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1. Every human act has the purpose to achieve happiness. TRUE

2. Human acts arrive at happiness as a common objective. TRUE
3. Diverse individuals mean diverse acts and therefore happiness has diverse concept.
4. The more you have money the more you want for more money. FALSE
5. Power is cumbersome or very heavy to carry. TRUE
6. Good looks will not last forever because human beings age, from young age to old age.
7. The quality that makes a man as a man is his intellect and will. TRUE
8. Natural moral law is applied to conscience. TRUE
9. Money, power and good look is not eternal. TRUE
10. Man is truly happy lies in the satisfaction of his capacity of a man as man. TRUE
11. Man is man means distinct man. FALSE
12. If man is not a distinct man he is a brute like an animal or ferocious like a wild beast.
13. A distinct man is he who uses intellectual faculties and will in order to attain truth. TRUE
14. Intellect finds truth, absolute truth. FALSE
15. A will never stops until truth is found without error. TRUE
16. Man suffers because of greed, ignorance and hatred. TRUE
17. We do not suffer instead we are in peace if we are having a right speech, right thinking or
understanding, right action; right intention; right attitude; right livelihood; being
mindfulness; and being meditative. TRUE
18. We become satisfied if we stop suffering and maintain peace in us. TRUE
19. If we have peace God is in us. TRUE
20. The Standard of morality must be plains, objective and the same for everyone. TRUE
21. There is no human act without a purpose. TRUE
22. Each of us has an individual purpose in life. TRUE
23. Moral Natural Law simply expresses “do well and avoid evil”. TRUE
24. Conscience is the intelligent of man interpreting a law. TRUE
25. In interpreting a law man’s conscience based it in a given situation of time. TRUE
26. A moral natural law is a combination of the divine, natural and positive law. TRUE
27. The standard of morality determines the goodness or badness of human acts. TRUE
28. Law is a rule of conduct, just, obligatory, and formulated by legitimate power for
common observance and benefit. TRUE
29. Positive law clarifies the natural law and that is, to make clear the directives, expression,
information of. FALSE
30. Conscience is not proximate standard of morality, it is subjective meaning any act if we
do it in the name of conscience will become minor or grievous offense. TRUE
31. Purpose, objective or end presupposes human act. TRUE
32. The 10 commandment is the best expression of natural moral law. TRUE

1-3. elements of law
- A rule of conduct
- Just
- Obligatory
4-7. three kinds of law
- Eternal law
- Natural Law
- Positive Law
8-11. theories regarding Doubts
- Rigorism
- Equiprobabilism
- Probabilism
- Laxism

12-14. western philosophers who based their morality and peace from the 10 commandments.
- Socrates
- Plato
- Aristotle

1. What is the ultimate purpose of human beings?
The ultimate purpose of human beings is being happy. Our ultimate happiness in this life
consists in the sum of earthly goods essential to us. In this manner, values relate to our
ultimate purpose, to that which would make us completely happy Good actions are those
that bring happiness.

2. Conscience is not the standard of morality. Why?

Awareness that comes from conscience, perceived as having an epistemological purpose, is
also conceived as mediated knowledge. This is not surprising, because, as we have seen,
conscience is often understood as inward-looking, which presupposes that the wisdom of
which it grants us access is already within us and that we have gained it by some other
mechanism that does not include conscience. In truth, conscience does not, on certain
accounts, produce its own moral values.

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