Salary (Y) Years of Experience (X) : Regression Statistics

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Years of

Sample ID Experience (x) Salary (y) SUMMARY OUTPUT

1 1.1 39343
2 1.3 46205 Regression Statistics
3 1.5 37731 Multiple R 0.9782416
4 2 43525 R Square 0.9569567
5 2.2 39891 Adjusted R 0.9554194
6 2.9 56642 Standard Er5788.3151
7 3 60150 Observation 30
8 3.2 54445
9 3.2 64445 ANOVA
10 3.7 57189 df SS MS F
11 3.9 63218 Regression 1 2.09E+10 2.09E+10 622.5072
12 4 55794 Residual 28 9.38E+08 33504591
13 4 56957 Total 29 2.18E+10
14 4.1 57081
15 4.5 61111 Coefficients
Standard Error t Stat P-value
16 4.9 67938 Intercept 25792.2 2273.053 11.34694 5.512E-12
17 5.1 66029 Years of Exp9449.9623 378.7546 24.95009 1.143E-20
18 5.3 83088 slope
19 5.9 81363
20 6 93940
21 6.8 91738
22 7.1 98273
23 7.9 101302 Salary (y)
24 8.2 113812 140000
25 8.7 109431
26 9 105582 120000 f(x) = 9449.96232145507 x + 25792.2001986687
27 9.5 116969
28 9.6 112635
29 10.3 122391 80000
30 10.5 121872



0 2 4 6 8
Significance F

Lower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0%

Upper 95.0%
21136.06 30448.34 21136.06 30448.34
8674.119 10225.81 8674.119 10225.81



8 10 12
# Years Post-High
School Education Annual Credit Card
Sample ID Annual Income (x1) (x2) Charges (y) SUMMARY OUTPUT
1 39400 5 10120.45
2 68200 4 15289.8 Regression Statistics
3 43000 6 5937.19 Multiple R
4 53600 2 2387.89 R Square
5 53500 4 13569.89 Adjusted R Square
6 60800 2 3889.79 Standard Error
7 74900 1 7715.47 Observations
8 53800 4 3451.52
9 93300 8 16392.44 ANOVA
10 97700 7 21855.16
11 44900 3 3360.94 Regression
12 58800 2 12485.39 Residual
13 79600 8 19985.27 Total
14 53400 6 8276.08
15 84500 6 13836.89 Coefficients
16 41500 5 2837.8 Intercept
17 38900 2 7322.06 Annual Income (x1)
18 76600 2 12622.8 # Years Post-High School E
19 47300 5 8512.13 spending = -1769.02 + 0.14545 * income +
20 44500 3 622.61 ** p value / f alue <0.05 will be good
21 118100 6 16162.34
22 93100 6 18067.06
23 51500 7 6477.21
24 96700 5 13266.53
25 83700 6 19640.36
26 49400 2 10705.74
27 58900 2 10972.75
28 65900 4 8917.72 constant to zero
29 87700 6 13740.12 SUMMARY OUTPUT
30 60100 1 12186.85
31 87100 5 13747.44 Regression Statistics
32 37600 4 14845.42 Multiple R
33 77300 3 15906.89 R Square
34 35600 4 5450.02 Adjusted R Square
35 91000 7 14989.69 Standard Error
36 54300 5 14439.9 Observations
37 61600 5 4868.37
38 82700 1 9240.15 ANOVA
39 53200 2 4951.98
40 104800 7 18211.07 Regression
41 115200 3 24053.15 Residual
42 81400 1 5590.32 Total
43 31800 2 3896.7
44 40100 2 9258.48 Coefficients
45 57300 2 6736.35 Intercept
46 57600 7 13482.09 Annual Income (x1)
47 90300 6 11411.28 # Years Post-High School E
48 51900 5 7936.28
49 43000 7 13534.23
50 114800 6 23702.79
51 33900 5 0
52 97800 5 7233.01
53 123100 5 24268.75
54 77200 3 12103.74
55 81200 7 17894.81
56 53500 6 11926.35
57 100200 6 13865.43
58 51600 4 4626.56
59 9900 3 8384.74
60 85400 6 16836.71
61 39200 4 0
62 69800 1 11379.62
63 56600 4 14532.57
64 93900 6 17526.2
65 47600 3 9438.17
66 57600 4 17175.19
67 72000 4 16739.59
68 88900 7 13356.68
69 73200 6 6563.74
70 99900 8 17240.65
71 84200 7 14615.08
72 130900 3 19743.92
73 76400 4 17809.53
74 118400 7 26186.57
75 59600 7 8984.53
76 60800 4 10803.51
77 75800 2 1356.31
78 83800 4 10368.68
79 120900 8 19291.62
80 23900 4 0
81 96500 4 16258.55
82 62900 2 4524.22
83 31600 3 1681.07
84 115500 6 16351.38
85 114800 5 25181.64
86 34100 5 0
87 50500 5 18976.86
88 98500 8 18156.95
89 110400 7 15631.96
90 84300 6 20395.44
91 30900 2 4172.42
92 80400 3 22101.97
93 92500 7 17886.1
94 68400 7 11472.83
95 40900 4 6746.46
96 79100 7 21466.77
97 57200 4 12968.02
98 115500 5 20070.77
99 28800 3 2813.1
100 48400 5 19601.1
101 71200 7 14638.34
102 83400 5 10470.36
103 49000 6 16014.79
104 78100 4 9626.53
105 47700 6 8611.49
106 35600 6 12692.6
107 118300 5 13587.69
108 134200 8 22164.01
109 54200 3 5626.16
ssion Statistics

df SS MS F Significance F
2 2.4E+09 1.2E+09 62.81141 1.018E-18
106 2.03E+09 19114849
108 4.43E+09

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
-1769.015 1339.231 -1.320918 0.189373 -4424.171 886.1409 -4424.171 886.1409
0.145451 0.016902 8.60548 7.593E-14 0.111941 0.178962 0.111941 0.178962
765.3402 238.3993 3.210329 0.001755 292.6904 1237.99 292.6904 1237.99
69.02 + 0.14545 * income + 765.34 * education
lue <0.05 will be good

ssion Statistics

df SS MS F Significance F
2 1.83E+10 9.14E+09 474.8754 1.237E-53
107 2.06E+09 19247907
109 2.03E+10
Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
0 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
0.132852 0.014002 9.487962 7.367E-16 0.105095 0.16061 0.105095 0.16061
614.2012 209.8735 2.926531 0.004187 198.1515 1030.251 198.1515 1030.251
House Price Sq. Feet Age Bedrooms Bathrooms Garage # SUMMARY OUTPUT with ALL variables
$110,000 1,000 28 3 1 1
$133,500 1,400 23 3 1 1 Regression Statistics
$112,500 1,248 58 3 4 1 Multiple R 0.90337182
$141,750 1,106 12 2 1 1 R Square 0.81608064
$195,250 2,112 78 2 6 2 Adjusted R Squa0.81314263
$132,250 1,078 33 2 1 1 Standard Error 27350.2517
$136,000 952 13 2 3 2 Observations 319
$162,750 1,100 1 2 1 2
$148,500 1,040 17 3 1 2 ANOVA
$123,500 1,416 27 4 2 1 df
$142,250 1,150 25 3 2 2 Regression 5
$145,500 1,220 17 3 2 2 Residual 313
$155,250 1,464 28 3 2 2 Total 318
$150,750 1,228 15 3 2 2
$150,900 1,132 1 3 4 2 Coefficients
$144,000 1,132 1 3 4 2 Intercept 31127.6023
$151,900 1,132 1 3 4 2 Sq. Feet 63.0656426
$161,500 1,464 29 3 3 2 Age -1144.4367
$155,750 1,270 1 4 3 2 Bedrooms -8410.3789
$157,250 1,362 23 3 4 2 Bathrooms 3521.95402
$152,900 1,120 1 3 3 2 Garage # 28203.5419
$145,250 1,025 1 3 5 2 ** fixed price = increase the bedroom = house
$164,750 1,290 19 3 3 2
$152,500 1,260 22 3 4 2
$150,750 1,085 1 3 4 2 Correlation House Price
$144,750 1,312 41 3 4 2 House Price 1
$148,250 1,489 34 3 4 1 Sq. Feet 0.74771197
$174,500 1,540 24 3 4 2 Age -0.4852218
$215,500 2,112 12 4 4 2 Bedrooms 0.54008796
$155,750 1,351 1 4 5 2 Bathrooms 0.66550426
$167,900 1,351 1 4 4 2 Garage # 0.6935385
$148,500 1,193 5 3 4 2
$152,500 1,200 1 4 4 2
$167,200 1,256 1 3 4 2
$159,500 1,058 1 3 4 2
$153,600 1,210 13 3 4 2
$168,000 1,380 1 3 4 2
$166,100 1,301 7 3 4 2
$165,200 1,375 8 3 4 2
$174,900 1,437 8 3 4 2
$160,250 1,330 1 3 4 2
$165,100 1,361 1 3 4 2
$170,500 1,594 16 3 3 2
$155,900 1,186 2 3 4 2
$167,700 1,336 1 3 4 2
$165,400 1,325 5 3 4 2
$163,500 1,352 9 3 4 2
$178,500 1,354 7 3 2 2
$164,000 1,318 1 3 4 2
$172,750 1,415 9 3 4 2
$149,000 1,337 2 3 4 2
$176,000 2,028 25 4 4 2
$205,500 1,820 21 3 4 2
$181,100 1,330 2 3 4 2
$166,600 1,356 1 3 4 2
$168,750 1,350 2 3 3 2
$188,700 1,523 1 4 4 2
$190,600 1,477 1 3 5 2
$160,900 1,185 4 3 4 2
$164,900 1,430 22 3 4 3
$154,700 1,311 1 3 4 2
$184,750 1,411 4 3 4 2
$174,000 1,412 1 3 4 2
$136,250 1,300 6 3 4 2
$169,000 1,334 4 3 4 2
$151,900 1,360 19 3 4 2
$180,350 1,900 43 3 2 2
$171,300 1,328 1 3 4 2
$172,650 1,350 1 3 4 2
$174,750 1,601 1 3 5 2
$166,900 1,405 1 3 4 2
$171,750 1,619 9 3 4 2
$170,900 1,450 2 3 4 2
$168,400 1,818 1 4 4 2
$193,100 1,424 1 3 4 3
$206,900 2,240 16 4 6 2
$193,000 1,872 2 4 4 2
$188,500 1,550 1 4 4 3
$168,300 1,342 1 3 4 2
$157,100 1,318 1 3 4 2
$177,650 1,843 1 3 4 2
$207,100 1,526 1 3 4 3
$191,900 1,526 1 3 4 3
$164,250 1,407 1 3 4 2
$146,100 1,515 1 3 4 2
$136,750 1,425 1 3 4 2
$226,600 2,150 20 4 4 2
$182,250 1,430 2 3 4 2
$158,900 1,975 19 4 6 2
$173,000 1,433 8 3 4 2
$217,600 2,400 34 5 4 3
$201,000 2,160 32 4 4 2
$149,650 1,600 10 3 5 2
$206,150 1,526 1 3 4 3
$162,500 1,480 20 3 4 2
$138,250 129 1 4 5 3
$172,900 1,493 1 3 4 3
$188,400 1,728 4 3 5 2
$182,750 1,828 1 3 4 2
$175,500 1,689 1 4 4 2
$157,500 1,572 1 4 4 2
$211,900 1,534 1 3 4 3
$207,300 1,775 10 4 6 2
$126,750 608 4 3 5 2
$181,200 1,938 22 4 5 2
$181,500 1,564 5 4 4 2
$152,750 1,700 22 3 4 2
$183,200 1,393 2 3 4 2
$161,400 1,500 9 3 3 2
$160,300 1,510 5 3 3 2
$163,900 1,689 1 4 4 2
$179,900 1,407 1 3 4 2
$188,900 1,938 25 4 4 2
$201,750 1,337 1 3 4 3
$200,500 1,590 8 3 4 3
$176,300 1,488 1 3 4 2
$195,300 1,526 1 3 4 3
$194,350 1,594 1 3 4 3
$199,100 1,609 1 4 4 3
$207,400 1,212 1 3 4 3
$185,300 1,812 1 4 6 3
$157,500 1,773 9 4 6 3
$214,300 1,838 20 4 4 3
$233,900 2,672 20 3 5 2
$145,100 1,008 2 4 4 2
$181,750 1,700 5 4 5 2
$196,900 2,080 22 5 4 2
$125,800 1,235 3 4 6 2
$197,900 1,800 22 4 6 2
$200,400 1,661 1 3 4 3
$173,300 1,680 9 3 5 2
$193,100 1,700 1 3 4 2
$166,100 1,707 3 4 4 2
$182,750 1,595 1 4 6 3
$164,500 1,420 1 4 5 3
$196,500 1,618 5 3 5 2
$227,200 1,632 5 3 4 3
$191,200 1,558 1 3 4 3
$219,400 1,770 7 3 3 2
$199,750 2,072 29 4 5 2
$203,900 2,012 24 4 4 2
$199,500 1,899 1 4 4 3
$168,100 1,572 1 3 4 2
$190,500 1,672 6 3 4 3
$208,800 1,611 1 3 4 3
$228,700 1,920 3 4 6 3
$228,900 2,367 22 4 6 2
$194,200 1,934 13 3 4 2
$250,100 2,712 22 4 4 2
$224,600 2,144 23 4 5 2
$211,250 2,040 23 3 6 2
$161,500 1,622 1 4 4 3
$159,800 1,665 1 3 4 3
$132,400 2,192 26 4 5 2
$229,250 2,358 21 4 6 2
$159,700 1,738 4 4 4 2
$211,700 1,933 7 4 4 3
$199,250 2,194 12 3 6 2
$194,750 2,050 3 4 6 3
$147,750 2,256 25 4 4 2
$208,900 2,600 30 5 4 2
$246,600 1,687 1 3 4 3
$186,600 1,968 21 4 6 2
$194,200 1,650 5 4 4 2
$126,500 1,646 1 4 4 3
$178,000 1,860 2 4 5 2
$240,800 2,536 21 4 6 2
$225,750 1,866 1 4 5 3
$166,500 2,020 14 4 6 2
$207,900 1,875 6 4 5 2
$260,650 1,910 9 4 4 3
$245,750 2,546 25 4 6 2
$112,600 1,400 36 3 5 2
$185,100 2,878 29 6 6 2
$235,500 3,000 11 5 6 2
$179,900 1,776 8 4 5 3
$265,750 3,024 18 5 6 2
$222,600 2,682 20 5 6 2
$242,500 2,037 6 4 6 3
$156,500 1,836 8 4 4 2
$253,850 1,733 3 3 5 3
$209,500 2,700 19 4 7 2
$224,500 1,651 2 3 4 4
$204,250 2,700 22 4 6 2
$237,800 2,051 12 3 3 2
$226,500 2,090 3 4 6 3
$199,500 2,700 42 5 3 2
$216,750 2,182 1 4 4 3
$181,250 2,600 37 5 3 1
$229,500 1,930 1 3 4 3
$207,500 1,834 2 3 4 3
$206,250 1,933 1 3 4 3
$265,400 2,172 1 3 4 3
$219,250 2,193 4 3 4 2
$272,100 2,018 1 4 5 4
$229,600 2,310 1 4 5 3
$261,000 2,256 1 4 4 3
$274,600 2,710 20 4 4 3
$192,400 1,984 1 3 4 3
$217,200 2,443 1 4 5 3
$201,700 2,650 2 4 7 2
$243,350 2,560 1 5 6 3
$287,700 2,341 1 4 6 4
$240,750 2,259 1 4 6 3
$217,500 2,167 1 4 4 3
$288,900 2,383 1 4 7 3
$265,500 2,544 1 3 5 3
$253,750 2,518 1 4 5 3
$208,150 1,991 1 4 4 3
$229,700 2,400 15 4 5 3
$282,300 2,939 1 5 5 3
$234,750 2,500 3 4 5 3
$170,200 2,854 1 5 5 3
$301,200 3,080 12 4 6 3
$305,900 3,659 1 4 6 3
$225,400 2,542 6 4 6 3
$251,900 2,208 2 5 5 3
$291,300 2,939 1 5 5 3
$301,700 2,460 1 4 5 3
$262,750 2,619 1 4 5 3
$273,900 2,718 10 4 5 3
$317,800 3,403 1 6 6 3
$242,000 2,619 1 4 5 3
$298,500 3,550 13 4 6 3
$229,500 2,644 5 4 5 3
$302,100 2,867 1 4 5 3
$310,500 2,938 1 4 5 4
$273,100 3,321 12 5 7 2
$305,700 2,975 1 5 8 3
$289,900 3,063 1 4 6 3
$257,500 2,754 1 4 6 3
$311,000 3,285 8 5 7 3
$280,300 3,300 12 5 6 3
$328,150 2,893 1 4 5 4
$337,300 3,277 1 5 6 3
$265,500 3,160 27 5 7 2
$231,000 2,750 4 4 5 3
$274,800 2,727 4 4 5 3
$262,500 2,733 1 5 5 3
$361,100 4,080 14 6 7 3
$322,900 2,900 2 5 6 3
$310,500 3,469 1 5 8 3
$226,000 3,000 3 4 6 2
$309,300 2,950 1 4 5 3
$298,600 3,217 3 4 6 4
$278,000 2,300 43 3 4 3
$331,000 2,418 5 3 4 4
$317,000 3,255 3 4 6 3
$302,900 3,114 10 3 5 4
$58,700 1,098 30 3 1 1
$71,100 948 28 2 1 1
$59,800 1,159 50 2 1 1
$78,500 1,200 23 3 2 1
$64,200 1,430 54 3 1 1
$57,600 1,217 23 3 1 1
$54,100 911 49 2 1 2
$72,000 954 53 2 1 2
$90,100 950 48 2 1 2
$75,200 1,086 41 3 5 2
$58,500 1,180 7 3 1 1
$64,700 1,004 52 2 1 2
$88,900 988 28 3 1 2
$76,550 1,661 45 4 3 1
$82,250 1,008 47 2 1 2
$68,600 1,400 31 3 1 1
$75,900 1,340 34 2 4 1
$79,600 1,563 44 3 4 1
$88,600 1,072 49 2 1 2
$92,700 1,534 19 4 4 1
$80,350 1,016 21 3 1 2
$83,400 1,040 16 3 3 2
$97,200 1,136 29 3 2 2
$96,300 1,282 42 3 4 2
$78,100 1,670 47 3 1 1
$94,000 1,530 54 4 4 2
$79,300 1,789 53 3 4 1
$88,150 1,339 65 2 1 2
$88,200 1,160 21 3 1 2
$91,600 1,910 47 4 4 1
$82,700 1,100 6 3 4 2
$91,100 1,379 40 3 4 2
$91,800 1,032 15 2 1 2
$96,450 1,672 29 3 1 1
$72,950 1,407 37 3 2 2
$82,200 1,450 40 3 3 2
$93,300 1,728 61 4 1 2
$111,400 1,976 37 4 4 1
$90,250 1,608 7 3 1 1
$72,500 1,532 41 3 2 2
$70,600 1,288 5 3 4 2
$65,950 1,320 9 3 4 2
$90,100 1,416 41 2 4 2
$110,200 2,022 36 4 3 1
$122,500 1,550 42 3 2 2
$93,900 1,568 40 3 3 2
$84,800 1,968 40 3 3 1
$103,600 1,536 22 3 4 2
$121,000 1,872 39 4 4 2
$102,150 2,200 31 4 4 1
$129,600 1,763 29 3 4 2
$82,950 2,073 71 3 3 2
$111,700 1,563 52 3 1 3
$127,150 2,080 28 5 4 2
$139,300 1,968 47 3 3 2
$111,900 1,340 9 3 4 3
$96,400 1,730 12 3 4 2
$106,250 2,168 2 4 4 1
$126,100 2,320 22 4 4 1
$121,950 1,750 8 3 4 2
$150,950 2,000 39 3 4 2
$142,100 2,073 44 3 2 2
$173,200 2,000 20 3 3 2
$157,850 1,900 45 3 6 3
$164,700 2,400 38 4 4 2
$130,100 3,000 43 4 5 1
$123,900 2,172 1 5 6 3
$180,500 2,515 51 2 4 2
$169,900 2,500 49 4 6 3
$213,000 2,345 44 5 4 4
UT with ALL variables SUMMARY OUTPUT without

Regression Statistics
Multiple R
R Square
Adjusted R
Standard Er

SS MS F Significance F
1.0389E+12 2.0778E+11 277.766557 9.037E-113 Regression
2.3414E+11 748036267 Residual
1.273E+12 Total

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%Lower 95.0%Upper 95.0% Coefficients
9539.66904 3.26296459 0.00122437 12357.6164 49897.5882 12357.616 49897.588 Intercept
4.01703341 15.6995564 2.2645E-41 55.1618401 70.9694451 55.16184 70.969445 Age
112.780004 -10.147515 4.1884E-21 -1366.3395 -922.53395 -1366.34 -922.5339 Bedrooms
3002.51118 -2.8011149 0.00540955 -14318.036 -2502.7219 -14318 -2502.722 Bathrooms
1580.99684 2.22767936 0.02661248 411.228879 6632.67915 411.22888 6632.6792 Garage #
2858.69242 9.86588894 3.6166E-20 22578.8587 33828.2251 22578.859 33828.225
ncrease the bedroom = house price drop by 8410

Sq. Feet Age Bedrooms Bathrooms Garage #

-0.0728834 1
0.70586025 -0.2024017 1
0.62928955 -0.3871049 0.59964031 1
0.41626129 -0.4373795 0.31203432 0.46460154 1
SUMMARY OUTPUT without SquareFoot and intercept

Regression Statistics

df SS MS F Significance F
4 1.1012E+13 2.753E+12 2059.1358 7.54E-224
315 4.21144E+11 1.337E+09
319 1.14331E+13

CoefficientsStandard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%Lower 95.0%Upper 95.0%
0 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
-644.6221 124.2808541 -5.1868175 3.836E-07 -889.1476 -400.0966 -889.1476 -400.0966
14331.9 2797.24913 5.1235693 5.237E-07 8828.2461 19835.553 8828.2461 19835.553
12590.97 1967.393073 6.3998245 5.632E-10 8720.0783 16461.863 8720.0783 16461.863
38579.769 3173.848646 12.155516 3.876E-28 32335.148 44824.391 32335.148 44824.391

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