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1. Which of the following is a mark of a good Answer: A. Constructivist.

As defined,
teacher? constructivism is a philosophy of learning which
asserts that reality does not exist outside of
A. Has the control of the class human conceptions. It is the individual that
B. Has the mastery of the lesson construct reality by reflecting on his own
experience and gives meaning to it. It is founded
C. Has the capability to implement corporal on the premise that by reflecting on our own
punishment experiences, we construct our own
understanding of the world we live in. Therefore,
D. Has the habit of preparing for visual aids learning is simply the process of adjusting our
mental modes to accommodate new experiences.

Answer: A. The control of the class is a mark of a

good teacher. As stated by Glasser (1984): control 4. The failure in the test of independence among
is necessary for the psychological balance in one's Filipino students can be attributed to
life. It is a common trait of human beings to what
control in their lives. In schools this is carried to A. Lack of skills
such an extent that discipline us often seen as
synonymous with control. B. Strong family ties

C. High degree of dependence to authority

2. The Four Pillars of Education started with the D. All of the above
report entitled Learning the Treasure Within. The
report is about
Answer: C. High dependence to authority is a
prevalent attitude among Filipinos. This trait most
A. Insights into education for the 21st century of the time is hindrance to his growth and
development. This can cause him to feel insecure
B. Insights into education for the 20th century and eventually to have lack of belief towards
himself for he thinks that only the authority is
C. Insights for the education for 19th century capable of making good decisions.
D. Insights for the education for the 18th century

5. Jerome Bruner is known for this principle

Answer: A. Insight into education for 21st
century. The report stresses that each individual
must be equipped to seize learning opportunities A. Banking concept in education
throughout life: broaden one's knowledge, skills
and attitudes, and adapt to a changing complex B. Dichotomy method in education
and interdependent world. C. Spiral curriculum in education

D. None of the above

3. "Learning is the process of retrieving prior
learning", this is a statement from a?
Answer: C. Spiral curriculum in education means
A. Constructivist revisiting basic ideas building on the students
B. Reconstructivist until they had grasped the full formal concepts.

C. Progressivist

D. Idealist
6. Teacher Harold brought a hamster in the class Answer: A. Edward de Bono is a modern educator
during a lecture about mammals. The hamster is who came up with educational reforms like Six
a device commonly known as REALIA. Teacher Thinking Hats (wherein students wear color
can bring Realia ONLY when __________. coded hats to focus on a particular area) and AGO
( aims, goals and objectives).
A. Available

B. Feasible
9. Among the following educators, who proposed
C. Affordable the placement of children in a "prepared
D. Workable environment"?

A. Thorndike

Answer: B. Realia are only brought to the B. Montessori

classroom when feasible. Feasible in this sense is C. Kilpatrick
defined as both "safety and available". Teachers
should not bring snake if the topic is about D. Froebel
reptiles because in this case it is not feasible.

Answer: B. Aside from advocating early childhood

7. Teacher Emmanuel requires his students to education, Montessori believed that children
memorize the poem "Mi Ultimo Adios" but they should be placed in prepared environment.
do not actually know the meaning of the poem.
This traditional technique which turns the
students into "tiny parrots" is exhibited when 10. B.F. Skinner is a known psychologist and the
teachers one who first describe operant conditioning.
use______________________________? Which of the following techniques is an
A. Indirect Teaching application of operant conditioning?

B. Textbook Technique A. Master learning

C. Direct Instruction Technique B. Project method

D. Rote Learning Technique C. Computer-assisted instruction

D. Process approach

Answer: D. Rote learning is commonly known as

"repeat after me" teaching thus making students Answer: C. One of the rationales behind the use
like tiny parrots. of technology is Motivation. Using computer-
assisted instruction, students perceive this as a
reward to them. Operant conditioning is referred
8. Edward de Bono is famous for this instructional to as instrumental conditioning. Computers are
innovation ______________________________. instruments for students' motivation.

A. Six Thinking Hats

B. Graphic Organizers 11. In the Basic Education Curriculum in 2002,

MAKABAYAN was envisioned to be
C. Understanding by Design ______________________________.
D. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People A. The laboratory of life
B. The history of life 14. The revised policies and standards for
undergraduate teacher Education Curriculum
C. The combined subject which is the current requirement before one is
D. The tool for the 21st century qualified to take the licensure examination is

A. CMO No. 30, s 2004

Answer: A. In the Basic Education Curriculum
(BEC) which is pilot tested nationwide in yeae B. CMO Mo. 31, s 2005
2002 under DepEd Order No. 43 s. 2002, the 5th C. CMO No. 20 s, 2005
subject which is MAKABAYAN is intended to be
an avenue of life learning. D. CMO No. 21, s 2004

12. The understanding by design curricular Answer: A. The Teacher Education Council revised
approach, the first consideration is about the teacher education.

A. Learning experiences
15. The best device in the classroom is
B. Testing of knowledge
A. Blackboard
C. Desired results
B. Chart
D. Teaching strategies
C. Realia

D. Teacher
Answer: C.The UBD's philosophy is "Begin with
the end in mind." Results are of utmost important Answer: D. Device cannot teach by itself,
in this curricular approach. therefore the teacher is still the BEST device.

13. The Centers for Excellence in Teacher 16. This theorist proposed that human activity is
Education in the Philippines was created by based on association and response.
____________________. A. Sigmund Freud
A. RA No. 7784 B. Ivan Pavlov
B. RA No. 7836 C. B.F. Skinner
C. RA No. 7791 D. Edward Thorndike
D. RA No. 9917 Answer: D. Edward Thorndike is the main
proponent of S-R ( stimulus response) theory. He
also advocated the 3 laws of learning (Exercise,
Answer: A. Republic Act No. 7784 is entitled An Readiness and Effect). Freud is the main
Act to Strengthen Teacher Education in the proponent of Psychosexual Development Theory,
Philippines by Establishing Centers of Excellence, Pavlov is the one behind the Classical
Creating a Teacher Education Council for the Conditioning Theory while BF Skinner is the
Purpose, Appropriating Funds Therefor, And for proponent of Operant Conditioning Theory.
Other Purposes.
17. According to Kübler-Ross, when faced with Answer: A. Preconventional is the first stage of
death, the most common order of emotional Moral Development wherein the person is simply
reactions is? guided by " punishment and obedience".

A. anger, depression, bargaining, denial, 20. Toilet training is the central activity during
acceptance stage of development according to Erikson

B. denial, anger, bargaining, depression, A. identity versus role confession

B. iniative versus guilt
C. anger, depression, denial, bargaining,
acceptance C. Autonomy versus shame and doubt

D. depression, anger, denial, bargaining, D. intimacy versus isolation


Answer: C. Autonomy vs shame and doubt is

Answer: B. This is the correct order of emotional corollary to Freud's Anal Stage that is why toilet
reaction. training is a central activity.

18. According to Kohlberg, conforming for the 21. What is the most likely characteristic of
expectations of others or to socially accepted children aged 3 to 5 according Erickson?
rules and values describes a person at the A. Mischievous
_______________ level of morality.
B. Ego-centric
A. obedience
C. Lazy
B. concrete
D. Altruistic
C. postconventional

D. conventional
Answer: B. Children aged 3-5 (Pre-operational
stage according to Piaget) are characterized by
Answer: D. Conventionally morality is the second Egocentrism according to Erikson. Egocentrism
stage of Moral Development wherein a person denotes a tendency of a child to only think from
simply conforms to expectations. her or his own point of view.

19. When a person's moral choices are 22. A child who has always fight with his/her
determined by the direct consequences of classmates, who has a very short attention span,
actions, he is most like in the stage of and who has frequent tantrums is believed to be
suffering from:
A. preconventional

B. conventianal
A. Mental retardation is belived
C. Concrete
B. Down syndrome
D. postconventional
C. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome
D. Learning disability B. Providing adequate physical facilities

C. Utilize educational technology

Answer: C. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity D. Establish rapport between teachers and pupils
Disorder) is characterized by short attention span,
irritability, frequent tantrums, disregard for
consequence and overly active behaviour. Answer: A. One of the ways to provide a
conducive atmosphere to learn is to emphasize
on a clean and green program. Studies show that
23. The following are characteristics of ADHD a clean environment provides better learning
EXCEPT among students.

A. Hyperactivity

B. Focus

C. Inattention

D. Impulsivity

Answer: B. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

Disorder) is not characterized by ability to focus.

24. The concept that learning to read or write

does not happen quickly but is built upon many
small steps that occur over the course of the
child's early childhood.

A. emergent literacy

B. functional literacy

C. innate literacy

D. academic literacy

Answer: A. Emergent literacy begins with

activities that happen naturally in the home such
as talking with and reading with the child, then
continues in the classroom with more formalized
strategies to encourage reading and writing.

25. The school director emphasizes the necessity

of clean and green environment to contribute to
effective teaching and learning. This is an
example of:

A. Providing an atmosphere conducive to learning

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