Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT 177.840

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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 177.


process and to keep them dry during EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci-
transit. Examples of such dangerous tations affecting § 177.838, see the List of CFR
materials are charcoal screenings, Sections Affected which appears in the Find-
ing Aids section of the printed volume and at
ground, crushed, or pulverized char-
coal, and lump charcoal.
(c) Lading ventilation, precautions § 177.839 Class 8 (corrosive) materials.
against spontaneous combustion. When-
ever a motor carrier has knowledge (See also § 177.834(a) through (j).)
concerning the hazards of spontaneous (a) Nitric acid. No packaging of nitric
combustion or heating of any article to acid of 50 percent or greater concentra-
be loaded on a motor vehicle, such arti- tion may be loaded above any pack-
cle shall be so loaded as to afford suffi- aging containing any other kind of ma-
cient ventilation of the load to provide terial.
reasonable assurance against fire from (b) Storage batteries. All storage bat-
this cause; and in such a case the teries containing any electrolyte must
motor vehicle shall be unloaded as soon be so loaded, if loaded with other lad-
as practicable after reaching its des- ing, that all such batteries will be pro-
tination. Charcoal screenings, or tected against other lading falling onto
ground, crushed, granulated, or pulver- or against them, and adequate means
ized charcoal, in bags, shall be so load- must be provided in all cases for the
ed that the bags are laid horizontally protection and insulation of battery
in the motor vehicle, and so piled that terminals against short circuits.
there will be spaces for effective air
circulation, which spaces shall not be [Amdt. 177–87, 61 FR 27175, May 30, 1996]
less than 10 cm (3.9 inches) wide; and
§ 177.840 Class 2 (gases) materials.
air spaces shall be maintained between
rows of bags. Bags shall not be piled (See also § 177.834 (a) to (j).)
closer than 15 cm (5.9 inches) from the (a) Floors or platforms essentially flat.
top of any motor vehicle with a closed Cylinders containing Class 2 (gases)
body. materials shall not be loaded onto any
(d)–(e) [Reserved] part of the floor or platform of any
(f) Nitrates, except ammonium ni- motor vehicle which is not essentially
trate having organic coating, must be flat; cylinders containing Class 2
loaded in closed or open type motor ve- (gases) materials may be loaded onto
hicles, which must be swept clean and any motor vehicle not having a floor or
be free of any projections capable of in- platform only if such motor vehicle be
juring bags when so packaged. When equipped with suitable racks having
shipped in open type motor vehicles, adequate means for securing such cyl-
the lading must be suitably covered. inders in place therein. Nothing con-
Ammonium nitrate having organic tained in this section shall be so con-
coating must not be loaded in all-metal strued as to prohibit the loading of
vehicles, other than those made of alu- such cylinders on any motor vehicle
minum or aluminum alloys of the having a floor or platform and racks as
closed type. hereinbefore described.
(g) A motor vehicle may only contain (1) Cylinders. Cylinders containing
45.4 kg (100 pounds) or less net mass of Class 2 gases must be securely re-
material described as ‘‘Smokeless pow- strained in an upright or horizontal po-
der for small arms, Division 4.1’’. sition, loaded in racks, or packed in
(h) Division 4.2 (pyrophoric liquid) ma- boxes or crates to prevent the cylinders
terials in cylinders. Cylinders containing from being shifted, overturned or eject-
Division 4.2 (pyrophoric liquid) mate- ed from the motor vehicle under nor-
rials, unless packed in a strong box or mal transportation conditions. A pres-
case and secured therein to protect sure relief device, when installed, must
valves, must be loaded with all valves be in communication with the vapor
and safety relief devices in the vapor space of a cylinder containing a Divi-
space. All cylinders must be secured so sion 2.1 (flammable gas) material.
that no shifting occurs in transit. (2) Cylinders for hydrogen, cryogenic
[29 FR 18795, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 liquid. A Specification DOT-4L cylinder
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967] containing hydrogen, cryogenic liquid


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§ 177.840 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

may only be transported on a motor (1) With a gas mask of a type ap-
vehicle as follows: proved by the National Institute of Oc-
(i) The vehicle must have an open cupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
body equipped with a suitable rack or Pittsburgh Research Center, U.S. De-
support having a means to hold the partment of Health and Human Serv-
cylinder upright when subjected to an ices for chlorine service; and
acceleration of 2 ‘‘g’’ in any horizontal (2) With an emergency kit for con-
direction; trolling leaks in fittings on the dome
(ii) The combined total of the hydro- cover plate.
gen venting rates, as marked, on the (f) A cargo tank motor vehicle used
cylinders transported on one motor ve- for transportation of chlorine may not
hicle may not exceed 60 SCF per hour; be moved, coupled or uncoupled, when
(iii) The vehicle may not enter a tun- any loading or unloading connections
nel; and are attached to the vehicle, nor may it
(iv) Highway transportation is lim- be left without the power unit attached
ited to private and contract carriage unless the vehicle is chocked or equiva-
and to direct movement from point of lent means are provided to prevent mo-
origin to destination. tion. For additional requirements, see
(b) Portable tank containers con- § 173.315(o) of this subchapter.
taining Class 2 (gases) materials shall (g) Each liquid discharge valve on a
be loaded on motor vehicles only as fol- cargo tank motor vehicle, other than
lows: an engine fuel line valve, must be
(1) Onto a flat floor or platform of a closed during transportation except
motor vehicle. during loading and unloading.
(2) Onto a suitable frame of a motor (h) The driver of a motor vehicle
vehicle. transporting a Division 2.1 (flammable
(3) In either such case, such con- gas) material that is a cryogenic liquid
tainers shall be safely and securely in a package exceeding 450 L (119 gal-
blocked or held down to prevent shift- lons) of water capacity shall avoid un-
ing relative to each other or to the sup- necessary delays during transpor-
porting structure when in transit, par- tation. If unforeseen conditions cause
ticularly during sudden starts and an excessive pressure rise, the driver
stops and changes of direction of the shall manually vent the tank at a re-
vehicle. mote and safe location. For each ship-
(4) Requirements of paragraphs (1) ment, the driver shall make a written
and (2) of this paragraph (b) shall not record of the cargo tank pressure and
be construed as prohibiting stacking of ambient (outside) temperature:
containers provided the provisions of (1) At the start of each trip,
paragraph (3) of this paragraph (b) are (2) Immediately before and after any
fully complied with. manual venting,
(c) [Reserved] (3) At least once every five hours, and
(d) Engine to be stopped in cargo tank (4) At the destination point.
motor vehicles, except for transfer pump. (i) No person may transport a Divi-
No Division 2.1 (flammable gas) mate- sion 2.1 (flammable gas) material that
rial shall be loaded into or on or un- is a cryogenic liquid in a cargo tank
loaded from any cargo tank motor ve- motor vehicle unless the pressure of
hicles with the engine running unless the lading is equal to or less than that
the engine is used for the operation of used to determine the marked rated
the transfer pump of the vehicle. Un- holding time (MRHT) and the one-way
less the delivery hose is equipped with travel time (OWTT), marked on the
a shut-off valve at its discharge end, cargo tank in conformance with
the engine of the motor vehicle shall § 173.318(g) of this subchapter, is equal
be stopped at the finish of such loading to or greater than the elapsed time be-
or unloading operation while the filling tween the start and termination of
or discharge connections are discon- travel. This prohibition does not apply
nected. if, prior to expiration of the OWTT, the
(e) Chlorine cargo tank motor vehi- cargo tank is brought to full equilibra-
cles shall be shipped only when tion as specified in paragraph (j) of this
equipped: section.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 177.840

(j) Full equilibration of a cargo tank cargo tank. Operators need not use in-
transporting a Division 2.1 (flammable struments or take extraordinary ac-
gas) material that is a cryogenic liquid tions to check components not readily
may only be done at a facility that visible. No operator may unload lique-
loads or unloads a Division 2.1 (flam- fied compressed gases from a cargo
mable gas) material that is a cryogenic tank motor vehicle with a delivery
liquid and must be performed and hose assembly found to have any condi-
verified as follows: tion identified in § 180.416(g)(1) of this
(1) The temperature and pressure of subchapter or with piping systems
the liquid must be reduced by a manu- found to have any condition identified
ally controlled release of vapor; and in § 180.416(g)(2) of this subchapter.
(2) The pressure in the cargo tank (n) Emergency shut down. If there is
must be measured at least ten minutes
an unintentional release of product to
after the manual release is terminated.
the environment during unloading of a
(k) A carrier of carbon monoxide,
liquefied compressed gas, the qualified
cryogenic liquid must provide each
person unloading the cargo tank motor
driver with a self-contained air breath-
ing apparatus that is approved by the vehicle must promptly shut the inter-
National Institute of Occupational nal self-closing stop valve or other pri-
Safety and Health; for example, Mine mary means of closure and shut down
Safety Appliance Co., Model 401, cata- all motive and auxiliary power equip-
log number 461704. ment.
(l) Operating procedure. Each operator (o) Daily test of off-truck remote shut-
of a cargo tank motor vehicle that is off activation device. For a cargo tank
subject to the emergency discharge motor vehicle equipped with an off-
control requirements in § 173.315(n) of truck remote means to close the inter-
this subchapter must carry on or with- nal self-closing stop valve and shut off
in the cargo tank motor vehicle writ- all motive and auxiliary power equip-
ten emergency discharge control proce- ment, an operator must successfully
dures for all delivery operations. The test the activation device within 18
procedures must describe the cargo hours prior to the first delivery of each
tank motor vehicle’s emergency dis- day. For a wireless transmitter/re-
charge control features and, for a pas- ceiver, the person conducting the test
sive shut-down capability, the param- must be at least 45.72 m (150 feet) from
eters within which they are designed to the cargo tank and may have the cargo
function. The procedures must describe tank in his line of sight.
the process to be followed if a facility- (p) Unloading procedures for liquefied
provided hose is used for unloading petroleum gas and anhydrous ammonia in
when the cargo tank motor vehicle has metered delivery service. An operator
a specially equipped delivery hose as- must use the following procedures for
sembly to meet the requirements of
unloading liquefied petroleum gas or
§ 173.315(n)(2) of this subchapter.
anhydrous ammonia from a cargo tank
(m) Cargo tank motor vehicle safety
motor vehicle in metered delivery serv-
check. Before unloading from a cargo
tank motor vehicle containing a lique- ice:
fied compressed gas, the qualified per- (1) For a cargo tank with a capacity
son performing the function must of 13,247.5 L (3,500 water gallons) or
check those components of the dis- less, excluding delivery hose and pip-
charge system, including delivery hose ing, the qualified person attending the
assemblies and piping, that are readily unloading operation must remain with-
observed during the normal course of in 45.72 meters (150 feet) of the cargo
unloading to assure that they are of tank and 7.62 meters (25 feet) of the de-
sound quality, without obvious defects livery hose and must observe both the
detectable through visual observation cargo tank and the receiving container
and audio awareness, and that connec- at least once every five minutes when
tions are secure. This check must be the internal self-closing stop valve is
made after the pressure in the dis- open during unloading operations that
charge system has reached at least take more than five minutes to com-
equilibrium with the pressure in the plete.


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§ 177.840 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(2) For a cargo tank with a capacity livery hose assembly to meet the re-
greater than 13,247.5 L (3,500 water gal- quirements of § 173.315(n)(2) of this sub-
lons), excluding delivery hose and pip- chapter may be unloaded using a deliv-
ing, the qualified person attending the ery hose assembly provided by the re-
unloading operation must remain with- ceiving facility under the following
in 45.72 m (150 feet) of the cargo tank conditions:
and 7.62 m (25 feet) of the delivery hose (1) The qualified person monitoring
when the internal self-closing stop unloading must visually examine the
valve is open. facility hose assembly for obvious de-
(i) Except as provided in paragraph fects prior to its use in the unloading
(p)(2)(ii) of this section, the qualified operation.
person attending the unloading oper- (2) The qualified person monitoring
ation must have an unobstructed view unloading must remain within arm’s
of the cargo tank and delivery hose to reach of the mechanical means of clo-
the maximum extent practicable, ex- sure for the internal self-closing stop
cept during short periods when it is valve when the internal self-closing
necessary to activate controls or mon- stop valve is open except for short peri-
itor the receiving container. ods when it is necessary to activate
(ii) For deliveries where the qualified controls or monitor the receiving con-
person attending the unloading oper- tainer. For chlorine cargo tank motor
ation cannot maintain an unobstructed vehicles, the qualified person must re-
view of the cargo tank, when the inter- main within arm’s reach of a means to
nal self-closing stop valve is open, the stop the flow of product except for
qualified person must observe both the short periods when it is necessary to
cargo tank and the receiving container activate controls or monitor the re-
at least once every five minutes during ceiving container.
unloading operations that take more (3) If the facility hose is equipped
than five minutes to complete. In addi- with a passive means to shut off the
tion, by the compliance dates specified flow of product that conforms to and is
in §§ 173.315(n)(5) and 180.405(m)(3) of maintained to the performance stand-
this subchapter, the cargo tank motor ard in § 173.315(n)(2) of this subchapter,
vehicle must have an emergency dis- the qualified person may attend the
charge control capability that meets unloading operation in accordance with
the requirements of § 173.315(n)(2) or the attendance requirements pre-
§ 173.315(n)(4) of this subchapter. scribed for the material being unloaded
(q) Unloading procedures for liquefied in § 177.834 of this section.
petroleum gas and anhydrous ammonia in (s) Off-truck remote shut-off activation
other than metered delivery service. An device. For a cargo tank motor vehicle
operator must use the following proce- with an off-truck remote control shut-
dures for unloading liquefied petroleum off capability as required by
gas or anhydrous ammonia from a §§ 173.315(n)(3) or (n)(4) of this sub-
cargo tank motor vehicle in other than chapter, the qualified person attending
metered delivery service: the unloading operation must be in
(1) The qualified person attending the possession of the activation device at
unloading operation must remain with- all times during the unloading process.
in 7.62 m (25 feet) of the cargo tank This requirement does not apply if the
when the internal self-closing stop activation device is part of a system
valve is open. that will shut off the unloading oper-
(2) The qualified person attending the ation without human intervention in
unloading operation must have an un- the event of a leak or separation in the
obstructed view of the cargo tank and hose.
delivery hose to the maximum extent (t) Unloading without appropriate
practicable, except during short peri- emergency discharge control equipment.
ods when it is necessary to activate Until a cargo tank motor vehicle is
controls or monitor the receiving con- equipped with emergency discharge
tainer. control equipment in conformance with
(r) Unloading using facility-provided §§ 173.315(n)(2) and 180.405(m)(1) of this
hoses. A cargo tank motor vehicle subchapter, the qualified person at-
equipped with a specially designed de- tending the unloading operation must


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 177.841

remain within arm’s reach of a means water, or by other appropriate method,

to close the internal self-closing stop and the marking removed.
valve when the internal self-closing (b) [Reserved]
stop valve is open except during short (c) Division 2.3 (poisonous gas) or Divi-
periods when the qualified person must sion 6.1 (poisonous) materials. The trans-
activate controls or monitor the re- portation of a Division 2.3 (poisonous
ceiving container. For chlorine cargo gas) or Division 6.1 (poisonous) mate-
tank motor vehicles unloaded after De-
rial is not permitted if there is any
cember 31, 1999, the qualified person
interconnection between packagings.
must remain within arm’s reach of a
means to stop the flow of product ex- (d) [Reserved]
cept for short periods when it is nec- (e) A motor carrier may not trans-
essary to activate controls or monitor port a package:
the receiving container. (1) Except as provided in paragraph
(u) Unloading of chlorine cargo tank (e)(3) of this section, bearing or re-
motor vehicles. Unloading of chlorine quired to bear a POISON or POISON
from a cargo tank motor vehicle must INHALATION HAZARD label or
be performed in compliance with Sec- placard in the same motor vehicle with
tion 3 of the Chlorine Institute Pam- material that is marked as or known to
phlet 57, ‘‘Emergency Shut-off Systems be foodstuffs, feed or edible material
for Bulk Transfer of Chlorine’’ (IBR, intended for consumption by humans
see § 171.7 of this subchapter). or animals unless the poisonous mate-
(Approved by the Office of Management and rial is packaged in accordance with
Budget under control number 2137–0542) this subchapter and is:
[29 FR 18795, Dec. 29, 1964. Redesignated at 32 (i) Overpacked in a metal drum as
FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967] specified in § 173.25(c) of this sub-
tations affecting § 177.840, see the List of CFR (ii) Loaded into a closed unit load de-
Sections Affected which appears in the Find- vice and the foodstuffs, feed, or other
ing Aids section of the printed volume and at edible material are loaded into another
closed unit load device;
§ 177.841 Division 6.1 and Division 2.3 (2) Bearing or required to bear a POI-
(See also § 177.834 (a) to (j).) LATION HAZARD label in the driver’s
(a) Arsenical compounds in bulk. Care compartment (including a sleeper
shall be exercised in the loading and berth) of a motor vehicle; or
unloading of ‘‘arsenical dust’’, ‘‘arsenic (3) Bearing a POISON label dis-
trioxide’’, and ‘‘sodium arsenate’’, al- playing the text ‘‘PG III,’’ or bearing a
lowable to be loaded into sift-proof, ‘‘PG III’’ mark adjacent to the POISON
steel hopper-type or dump-type motor- label, with materials marked as, or
vehicle bodies equipped with water- known to be, foodstuffs, feed or any
proof, dust-proof covers well secured in other edible material intended for con-
place on all openings, to accomplish sumption by humans or animals, unless
such loading with the minimum spread the package containing the Division
of such compounds into the atmosphere 6.1, Packing Group III material is sepa-
by all means that are practicable; and rated in a manner that, in the event of
no such loading or unloading shall be leakage from packages under condi-
done near or adjacent to any place tions normally incident to transpor-
where there are or are likely to be, dur- tation, commingling of hazardous ma-
ing the loading or unloading process terials with foodstuffs, feed or any
assemblages of persons other than other edible material would not occur.
those engaged in the loading or unload-
ing process, or upon any public high- [29 FR 18795, Dec. 29, 1964]
way or in any public place. Before any EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci-
motor vehicle may be used for trans- tations affecting § 177.841, see the List of CFR
porting any other articles, all detect- Sections Affected which appears in the Find-
able traces of arsenical materials must ing Aids section of the printed volume and at
be removed therefrom by flushing with www.fdsys.gov.


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