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Personal Development

Quarter 1 Week 2

Part I. Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on the space provided.

_____1. It refers to the physical changes in the body as well as changes in skills related to movement.
A. Social development C. Emotional development
B. Cognitive development D. Physiological development

_____2. This has something to do with the feelings that you experience.
A. Social development C. Emotional development
B. Cognitive development D. Physiological development

_____3. It is about the innate capacity to relate with others, to connect, and feel the sense of belongingness.
A. Social development C. Spiritual development
B. Emotional development D. Cognitive development

_____4. It refers to the person’s intellectual abilities as shown in his/her thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and values.
A. Social development C. Spiritual development
B. Emotional development D. Cognitive development

_____5. It is defined as discovering oneself beyond the ego known as the soul. Spirit or the “inner essence” that is often
disregarded or taken for granted.
A. Social development C. Spiritual development
B. Emotional development D. Physiological development

_____6. According to –this is the product of mental activity and the capacity or faculty of thinking, reasoning,
and imagining.
A. Belief B. Feelings C. Thought D. Behavior

_____7. These are conscious experiences, although not every conscious experience, such as seeing or believing.
A. Belief B. Feelings C. Thought D. Behavior

_____8. It consists of an organism's external reactions to its environment.

A. Emotion B. Feelings C. Thought D. Behavior

_____9. ____________is a well-known psychologist for describing the principles of operant conditioning. He believed that the
environment determines behavior.
A. B.F. Skinner B. Erik Erikson C. Albert Bandura D. Sigmund Freud

_____10. His Personality Theory goes into depth about how human behaviors are developed. Basically, his theory entails that
humans learn through observing others' actions, behaviors, and the outcome of these behaviors.
A. B.F. Skinner B. Erik Erikson C. Albert Bandura D. Sigmund Freud

Part II. True or False

Direction: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct. Otherwise, write FALSE.

________1. Our emotions can often overwhelm our rational thinking.

________2. Our intuitions and habits do not determine the large majority of our lives, which we spend on autopilot mode.

________3. If we do not know how our minds work, we can be intentional about influencing our thinking and feeling patterns.

________4. The more productive and positive the outcome of behaviors are observed, the more the behavior is highly repeated
and eventually rewarded.

________5. You can use the intentional system to change your automatic thinking, feelings and behavioral patterns. In this way,
you will become a better agent in terms of taking charge of your life and reaching your goals.
________6. Our personal development is only limited to the physical and intellectual aspects.

________7. The autopilot system corresponds to our emotions and intuitions. Its cognitive processes take place mainly in the
amygdala and other parts of the brain that developed early in our evolution.

________8. People’s responses do not change as they encounter new situations.

________9. There is no interconnection between our Thoughts, Feelings and Behavior.

________10. Our perception to stress, especially brought by the pandemic times, can be directed to productive use only if we
make the necessary effort to change.

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