Verbal & Nonverbal Communication Notes 1

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Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication

Communication in both verbal and non-verbal forms have two dimensions:

 The content layer consists of the “information being explicitly discussed” (Adler & Proctor,
2007). The content layer may refer to descriptive information you are handling.
 The relational layer reveals how you feel about the person (whether you like or dislike him/her,
whether you feel comfortable or anxious, etc.) The relational layer maybe communicated by
your choice of words.

Often failure to discern these two layers in communication bring about misunderstanding and

Verbal communication includes both verbal utterances as well as fillers (ex. uhm, like, etc.).

- it is expressed and grasped through language

- effective verbal communication includes appropriate interpretation of messages
- an effective communicator must polish his communication and interpretive skills to be able
to successfully express ideas (Robinson & Robinson, 1982)
- symbols used by verbal communicators can be vague, abstract or arbitrary
- Meaning construction – the process of figuring out word meanings in our heads before they
are actually communicated through concepts and image, is actually symbolic (Keyton &
Beck, 2010)
- Verbal communication concerns communication rules (shared understanding of what
communication means and what constitutes appropriate communication given a particular
context). A pertinent understanding of context in particular communication (whether one is
communicating to inform, persuade or ask for help) will enable agents to become better
- Communication rules can be of two types :
a. Regulative rules – describe when, how, where, and with whom to talk about certain
b. Constitutive rules – define what communication means by prompting us to certain kinds
of communication. For example, we understand what it is to pay attention, and who
affection as well as know what behavior is considered inappropriate.
Non-verbal communication (body language) includes all ways of communicating without the use of
words. That includes gestures, silences (and pauses). It is communication that creates meaning for
others that does not involve any written or spoken language.

Human beings are visual and auditory beings and it is but logical that behavior communicated through
actuations are interpreted as representing something. An awareness of these sets of behaviors definitely
helps in both communicating and receiving messages.

Non-verbal clues include a person’s stance, way of walking, as well as posture, eye contact and others.

Functions of Non-verbal communication: (Argyle, 1988)

1. To express a person’s emotion

2. To convey interpersonal attitude
3. To present one’s personality (attitude, disposition, & temperament)
4. To accompany/enrich verbal communication

Mehrabian (1981) identified three dimensions that indicate how humans use non-verbal communication
to make sense of things, both personal and professional.

1. Immediacy – we react to things by evaluating them as positive or negative, good or bad.

2. Status – we perceive behaviors that indicate various aspects of status to us – rich or poor, strong
or weak, superior or inferior, etc.
3. Responsiveness – we perceive activity as being active or passive. This signals the intensity of our
feelings about a person or a subject.

Non-Verbal Communication Codes

Nonverbal Code
Kinesics (body movement, How does behavior affect external attitudes?
gesture, posture)
Facial/eye behavior How does the presence/absence of these affect communication?
Vocalics (paralanguage) What effect does the variation in voice projection have on
effective/ineffective communication?
Space/territory What impact does distance or closeness have on communication?
Touch In what scenario, is the absence/presence of touch helpful/unhelpful?
Environment What properties of an environment facilitate communication
Physical appearance In what ways does physical appearance contribute to communication?

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