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Architects of Networked Disinformation

▪ Elite advertising and PR strategists

▪ Liaise with political clients
▪ Manage campaign project and budget

Digital Influencers
▪ Key Opinion Leaders (Celebrities)
▪ Anonymous Influencers
▪ Operate multiple accounts
– with 50k to 2M fans/followers

Fake Account Operators

▪ Teams with multiple fake accounts
▪ Contracted by Ad/PR strategists or
hired by politicians
▪ Amplify message
▪ Create “illusion of engagement”
Grassroots Intermediaries
▪ Politicians' fan page moderators
▪ Unpaid opinion leaders
▪ Volunteer political organizers
First Century Propaganda

▪ Augustus Caesar as ‘Son of God’

▪ “Res Gestae Divi Augusti”
“The Achievements of Augustus the Divine”
Gospel Proclamation

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