak Anjang meets Pak Man. Pak Anjang is surprised to see Pak Man’s
house. It is big. “Oh, I earned more money after I started fishing alone. If you fishing with your
friends, you will get less money. Fishing alone will enable you to become richer because you don’t
have to share your catch”. Pak Anjang goes home thinking about what Pak Man has said. Pak Anjang
decides to go fishing alone. He wants to earn the money all by himself.

“Rosli! Where are you?” Pak Anjang calls his son. “I’m going fishing tomorrow before
dawn.Don’t tell the others that I’m going. I want to go alone!”

“Abah I don’t think you should go. It’s the rainy season now. You know how dangerous it is
out there!” Pak Anjang refuses to listen to his son’s advice.

The next morning, Pak Anjang starts to leave his hut, “Goodbye, Rosli. I’ll be back soon!" So
Pak Anjang sets off to sea.He manages to net a lots of fish. He is happy but after a while, he feels
very tired. “Perhaps this is not such a good idea. If the others are here, they can help me”.

Finally, Pak Anjang stops working. He wants to have his breakfast. After eating, Pak Anjang is
so tired and sleepy that he doesn’t notice the sudden change in the weather. Pak Anjang leans back.
In a few minutes, he is asleep!.

Suddenly Pak Anjang wakes up. “Oh no! It’s dark already,” He realizes that if he has friends
with him, they will have warned him of the bad weather. Pak Anjang begins to feel frightened. His
small boat tosses from side to side on the choppy waves.

Meanwhile Rosli is waiting for his father. “I’m going to ask Abah’s friends to help me”.

Pak Anjang is now in trouble, his engine could not start. “Oh, no! I’ll never get this engine fixed in
this heavy rain”. He shivers in the cold. He regrets going out on his own, if he has friends with him,
they have found a way to help each other. Now it’s even useless to shout for help.

Then suddenly, Pak Anjang sees a flickering light far ahead. “Hey! Over here!” He is going to
be saved! Pak Anjang is very happy to be alive. “I am very grateful to all of you. I realized now that
friends should stick together. Without all of you, I might have died.” From that day, Pak Anjang never
acts selfish again. He knows that friends need each other. That’s the moral of my story and thank

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