Iot Based Low Cost Smart Ambu-Bag Compressing Machine For Low Cost Ventilators

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Project Title: IoT Based Low Cost Smart Ambu-Bag Compressing Machine

for Low Cost Ventilators

Mohammed Shuaib Khan1, Mohammed Faraaz ur Rahman2, Mohammed Yousuf Khan3, Shahbaz Pasha4
1,2,3,4 FinalYear Student of Department of Mechanical Engineering, ATME College Engineering,
of Mysuru, Karnataka, India.


Ventilators are one of the most important devices to keep COVID-19 patients in the most critical condition
alive. As the global demand for ventilators is increasing and there is shortage of ventilators in our country as
well, also managing patients during this time is a big task, so we have designed portable rechargeable
battery operated Ambu bag compressing machine, which sends real time cloud messages to the doctors and
other medical authorities about the patient. We have made the prototype and we are improving it's
performance by adding extra new features. It can be used for emergency purposes, in hospitals, Corona virus
quarantine coaches, isolation wards and rural areas as well. The shortage of ventilators can be met
effectively by developing this project. This project is a low cost yet effective ventilating system for the
people affected with COVID-19.

Literature Review:
(Journal paper related to work):

Abdul Mohsen Al Husseini et al., [1] Designed and made a prototype of low cost portable mechanical
ventilator for use in mass casually cases and resource poor environments. The ventilator compresses Bag
Valve Mask (BVM) with cam arm to deliver breaths, this system eliminates human operator for
compressing BVM. They developed working prototype with assist control and over pressure alarm, they
system needs low power requirements and runs for 3.5 hours on single battery charge.

Subha Hency Jose P et al., [2] Developed a prototype of device to assist patients who can partially breath
by their own, they made it by using minimum number of components. They used needle valve with
potentiometer to replace the flow analyzer and to make it cost effective.
Carrie S. Sona et al., [3] Determined the effects of a simple low cost oral care protocol on ventilator-associated
pneumonia rates in a surgical intensive care unit, the implementation of a simple, low cost oral care protocol in
surgical ICU led to a significantly decreased risk of acquiring ventilator associated pneumonia.

Problem Definition/Vision:

On the basis of our survey it is found that there is a need of affordable Low cost ventilators in India to fight
against COVID-19, also managing patients during this time challenging task. Hence, we choose our project
and its title as "IoT Based Low Cost Smart Ambu-Bag Compressing Machine for Low Cost Ventilators


1. To meet the increasing demand of mechanical ventilators due to COVID-19.

2. To provide low cost alternative to ventilators.
3. To develop a very easy to operate system so that any less experienced person must be able to operate it
with ease.
4. To develop a cloud based patient management system to handle patients of COVID-19.

The above figure shows the methodology we have adopted to solve the problem and develop a working
model of IoT based low cost Ambu bag compressing machine.

The Ambu-Bag compressing mechanism is operated with a stepper motor which is connected to MSP430
microcontroller which acts as brain of the system. 15Watt solar panel is used to charge the battery which is
beneficial at rural places, army and trucking camps. The microcontroller is in serial communication with the
Wi-Fi module to connect with the internet and access real-time patient requests from the cloud. We have
developed user friendly android application with which the doctors and other authorities can easily monitor
the patient requests. The degree of compression and the output air pressure can be controlled by adjusting
potentiometer knob provided on the machine. Button with extendable wire is provided for the patients if the
patient wants to call the doctor he can use this button, on press of a button the buzzer will create sound so
that if the doctor is nearby he can respond the patient request also the system will send automatic cloud
messages if the doctor was unable to hear the sound for some reason, if there is any technical problem in the
system the buzzer will create a sound of different frequency.

Expected Reports/Results:
Figure 1.1 Proposed design/sketch

Block Diagram:

Figure 1.2 Block diagram of working of the system

Components used:

Components Quantity Approximate price in rupees

1. Solar panel 15W 1 1000
2. MSP430 development board 1 920
3. Buzzer 1 20
4. 12V Battery 1 450
5. ESP8266 1 300
6. 16*2 LCD Display 1 225
7. Lead Screw and Nut 1 250
8. Charge Controller Unit 1 500
9. Stepper Motor 1 900
10. Wires & other Electronic 270

11. Sheet metal & Acrylic Sheet 1 590

Total Cost 5425 rupees

1. This system is useful while shifting patients from ICU or home to ambulance or if needed at any
accident site.
2. It helps persons who perform first aid by systematic easy approach, even less experienced persons
can easily operate it.
3. Battery can be charged by solar or mains “solar power for remote locations like army or
trucking camps”.
4. Easy to reprogram if any changes are required in the system.

[1] Abdul Mohsen Al Husseini, Hoen Ju Lee, Justin Negrete, Stephen Powelson, Amelia Servi,
Alexander Slocum, Jussi Saukkonen, "Design and Prototyping of a Low cost Portable Mechanical
Ventilator", Proceeding of the 2010 Design of Medical Devices Conference, April 13-15, 2010.
[2] Narayan R, Venkateswarlu M, Jagadish M, "Studies on Portable Power Banks for Recharging
Electronic Gadgets", International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume 5,
Issue 3, March 2018.

[3] Subha Hency Jose P, P.Rajalakshmy, P.Manimegalai, K.Rajasekaran, "A Noval Methadology for
the Design of a Portable Ventilator ", International Journal of Innovative Technology and
Engineering(IJITEE), ISSN:2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-1, November 2019.

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