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Digital River Ireland Ltd. · Unit 153 · Shannon Free Zone W · Co.

Clare · Ireland

walter martinez



Invoice for order # 725939223 dated 23-MAY-2021

Seller of the product: Publisher:

Digital River GmbH Bartels Media GmbH

Scheidtweilerstr. 4 Gunnar Bartels
50933 Cologne Fleischstraße 17
Germany 54290 Trier
Tax ID Number: DE194149069

Item # Description Qty. Unit Price VAT Amount

300985087p Macro Recorder Enterprise - Incl. 1 year 1 USD 219.00 0%¹ USD 0.00 USD 219.00
Delivery date: 23-MAY-2021
Net total USD 219.00
VAT USD 0.00
Total amount USD 219.00

Sequential invoice no.: e5-DE-2021-00000968573

Payment Type: Credit Card (Mastercard)

¹) EUSG6: Steuerbefreiung § 4 Nr. 1 (a) Fall 1 i.V.m. § 6 Abs 1 Nr 1 UStG

The order has been paid in full.

Digital River GmbH · Scheidtweilerstr. 4 · 50933 Cologne · Germany

Customer service: ·
Managing Director: Kristopher Thomas Schmidt
Tax ID Number: DE194149069
Commercial Register: District court of Cologne HRB 56188

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