Properties and Microstructures of Outlet Manifold Components

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Properties and Microstructures of

Outlet Manifold Components

A metallurgical evaluation was performed on centrifugal cast 20Cr, 32NÎ, INb outlet manifold
components. The components were examined after 21 and 192 months aging in a hydrogen
reformer. The tensile properties, Charpy impact, stress rupture strengths, and microstructures were
evaluated on the aged material and after solution annealing treatments at 1,900°F (1,038°C),
2,000°F (1,093°C), 2,100°F (1,140°C), and2,200°F (1,204°C). The results of this investigation are
presented and the influence on serviceability and weldability are discussed.

John J. Hoffman
Air Products and Chemicals, Allentown, PA 18195

G. £. Gapinski
MetalTek International, Waukesha, WI 53188

Introduction cracks developed hi one inlet leg of the tee. The cracks
were ground out, the tee was given an in-situ solution

n extensive metallurgical analysis was per- anneal of 2,100°F (1,150°C) for 3 h and repair welded.
formed on segments of a hydrogen reformer The repaired manifold operated without incident until
outlet manifold system. The outlet manifold it was replaced as part of a major furnace rebuild in
contained synthesis gas at 1,600°F (870°C) and had February 2000. The manifold system was installed for
been in service up to 16 years (192 months). The com- 17 years. Considering typical plant downtime, it was
ponents examined consisted of two manifold segments, estimated that the manifold was operated at tempera-
labeled as Manifold-end and Manifold-center, and a ture approximately 16 years (192 months).
tee. The chemical compositions are listed in Table 1. A metallurgical evaluation was performed on the cast
Wisconsin Centrifugal manufactured the manifold material removed with up to 192 months aging to
using centrifugal cast alloy 20-32Nb pipe, tee, and out- observe the extent of secondary precipitates and to
let cone components. The overall length of the mani- quantify the effect of the precipitates on the mechani-
fold was 37 ft (11.3 m). The inlet legs were 5.468 in. ID cal properties and weldability. The results obtained
x 1.125 in. thick (138.9 mm x 28.58 mm) centrifugal were compared to cast 20Cr32NilNb material previ-
cast pipe with alloy 800H wrought fittings. The center ously analyzed after only 21 months aging (Hoffman,
outlet tee was 14.3 in. OD x 8 in. ID (363.2 mm x 2000).
204.8 mm) with a centrifugal cast reducer (Figure 1).
The manifold was installed in 1983. In 1996, fatigue


Table 1. Chemical Compositions of Cast Components, wt %

Element As-Cast Tee Manifold-End Manifold-Center

Cr 19.0-21.0 21 21 21
Ni 31.0-34.0 32 32 32
Nb 0.90-1.35 1.30 1.08 0.93
C 0.06-0.12 0.09 0.08 0.08
Si 0.50-1.00 0.8 0.9 0.6
Mn 0.50-1.50 1.0 0.9 0.9
Fe Bal. Bal. Bal. Bal.
Ti - 0.13 0.01 -

Nb/C 14.4 13.5 11.6

Experimental Procedure in an electric furnace. The samples were removed from

the furnace at the end of the treatment and air cooled to
Metallographie cross sections were prepared from ambient temperature. Additional samples were solution
the aged tee and manifold pipe sections. AU métallo- annealed at 2,100°F (1,140°C), furnace cooled to
graphie specimens were polished to a 0.05-micron fin- below 1,000°F (538°C), removed from the furnace and
ish. The microstructures were characterized using opti- cooled to room temperature. Thermocouples were
cal microscopy and scanning electron microscopy attached to the samples to monitor the heat treatment
(SEM). Elemental chemical analysis of the bulk matrix temperature and the cooling rate of the coupons.
and precipitated phases were performed using energy Cooling rates of 250°F (139°C) / min. were observed
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Phase identifica- for the air cooled samples. The furnace cooled samples
tion was performed using electron backscattered dif- had a cooling rate of 4.3°F (2.4°C) / min. from 2,100°F
fraction (EBSD) in the SEM. The phases were identi- (1,140°C) to 1,000°F (538°C) followed by a 250°F
fied by the Kikuchi patterns obtained from the EBSD (139°C) / min. cooling rate to room temperature.
analysis. Additional phase identification was performed Metallographie analyses were performed on samples
by selective etching and/or extractive metallography. representing the manifold tee, manifold-end, and man-
Conventional x-ray diffraction (XRD) was performed ifold-center. Mechanical property evaluations were per-
on the extracted residues. formed on tee and manifold-end samples. Room tem-
The effect of the precipitated phases on the mechan- perature tensile tests, Charpy impact tests, and acceler-
ical properties of the aged cast material was determined ated stress rupture tests were performed on samples in
via conventional room temperature tensile testing. the aged and solution annealed conditions. Sample
Charpy impact and accelerated stress rupture tests were locations are shown in Figure 1.
also performed on the aged material. Weldability test-
ing was also performed on the aged material by
depositing stringer beads of Inconel 617 using the Results
tungsten inert gas method. Followup metallography
was performed to investigate the propensity of crack- The as-cast microstructure of the 20Cr32NilNb
ing in the weld heat-affected zones. material typically consists of an austenite matrix with
Samples of the aged components were solution primary niobium carbide (NbC) and chromium carbide
annealed for 3 h at 1,900°F (1,038°C), 2,000°F (typically M7C3 or M23Cg). Optical microscopy per-
(1,093°C), 2,100°F (1,140°C), and 2,200°F (1,204°C) formed on polished cross sections of the manifold and


Figure 1. Reformer outlet manifold system.

tee after aging revealed abundant intra- and interden- metallic silicides in the aged tee finding all of the pre-
dritic second phase precipitates in the microstructures. cipitates analyzed to have a face-centered cubic (fee)
The precipitated phases were observed through the crystal structure with a lattice parameter of 11.2Â. The
entire thickness of the aged components. However, a crystal structure and lattice parameter measured were
greater concentration of intradendritic precipitates was consistent with published data on two intermetallic sili-
observed adjacent to the ID surface of the tee (Figure cide phases, G-phase (NiigNb7Si6) and rj'-phase
2). (Nb3Ni2Si). The chromium carbide phases (dark phase
SEM examination (using backscattered electron in Figure 3) could not be identified by EBSD. Selective
imaging) of the aged tee cross section in the as-pol- etching techniques were employed for identification of
ished condition clearly revealed the multiple interden- the chromium carbide phase. The response to electro-
dritic precipitates (Figure 3). Elemental chemical
analysis using EDS indicated the dark pre-
cipitates (see Figure 3) were chromium
carbides, while the white precipitates were
niobium carbides. The EDS analysis also
indicated that the medium gray phase
located at the periphery of the niobium
carbides was highly enriched in nickel
(Ni), niobium (Nb), and silicon (Si). Thus,
the interdendritic precipitates appeared to
be an intermetallic silicide phase(s). The
intradendritic precipitates were very
small, inhibiting reliable chemical analy-
sis. However, EDS analysis suggested the
intradendritic precipitates were chromium
and niobium carbides. The tee also con-
tained 0.13 wt. % titanium that enabled
the formation of titanium carbonitrides
(TiCN). The EDS analysis found a no-
table Nb content in the carbonitride parti-
Figure 2. Micrograph showing abundant secondary precipitates
cles indicating Nb substituted for Ti form-
at the ID of the aged tee.
ing (TiNb)(CN) particles. (Oxalic, acid, 500X original magnification).
EBSD was performed on the inter-


Figure 3. SEM micrograph showing typical interdendritic
precipitates in the aged tee.

Figure 4. SEM micrograph of typical interdendritic precipitates

in the aged manifold-end section.


etching in a chromic acid (CrO3) solution indicated the phases.
carbide phase was the M23C6 type. XRD analysis of Microstructural analyses were also performed on the
extracted residues found an abundance of NbC with a solution annealed samples. Scanning electron
second phase having a lattice parameter of 11.27Â. The microscopy of the tee and manifold-end sections
lattice parameter indicated the second phase in the annealed at 1,900°F found the interdendritic chromium
extracted residue was the intermetallic suicides. carbides partially dissolved into solid solution.
However, M23C6 was not identified via XRD analysis However, a small concentration of the interdendritic
suicide precipitates remained at the periphery of the
of extracted residues.
NbC's. SEM examination of the samples annealed at
Similar microstructural evaluations were performed
2,000°F, 2,100°F, and 2,200°F found all of the inter-
on the manifold-end section. The microstructure of the
dendritic chromium carbide and intermetallic silicides
manifold-end section appeared to have fewer intraden-
phases effectively returned to solid solution. The NbC
dritic second phase precipitates as compared to the tee.
precipitates generally became smaller in diameter and
EDS and EBSD analysis of the interdendritic precipi-
acquired an unusual morphology as the annealing tem-
tates found chromium carbides, a large amount of inter-
perature increased. Ti(CN) precipitates were observed
metallic suicide phases, and a notable decrease in NbC
hi the tee section, which contained 0.13 wt. % Ti, after
concentration. The intermetallic suicide phase
all of the annealing temperatures.
appeared to essentially replace the niobium carbide
The minimum room temperature tensile properties
phase along the dendrite boundaries (Figure 4). The
for this alloy in the as-cast condition are an ultimate
manifold-center section microstructure was representa-
tensile strength (UTS) of 65 Ksi (448 MPa), yield
tive of as-cast material. The microstructure contained
strength of 27 Ksi (186 MPa), and 25% elongation.
the typical eutectic niobium carbides with minimal
Room temperature tensile tests were performed on
intradendritic precipitates and no intermetallic suicide

Table 2. Tensile Properties of Components in the Aged and Annealed Conditions*

Component Condition**,' UTS, Ksi (MPa) Yield, Ksi (MPa) Elong. (%)
As-Cast (min.) 65 (448) 27 (186) 25

Tee Aged 42.7 (294) 25.5 (176) 7.3

SA at 1,900F/AC 69.5 (479) 31.7(219) 25.8
SA at 2,OOOF/AC 60.9 (420) 25.8 (178) 28.0
SAat2,100F/AC 72.9 (503) 29.5 (203) 36.8
SAat2,100F/FC 70.3 (485) 28.3 (195) 27.0
SA at 2.200F/AC 69.1 (476) 25.5 (176) 35.8

Manifold-End Aged 48.3 (333) 29.2 (201) 7.0

SA at 1,900F/AC 74.2(512) 30.7 (212) 37.6
SA at 2,OOOF/AC 74.9(516) 37.3 (257) 41.0
SA at 2,100F/AC 75.3 (519) 32.0 (221) 44.6
SA at 2,100F/FC 75.0(517) 28.2 (194) 39.6
SA at 2,200F/AC 75.3(519) 32.8 (226) 41.1
* All tensile test performed at room temperature.
** SA = solution annealed; AC = air cooled; FC = furnace cooled.
' Solution annealed samples were held at temperature for 3 h.


samples machined from the tee and manifold-end sec- (61.4 MPa). Test conditions using a minimum life of
tions in the aged condition showed significant degrada- 150 h were calculated from the Larsen-Miller stress
tion in elongation and UTS as compared to the speci- rupture curve published for this alloy. The manifold tee
fied minimum as-cast values. The most severe decreas- samples exhibited the lowest rupture life for each test
es in mechanical properties occurred in the tee, which condition. The best rupture life was obtained with the
had a 34% decrease in UTS and a 71% decrease in 2,200°F (1,204°C) anneal treatment. Test samples in
elongation. The yield strengths of the components gen- this condition were the only manifold tee samples to
erally remained near the minimum as-cast value (see exceed the 150 h minimum life. Manifold-end samples
Table 2). exceeded the desked minimum life after annealing at
Tensile test results indicate property recoveries 2,100°F (1,140°C) and 2,200°F (1,204°C). The aged
approaching minimum as-cast values with the 1,900°F samples and the 1,900°F (1,038°C) and 2,000°F
(1,038°C) annealing treatment. Continued tensile prop- (1,093°C) solution annealed samples exhibited similar
erty improvements were evident as the annealing tem- rupture properties. Stress rupture tests were not con-
peratures increased. The best properties were observed ducted for the 2,100°F (1,140°C) furnace cool condi-
with annealing temperatures of 2,100°F (1,140°C). The tion. Accelerated stress rupture test values are shown in
highest ductility was observed after the 2,200°F Table 4.
(1,204°C) solution anneal. Tensile properties for the Weldability testing was performed on the aged spec-
furnace cooled samples were lower than the correspon- imens using a conventional bead-on-plate method.
ding air cooled samples. Inconel 617 filler metal was deposited on the surface of
Charpy V-notch impact testing is not required for this three aged components using the gas tungsten arc
application, but was included in this study
to measure material toughness. Compar- Table 3. Charpy V-Notch Impact Properties in the Aged and
ison of impact test results reveals signifi- Annealed Condition*
cant variation between the aged and solu-
tion annealed material. The lowest impact
Component Condition**,' Impact Strength,
values, 7.6 and 6.0 ft-lb, were recorded for
ft-lb (J)
the aged material and the highest for the
material solution annealed at 2,200°F
Tee Aged 7.6 (10.3)
(1,204°C). The manifold-end material
SA at 1,900F/AC 25.0 (33.9)
exhibited both the lowest and highest
SA at 2,OOOF/AC 28.0 (38.0)
impact values. Solution annealing had a
SAat2,100F/AC 29.0 (39.3)
pronounced influence on impact strength.
SAat2,100F/FC 25.0 (33.9)
Impact values for the tee increased to 26 ft-
SA at 2,200F/AC 33.3 (45.2)
lb to 33 ft-lb as annealing temperatures
increased. Greater increases in impact
Manifold-End Aged 6.0(8.1)
strength were evident with the annealed
SAatl,900F/AC 28.5 (38.6)
manifold end samples where impact values
SA at 2,OOOF/AC 47.5 (64.0)
increased to 29 ft-lb to 60 ft-lb. Cooling
SAat2,100F/AC 50.0 (67.8)
rate significantly influenced impact
SAat2,100F/FC 45.0 (61.0)
strength similar to the influence on tensile
SA at 2.200F/AC 60.0(81.4)
properties. Impact values dropped 10-15%
when samples were slow cooled following
* All impact tests were performed using standard size
solution anneal treatment (see Table 3).
specimens at room temperature.
Stress rupture properties were evaluated
** SA = solution annealed; AC = air cooled; PC = furnace
using accelerated stress rupture tests con-
ducted at 1,500°F (815°C) and 8.9 Ksi
' Solution annealed samples were held at temperature for 3 h.


Table 4. Stress Rupture Data in the Aged and Annealed Conditions4

Component Conditiont,tt Life, h Elongation, %

L-M (min.)** As-Cast 150 (min.)

Tee Aged 29.2 45.0

SAatl,900F/AC 37.8 46.0
SA at 2,OOOF/AC 91.8 47.2
SAat2,100F/AC 140.6 42.4
SAat2,200F/AC 192.3 40.5

Manifold-End Aged 114.8 54.5

SA at 1,900F/AC 86.8 55.4
SA at 2,OOOF/AC 99.8 52.0
SAat2,100F/AC 308.4 57.8
SAat2,200F/AC 446.2 59.2
* AU tests were performed at 1,500°F and 8.9 Ksi.
** Larsen-Miller 95% confidence curve minimum for 20Cr, 32Ni, INb
T SA = solution annealed; AC = air cooled.
'T Samples were solution annealed for 3 h at temperature.

method. Metallographie cross sections were prepared especially hi areas adjacent to eutectic carbides. In Cr-
from the samples and the weld heat-affected zones Ni-Fe alloys, these carbides will be chromium rich car-
examined via optical microscopy. No evidence of bides, while carbide precipitates hi Cr-Ni-Fe-Nb alloys
cracking was observed in the weld heat-affected zones. may include Nb rich and Cr rich carbides.
Since the samples did not experience any cracking in The metallographic analysis revealed three distinct
the aged condition, weldability testing was not per- interdendritic precipitates hi the aged microstructures.
formed on the annealed specimens. Chemical analysis indicated that two of the interden-
dritic phases were the anticipated M23Cg type chromi-
um carbides and MC type niobium carbides. The third
Discussion phase was enriched in nickel, niobium, and silicon sug-
gesting an intermetallic silicide phase. EBSD analysis
Carbon, in levels of <0.20%, is typically added to found the intermetallic silicide precipitates to have an
cast heat resistant Cr-Ni-Fe alloys for fluidity and solid fee crystal structure with a lattice parameter of 11.2Â.
solution and carbide strengthening purposes. Niobium The crystal structure and measured lattice parameter
additions of approximately 1.0% will increase rupture corresponded to two intermetallic silicide phases, G-
strength of these alloys by solid solution strengthening phase (Ni16Nb6Si7) and T| '-phase (Nb3Ni2Si). The
and formation of primary carbides. Thus, a portion of Kikuchi patterns obtained from the intermetallic sili-
the Nb addition will go into solid solution and a portion cides did not contain sufficient information to differen-
will form MC carbides. When cast Cr-Ni-Fe and Cr-Ni- tiate between G-phase and v\'-phase. Previous electron
Fe-Nb alloys are exposed to temperatures above probe x-ray microanalysis on 20Cr32NilNb material
1,000°F (540°C) for prolonged periods, secondary car- with 21 months aging found the majority of the inter-
bides will precipitate in interdendritic regions and metallic silicide precipitates to be G-phase (Hoffman,


2000). phase of continued exposure. This observation is con-
The precipitated phases were primarily located along sistent with short term (that is, < 5,000 h) aged ductili-
the dendrite boundaries associated with the NbC parti- ty properties previously reported for this alloy (Collins,
cles. The location of the intermetallic precipitates is not 1980).
surprising. Nb and Si are rejected to the liquid phase The property similarity did not extend into the aged
during solidification (DuPont et al., 1998). The rejec- stress rupture test results where rupture life of the man-
tion of these solute elements rninimizes the concentra- ifold-end sample was 3X higher than the tee. This dif-
tion of Nb and Si in the dendrite core. However, the ference hi rupture life suggests the possibility of addi-
outermost periphery of the dendrites and the dendrite tional factors, other than aging response, having an
boundaries were enriched hi Nb and Si since these influence on mechanical properties. Grain boundary
areas are associated with the last remaining liquid to phase distribution is responsible for the decrease'in
solidify. Thus, high temperature aging appears to read- UTS, elongation, and impact strength. Concentrations
ily precipitate intermetallic phases within the solute of complex MC carbide + intermetallic silicides +
rich areas of the microstructure. A published time-tem- M23Cg carbide particles decorate the grain boundaries
perature-precipitation diagram for a 20Cr25Ni0.6Nb of both aged components. The concentration and distri-
alloy suggests that grain boundary G-phase and M^Cg bution of these complex particles is similar in both
precipitates can form in less than one hour aging at components and, therefore, does not account for the
1,427°F (775°C) (Ecob et al., 1987). difference in rupture life.
G-phase precipitation has been reported in Nb-modi- Solution anneal heat treatments of aged material
fied heat resistant castings (Ecob et al., 1987; influenced mechanical properties and microstructure
Barbabela et al., 1991). In the previous study, the G- differently. This is understandable considering that
phase precipitates tended to be associated with NbC's, solutionizing is a time-temperature dependent reaction.
but there was no evidence of NbC particles transform- For example, solution annealing at 1,900°F (1,038°C)
ing to G-phase. The material in the current study had partially eliminated M/^Cg carbide and significantly
significantly increased aging times as compared to the increased tensile ductility and impact strength. It did
previous study. The longer aging time resulted in a not have a visible effect on non-ft/^Cg grain boundary
large concentration of the intermetallic suicide phase microconstituents. This trend continued with the
with decreased concentration of the NbC phase. This 2,000°F (1,093°C) anneal where almost all M23C6 car-
was especially apparent in the manifold-end segment
bides were eliminated with little observable effect on
where only small islands of NbC were observed
phases other than the M23Cg carbide. Tensile ductility
engulfed in large suicide precipitates. This finding sug-
gests the NbC becomes unstable upon prolonged high and impact strength improved slightly with the higher
temperature exposure and eventually transforms into annealing temperature. Stress rupture properties were
an intermetallic silicide phase. similar with the aged and 1,900°F (1,038°C) conditions
Tensile test results indicate that tensile and impact and slightly improved after 2,000°F (1,093°C) anneal.
properties of the tee and pipe components are similar. Marked changes in microstructure, tensile, impact
This similarity becomes significant when we consider and stress rupture properties were evident after anneal-
the difference in operating history between the two ing at 2,100°F (1,140°C). Precipitated carbides were
samples. The tee received a 2,100°F (1,140°C) in-situ solutionized, grain boundary phases were partially
solution anneal treatment after 156 months of service, spheroidized, elongation and impact strength
then operated an additional 36 months before replace- increased, and rupture strength increased dramatically.
ment. The manifold-end operated for 192 months with- A second set of samples was furnace cooled to below
out benefit or interruption of in-situ solution anneal. 1,000°F (538°C) and then air cooled to room tempera-
The extent of secondary precipitation in the ture, rather than being removed from the furnace at the
microstructure of these two parts was essentially the completion of the heat treatment and ah- cooled to room
same, suggesting the aging process is rapid at the early temperature. These samples had a much slower cooling


Figure 5. Micrograph obtained on tee after solution annealing at
2,100°F (1,140°C) followed by air cooling.
(Mixed acids, 500X original magnification.)

Figure 6. Micrograph obtained on tee after solution annealing

at 2,100°F (1,140°C) followed by furnace cooling.
(Mixed acids, 500X original magnification.)


rate and the microstructure contained very fine M23C6 cipitation of interdendritic intermetallic silicides.
precipitates that obviously precipitated during the slow Compared to NbC, the intermetallic silicide particles
cool in the carbide precipitation range of 1,650°F are soft, deformable, and do not strongly inhibit dislo-
(900°C) - 1,200°F (650°C), (see Figures 5 and 6). cation movement leading to weaker material.
Somewhat lower elongation and impact values were Additionally, the intermetallic silicides contained large
observed for the furnace cooled material. concentrations of Ni and Nb. The Nb would normally
The improvements in microstructure, toughness, and be in the form of niobium carbide with excess Nb
rupture strength continued with the 2,200°F (1,204°C) remaining in solid solution. Ni would also normally
annealing treatment. The microstructure indicated remain in solid solution. Thus, the formation of the
complete spheroidization of the grain boundary phases. intermetallic silicide phase results in a net decrease in
The stress rupture strength significantly increased with the NbC concentration resulting in decreased strength.
the 2,200°F (1,204°C) solution anneal treatment. This The intermetallic silicides phase also removes Ni and
treatment exhibited the best overall combination of excess Nb from the matrix resulting in a decrease in
structure and properties, suggesting that salvage solid solution strengthening.
annealing treatments be raised to take advantage of the The performance of the 20Cr32NilNb alloy could
increase in properties. likely be optimized by modification of the nominal
Differences in mechanical properties are evident chemistry to inhibit precipitation of the intermetallic
between the two manifold components. These differ- silicides. The precipitation of the intermetallic phases
ences are most evident in solution annealed material. It is initiated by the segregation of Si in the microstruc-
is thought that these differences are related to the sec- ture. The manufacturer's specification allowed up to
tion size differences of the two components rather than 1.5 wt. % Si in this alloy. The aged tee and manifold-
their modest differences in chemical composition. The end section contained 0.8 wt. % Si and 0.9 wt. % Si,
manifold-end is a centrifugal cast pipe with a finished respectively. The Si addition is beneficial to the
cross section of 1.12 in. (28.4 mm). The tee is also cen- foundry since Si increases the fluidity of the molten
trifugal cast, but has a solid bottom, a finished cross metal. Si additions also inhibit carburization attack of
section of 3.10 in. (78.7 mm), and a larger gram size. alloys while in service by the formation of a protective
The tee also has a wider dendrite arm spacing and sig- SiO2 layer. However, the moderate operating tempera-
nificantly coarser carbide structure. tures of hydrogen reformers are too low to form a pro-
In-situ solution anneal of aged 20Cr32NilNb mani- tective surface layer of SiO2 while in service. Thus, the
fold components is standard industry practice in prepa- Si addition probably does not improve the performance
ration for weld repair. Results obtained in this study of the 20Cr32NilNb alloy and should be minimized.
indicate that the solution annealing temperature and the Lowering the Si content would decrease the tenden-
cooling rate at the conclusion of the anneal treatment cy to form intermetallic silicides and subsequent
are critical. Low solution annealing treatments will not decreases in tensile properties. Therefore, the silicon
solution the semi-continuous grain boundary networks. content should be kept as low as possible. This appears
Solutioning temperatures of 2,200°F (1,204°C), which to be verified by the manifold-center section. The man-
provide the best properties, may be difficult to attain ifold-center section contained only 0.6 wt. % Si and
using conventional equipment. The cooling rate to had no intermetallic silicides phases present in the aged
room temperature at the completion of the annealing microstructure. The manganese (Mn) content of the
treatment is also critical. The cooling rate between alloy could be increased to help restore some of the flu-
1,650°F (900°C) and 1,200°F (650°C) should be suffi- idity of the molten metal. The UTS and elongation of
cient to prevent precipitation of carbides. Water quench aged 20Cr32NilNb has been shown to increase with
would be optimum, but test results suggest that con- decreasing Si and increasing Mn concentrations
ventional air cooling rates are sufficient to prevent pre- (Shibasaki et al., 1987).
cipitation of M23Cg carbide precipitation. The intermetallic silicides also contained large con-
Aging of the 20Cr32NilNb alloy resulted in the pre- centrations of Nb. Nb is added to the alloy to form sta-


blé NbC's that improve creep resistance. The aged tee (2) Carbide coalescence in conjunction with inter-
contained 0.09 wt. % C and 1.30 wt. % Nb producing metallic silicide and chromium carbide precipitation
a Nb/C ratio of 14.4. The Nb/C ratios of the manifold- significantly degrades the mechanical properties of the
end and manifold-center sections were 13.5 and 11.6, alloy. Most of the mechanical property degradation
respectively. In the formation of NbC, one Nb atom is occurs within the first three years of service with neg-
required for every C atom. With a C content of 0.09 wt. ligible property degradation upon continued aging
% in the tee, only 0.70 wt. % Nb is required to ensure beyond three years.
there is one atom of Nb for every C atom. A Nb con- (3) Solutionizing of M23Cg carbides and intermetal-
centration of 0.70 wt. % would yield a stoichiometric lic silicide phases was accomplished by solution
Nb/C ratio of 7.7. The Nb/C ratios of all of the aged annealing at 2,000°F (1,093°C).
components examined were well above 7.7 (hyperstoi- (4) Complete solutionizing of secondary precipitates
chiometric) indicating the components had excess Nb and spheroidization of the primary carbide network
in solid solution. However, the manifold-center seg- required a minimum solution annealing temperature of
ment, which had the lowest Nb/C ratio and the lowest 2,100°F (1,140°C).
Si content, had no intermetallic suicides precipitates in (5) Additional stress rupture life and impact strength
the aged microstructure. This suggests that the Nb/C improvements were achieved by solution annealing at
ratio for this alloy should be targeted at 7.7. The metal- 2,200°F (1,204°C).
lographic analysis found that the aged material precip- (6) A minimum cooling rate of 250°F (139°C) / min.
itated M/^Cg carbides consuming some of the carbon upon completion of solution annealing is sufficient to
available to form NbC's. Thus, the Nb/C ratio could be prevent carbide precipitation and subsequent mechani-
reduced below the 7.7 target value to limit the amount cal property degradation.
of excess Nb in solid solution upon initial solidifica- (7) The alloy chemistry should be modified to inhib-
tion. it precipitation of the intermetallic silicide phases.
Previous analysis of the material aged for 21 months Specifically, the silicon content should be held as low
showed a strong propensity for weld heat-affected zone as possible while maintaining a stoichiometric Nb/C
cracking using the bead-on-plate weldability test. The ratio of 7.7.
material in the current study was aged considerably
longer and had niobium to carbon ratios as high as
14.4. However, no HAZ cracks were generated in the Acknowledgments
aged samples via bead-on-plate testing. This indicates
that the bead-on-plate method does not provide suffi- The authors would like to express sincere thanks to
cient sensitivity to determine weldability in the aged Dr. John Radavich for his assistance with selective
condition. More sensitive techniques, such as etching and extractive metallography. Thanks to the
Varestraint testing, are required to access aged weld- MetalTek International Metallurgical lab and Heat
ability. Treat Department for sectioning, mechanical testing,
and heat treating. Thanks to Michael Wert and Jim
Stets, both of APCI, for their assistance in métallo-
Conclusions graphie sample preparation and phase identification,
The following conclusions were reached based on
the results of the metallurgical evaluation of aged
20Cr32NilNb centrifugal castings: Literature Cited
(1) High temperature aging of the 20Cr32NilNb
alloy results in the precipitation of intermetallic sui- Barbabela, G. D., L. Henrique de Almeida, T. Luiz de
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Rob Gommans, Gommons Metallurgical Services: I phase formation led to mechanical property degrada-
doubt the presence of G-phase. My investigation show tion as similar to that demonstration in the article.
M6C carbide 3Ni, ISi, IFe/Gr, 1N6. There is some literature stating M23C6 can transform
John J. Hoffman, Air Products: Our analysis indicat- to M6C upon aging. However, M6C has never been
ed the Ni-Nb-Si rich phases was face centered cubic reported in this alloy.
with a lattice parameter of 11.2 angstroms, consistent Charles Thomas, Materials Performance
with G-phase. In addition, no significant carbon was Technologies: In addition to the room temperature ten-
detected in this phase. Hence, the conclusion in the sile ductility you reported in your talk, do you have
phase was G-phase. G-phase has been reported in the information relating to high temperature stress rupture
literature hi several aged casting with similar composi- ductility?
tions to that investigated in this article. In all cases, G- Hoffman: The stress rupture ductility data is available
and simply was not reported in the article.


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