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922__Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers laughter {&_gonistcs burst BeBe 6 fe 8 we ©7410. AL the gh of Joker nthe cen Be bop ok ph SYNONYMS L ” Big aoe [ee 7 eee i a Sa B avoa fi oi trivial 1B eee Ce > a yrettat 2 Ries, 8 She ey je Zo 43. Munifcant: <= an © in yipoce pallet es He ~ see. Bere ig ares fe wine 414, Nuptals: -—>, oo 2,0) divine 1A) Spero C= (A mesana => separation ten @ age / (©) happy 8 in rahe 8 mediocre, aPxtol v 415. Obnoxious: (0) uity Oy ete Sore gape |S BP 1o, Deg -wies Bear 416, Buoyant: /' nigih (C) alien ferourcetl We giout a 2 Beary 498, 3: ‘still aoe B Soper ve eB Sea vnpercept . Cataclysm: a Le @ teverse 5) upheevel 4349 Annihiate: qrem . of 0 ‘eat (C) pungent (0) trash vw AG) Sai (8) cultivate 418. Dormant: oa i ee 8 reason 4, Cage 19 sor Dormant ai nomaly: f ~~ $8 warbling 8 yar v ay nara @ amet (8 fil 419._Exempily Rosiahican 4, (P), Provoke ' tet fA) reprehensible (B) illustrat une A) xy ©) omy B msn 2 Re | sa Nonchalant: ane v & ‘excited, De (B) natural ‘437. Ditapidation: petbet si (C) cool (D) sense 4\~% 8 adroitness ae | (©) nois: 421. Outcast: oi! 2) omen (0) scare ‘a. Paramot > 8 member (8) vagabond 438. any 4 (A) sup (C) open at 8 error a) self-conceit (B) execute () mai 422. Partisan: Set 439, eH oa Repriev 7 @ opponent 8) disci urtive: ! ~ 8 re By ea wr (By public () ret pa a (C) secretive 8, combine (©) cor (A) ada ical (B) shit 440. Gratuitous|: Sonic Repris: ~ @ incase” 8 anipoed 7 A sustiiea we en () tel 424, Rekindle: Re (C) voluntar (0) amass © fo (a) extra ish a renew 441. Reconcile: Spi 8 ree fig (0) trace a7 {O bopuler @ adjust We 425. Soporte: (C) press 0) fase th ee coe epte 442. Scared —r senate ~ Yeu ached Ty aut (B) disturbed 443. Tentative: Wre (C) energy : Zeal v8 lees Borp mercer 8 427. Unblemished: J pneeer 444. Veneration: Wo (A) incomplete —_(B) discord “a exhalation i ‘adoration ) ay Vw 8 union (D) clean v 9 adores) 8 brave @ Scanned with CamScanner — B) foolishness 464. 20, 8 = {8 pon " fon © lat C) Riga . AP anonymity (B) 485. Adopt. an , ¢ a designation Bz porinant oe i ) encheleg, die” ms pardon penalty . Armbigu (Bsa Ke eee ae Me (dace aes Dé een Me, “Uncertair pli - 471 sate in Bet i di 2 nee eg wi occasion V~ (A) festive a ‘4 upbraid re) —) . eee e (B) rade () vere Lag JP) sobriety |. Disparage: ff (8) hasten 8 Seay 1 ©) oats 2 @) dew Sar? Bete atl 'B) oe (0) humble {8 aver, — lil = aif (B) confirm 8 foster Is: 7 (B) tir cae) Bs (a sume (Binet ce i wef past pat 7 a9 8 ig 2 101 pet (8) adored Qf forbidding (0) alluring , Sprightly: oe (8) rigid Wee Bai pst 41, Vacilate: —~_, 5 (recone > apie 4. Wretched: a ; +. @) miserable 7 (3 re, 478. Confiscate: Sem yee BS Worship: = @, Selon 8 eats adore 1 ewilderes 479. Gumbersome: {S Setar @} seine 480. Dereon — bs attentic @ Sa" > B wake 481. Emendatic y oe Qeig ma (C) barren > (0) teetifcation 482. wee (A) >> @ int ® sale Bigae 4 83, e "precede B) repress 1 . (C) seize (0) custom 484. Us \dulation:< eA. Und ion <— @ some evi” Mteger oneness 405. Wort 2g) excenon @ anit ® gar @ rigic @ ape 486. Ete: os af tule {9 Sve evade (0) fascinate Be Be Fervent: a ee an aan * ~ follow “( *e the ae 5 a a 489. * oral el gente g ratty solvent: 490. fe ves wealth Pe (C) bar 1 8 ay ol CN a sup 0 * tact me @ one 492. Lo Fert Be ‘c) tain Scanned with CamScanner ad 924___Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers 493. Malignant: e thaconduc bam 494, Neodies: ©} teat @ cr" 495. Pe aes jespondent (8) {Q fpeeat fortune 498. ere 8 iad” 8 igh oe ~ 497. Rescind: sare, (a me tnatain > Qe ee Gagged 498. rae ij onpoe attract faeces {B pertinent + te quareel i ~~ ( quaree! ge B setle 500. 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Gruesome: hav te robust (Su atiacsS 8 Gsgusing inscribe: LS % ready 523. 524. ® (0) restore 525. sna 90) UO 528. 8 “a8 aa api apathetic enthusiastic “Cee Scanned with CamScanner vet “ v , igre prove Srna “ a 9: ds 9 enimate - “6 - : pes it } owled a es wen, sddle oi sregs) nou uM } ese ‘p ws SS (A) real eee? ct 8 TaN on purge se a cate oy foil, v B gain j ne Ween & D) petty B 0) Seviness ‘B) Hs =~ Hy r Bs! pede! ! A fea “att "Be pungent (C) lose ® eran respeot (B) reverence (0) AD) fuse a | — ‘8 ‘suggest (0) doubtful bious: reliable <> (B) rece propoun ) excipate 6 ake > @ in (D) exculpate hrewd fe trees (B) dissolve B tea } aa ot 68 561. 662, Capricious: ~ 8 553, 7% dull @ igs 5) Pee 556. Quat A (g a aoe inposter 557. 2) yendous: w ny ordinary () weak vw } ira {0} abandon 558. 567. 569. ee cometete > (B teecion 554. “purulent: pe Sth 565. Prosaic: hs ‘formal AQ) sient Kv fms eos aN Stupoty 5B Phacious constant —> (B) eee pnodune @} bere disregard pause Opliat in ‘forizontal Sting 2 dashing 8 fear (D) celestial aot 559, Desuetudi te US Es (Bousletenss ) argue depen, 560. Ebullient: a ics ae ® still (8) delight (C) exuberar Para 561. ee 8 clamour (B) misfire oa (D) prodigal a erate (B) efficacious (C) clamour SND) thrifty 563., Preposterous: ya Ay reasonable (B) fair (C) unreasonable (0) fit 564, Rapacious: “|— aay greedy (B) reckless C) silly (0) capricious 565. Superciious arrogant (B) courteous @ quell {O) excite 566. Tantalize: ) disentangle OG) provoke (C) grateful D) sparse Virulence: vy (a) sensiti Ampregnable ck os : gs oe "ae ie {8} ight ey @ sti, RK By absurdity {8} eude _ gone’ it _— Scanned with CamScanner 926 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers 570. Auth 5. @ strve (B) seve ~~ | gael ea ig genuine (0) spurious (C) gather 8 fi . 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