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Global Warming

 Reduce greenhouse emission – Global warming has managed to spare no part of

tourism and also travelers are experiencing the effects of changes in the climate. To
solve that we need to increase the wind, solar power and biofuel as the source of energy
in engines of cruise lines, airplanes and etc.
 Restoration of biodiversity – Climate change was seen as a threat for the future. To
combat global warming, restoration of biodiversity and protect our forest and mountains
because biodiversity strengthens ecosystems, increasing their resistance to extreme
climate change and improving the capacity to stem global warming.
Natural Disasters

 Travel advisories or warnings – Natural disasters can affect tourism such as

cancellation of flights and can damage tourist destinations. By this, tourism industry
should provide information about the relative safety of travelling or warnings to the
travelers that visiting one or more specific foreign countries or destinations. The purpose
is to enable travelers to make an informed decision about a particular travel destination,
and to help travelers prepare adequately for what may be encountered on their trip.
 Estimating probability of a crisis occurring and lost earnings in the event one
does occur – The increasing complexity of disasters require professionalization of the
field and through experts on the field to examine and study tourist destination which is
prone to natural disasters. Knowing the probability will help ensure the safety of the
travelers and be informed about the research findings.
Health Issues

 Using media for updates – The tourism economy has been heavily hit by the
coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and measures are introduced to contain its spread.
Using media as a platform is very useful because by reports and updates about the
numbers of pandemic cases can help to know which country is heavily affected by
COVID-19 pandemic to have travel restrictions and beyond immediate measures to
support the tourism sectors, countries are also shifting to develop recovery measures.
 Preparing comprehensive tourism recovery plans – Planning for the future tourism
after the COVID-19 pandemic is helpful to rebuild destinations, encourage innovation
and investment once the pandemic-related travel restriction is lifted.
Terrorist Attacks

 Tightening the security – Terrorist activity at a tourism destination can cause potential
tourist to drop their plans. To solve that, tightening the security to it can provide safe and
secure environment to the travelers such as enhancing security checkpoints.
 Increase number of soldier or security guard – Physical security is one alternative for
tangible measures. This could be in form of increased soldiers, security guards, and
police presence to ensure the safety of foreign and local travels and have a safety in
environment in the tourist destination.

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