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Staggered Cable Rib Beanie

© Akabekobotan 2016 - 2020

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0

International License. (see


 1 ball Carnival Soft 8-ply acrylic (80g)

 4.0mm circular knitting needle
 Cable needle
 Wool needle
 Large pompom maker

Pattern notes:

 This pattern is fairly stretchy and will fit early teens to adults, however it is resizable;
increase or decrease in multiples of 24 sts.
 Tension: 22 st x 30 rows per 10cm square; if using different yarn, use the gauge
recommended by your yarn manufacturer.
 Stitches used: K, P, K2tog, P2tog

© Akabekobotan 2016 - 2020

A) Brim:

Cast on 120 st. Working in the round, continue in 2x2 rib until work measures approximately
5cm from cast on edge.

B) Body:

Round 1-2: * K2, P2, K6, P2 **, repeat * ** until end of round.

Round 3: * K2, P2, slip 3 st onto cable needle and hold behind, K3, K3 from cable needle,
P2, K2, P2, K6, P2 *, repeat * ** until end of round.

Round 4-6: * K2, P2, K6, P2 **, repeat * ** until end of round.

Round 7: * K2, P2, K6, P2, K2, P2, slip 3 st onto cable needle and hold behind, K3, K3 from
cable needle, P2, *, repeat * ** until end of round.

Round 8-10: * K2, P2, K6, P2 **, repeat * ** until end of round.

Rounds 3-10 form pattern.

Continue in pattern until work measures approximately 17 cm from cast on edge, ending
with Row 10.

C) Crown shaping:

Round 1: * K2, P2, slip 3 st onto cable needle and hold behind, K2tog, K1, K2tog, K1 from
cable needle, P2, K2, P2, K6, P2 *, repeat * ** until end of round.

Round 2: * K2, P2, K4, P2, K2, P2, K6, P2 **, repeat * ** until end of round.

Round 3: * K2, P2, K4, P2, K2, P2, slip 3 st onto cable needle and hold behind, K2tog, K1,
K2tog, K1 from cable needle, P2 *, repeat * ** until end of round.

Round 4: * K2, P2, K4, P2 **, repeat * ** until end of round.

Round 5: * K2, P2, slip 2 st onto cable needle and hold behind, K2tog, K2tog from cable
needle, P2, K2, P2, K4, P2 *, repeat * ** until end of round.

Round 6: * K2, P2, K2, P2, K2, P2, slip 2 st onto cable needle and hold behind,
K2tog, K2tog from cable needle, P2 *, repeat * ** until end of round.

Round 7: * K2, P2tog **, repeat * ** until end of round.

Round 8: * K2tog, P1 **, repeat * ** until end of round.

Round 9-10: K2tog until end of round.

Break yarn. Using a wool needle, pass end of yarn through remaining loops and pull tight.

Make a pompom and sew securely to top of hat. Weave in all ends.

© Akabekobotan 2016 - 2020

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