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Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense

1. Does your child ... to eat all the time?

a. Want
b. Wants

Your answer:
2. I do ... the funeral.
a. Attends : menghadiri
b. Attend

Your answer:
3. The black and white cat ... a long tail.
a. Have
b. Has

Your answer:
4. Suzy and I ... tall and skinny (kurus).
a. is
b. are

Your answer:
5. It ... most of the time.
a. happen
b. happens

Your answer: b
6. He often ... to my gym.
a. comes
b. come

Your answer:
7. You can ... fresh vegetables at the farmer's market.
a. Get : mendapatkan
b. gets
Your answer:

8. If we burn(membakar) paper, ... it become ash (abu)?

a. does
b. do

Your answer:
9. The ships(kapal) ... tonight at 9 p.m.
a. arrives
b. arrive

Your answer:
10. I ... running on sunday morning.
a. am
b. love

Your answer: b
Contoh Soal Present Perfect Tense
1. I ... read the terms and conditions (syarat dan ketentuan).
a. have
b. has

Your answer:
2. The businessman ... offered her three times the value of her property, but
she's not interested (pengusaha itu ... menawarkan tiga kali lipat dari
propertinya, tapi dia tidak tertarik).
a. 've
b. 's

Your answer:
3. Have you ever ... the beautiful desert scenery? (pernahkah kamu ...
pemandangan padang pasir yang indah)
a. see
b. seen

Your answer:
4. ... Mahesa been to New Zealand?
a. is
b. has

Your answer:
5. My cousin ... as a medical assistant for almost a year.
a. has worked
b. have worked

Your answer:
6. Someone ... left the letter on your desk. (sepupu saya ... sebagai asisten
medis selama hampir setahun)
a. have
b. has

Your answer:
7. Julie as well as her sister ... used organic products for skin care since
January. (julie dan juga adiknya ... menggunakan produk organik untuk
perawatan kulit sejak januari)
a. have
b. has

Your answer:
8. One of the students ... completed the final exam. (salah satu siswa ...
menyelesaikan ujian akhir)
a. 've just
b. 's just

Your answer:
9. How much have you ... for clothes that you never wear? (berapa banyak
yang telah anda ... untuk pakaian yang tidak anda pakai)
a. Spent (habiskan)
b. spend

Your answer:
10. He hasn't ... a bribe for education services, has he? (dia belum ... sogokan
layanan pendidikan, bukan)
a. paid
b. pay

Your answer:

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