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Quarter 2- Module 4

Examining Images
which Present Particular Viewpoints
and Opinions

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) was designed and written with you in mind to help
you master the skills to examine images which present particular viewpoints and
opinion. The scope of this learning material focuses on the many different learning

Moreover, the language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary levels of learners.
The lessons are also arranged following the standard sequence of the course.

Hence, the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the
textbook you are now using.

The SLM contains:

Lesson: Examining images which present particular viewpoints and opinion

It is divided into 2 sub lessons, namely:

Lesson 1.1- Analysing Images
Lesson 1.2- Giving Opinions

After going through this SLM, you are expected to:

1. view images which present particular viewpoints, as to (gender, age,
2. determine images which present particular viewpoints;
3. differentiate images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers;
4. sequence the opinion on an issue; and
5. predict the outcomes from the given images.

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. Which image is needed by a baby?


2. Which viewpoint may be used for this picture?

A. In my own opinion, vaccine kills viruses.

B. I think viruses can spread through vaccine.
C. I presume that vaccine cannot protect us from viruses.
D. I believe one must be vaccinated in order to become immune.

3. “Every specie plays a part in its environment.” Which opinion below best explains this
statement? It means that _______________________.
A. saving wildlife can save us.
B. the loss of one specie affects all in the ecosystem.
C. human being have the ability to change their environment.
D. animals and plants are made to destroy the balance in the ecosystem.

4. Which picture below best describes the slogan?

Free your hands from germs by washing it.

A. C.

B. D.



5. You live in Surigao City and it is under Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine, so,
the people are advised to stay at home if they have nothing to do outside. What is your
opinion on this matter? I shall ____________________.
A. not obey the law. C. go and play with my friends.
B. watch television whole day. D. stay home because it is an order.

6. Which set of things belongs to women?

A. cap, bikini and bra C. Lip liner, rubber shoes and brief
B. Lipstick, nail polish and blower D. Sandals, cargo pants and head bonds

7. Alice violated the law of going out without a quarantine pass. She was caught by a
policeman at the checkpoint. Then, Alice explained to the officer her side but the officer
did not accept her apology. What do you think would be the end of the story?
A. Alice will be punished.
B. The officer set Alice free.
C. Alice will bribe the policeman.
D. The officer gives Alice a reward.

8. Look at the cover of the book in the picture. Which point of view may suit yours?

Photo by: Manuela W. Elumba

A. I think that learning English is fun.

B. I think that it is hard to learn English.
C. I can say that the boy in the cover photo is smiling.
D. It’s obvious to me that the pupils are writing English activity.

9. Water is one resource every living thing cannot live without. Let us help conserve it by not
wasting our water anywhere. Which picture supports this statement?
A. C.

B. D.

faucets&psig=AOvVaw2iamck_RPHM20WMOOjI63J&ust=1605946743367000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCIjr_vnXkO0CFQAAAAAdAAAA ABAD

10. Surigaonons always begin their fiesta celebration with a mass at the cathedral in honor
of the patron saint San Nicolas de Tolentino. This is followed by the Bonok-bonok
Marajaw Karajaw Festival Dance Contest. Which statement can describe the culture of
the people in Surigao City? Surigaonons are _____________.
A. diligent B. obedient C. religious D. respectful

Lesson 1.1 Analyzing Images

Images that we see always present particular viewpoints. Viewpoint means the angle of
considering things which shows us the opinion or feelings of the individual involve in the
situation. It is the reflection of the opinion by an individual from real life or fiction can have.

In order to practice analyzing images, a tool named “Observe-Think-Wonder” may help

you examine it.

Step 1 Observe the picture to your

right. What is it about?
Step 2: Think about the things they
are doing. What do you think
the feelings they are
Step 3: Wonder why do they behave
that way. What questions can
you make out from this
Department of Education-

Possible Answers:

Observe I observe a family in the picture.

Think I think they are reading a happy story.
Wonder I wonder why the family should read such story on that book.
The picture above shows a family happily reading a story. The story tells a very exciting
event which catches the attention of everybody.

It is very important to know how to examine the images you see because this will help you
understand the message behind a particular picture.

Through image we can determine what kind of cultural belief a tribe had before by looking at
the old picture. Take a look at the picture of Surigaonons before.

Surigao, School of Girls 1901
Source: US National Archives, Alfred W. McCoy, University of
Wisconsin, Madison
Credit to John Tewell via Flickr
Posted via Facebook by MaxBebot Tandan at
Surigaonon Ako

The picture above shows the school children of Surigao City way back 1901. By looking at
the picture, we can say that even before, Surigaonons value education. They are also
conservative and elegant in clothing.

Images also reflect the age of the person. It can tell whether the person is young or old. Try
to look at the pictures below.

The man in the picture is old because he has white hair. He is wearing eyeglasses and his
skin is wrinkled.

The picture shows a young child holding his head. He is still young because his body
structure is smaller.

Gender can be identified with Male or Female characteristics. Male is obviously musculine in
structure. He has short hair and usually wears jeans and shirt. On other hand, female has
soft body structure. She has long hair and wears blouse, skirt and dresses. She uses
cosmetics like lipsticks, make up, handbag, hair pins, hair bonds, etc. Male also wears
rubber shoes, backpacks, boots, belts, and other things that are design for boys.

Teacher Christina is female because she has feminine charcteristics while Teacher Randy is
male because he has musculine characteristics.

By examining images, we can also predict events to happen. Examine the images below and
try to predict what will happen next.

The picture above shows a boy who is just awake from a deep sleep. What do you think he
will do after? Try to guess the next event he shall do.

Of course, after waking up in the morning, you should brush your teeth.

Lesson 1.2 Giving Opinion

Giving Opinion! When we give our opinion, we say what we think, feel or believe about
something or somebody.

Below are some phrases that you can use to help express opinions. Some of these phrases
are more appropriate for written English such as giving opinions in an essay whereas some
can also be used in spoken English.

“In my experience…” “I’d say that…”

“As far as I’m concerned…” “I’d suggest that…”
“I’m absolutely convinced…” “I’d like to point out that…”
“Speaking for myself…” “I believe that…”
“In my opinion…” “Personally, I think…”
“What I mean is…” “It’s obvious to me…”

General Directions: Work on Activities 1-5 that follow. Do them on separate sheets of
Activity 1
Directions: Study the pictures below. Encircle the letter that corresponds to the point of view
in the box.

1. Woman who loves to put on lipstick.


2. A baby who wears diaper.


3. Wearing mask can protect oneself from COVID 19.


4. Frequent washing of the hands with soap can kill germs.


5. Surigaonons always manage to rise above the challenges.

Photo credit: Manuela W. Elumba Photo credit: Manuela W. Elumba Photo credit: Manuela W. Elumba

Activity 2
Directions: Look at the pictures below. Match the picture to its corresponding viewpoints.
Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet.

A. Surigaonons are religious, so they attend
mass every Sunday. u8-mlpjd0-

B. The pupils help clean the surroundings.


Department of Education-

C. The children are watching movie seriously.


Photo credit: Manuela W. Elumba

D. The teacher reads a story to the children.

Photo credit: Manuela W. Elumba

E. Cultivating the seed bed before planting is
ideal to prepare the soil.

Photo credit: Manuela W. Elumba

Activity 3
Directions: Study the poster below. Which ideas may explicitly influence you as a viewer of
that poster? List down the letter/letters of your choices. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.
A. Rampant cutting of trees may result to disaster.
B. People always cut down trees, as a result landslide and flood during rainy season is
C. We should plant more trees so that we can have fresh and free oxygen.
D. Trees are very important to humankind, so we must protect them.
E. Mother nature is already tired, so mankind will suffer the consequences of their
F. Trees give us wood to make houses, so we must plant more to replace the old once.

Activity 4
Directions: Read the news below. Do you agree on that issue? Arrange the opinions below
from the most important to least important. Then, number them from 1 to 3.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
K-9 service company in Antipolo trains dogs to detect COVID-19
A K-9 service company based in San Jose, Antipolo City has started to train dogs and
assess their ability to detect COVID-19 carriers in the country.
According to Emil Sumangil’s report on “24 Oras” on Thursday, Ryia Tabares of the
Universal K-9 Training and Services said they have been training 10 canines for the past
four months to be able to detect COVID-19-positive individuals.

_____Therefore, I agree to that issue since K-9 dogs have the ability to be trained in any
_____In my own experience, a dog can be trained in any tricks as long as it undergoes a lot
of practice.
_____Yes, I certainly believe that some dogs are capable of detecting COVID-19 patients.

Activity 5
Directions: Study the pictures in the box. Predict what event comes next by completing the
sentence with your idea. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1 . The waitress gave the wrong order so,


Photo illustrated by: Manuela W. Elumba

There are lot of trashes outside, so

3. The family is going to the beach but

the mother is sad so ___________.

Photo illustrated by: Manuela W. Elumba

4. The girl dances every morning, so


Photo illustrated by: Manuela W. Elumba

5. Mother wakes her children early, so


Directions: Complete the 3-2-1 Chart about your discoveries in examining images
which present particular viewpoints. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.


Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Which viewpoint may use for the picture?

A. I think viruses can spread through vaccine.

B. In my own opinion, vaccine can kill viruses.
C. I presume that vaccine cannot protect us from viruses.
D. I believe one must be vaccinated in order to become immune.

2. Which image is needed by a baby?

A. B. C. D.

3. Which picture below best describes the slogan?

Free your hands from germs by washing it.

A. C.

B. D.

4. “Every species plays a part in its environment.” Which opinion below best explain the
sentence? It means that ___________________________.
A. saving wildlife can save ourselves.
B. the loss of one species affects all in the ecosystem.
C. human being have the ability to change their environment.
D. animals and plants are made to destroy the balance in the ecosystem.

5. Which set of things belongs to women?

A. cap, bikini and bra C. Lip liner, rubber shoes and brief
B. Lipstick, nail polish and blower D. Sandals, cargo pants and head bonds

6. Surigao City is in Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine, so the people are advised
to stay home if they have nothing to do outside. What must you do if your barangay is
strictly observed this situation? I shall ____________________.
A. stay home. C. watch television whole day.
B. not obey the law. D. go and play with my friends.

7. Look at the cover of the book in the picture. Which point of view may suit yours?

Photo by Manuela W. Elumba

A. I think that learning English is fun.

B. I think that it is hard to learn English.
C. I can say that the boy in the cover photo is smiling.
D. It’s obvious to me that the pupils are writing English activity.

8. Alice violated the law for going out without a quarantine pass. She was caught by a
policeman at the checkpoint. Then, Alice explained to the officer her side but the officer
did not accept her apology. What do you think would be the end of the story?
A. Alice will be punished.
B. The officer set Alice free.
C. Alice will bribe the policeman.
D. The officer gives Alice a reward.

9. Surigaonuns always begin their fiesta celebration with a mass at the cathedral in
honor of the patron San Nicolas de Tolentino. This is followed by the Bonuk-bonuk
Marajaw Karajaw Festival Dance Contest. Which statement can describe the culture
of the people in Surigao City? Surigaonons are ______________.
A. diligent B. obedient C. religious D. respectful

10. Water is one resource every living thing cannot live without. Let us help conserve it by
not wasting our water anywhere. Which picture support this statement?
A. C.

B. D.

Activity 1 Activity 2
Pretest 1. C
2. A 1. A
1. A 3. C
2. D 4. B 2. B
3. B 5. B
4. A 3. D
5. D
6. B 4. E
7. A
5. C
8. D
9. A
10. C
Activity 5
Activity 3
Possible Answers:
C, D, F
1. The waitress gave the wrong order so, the boy
gets angry. Activity 4
2.There are lot of trashes outside, so the place
will become dirty. _3____Therefore, I agree to that issue since K-
3.The family is going to the beach but 9 dogs has the ability to be trained in any ways.
the mother is sad, so they try to make her __2___In my own experience, dog can be train
in any tricks as long as it undergoes a lot of
enjoy swimming.
4. The girl dances every morning, so her body __1___Yes, I certainly believed that some dogs
becomes fit. are capable of detecting COVID-19 patience.
5. Mother wakes her children early, so they will
not be late in school.
Reflection Posttest
Learners answers may 1. D
Vary 2. A
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. A
Answer Key
Kristine Erika C. Castillo and Evelyn B. Angeles, Joy in English Learning 5, Vibal Group,
Inc., 1253 G. Araneta Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines, 2016


Discussion on Analyzing Images, accessed November 1, 2020,
Discussion on Giving Opinion, accessed November 1, 2020,

Icons credit: Ivin Mae N. Ambos, Division of Surigao del Sur

Published by the Department of Education, Caraga Region

Schools Division Office of Surigao City
Schools Division Superintendent: Karen L. Galanida
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent: Florence E. Almaden
Development Team
Writer : Manuela W. Elumba
Editor : Meyrabe A. Clerigo
Evaluators : Evangeline L. Calonia, Nimpha A. Cañeda, Rhodora L. Ecoben,
Flordelina L. Cabahug and Cheryl Grace B. Sering

Illustrator :

Management Team : Karen L. Galanida

Florence E. Almaden
Carlo P. Tantoy
Noemi D. Lim
Ricky L. Pedralba

Printed in the Philippines by the Schools Division Office of Surigao City

Office Address : M. Ortiz Street, Barangay Washington
: Surigao City, Surigao del Norte, Philippines
Telephone : (086) 826-1268; (086) 826-3075; (086) 826-8931
E-mail Address :


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