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Ashutosh Madhurajan

Managing Conflict
PCOM 0105 Intercultural Comm Skills – B180(2)
Deborah Lewiski

Managing Conflict

Going back in time and collecting memories, I remember various conflicts, I had with my

roommates in Canada. Every human faces various conflicts in their life. Mostly it happens

because of a different perspective or a misunderstanding. Conflicts always teach us one or the

other thing as there is always a reason behind it. It had been three months since I have landed in

Canada and I have faced various conflicts. There are four native people with whom I share the

house. As I was new to this country, I never thought that if there is any music after 11 pm it

could create a problem for me. According to the law after 11 pm, it is the sleeping time for

society and people do not like any type of noise. If I was aware of this, I would have been more

cautious. But we had a huge argument as they have complained about it to the house manager.

The house manager had forwarded the message to me in which they were stating that they would

have called the police. They did not even come and talked to me once, instead, they secretly took

a video as evidence. I tried to handle the situation, but the conversation somehow turned into an

argument. They left me in anger without listening to my part of the story.

Having conflicts and disagreements are natural in life but dealing with them professionally and

generously is not everyone’s cup of tea. If I should have taken the initiative to talk to them the

next morning when they were clam by telling them that I am new here and I was not aware of the

sleeping hours and restrictions, then there would have been a different story. Moreover, asking
them prior, if that is okay with them that we plan to have a party or a small gathering, it wouldn’t

have been any problem. In this situation, that is what I should have done the best and it could

have worked out differently.

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