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Cc : SOCIAL STUDIES- SET A FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION — 150 itome | {MAJOR IN: SOCIAL STUDIES/SOCIAL SCIENCE) : GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. This test bodklet contains 150 tést questions. Examiniees shall manage to use three and'one- half (3 %4) hour. 2. Read INSTRUCTIONS TO EXAMINEES printed on your answer sheet, 3. ‘Shade only one (1) box for'each question on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes shaded will invalidate your answer. 4. AVOID ERASURES. 5. em RC Property. Unauthorized possession; reproduiction, and/or sale of this test booklet Is punishable by law. (R.A.8981) + : INSTRUCTIONS: ‘i 3; Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Ex oli rnswer Sheet Set 3. ite the subject tite “SOCIAL STUDIES/SOGIAL SCJENNE” ofeine box provided 3. Shade Set Box “A” on your answer sheet if your lest ooklet is Set A; Set Box "B” ifyour test booklet is Set B s ee MULTIPLE CHOICE: . we Which of the following statement regargi@@ pg va of Supply is true? : . a. The quantity supplied is deter price and other factor. - b. The quantity supplied increas as prices decrease. ©. The quantity supplied incre’iSes as price increasos, (A: Allof the above. 2. A table that shows is called a demand a. Slope; curve /. Curve; slope how consumers behave in terms of » while the graph is called: c. Schedule; curve 4. Schedule; slope quantity demanded in relation to price 3. As the population grows and t afan of water. a. Surplus b, Scarcity here will be no economic regulations, we will end up having 4. What alliance was formed whose primary aim was to cor-munist influence in Southeast Asia? «. Warsaw Pact 2. North Atlantic Treaty Organization - foutheast Asia Treaty Organization Association of Southeast Asian Nation f Prevent the further expansion of 3 * & ou : SOCIAL:STUDIES- SET A Best * cS: Which discipline is not usually associated with the humanities? oe a. Literature & Visual arts : b.: Theatre 4 { d. History A a PEMH class were tasked to note down the Spanish influences in our arts and culture, Which Process explains the presence of Spanish influence? i a. Inheritance S- Cultural diffusion b. Evolution d. interbreeding 7. The family into which ‘one is born is called the: Gf a. Nuclear family c. Extended family B. Blood family d. Family of procreation wie & Wet tople'could not possibly tall under the United Nations" core Value of democracy? 8 Respect for minony groupe et Me Une role of the pe b. Practical law ople in governance Dy ‘The constitution and its implication 9. Children leam cutture fro is process called? a. Accommodation 4 ‘425 c. Enculturation b. Assimilation e244, Acculturation’ jaen her calfyre So Gs 10. The central idea of this curriculum destnds i iscipline carries a basic structure of concepts that can be organizes 8 Make learning more meaningful. ..; a. Holistic ©. Q.horizon if b. Spiral d. Fused Bry os 11. The Brftish scientist who wrote ‘On the Origin of Species’ which contributed largely to the congept of evolution was: . Louis Leakey b. “Raymond Dart ach social science di c.. Richard Leakey 3, i s Charles Darwin 12.Which statement proves that the homo erectus was the first to rate out of Africa? 2: Fire enabled tHe homo erectus to drive AwW2y fierce animaltand provide him with heat bi The remains of Java Man and Peking, Man were found in lid. lonesia and China. S Elouirines with female anatomy were discovered all over Europe. d. Cave arts were Spain and France, 78. Unlike other primates, what do human beings have in common? + Depth perception ©. Beliefs about the supernatural b. Acute perception Grasping hands 14. The development of agriculture was one of the greatest achievements during this period, a." Metal’age - ©. Paleolithic age b, Neolithic age d, Industrial age SOCIAL STUDIES- SET A EE SETA 18. Which could be a possible explanation why the Cro-Magnons created cave aris and artifacts? Itmay have something to do with early religion Nl. Itmay be a hobby that they havé taken up, Ml, Itmay be for aesthetic purposes a. lonly c. land Il only b." Land Ill only 4. I, Mand tll 18. Why was the formation of governments necessary in the early civilization’? , \ #. Law and order was needed in a large population. %. There Is a need to organize the people to protect themselves from attacks. ¢. Large projects to control flood waters and for irrigation needed the cooperation of many people of each leadership was necessary. ” 1. Allof tho above ae e > : “47.Which is not a legacy of the sexagesimal syster a. 360 degrees in a circle cops on a minute b. 60 minutes in an hour ‘J ae the above 18, What proves that many early civilizations iS theocratic? ; a. The leaders were usually th lest OF See as representatives of the gods b. The people worshipped Is and goddesses. ©.. The people usually had Patron god or goddesses, d. The people created témples for their deltios. 19.What topic not possibly falls under the United Nations’ core value of democracy?.. a. Respect for minority group ©. The role ortne people in governance b. , Practical law d.- The constitution and its implication 20. What is the study of the earth's surface and physical features? a. Geology ~~ —e.- Cartography . vb. Geography d. Topography 21. The first civilization was made possible because it was situated between two rivers that made the land fertile. What are these rivers? a. Irrawady, Mekong c. Yangtze, Huang Ho, b. Amazon, Nile gd. Tigris, Euphrates wlll Geity 22.What body of water was v. a. Aegean Sea b. Tibet River — v ‘ery important for the development of the Ancient Greek civ ¢. Mediterranean Sea ,. d. Atlantic Ocean 23.Wha mountains are used to divide Asia and Europe? = Himalayas ‘¢, Ural Mountains b. Pyrenees d. Andes: 5 Legt Smaller continents were ‘arranged from largest to smallest, in whice order does Australia, a. Fourth ©. Seventh i b. Fifth a. Sixth ant : "28, Cape Hom is described as the sallors’ graveyard because of its frequeht stortis, In which Continent can we find this? 7 ft a. Africa ¢. South America b. Australia d. Asia 5 26.While studying the violence. Middle East for their contemporary issues class, the teacher reminded the class that the first civilization is located Jn Iraq. Which civilization is this? a. Sumerian c. Babylonian b. Akkadian | © d.. Chaldean, : Ay 27. These wedge-shape characters were instméhta or recording the achievements of the Sumerians and later Mesopotamians, “5 .a. Stylus 7 c. Horas ‘uneifor d. Hiero, 7 bec rm, ‘alyp! Fy, 28.Which term refers to all life zones-plants, animals, other organisms and the physical environment in a particular area? in . * a. Savanna ©. Ecosystems 7 Rainforests d. Tudra eat 29.What artific iterway allows water transportation from Europe td enter Asia without going around, Africa? si: a. Canal Grande, *&. Suez Canal b.. Erie Canal 4. Panama Canal called? ) a. Principalia c. Insulares ». Indios @. Peninsulares SOCIAL STUDIES- sey a zal focused the “La Liga Filipina” to: - Unite the whole courttry, 2 Revolt against the Spaniards. NM. Fight violence and injustice. ¢. Mand Il only d-land int only a. only b."I and Il only 33. The Filipino stuc below except: a. Motivated B. Loner Cents are taught to emulate the young Jose Rizal who was everything listed ©. Very observant d. Reflective 34. Rizal's greatest.cesantinent during his student days that motivated him to work harder was. a. Unequal treatnient of students by the Jesuits b. Use of Spanish as a edits c. Passivity of Filipino students, 'd. Prevailing discrimination “ \ Oe 36. Which is the Indepencence Law of the Phiga a . Jones Law — byeemetal. uy ey dings McDuffie Law — b. Cooper Act, gh Wh i gh 36.In the hostility between the Fi inigas ale = ee Americans, who is recorded to have fired:the first shot? Bice “a. An American soldier ©. AChinese(trader lare-Hawes-Cutting Act ©. A Filipind merchant d. a Filipino soldier " ,e. Ala Juventud Filipina ~ b. Noli Me Tangere “El Felibusterismo $8. Which correctly describes the topography ofthe Philippines? a. Rugged physical features ©. No plain, all mountains and hills b: Short coastline 1 Smooth physical features 39. Which provines in the westem coast of Luzon is virtually surrounded by sea waters and has become the center for big businesses and development Processing zones? Mindoro ©. Zambales 8. Bataan ‘6 Pampanga i 40. Which region is ‘said to offer limited economic opportunities because it is a narrow strip of land surrounded by mountain ranges and sea? x © @ Ilocos Region © Cagayan Valley b. Bicol Region d. National Capital Region 7

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