The Feather Tabloid Third

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The Feather

News: the good, the bad and the ugly!

For the Imperium!

For we are not alone

In This Edition
Tales from captain, rogue traders and more! The sisterhood of the sand talks
about home. A festival is coming and how does one celebrate that on a
warship? That and more, in this tabloid now in store!

Rejoice! For you are victorious

The Human Free federation has been defeated, and it is time for a party! Look for your local crusade
post about information about the details of this interplanetary festival. And while you are looking for
those details, see how you can contribute more to further victories!

The Feather Tabloid

Aboard the Lux Aeterna
The Greatest Imperial Navy warship on this Crusade, competing only with the Lex Ferro for the
greatest ship of the fleet. The Lux Aeterna has remained true to its heritage even so far away from
Imperial supply lines. Under the iron fist of Commandore Dianne Falk, the ship has grown from long
range patrol ship to fleet command ship. Even in this time of relative rest, the ship is active on all
sections. Preparing for battle, for war and of course for the festival. The victory over the Human Free
Federation will be held with a multiday blood bowl tournament. Who will be able to beat the elite
team personally selected by Commandore Falk? Challengers are welcome and several teams have
already confirmed their attendance. Including one surprising submission: the desert wind. A blood
bowl team made up by desert hunters from Zahiri. Although they are new to the game, their great
physique might give them a chance. Who is your favourite team?

Interview with Governess Abigail

After Ferut, the Crusade turned its ever victorious eye towards Morus, a water world with several
hives. Within a day Warmaster Falk had crushed the defences and had forced the Human hives to
surrender. Former and current governess Abigail was quick to see the error of her ways and
surrendered to the Imperium. The governess explains why she had worked together with vile xeno’s:
“In the past weeks I have noticed that there is a misconception rumouring around. The human
population was always in control, we have formed the so-called human free federation for over nine-
hundred years. Government was always in human hands, with the Xeno doing the we did not desire to
do. Now we work under the Human Imperium, and it feels good. It is like the family we never had. A
guiding hand that directs our gaze to new and unexplored directions.” The factories on Morus are
being re-tasked to supply the Crusade Forces and the capture of Morus intact seem like a pivotal
moment in the supply lines of the Crusade Forces.

Questions with Sand Lady Goya

“What was the nickname you mother gave you?” Goya asks me after we exchange greetings. A little
taken by surprise by this strange question I answer with the truth: “Guus…”, “a loving name”, she
answers and continues: “You are one who seeks information, gossip and news, right?”. “uhm.. yes” I
answer still unsure about her response of my answer. “Shall I then tell you about my homeworld?”. I
try to get back in the game: “yes, that would be much appreciated.”, “All right then” she says and
begins tale about a desert world. The ways she talks as the warm sands make me feel a bit homesick.
Beautiful oasis’s appearing one day and disappearing the next. How would everything be in the
Calixis. The sand that cleans, the sand that covers you as a warm comforting blanket, like a mothers
touch. I can almost hear my mother call out to me “Guus…, Guus come here…” stone pillars sanded
down by the desert winds standing tall like a hive-spire. An Foundries fire burning like a blazing sun.
Suddenly Goya stands, “Someone is injured my aid is needed” and walks out. While she is walking
away I come to the strange realisation that I did not ask a single question…

The Rogue Traders of the Crusade

The Feather Tabloid

The Crusade Forces are accompanied by several rogue traders, and we have interviewed some of
them, while we are still trying to interview the rest. Rogue Trader add something unconventional to a
fighting force, hard to direct but effective when used properly.

The first Rogue Trader we speak is the honourable Rogue trader Saleem Markov. Some would say a
bitter old man, he is a trusted part of this crusade. His advanced age has taken away some of that
rebellious spirit young rogue traders are cursed with. Immediately after the rogue trader and I sit down
in his meeting room, a giant wolf charges in. The beast, over two metres in height, is chasing what
appears to be some kind of ball, larger then my torso, made out of leather. To my utter dread, the old
man stands up and starts poking the beast with his walking cane. “NOT WHILE I AM HAVING A
CONVERSATION!”, my heart truly stops when the beast turns around towering over the rogue trader
and shows its teeth. Without a second thought the rogue trader swings his cane twohanded, and hits
the wolf titan on his head, repeatedly! Whimpering the beast flees out the room. “WHO RAISED
YOU?! ICEBREAKER?! I WILL WACK HIM LATER! Now where were we?” during the few
questions I ask and he answers he is calm and thoughtful, showing nothing as if he fights with dire
wolfs every day. After a few minutes a foul smell fills the room. “Damned beast, he took a revenge
shit just outside my door… you will have to excuse me. We will continue this interview later…” I flee
the scene knowing that the smell originated not from outside the room but from my pants…

The Second Rogue Trader we manage to speak is Rogue Trader Erdbeer. In a beautiful mostly blue
decorated room we sit down for the interview. The Rogue trader offers me an exotic red fruit with
whipped cream, which tasted like pure ecstasy. When I ask what the name of the fruit is He laughs my
question away. Of all the rogue traders that attached themselves to the crusade forces this one is the
most mysterious, so I ask him what motivates him. “You and I are not so different, I like to know
things. I do like facts more than gossip, but rumours can be intriguing. What is to thing you would like
to know?” I ask why he joined the crusade. Again he laughs my question away, “Not about me…
What would you like to know in general?” Jokingly I answer: “All warp routes in this part of space.”
The Rogue Trader smiles a fatherly smile. “If you acquired that it mean a lot for your career right?
What would you do, or give, for that information?” I go along in his playful game. “For that
information? Everything. But not for me of course! For the crusade, for the Imperium.” I answer. The
Rogue Trader shakes my hand and says: “Agreed, that sounds fair. Thank you for this interview and
good luck with your career.”

About Lord Aquairre

Always the man with some tricks up his sleeve, never surprised. The Lord of the Triad, Captain of the
Grandson of Seth, Rogue Trader, this man has man title before his name. Almost as many as the
Warmaster has. Now his ships are being repaired. The ships that came out of nowhere to win the day
at the battle of Ferut. What has this man up his sleeve next time? Rumour has it, that he has
constructed his own branch of the Inquisition. Given his heritage that would not be very surprising.
Other rumours say that he is hiding a verdant planet from the Imperial auspices. What have you heard
about this strange and mysterious man?

Inspiration of Lord Commander Emanuel Gadran

The Feather Tabloid

The fight goes on, and so does Lord commander Gadran. While the Crusade fleet win battle after
battle, Gadran directs the ground forces where necessary. The Lord commander is proud of the work
his forces delivered, although, this war seems to be a void war. Gadran explains the task for his
forces: “An Imperial navy warship can do one thing: destruction. Destruction is the only tool it has. If
a warship want to protect something, it is simply tasked to destroy any dangers before it is able to
threaten that which it wants to protect. So again destruction. In this war we need a lot of destruction.
But need also something else… Boots on the ground! A soldier standing firm. It takes discipline to do
your work while under threat of the enemy, but it takes dedication to do your work while staring the
enemy in the eyes!”. The Lord commander continues to ramble on about that time that he stood proud
while personally holding the ground against an Ork horde charging a supply centre under his
protection. While the Crusade fleet forms the main body of the war, the ground forces forms the feet.
And they are in capable hands.

Remembering the dead

With Separatist Captain Zachariah we talk about the recent victory at Spelea. Zachariah is convinced
that victory is inevitable. Only the cost is point of discussion. Every step we take hurts, and we have
bite through the pain. However everyone starts longing for the end of this battle. Everyone has stopped
counting how many friends they have lost. The lists are too long. We both agree that these are
necessary sacrifices and that the God-Emperor will reward those that give everything for the
Imperium, however that does not make it easier as a survivor. No one is immune for the grasp of
death, and we should remember that our friends are no exceptions. Especially for old friend we tend to
break this rule. Believing that when they have survived impossible odd in the past, they will also do
that in the future. When they die, it hurts more, it is something personal. For Zachariah this is the case.
Admiral Yo’ash was his mentor and friend and he died in the opening of the battle for Spelea. In the
coming festival we ask each of you the remember those that gave their lives to make sure that we
came this far.

Requiescat in pace

This concludes this instalment of the feather tabloid.

Chief of letters: Dargus

The Feather Tabloid

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