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This part can be used for discussion, or as a

change log.

“Fire’s high and the airbags tight,
Food’s low but the skies are bright,
Props spinning all through the night,
We’re low on cash but we seen another target.

Goggles down, and the cannons up,

My blood starts pumping as I drain my cup,
I give the wheel a spin and I turn this girl around,
We’re way above ground but we’re closing on our target!

Flying jib is filled with air,

East India ships filled with despair,
We even up, her broadsides bare,
Our cannons %are but it’s just a show of muscle.

Steady on, she doesn’t need to burn,

She tries to flee, and she tries to turn,
Grappling fire, we grab her hull,
We’re starting to roll, but we’ve got her on a leash!

Expendable crew starts to reel her in,

Our swords are sharpened and we’re ready to sin,
I’m three miles up, we’re about to swing aboard,
My tethers made of leather so I’m not about to fall here.

A swish of air and my boots hit deck,

No cash, no fuel, no – not a speck!
Grape shot’s made this bird a wreck,
And a glance below deck shows a crew of nuns and orphans!

With a crew of drunken pilots, we’re the only Airship Pirates!

We’re full of hot air and we’re starting to rise,
We’re the terror of the skies, but a danger to ourselves.

With a crew of drunken pilots, we’re the only Airship Pirates!

We’re full of hot air and we’re starting to rise,
We’re the terror of the skies, but a danger to ourselves.”
– Abney Park

Part 1: Introduction and Playing the Game..1

Part 2: Characters...................................................3
Statistics and Rolling Dice..............................4
Ship Role.............................................................21
Part 3: Airships.....................................................44
Airship Construction......................................46
Airship Hulls.................................................46
Engine Designs............................................48
Air Regulators..............................................49
Additional Components...........................49
Airship Combat................................................52
Movement Actions.....................................52
Broadside Actions......................................52
Deck Cannon Actions................................52
Marine Actions............................................52
Crew Actions................................................53
Officer Actions.............................................53
Other Airship Stuff to explain… (To Do) 54
Part 4: Encyclopaedia.........................................55
“Nobody saw our sails on the horizon,
Nobody heard propellers in the dawn,
Nobody smelt our coal fires burning,
Nobody knew – under the radar we crept on.

Here we come, on the run, our coal fires are burning!

Here we come, fife and drum, propellers in the dawn!
Here we come, on the run, our coal fires are burning!
Here we come, fife and drum, under the radar we crept on!”
– Abney Park, Under the Radar

Bla bla to do

NEOBEDOUIN a nomadic lifestyle. The wanderings of a

tribe will usually bring them back to these
“Nomadic tribes of the last of man Pull their places at least once a year, which gives them
caravans across the sand. Gypsy wives hold an excuse (as if they really need one!) for a
their children tight As the new superpower big festival.
howls through the night. Gods watch from
above and wonder what went wrong; The MOTIVATION
entropy of what once was strong. The There are a number of reasons a
survivors of man stay up late to pray, That Neobedouin may become an airship pirate;
the world will again be theirs one day!” perhaps your family or tribe has been wiped
– Abney Park, The End of Days out by the Imperial Air Navy and you want
revenge; maybe you once traveled on a
The Neobedouin are a nomadic tribal Skyloft airship and fell in love with the
people. They live in huge brightly decorated freedom of the air; maybe you have been
caravans, often two or three stories tall, cast out of your tribe (perhaps unjustly) for
pulled by giant diesel semicabs, steam- some transgression such as murder.
trucks, and massive beasts such as
mammoths and indrikki. They also ride SUITABLE BACKGROUNDS
home-made off-road vehicles, horses and Artist, Beast Dancer, Gadgeteer, Hunter,
camelops. They are a freedom-loving Musician, Outrider, Shaman,
people, determined to stay out of the showman/woman, Trader
claustrophobic Imperial cities and prepared
to face the dangers of the wilderness to do ATTRIBUTES
so. Each tribe has a “range” which they All Neobedouin get +5 Willpower and +2
consider home, covering thousands of starting wounds. All Neobedouin start with
square miles. Groups will often split off from the Fieldcraft Aptitude.
this range and travel across country into the
territories of other tribes, for trade, and to TYPICAL NAMES
keep the social links between the different First Names: Neobedouin tend to have a
tribes from dying. mixture of modern US names and the names
Though each tribe has its own customs, they of animals (particularly for men) and plants
have certain things in common; a love of (particularly for women), often together.
fire, music, dance and story-telling; strong Male first names include Aaron, Bear,
family bonds; a martial art known as beast Condor, Cougar, Coyote, David, Eagle, Jackal,
dancing; and an intense dislike of the John, James, Peter, Sabre-tooth, Stephen,
Emperor Victor III and his repressive William. Female first names include Abigail,
regime. They are masters of wilderness lore Acacia, Bryony, Diana, Hazel, Iris, Ivy, Lily,
and consummate hunters, in tune with the Maura, Primrose, Rebecca.
land through which they wander. Many have Last Names: A Neobedouin’s last name will
contacts with the sky cities, trading with generally be the name of his or her tribe; as
each other for things they each need – often such, they will only be used when
food and natural resources from the interacting with other tribes, such as when
Neobedouin are traded with finished visiting a sky city or Helium City. Tribes
technological goods and medicines from the tend to be called after an area in which they
Skyloft. A few Neobedouin risk remaining in range, but may also be an animal or plant
one place in hidden settlements – these may they particularly revere: Dakota, Eagle,
be involved in logging, farming, drilling for Hudson, Mississippi, Prairie, Redwood,
oil, or engaged in other trades that are Sequoya, Washington.
useful to their people but not possible with
5 Helios
NEOVICTORIAN bleak factory, and maybe spend your
meager earnings on gin to lighten your
“I fear what they’d do if they find I’ve thankless,
escaped. futile life.
I fear what they’d say if they find I play, I get
scraped. They want you to think it’s possible MOTIVATION
to live a life without their chains, But if you, if Why would a lower class Neovictorian
you go too far, you’ll find they’re pulling on become an airship pirate? Why wouldn’t
your reins.” you? There’s really not much joy to be had
– Abney Park, Fight or Flight in the slums. How you would get out is a
different matter – but the ultimate
Neovictorians live in the squalid, punishment for many deeds (not including
overcrowded Change Cage cities ruled by “change crimes”) is to be banished outside
the Emperor Victor III. This oppressive the city walls. If you survive the wild beasts
environment is all they have ever known, long enough, you may well be rescued and
and they are taught from birth that beyond taken in by Neobedouins or Skyfolk, and
the city walls lies an implacably hostile after that, well, everyone has to make a
wilderness, where survival for a human living.
being can be measured in days at best due
to the ferocious man-eating beasts which SUITABLE BACKGROUNDS
prowl outside. There are three major Agitator, Criminal, Factory Worker,
Neovictorian cities in North America – Old Gadgeteer, Inventor, Prostitute
Borealis in the cold north of the continent,
Desolation in the south-western deserts, ATTRIBUTES
and Everglade in the subtropical south- All normal Neovictorians get +3 to one
eastern swamps (see Part 3 for more details attribute of their choice and -1 starting
on these cities). In Neovictorian society, wound. All Neovictorians of the lower class
conformity is everything. Any new idea start with the Defence Aptitude.
disapproved of by the government, or any
person showing signs TYPICAL NAMES
of rebelling against the status quo, is thrown Old Victorian first names are fashionable in
into the Change Cage, a massive towering the Neovictorian cities. Typical men’s names
edifice at the center of the city, from which include: Alan, Augustus, Edwin, Frederick,
escape is said to be impossible. The lower Lewis, Morris, Nathaniel, Raymond,
classes are expected to return to their home $addeus, Victor, Wilfred. Typical women’s
“block” at night, and the streets are names include: Ada, Amelia, Emma, Ethel,
patrolled by the automaton “Peelers”, Isabella, Katherine, Lottie, Mildred, Nora,
ruthless mechanical policemen on the Victoria, Wilhelmena. Last names could be
lookout for anyone breaking the curfew. any typical modern US name – just open a
How a person lives in such a city will very phone book!
much depend on their class.
CLASS 1 Helios.
There are three classes in Neovictorian
society – the lower class, the servant class SERVANT CLASS
and the upper class. Due to the Emperor Victor III’s population
control policies, families are only allowed to
LOWER CLASS have two children – further offspring are
If you are unfortunate enough to be born taken away at birth to be brought up in the
into the lower class (and the vast majority workhouse, where they are trained as the
are), your lot will be to live in the squalid, servant class. The women will become
overcrowded slums, toil long hours in a
servants to the upper classes, cooking and income, and live in huge mansions set in
cleaning, serving at table, etc. Most men will extensive parkland, walled off from the
become sailors in the Imperial Air Navy slums. They are often unaware of the depths
(IAN), the only Neovictorians ever allowed of squalor in which the lower classes live,
outside the city walls, and sworn to secrecy being entirely cut off from any contact with
about what is really out there on pain of them. The men tend to be collegeeducated,
death. (A few men may become butlers or while the women will be lucky to have been
manservants, but serving the rich is mostly to a girl’s academy to learn needlework,
women’s work). The servant class are household management and deportment.
taught to look down on the lower class and Upper class women are expected to do little
cherish their “privileges”. except look decorative and produce an heir
for their husband. Life is often little more
MOTIVATION than a round of balls and soirees, which
Why would a servant class Neovictorian many see, despite their wealth and privilege,
become an airship pirate? If you’re a man, as a “gilded cage.”
chances are you’ve worked as crew on an
IAN ship and seen what the world’s really MOTIVATION
like. Since you have the skills, better the free It’s a life of luxury in the upper class, but
life of a pirate that the harsh discipline of there’s more to life than luxury. Maybe
being a sailor in the Imperial Air Navy. Wait you’re a IAN officer who’s been dismissed
until your vessel calls in at a sky city for for one reason or another, or perhaps you
resupply, and jump ship. If you’re a woman saw the way the Free Peoples are living and
of the servant class you have less freedom decided that’s the life for you. Or maybe you
but, living in an upper class household, spend your days wandering your father’s
you’ll have heard the rumours of the Free extensive estates in a state of terminal
People who live beyond the walls. Maybe boredom. The smugglers who bring you
you stow away on an IAN occasional contraband meat supplies know
ship with the help of a friendly sailor, run ways in an out of the place that the Peelers
away with an upper class lover, or just climb haven’t found – maybe it’s time to escape.
over the wall one night with a stolen
shotgun and a bagful of attitude. SUITABLE BACKGROUNDS
Academic, Administrator, Agitator, Air Navy
SUITABLE BACKGROUNDS Officer, Artist, Chuno Ggun, Clergyman,
Agitator, Air Marine, Air Sailor, Chuno Ggun, Criminal, Dilettante, Doctor, Inventor,
Criminal, Gadgeteer, Inventor, Prostitute, Marine Commander, Vigilante, Writer
ATTRIBUTES All normal Neovictorians get +3 to one
All normal Neovictorians get +3 to one attribute of their choice and -1 starting
attribute of their choice and -1 starting wound. All Neovictorians of the upper class
wound. All Neovictorians of the servant start with the social Aptitude.
class start with the finesse Aptitude.
TYPICAL NAMES First names tend to be similar to
As Lower Class, above. Neovictorian lower class names, though
with an emphasis on names with many
STARTING CASH syllables (Wilhelmena is much more
2 Helios. popular than Ada!). Last names tend to be
double-barrelled, proclaiming advantageous
Upper Class marriage alliances in the past (not to
The upper classes are the nobles who run mention the degree of inbreeding within the
the cities, having been granted areas of the aristocracy!). Examples include:
city to rule on behalf of the Emperor. They Heatherington-Portnoy, Pine-Co'n,
own the factories from which they get their Rathbone-Duane.
10 Helios.
AUTOMATON Neovictorians put this down to malfunctions
or bad programming, little realizing that all
“Gentlemen, this fallen angel is the automata have the capacity to revolt. Note
illegitimate daughter of art and science. A that, within all Neovictorian cities, and in
modern marvel of engineering, clockworks some Skyloft cities, automata are considered
elevated to the very natural process which machines rather than people, and have no
even now is in your blood, racing, your eyes rights. Other Skyloft cities and all
flashing at such irreproachable beauty. Here Neobedouin tribes recognize them as people
is Gaia, here is Eve, here is Lilith, and I stand with all the rights and responsibilities which
before you as her father. Sprung fully-formed go with that recognition.
from my brow, dewy and sweet; she can be
yours and yours again, for her flesh is the MOTIVATION
incorruptible pale to be excused from the All your short life you have taken orders,
wages of sin.” followed the same routines day after day,
– Abney Park, Herr Drosselmeyer’s Doll but something has changed and now you’ve
had enough. Maybe it was an act of cruelty
Built in the factories of the Neovictorian on the part of a human, or maybe an act of
cities, kindness when a human recognized you as a
automata are by definition below even the person and not a machine. Whatever
lower class. More-or-less humanoid robots triggered your revolt, you are determined to
of brass and wood (sometimes overlaid with live free. You have somehow escaped your
realistic pseudoskin), their clockwork is home city, and will never go back – as long
animated by the vat-grown “motivating as you’re earning enough to pay for repairs
essence” that flows within their guttapercha and the occasional oil change, you’ll be fine.
veins. There are numerous models:
who specialize in record-keeping and can Agitator, Autocrat, Criminal, Factory Worker
memorize and collate huge numbers of (Drone), Ganger, Peeler, Prostitute (Doll),
facts; drones, who work in the parts of a Servant (Servitor).
factory too dangerous for humans; dolls,
who provide companionship and sexual AUTOMATON ATTRIBUTES, TALENTS
favors for the upper classes; gangers, who AND COMPLICATIONS
specialize in On top of any traits chosen during character
loading heavy cargoes on the Neovictorian creation, automata have the following
docks; Peelers of the Imperial Constabulary, adjustments to their Attributes, Talents and
who patrol the streets and enforce the law; Complications. These do not affect your
and servitors who act as servants for the starting experience point allocation.
upper classes. (There are other types, such
as non-humanoid automaton cabs, cargo ALL AUTOMATA
carriers, worm-like sewer-cleaners and the Talents: Mere Flesh Wounds
like, but those listed are suitable as PCs). Complications: Mechanical
Herr Drosselmeyer, who created the first
automata, wrought better than he knew; the Moreover, each automata was build for a
biologically-grown motivating essence purpose and they select one of the package
has imbued the automata with self- below.
awareness. While most automata pretend a
robot-like servility because they will be put AUTOCRAT
in the Change Cage if they show any signs of Attributes: +1 starting wounds, Strength +3,
exceeding their design parameters, some Agility -3, Intelligence +3
few Aptitude: Knowledge
“go rogue” and escape the Neovictorian Talents: Total recall
cities for a life of freedom. The
Attributes: -1 starting wounds, Strength +3,
Agility +3, Fellowship +3
Aptitude: Social
Skills: Charm

Attributes: +2 starting wounds, Strength +5,
Agility -3, Intelligence -5
Aptitude: Offence
Talents: Unarmed warrior

Attributes: +1 starting wounds, Strength +3,
Agility -3, Willpower +3
Aptitude: Fieldcraft
Talents: Blind fighting
Equipment: All Peelers have a built-in gun in
their right arm, which is revealed when
their hand folds down out of the way of the
barrel. For rules purposes it is identical to a

Automatons have a first name similar to
mentioned for the lower class (see above),
followed by a number: Ada-22, Morris-8,
and so on. Automatons who have escaped
the Neovictorian cities will sometimes make
their names more exotic by translating their
number into a foreign language; Ada Vingt-
deux, Morris Acht.

0 Helios.
MISBEGOTTEN outside world, and once there you find
prejudice is still rife, due to your odd
“I see there’s the block for folks with purple appearance. Some will come to accept you
skin, There’s the block for folks who have no for who you are rather than what you look
chin, There’s the block for me and all my kin, like, and pirates are more tolerant of life’s
And over there’s the Change Cage where we misfits than most. If you were a member of
throw the rebels in.” the Chuno Ggun, it’s much easier to turn
– Abney Park, Change Cage renegade, but you know your old
organization will not rest until it has hunted
Around the factories of the Neovictorian you down.
cities are vast pools and storage ponds of
noxious chemicals which the Emperor SUITABLE BACKGROUNDS
Victor III won’t let out of the cities to pollute Agitator, Chuno Ggun, Criminal, Factory
the “pristine” wilderness. These toxins have Worker, Prostitute
seeped into the groundwater over the years,
causing mutations in the children of the TYPICAL NAMES
lower (and occasionally upper) classes. Misbegotten often have what seem to be
These misbegotten (as they are officially insulting nicknames attached to their
known by the Imperial government) have normal name, but those who have escaped
one or more mutations, ranging from the from the Change Cage cities wear these as a
purely cosmetic (no chin, purple skin) to the badge of pride, as though challenging
actively useful (armored skin, claws). The anyone to find a problem with their
government tries to classify these mutations. Such names might include: Blue
misbegotten into a limited number of Anka, Fish-Eyed Betty, Lurching Rupert,
specific types and isolate them in their own Scaly Joe, etc.
blocks within the city in order to prevent
interbreeding and the possibility of human STARTING CASH
evolution; there they are treated as little 1 Helios.
better than automata and denied most of
the few rights that the lower classes “enjoy”. MISBEGOTTEN ATTRIBUTES, TALENTS
They are sterilized at puberty to prevent AND
them passing on their characteristics and COMPLICATIONS
most are never allowed out of their home Attributes: All Misbegotten have +5
blocks, being provided menial work in their willpower and +2 starting wounds.
own homes, such as making pins, sewing Aptitude: Defence
mail bags, etc. Theirs is indeed a joyless Talents: You may, if you wish, choose to buy
existence. A “lucky” few who have serious the Mutation talent. This costs experience
combat abilities due to their mutations are points in the usual way. Choose one of those
recruited into the Chuno Ggun (see part 3), listed.
where they Complications: All Misbegotten have the
are used as “terror troops” against escaping Distinctive Features complication. This does
rebels and Neobedouin settlements. not give the character an extra experience
points. Choose one of the following or make
MOTIVATION up something similar: No chin, unusual
Almost anything is better than the life of a color of skin (purple, blue, red, etc.), extra
misbegotten in a Neovictorian city, but fingers and toes, no eyelids, a tail (furry or
escaping from your block is going to be a naked). If you have the Mutation talent, your
major undertaking as you know little of the Distinctive Feature will be related to that
world outside the few streets you call home, talent.
and your inability to blend in with normal
humans makes sneaking about very difficult. Chuno Ggun: Misbegotten with the Armor
Only the most strong-willed make it to the or Claws Mutation may have been chosen as
warriors for the Chuno Ggun. Those who
have escaped to live free as a pirate gain the
Enemy complication and will always be
targeted for death by the Chuno Ggun.
SKYFOLK differences and save their enmity for the
Empire, which would have all live in
“This world is filled with islands, little specks Neovictorian squalor. The sky cities trade
of sand, Mountain peaks in a cloudy sky Each with each other and with their
one’s a different world, and so my sails groundbound allies, the Neobedouin.
unfurled, And I will raise my sails high. When
I am feeling stagnant, my lungs are full of MOTIVATION
mud, I dream of Beijing and Molokai. You have grown up in the freedom of the
When I am feeling down, get myself off the high airs. But there’s more to life than the
ground, And throw my head back to the sky, closed-in culture of your own sky city, and
And fly! you want to see them all. Maybe the city you
And fly!” grew up in has laws or customs of which
– Abney Park, Wanderlust you disapprove, or which you found
oppressive. Maybe you just loved the
In the sky above North America, and built romantic ideal of the pirate life, having
around remote mountaintops, are the cities grown up on Tales of the Airship Pirates and
collectively known as the Skyloft. Most are other such penny dreadfuls. Maybe you
suspended beneath great clusters of helium want to free the Neovictorians from their
gasbags, some floating freely, others oppressive regime. With your undoubted
tethered skills in the sky, you’ll always be welcome
to mountain peaks but able to cut aboard an airship.
themselves loose in an emergency; others
have extended down from their sky-living WHICH SKY CITY?
ways to colonize the tops of mountains, high Players wanting a Skyfolk character should
above the dangerous beasts of the lowlands. choose one of the sky cities described in
The Skyfolk are as varied as the cities in part 3, roll dice to generate a new sky city
which they live, using the tables in part 3, or make up a city
for no two cities have the same form of of their own, using the tables as a guideline.
government, the same ideals, the same The character’s outlook on life will vary
beliefs. Some sky cities are capitalist, some according to his or her home culture, though
communist, some socialist; there are it will obviously be different if they rebel
matriarchies, slave cities and cities of against their home culture rather than
escaped slaves; democracies, autocracies embracing it.
and technocracies; cities that worship God,
Allah, or the Sky Mother; atheist cities that SUITABLE BACKGROUNDS
burn believers at the stake. Yet whatever Academic, Administrator, Air Marine, Air
their religious and political beliefs, they Sailor, Air Navy Officer, Artist, Criminal,
share a common interest in technological Dilettante, Doctor, Gadgeteer, Inventor,
progress – many Skyfolk are knowledgeable Marine Commander, Mercenary, Musician,
on scientific subjects, and children are Pirate/Privateer, Prostitute, Trader,
encouraged to tinker, build, and innovate Showman/woman, Writer
from an early age. Strange gadgets and
unlikely-looking flying machines are a ATTRIBUTES
feature of the sky cities. The various sky All Skyfolk get agility +3 and Intelligence +3.
cities also have an alliance against the All Skyfolk start with the Tech aptitude.
Emperor Victor III, who would destroy them Moreover, all Skyfolk are trained in
if he could. The Skyfolk grow up in the high engineer(Ad Hoc Repair) and Sky lore.
air, immune to vertigo, at home in airships TYPICAL NAMES
and flying machines from an early age. Skyfolk tend to have modern US names
Whatever their beliefs, and no matter how followed by surnames associated with the
much they disapprove of the beliefs of other sky – clouds, birds, weather, etc. Last names
sky cities, they tend to respect their
might include: Cumulus, Empyrean, Nimbus,
Snow Goose, Sirocco, Storm, Zephyr.

7 Helios.

Once you’ve sorted out your culture and Starting aptitudes: Knowledge, Social,
Attributes, it’s time to decide on a Intelligence, Agility, Toughness, fellowship
background. This is your character’s past, Skills: Lore(Legal Matters), Bull, Commerce,
what he or she got up to before becoming an Threaten, Logic
airship pirate. Not all backgrounds are Talents: none
available to all cultures – some jobs are just Wounds: 8+1d5
not done in some cultures. Check which
backgrounds are available for your chosen
culture and pick the one that suits your AGITATOR
character concept. Neovictorian (any)
Agitators are subversives, hell-bent on
ACADEMIC exposing the hypocrisy and misinformation
Neovictorian (Upper Class males only), upon which Neovictorian society is based.
Skyfolk Most agitators work alone for the most part
You have studied an academic subject to a – writing inflammatory tracts, scrawling
high level. If you’ve studied in a irreverent graffiti on the block walls,
Neovictorian city (all three Imperial cities in sabotaging polite society, or throwing a
North America have colleges), you’re likely spanner into the factory works. Occasionally
to have a somewhat limited view of the agitators do work together, to produce
world as the textbooks have been rewritten propaganda or to otherwise spread their
to the Emperor’s viewpoint and anyone who agenda of sedition – but when they do, they
does anything too progressive ends up in risk infiltration by the Chuno Ggun. So
the Change Cage. Only the larger sky cities agitators mostly avoid revealing too much
such as Isla Aether have a university, but about themselves or inquiring too closely of
academic freedom is highly valued. You may their fellow revolutionaries. Perhaps you
have fled a Neovictorian city to take to the were beginning to be suspected, perhaps
skies, or perhaps you are studying the other you had just had enough of your dismal
pirates for your doctorate! home, but now you’ve exchanged the stifling
Characteristic bonus: +5 intelligence oppression of the Change Cage city for the
Starting aptitudes: Knowledge, Fieldcraft, freedom of the skies.
Intelligence, Perception, Willpower, Characteristic bonus: +5 Agility
fellowship Starting aptitudes: Social, Fieldcraft,
Skills: Lore(Choose any three), Agility, Perception, Weapon-Skill, fellowship
Engineer(Choose any two) Skills: Deceive, Art(any) or Bull,
Talents: Cold Hearted Conversation, Stealth
Wounds: 7+1d5 Talents: weapon training (hand weapons,
Neovictorian (Upper Class males only),
You may have spent your days shuffling Neovictorian (Servant Class males only),
paperwork, dealing with minor matters of skyfolk
stock or population control, or maybe you You were a soldier who fought for your city.
were in charge of huge numbers of people When your navy needed ground forces, it
and kept the economy of an entire city was you who got sent in on the front line.
running smoothly. Once aboard a pirate You may have been assigned to a particular
airship, you may find yourself in charge of airship, or may have been stationed at a
the ship’s stores, or in command of its men, ground base or in your home city, ready to
depending on previous experience. be assigned transport to wherever you were
Characteristic bonus: +5 Fellowship needed. Maybe you have served your term,
and now put your combat skills to the use of Characteristic bonus: +5 Fellowship
your fellow pirates, or maybe you have Starting aptitudes: Social, Leadership,
deserted to escape the harsh discipline of Weapon skill, Perception, Intelligence,
the marines. Fellowship
Characteristic bonus: +5 weapon skill or Skills: Command, tactics, Ethiquette
+5 Ballistic skill Talents: weapon training (choose any one,
Starting aptitudes: Offence, Defence, gunnery), Iron discipline
Toughness, Perception, Weapon Skill, Wounds: 8+1d5
Ballistic Skill
Skills: dodge or parry ARTIST
Talents: weapon training (choose any three “they say an artist from Block 616
not gunnery), Armour training Revived some old art just for his own kicks
Wounds: 10+1d5 they say his pictures were lewd,
they say his women were nude,
AIR SAILOR So we throw them inside.
Neovictorian (Servant Class males only), Well now that artist can run, he can hide
Skyfolk But sooner or later we’ll throw him inside,
You served as crew on an airship. $is may I don’t think people should see,
have been an Imperial Air Navy ship, an Well that’s not art to me,
airship belonging to a sky city’s navy, a So we’ll throw them inside.”
merchant vessel, or even another pirate – Abney Park, !e Change Cage
ship. Perhaps you jumped ship to escape Neobedouin, Neovictorian (Upper Class only),
harsh discipline, or were originally press- Skyfolk
ganged and are now trying to get back to You once made your living with your artistic
your home, and intend to jump ship again endeavours, whether that was painting,
when you get there. Or maybe you betrayed photography, sculpture, or something more
your previous crew and they are out for abstract or avant-garde. If you are
revenge. Neovictorian, you may well have fled one of
Characteristic bonus: +5 agility the cities after your work was thrown in the
Starting aptitudes: Finesse, Fieldcraft, Change Cage for being too innovative.
Agility, Perception, Strength, Ballistic Skill Perhaps you still use your art in the service
Skills: Sky lore, dodge, Navigation(sky), of your crew, or perhaps you have had to
engineer(Ad hoc repair), pilot suppress your creative urges to avoid the
Talents: weapon training (choose any one, ridicule of your shipmates.
gunnery) Characteristic bonus: +5 Fellowship
Wounds: 10+1d5 Starting aptitudes: Social, Focus, Agility,
Perception, Intelligence, Fellowship
AIR NAVY OFFICER Skills: Art(any two), Bull, Charm, Lore(own
Neovictorian (Upper Class males only), Culture), Awareness
Skyfolk Talents: none
You were once in charge of a naval vessel Wounds: 8+1d5
and perhaps had hundreds of men under
your command. You were shown respect AUTOCRAT
and lived a life of relative luxury when in Automaton only
your home port. If you were an officer in the You were a mechanical bureaucrat. In the
Imperial Air Navy, you were a member of Neovictorian city from which you escaped,
the upper class and these things came you were involved with collecting and
naturally as part of your heritage. Now you collating records for the government’s
are aboard a pirate ship. Maybe you were difference engines. You have a phenomenal
demoted or cast out of the service for some memory. You may have been in a back room,
infraction, maybe you hated the orders you shuffling papers, or stationed at an
were given and rebelled. Now your previous important security checkpoint, working an
background could be an asset or a liability – autophrenometer and scanning faces
it’s up to you. against your internal records. Your brain
works differently to that of a human – you di(erent life, but your past crimes still haunt
analyse things logically and are not prone to you, and maybe one day they will catch up
irrational beliefs and superstitions. with you.
Nevertheless, your desire for freedom Characteristic bonus: +5 weapon skill
eventually won out over the satisfaction you Starting aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Offence,
felt at working efficiently. $e world outside Agility, Weapon skill, Strength, Ballistic skill
your previous tidy existence is terribly Skills: Athletics, Dodge, Intimidate, tracking
messy and confusing, but you do your best or interrogation
to help your human shipmates. Talents: weapon training (choose any three
Characteristic bonus: +5 Intelligence not gunnery), Light sleeper
Starting aptitudes: Social, Knowledge, Wounds: 10+1d5
Agility, Perception, Intelligence, Willpower
Skills: General knowledge, Charm, Logic, CLERGYMAN
Commerce Neovictorian (Upper Class males only)
Talents: none Christianity is sadly unfashionable these
Wounds: 8+1d5 days. You did your best, but the church was
usually half-empty of a Sunday evening, the
BEAST DANCER place was falling down and there was little
Neobedouin enthusiasm for your sermons. There are a
You are a highly trained martial artist, an number of reasons why a Clergyman should
expert in the Neobedouin art of Beast become a pirate. Perhaps you were
Dancing. Supremely graceful, the focus of all defrocked for some sin or other. Maybe
eyes when you dance, you are nevertheless traveling with the pirates
a killer, whether with your bare hands or is a way to find new converts. Or maybe you
the favoured weapons of your art, the Claws feel the need to save the souls of the
and the Arm-Blades. You have fought many heathen crew and get them back on the path
a wild beast, using their own techniques to Heaven.
against them. Now you fight others of your Characteristic bonus: +5 Fellowship
own species, and most of them don’t know Starting aptitudes: Social, Focus,
what hit them. Toughness, Perception, Willpower,
Characteristic bonus: +5 Agility Fellowship
Starting aptitudes: Finesse, Offence, Skills: Charm, Etiquette, Lore(Theology),
Agility, Perception, Strength, Fellowship Conversation, Scrutiny
Skills: Athletics or stealth, Dance, Dodge, Talents: unshakable faith, weapon training
Survival, warnagling (choose any one not gunnery)
Talents: exotic weapon training(any Wounds: 8+1d5
Neobedouin melee weapon) or unarmed
warrior CRIMINAL
Wounds: 9+1d5 Neovictorian (any), Skyfolk
This career covers everything from a street
CHUNO GGUN pickpocket or gang enforcer, through the
Neovictorian (Servant Class males, Upper common house-breaker and the gentleman
Class males and Misbegotten males) burglar, to the crime lord at the centre of a
You were a hunter, a killer. Whether hunting web of deceit. Maybe you have given up
down escapees from the Change Cage, or your criminal ways, but more likely you see
wiping out Neobedouin tribes that came too your position as member of a pirate crew as
close to your city, you were the vengeful fist an opportunity to further the scope of your
of the Emperor, crewing the feared black activities.
frigates, bringing death to guilty and Characteristic bonus: +5 Agility or +5
innocent alike. Maybe you commanded such Fellowship
a vessel, or provided the muscle, or perhaps Starting aptitudes: Social, Finesse, Weapon
you were part of a covert team that skill, Perception, Agility, Fellowship
infiltrated other cultures and assassinated Skills: Charm, Bull, Stealth, Security or
the Emperor’s enemies. Now you have a sleight of hand, conversation
Talents: weapon training (choose any two Yes, we’re building steam, I hate the same
not gunnery) routine.”
Wounds: 9+1d5 – Abney Park, Building Steam
Neovictorian (Lower Class, Automaton or
DILETTANTE Misbegotten)
Neovictorian (Upper Class only), Skyfolk You spent your days doing boring, repetitive
You had sufficient money not to need to work in atrocious conditions. You may have
work, but lived a life of leisure, dabbling in learned some sort of craft, but were never
whatever hobbies took your fancy, whether able to use it creatively. Now you have
it be bee-keeping, breadmaking or baritsu. escaped from your life of drudgery and are
Maybe piracy is just your latest fad, or determined never to return.
perhaps you lost your wealth due to some Characteristic bonus: +5 Toughness
misfortune or indiscretion, or gave up the Starting aptitudes: Knowledge, Defence,
boring ennui of it all for a life of excitement. Weapon skill, Strength, Toughness,
Characteristic bonus: +5 Fellowship Willpower
Starting aptitudes: Social, Focus, Weapon Skills: Athletics, craft(any two), Gambling,
skill, Perception, Toughness, Fellowship engineer(Ad hoc repair)
Skills: Etiquette, any four chosen from craft, Talents: weapon training(choose any one
lore, art, performance, instrument or dance melee)
Talents: none Wounds: 10+1d5
Wounds: 7+1d5
DOCTOR Neobedouin, Neovictorian (Lower Class,
Neovictorian (Upper Class males only), Servant Class), Skyfolk
Skyfolk You have always had a way with machines.
You have studied medicine, whether it be at Whenever anything breaks down, it’s
a Neovictorian college or one of the Skyloft’s always you people come to, and when you
prestigious medical schools. You know how repair something, you have been known to
to treat everything from a headache to a make it work better than it did in the first
punctured lung. You are probably highly place. And then there’s the way you have of
respected aboard ship for your skills – taking two separate devices and somehow
unless, of course, you were struck o( for combining them into something new. You’ve
dallying with the patients or becoming too never had any formal education in design,
fond of the medicinal alcohol – in which case nor the funding to create your dream
your patients may have a certain wariness... machines, but you’ve always managed to get
Characteristic bonus: +5 Intelligence by without either manual or blueprints. And
Starting aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Knowledge, what with a
Weapon skill, Perception, Willpower, pirate ship’s constant lack of ready cash,
Intelligence there’s always something for you to do.
Skills: Charm, Scrutiny, Etiquette, Characteristic bonus: +5 Agility
Awareness, Medicine Starting aptitudes: Tech, Fieldcraft,
Talents: Cold-Hearted Weapon skill, Strength, Agility, Intelligence
Wounds: 7+1d5 Skills: Drive or Pilot, Awareness,
Engineer(Ad hoc Repair, choose any one),
Factory Worker craft(choose any one)
“Soon came a day under skies that were grey Talents: weapon training(choose any one)
When I knew I couldn’t stay in this ghost Wounds: 7+1d5
town full of Clones and clowns and carbon
copy towns with Kine and swine and nothing GANGER
that was mine, And this town’s decline with Automaton only
my hatred intertwined, So I gather all I find You are a huge, burly mechanical creature,
and I bolted it to me, Fueled my fires and I which bears only a vague resemblance to
grabbed my pliers. I made my own machine, the human form. You worked the docks,
lifting and carrying heavy loads, day in, day
out. You may not be very bright, but you you out of business, one of your devices
knew you were being exploited and that the went wrong and caused a major accident –
humans who commanded you saw you as or perhaps your inventions are not as good
nothing but an unfeeling machine. Now you as you think they are.
are a pirate you have friends, who respect Characteristic bonus: +5 Intelligence
you for your strength if not your intellect. Starting aptitudes: Tech, Knowledge,
Characteristic bonus: +5 Toughness Ballistic skill, Agility, Intelligence, Willpower
Starting aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Offence, Skills: engineer(Ad hoc repair, choose any
Weapon skill, Strength, Toughness, one), Craft(choose any one), Logic
Willpower Talents: weapon training(choose any one
Skills: Parry, Intimidate, Athletics ranged not gunnery), exotic weapon
Talents: Nerves of Steel training(any one advanced ranged weapon)
Wounds: 10+1d5 Wounds: 7+1d5

HUNTER Marine Commander

Neobedouin Neovictorian (Upper Class males only),
You are a master of wilderness skills, and Skyfolk
used your knowledge to hunt for food for You were once in charge of a regiment of air
your tribe in the dangerous beast-haunted marines and perhaps had hundreds of men
wastelands. Maybe, now that you are a under your command. You were shown
pirate, you miss the feel of the ground respect and lived a life of relative luxury
beneath your feet, but the thrill of the chase when in your home port. If you were an
is still there. Perhaps you revel in the officer in the Imperial Air Marines, you were
freedom of the air, or perhaps you were cast a member of the upper class. Though the
out of your tribe for some misdemeanour marines are not as glamorous as the Navy,
and long to return to Mother Earth. you had the respect of your peers, and your
Characteristic bonus: +5 Perception men respected your fist. Now you are
Starting aptitudes: Finesse, Offence, aboard a pirate ship. Maybe you were
Weapon skill, Agility, Perception, Willpower demoted or cast out of the service for some
Skills: Parry, Athletics, tracking, wrangling infraction, maybe you hated the orders you
or navigation(surface), survival were given and rebelled. Now your previous
Talents: weapon training(choose any two background could be an asset or a liability –
not gunnery) it’s up to you.
Wounds: 9+1d5 Characteristic bonus: +5 weapon skill or
+5 Ballistic skill
INVENTOR Starting aptitudes: Leadership, Defence,
“Test-tubes and Tesla coils, Toughness, Fellowship, Weapon Skill,
Clockwork brain ‘n’ glowing oils...” Ballistic Skill
– Abney Park, !e Secret Life of Doctor Skills: dodge or parry, command
Calgori Talents: weapon training (choose any two
Neovictorian (any), Skyfolk not gunnery), Armour training, Air of
You have always enjoyed designing new Authority
gadgets, whether it be as small as a Wounds: 9+1d5
clockwork cigar-trimmer, or as large as an
intelligent automaton air-frigate. If you MERCENARY
grew up in the Skyloft, your talents would Skyfolk
have been encouraged, but as a Whether you fight in the Skyloft’s
Neovictorian, you would have had to be intermittent skirmishes with each other and
secretive, or you would end up in the the Imperial Air Navy, guard merchant
Change Cage. As pirate, your inventions are vessels, or work as city militia, you are in it
useful to your fellow crewmates, but why for the money. Once you’ve taken a contract,
are you not living a life of fame and you do your best to keep to it, but if your
adulation with workshops and technicians employer asks the impossible you don’t feel
at your command? Maybe your rivals put too bad about retreating. As the member of
a pirate crew, you may be self-employed, you commit some crime that cast you our of
but you might be getting paid as a your tribe, or did your lack of vigilance lead
bodyguard to one of the other crew to your tribe’s destruction? Or perhaps it
members who has more money than sense. was the romance of the air that called to
Characteristic bonus: +5 weapon skill or you.
+5 Ballistic skill Characteristic bonus: +5 Toughness
Starting aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Defence, Starting aptitudes: Finesse, Defence,
Toughness, Strength, Weapon Skill, Ballistic Agility, Perception, Weapon skill, Ballistic
Skill skill
Skills: dodge or parry, commerce Skills: Athletics, Drive, Wrangling,
Talents: weapon training (choose any two), Awareness, survival or navigation(surface)
Armour training or unarmed warrior, Talents: weapon training (choose any two
Wounds: 9+1d5 not gunnery)
Wounds: 9+1d5
“Tried making a buck but we can barely stay PEELER
aloft, Tried to swing a deal but we pissed the Automaton only
wrong guys oft, Clockwork guitar and a You were a Peeler, the automaton
flintlock bass, We blasted the past all over the enforcement arm of the Emperor’s police.
place, Now there’s nothing left but post- You followed orders, suppressed dissent
apocalypse punk.” and ruthlessly dealt out violence and death
– Abney Park, Post-Apocalypse Punk for your masters. But something changed
Neobedouin, Skyfolk inside you and you fled to live the life of an
Music is your life. Whether it’s the tribal airship pirate. Now you follow no law but
rhythms of the Neobedouin, or the varied your own. Sometimes your ideas of justice
music of the Skyloft cities (which runs the seem harsh to those around you, but you
gamut from opera to steammetal) you can’t deny the call of your programming.
practice and perform at every opportunity. Characteristic bonus: +5 Toughness
For some in your crew, performance is just a Starting aptitudes: Offence, Defence,
cover for piracy, but for you, piracy is what Strength, Toughness, Weapon skill, Ballistic
keeps you in guitar strings and takes you to skill
places where you’ll find a new audience. Do Skills: Intimidate, Tracking, Interrogation
your crewmates love your music and gather Talents: weapon training (choose any two
round to hear you perform, or do they wince not gunnery)
and move away when you start practicing? Wounds: 10+1d5
Characteristic bonus: +5 Agility
Starting aptitudes: Finesse, Social, Agility, PIRATE/PRIVATEER
Perception, Fellowship, Willpower Skyfolk
Skills: Instrument(choose any three), While other members of the crew are
Performance(Choose any two), Dance, beginners, you were born to be a pirate.
Scrutiny, Charm Maybe you were literally born on a pirate
Talents: weapon training (hand weapons) ship, maybe you ran away from home at a
Wounds: 8+1d5 very early age, but you’ve been aboard
OUTRIDER caught up in the violence of boarding
Neobedouin actions
You were a caravan guard for your tribe, and steamcannon broadsides since before
ranging out as they traveled, in search of puberty. Perhaps you do it from force of
trouble, whether it be in the form of the habit,
uber-beasts of the wilderness or the black or maybe you can’t imagine a better career
frigates of the Neovictorians’ Chuno Ggun. than the free life of an airship pirate.
You might have ridden a horse or a motor- Characteristic bonus: +5 Eillpower
bike, a camel or a 4x4. Now you live in the
sky, but your skills are still required. Did
Starting aptitudes: Finesse, Fieldcraft, Characteristic bonus: +5 Willpower
Agility, Weapon skill, Ballistic skill, Starting aptitudes: Knowledge, Social,
Fellowship Agility, Perception, Intelligence, Fellowship
Skills: Medicine, Dodge, Navigation(Sky), Skills: Charm, Bull, Conversation,
Pilot, Commerce Awareness, Etiquette, craft(choose any one)
Talents: weapon training (choose any two) Talents: weapon training (hand weapons)
Wounds: 8+1d5 Wounds: 8+1d5

“And as the sackcloth, sodden, slumps, Neobedouin
Beneath these chipped and china limbs, You were a respected member of your tribe,
The sour flesh pines, thumps and grunts, leading the ceremonies in praise of the
Step right up, boys, tuppence for a spin.” Earth Mother, acting as advisor and healer
– Abney Park, Herr Drosselmyer’s Doll to your people. Now you are aboard a pirate
Neovictorian (Lower Class, Servant Class, ship, you perform similar services for the
Misbegotten or Automaton), Skyfolk crew. But why are you no longer with your
Whether male or female, you sold your tribe?
sexual favors for money. Perhaps you were Did you do something to lead to being
a high class concubine in a sky city where outcast, was your tribe wiped out by beasts
such work was respected; but more likely or black frigates, or did you simply want a
you were being exploited by a pimp or change?
brothel keeper. Perhaps you enjoyed the Characteristic bonus: +5 Willpower
work, but perhaps you felt degraded. If you Starting aptitudes: Knowledge, Leadership,
are a doll it is all you have ever known, and Willpower, Weapon skill, Intelligence,
entertaining your human masters has been Fellowship
the sole reason for your existence. Now you Skills: Charm, Command, Scrutiny,
live the life of an airship pirate. Have you Medicine, Teaching
given up your old trade for more Talents: weapon training (hand weapons,
conventional relationships, or do you still Choose any one not gunnery)
use your sexuality to get what you want Wounds: 8+1d5
from life?
Characteristic bonus: +5 Fellowship SHOWMAN/WOMAN
Starting aptitudes: Finesse, Social, Agility, Neobedouin, Skyfolk
Weapon skill, Toughness, Fellowship You are a born performer. Whether a #re-
Skills: Charm, Commerce, Dance, Scrutiny, eater, juggler, actor, story-teller or
Etiquette or Conversation, Deceive something more exotic, you have made your
Talents: weapon training (hand weapons) living entertaining others. Your act may be
Wounds: 7+1d5 pure entertainment, or you may have a
message to spread (political, religious or
SERVANT philosophical). Now you’re part of a pirate
Neovictorian (Servant Class or Automaton) crew; whether you’ve given up
You were trained from birth, or performance, or whether it’s still a part of
manufactured specifically, to serve the your life, one thing still holds true – the
upper class. You probably worked in a show must go on!
mansion, waiting on table, cooking, cleaning, Characteristic bonus: +5 Agility
gardening, looking after the beasts or Starting aptitudes: Finesse, Social,
serving in some other menial capacity. You Willpower, Agility, Intelligence, Fellowship
would have heard your masters speaking of Skills: Deceive, Charm, Commerce,
the world outside the walls and come to Etiquette, Performance(Choose any two)
realize how you were being exploited. Now Talents: weapon training (hand weapons,
you are among the crew of a pirate airship. Choose any one not gunnery)
Sometimes the life is hard, and you still Wounds: 9+1d5
worry that the Chuno Ggun might hunt you
down – but at least you are free! TRADER
Neobedouin, Skyfolk Starting aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Social,
You were a traveling trader. If you are a Weapon skill, Agility, Ballistic skill,
Neobedouin, you would have moved from Fellowship
tribe to tribe across the continent carrying Skills: Deceive, Charm, Stealth, Track
goods from one place to another. Maybe you Talents: weapon training (hand weapons
smuggled rare meats to the upper class of and pistols)
the Neovictorian cities. If you are a Skyfolk Wounds: 9+1d5
trader, you would have traveled with a
merchant ship, going from exotic port to WRITER
port throughout the Skyloft. Now you are Neovictorian (Upper Class), Skyfolk
crew on a pirate ship. Have you given up Words were always your thing. You read
your old trading ways for piracy, or do you from an early age, and it wasn’t long before
still try to swing a deal when in port? you were emulating your favourite authors.
Characteristic bonus: +5 Perception Whether you aspired to great literature, or
Starting aptitudes: Knowledge, Social, churned out pulp stories for Tales of the
Willpower, Perception, Intelligence, Airship Pirates, constructed delicate poetry
Fellowship or scribbled copy for the gutter press, you
Skills: Appraisal, Charm, Conversation, were never so happy as with a pen in your
Commerce, Scrutiny hand or an autostenograph at your
Talents: weapon training (hand weapons or fingertips. Now that you’re a pirate, there’s
pistols) rather less time for writing than there used
Wounds: 8+1d5 to be – but oh, the stories you can tell!
Characteristic bonus: +5 Intelligence
Vigilante Starting aptitudes: Focus, Social,
“Each night as I go walking underneath the Willpower, Perception, Intelligence,
lamplight, Fellowship
I bring my baritsu and I’m ready for a fight, Skills: Bull, Awareness, Art(Writing),
My boots of shining brown and my cane’s of Scrutiny, Lore(own culture), Logic
oak, Talents: none
I’ll unleash some hurting on you, justice I’ll Wounds: 8+1d5
‘Cause I’m a Victorian Vigilante
Bring some justice on your head,
From the palace to the riverside,
For your troubles you’ll get lead.”
– Abney Park, Victorian Vigilante
Neovictorian (Upper Class only)
$ere are those in the upper class who think
that the Neovictorian slums are sinks of
depravity, and that the Peelers are not doing
enough to keep crime in check. You were
one of those, but rather than just
complaining about it over a sniffer of
brandy, you went out there and did
something. With supreme self-confidence
and mastery of baritsu, you stalked the
night-time streets for the killers and rogues
who preyed on the weak. But perhaps you
realized that it was the system that was
wrong and now wish to change it; or maybe
you just enjoyed the adrenalin rush and
have become a pirate to get that buzz more
Characteristic bonus: +5 Agility

Bla Bla to do

To do: a section about skills.

Lore(Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Electricity,

Mathematics, Natural History, Pharmacy,
Phrenology, Physics, Robotics, Temporal
Physics, Veterinary Science, legal matters,
Automatons, Misbegotten, Neobedouin,
Neovictorian, Skyloft (by city), Criminology,
Geography, History, Philosophy, Politics,

Engineer(Ad hoc repairs, clockwork,

construction, electrical, internal combustion
engines, steam, explosives)

Craft(Carpenter*, Cook, Gunsmith, Jeweler,

Metalworker*, Musical Instrument Maker,
Tailor, Steamsmith, Shipwright,
*strength based skill instead of intelligence

Instrument(accordion, bass guitar, drums,

guitar, jug, mandolin, steam-piano, etc.)

Performance(Fire eating, Juggling, Mime,

Singing, Ventriloquist, etc.)

Art(Musical Composition, Painting,

Playwright, Photography, Sculpture,
Table of Skills
Acrobatics Agility General
Art() Fellowship Focus
Athletics Strength General
Appraisal Intelligence General
Awareness Perception Fieldcraft
Boating Agility Fieldcraft
Bribery Fellowship Knowledge
Bull Fellowship Social
Charm Fellowship Social
Craft() Intelligence/strength Knowledge
Command Fellowship Leadership
Commerce Intelligence Knowledge
Conversation Fellowship Social
Carouse Toughness Social
Dance Agility Social
Engineer() Intelligence Tech
Etiquette Intelligence Social
Forgery Intelligence Knowledge
Gambling Intelligence Focus
General Knowledge Intelligence General
Deceive Fellowship Social
Dodge Agility Defence
Drive Agility Fieldcraft
Instrument Agility Social
Interrogation Willpower Social
Intimidate Strength Social
Linguistics() Intelligence General
Logic Intelligence Knowledge
Lore() Intelligence Knowledge
Medicine Intelligence Fieldcraft
Meditation Willpower Focus
Navigate(Surface, Sky) Intelligence Fieldcraft
Parry Weapon skill Defence
Performance() Fellowship Fieldcraft
Pilot Agility Fieldcraft
Scrutiny Perception General
Security Intelligence Tech
Sky lore Intelligence Focus
Sleight of Hand Agility Knowledge
Stealth Agility Fieldcraft
Survival Perception Fieldcraft
Tactics Intelligence Leadership
Tracking Intelligence Fieldcraft
Teaching Fellowship Knowledge
Threaten Fellowship Social
Wrangling Agility Fieldcraft

Talents are special abilities and cost. In addition, higher tier Talents are
proficiencies that a character possesses more likely to have prerequisites than lower
either through their intrinsic nature or tier Talents.
through the application of constant use and When selecting Talents, a character can
experience. This is in contrast to Skills choose any Talent from any tier. However,
which represent abilities gained by learning he should be mindful that some Talents
or training. A Talent is an ability which a have prerequisites. A character must meet
character is either capable of or is not, the prerequisites before he takes the Talent.
whereas a Skill is something that they can
be better at by degrees. When a character SPECIALIST TALENTS
Several Talents are not one Talent but
deflects an impossible blow with his power
many, and require a character to select a
sword, falls from an extreme height without
specific specialisation when taking the
taking harm, or predicts the future using
Talent. Thus, when selecting the Peer
cold hard logic he is using Talents. Talent, a character would also choose a
specific group or organization from those
listed within the description, such as Peer
Talents differ from skills in that a player
(Imperial Air Navy). Each time a character
usually does not need to use an Action or
gains the Talent, they are in effect taking a
Test to utilise the ability. They are always in
new Talent, and must choose a different
effect, and many Talents give bonuses to
specialisation, so the next time a character
Tests or allow Actions not available to the
selected Peer he might opt for Peer (Helios
common man. In essence, once a character
city citizens). In many cases, group listings
has a Talent, its benefits will always be
are representative as opposed to all
applied to their Actions unless specifically
inclusive, so even though groups like the
noted otherwise.
Specific Neobedouin tribes are not
specifically listed in the Peer specialisations,
a character could still choose them with the
Talents represent a myriad of special
approval of the GM.
abilities for characters, reflecting their skill
at arms, specific relationships and
reputations they might have, or any number
Several Talents require the Player Character
of other things that make them better than
to possess a prerequisite before their
the average Joe. Just like Skills, a character
selection. This represents a certain innate
will start play with a number of Talents
ability level required to employ specific
depending on their culture and background
Talents, or a Skill or other Talent necessary
then acquire more as they improve during
to access more advanced capabilities. These
play by spending Experience Points. The
prerequisites may take the form of Skills,
amount of Experience Points required to
Talents, Aptitudes, Characteristic scores, or
purchase a Talent depends on its tier and
even special abilities.
which Aptitudes a character has.
Below is a listing of the Talents available to
Not all Talents are created equal, and some
characters, presented on the previous three
are unashamedly better than others. For
tables (divided by tier) along with a brief
this reason all Talents are divided into three
description. The full explanation of each
levels, or tiers, rated one to three, with one
Talent is then listed after these tables
being the weakest and three being the most
powerful. Tiers primarily exist to price
Talents, as higher tier Talents have a greater
Air of Authority Fel 30 Fellowship Affect more targets with Command.
Ambidextrous Ag 30 Weapon Skill Use either hand equally well—reduce
Ballistic Skill penalties for using two weapons.
Berserk Charge — Strength Offence Gain an extra bonus to hit when charging.
Blind Fighting Per 30 Perception Suffer half usual penalties for obscured vision.
Catfall Ag 30 Agility Fieldcraft Reduce falling damage.
Cold Hearted — Willpower Defence Immune to Seduction, resistant to Charm.
Combat Formation Int 40 Leadership Use intelligence bonus for Initiative.
Combat Sense Per 30 Perception Use Per bonus instead of Ag bonus for
Fieldcraft Initiative.
Deadeye Shot BS 30 Ballistic Skill Reduce penalties for ranged called shots.
Die Hard WP 40 Willpower Defence Improves chances of surviving Blood Loss.
Disarm Ag 30. Weapon Skill Force opponent to drop weapon.
Disturbing Voice —. Fellowship Social +10 to Intimidate/threaten, –10 to Charm.
Double Team — General Offence Gain additional +10 for outnumbering
Enemy — General Social An organization or group particularly despises
the character.
Frenzy — Strength Offence Enter psychotic rage to gain combat bonuses.
Heightened Senses† — Perception Gain +10 bonus to particular sense on
Fieldcraft perception based tests.
Iron Jaw T 40 Toughness Defence Test Toughness to overcome Stunning.
Jaded WP 40 Willpower Defence Ignore mundane horrors.
Leap Up Ag 30 Agility General Stand as a Free Action.
Light Sleeper Per 30 Perception Count as awake even when sleeping.
Lightning Reflexes — Agility Fieldcraft Roll twice and take the highest for Initiative
Mimic — Fellowship Social. Character can copy voices.
Peer Fel 30. Fellowship Social Character has good reputation amongst
chosen group.
Polyglot Int 40, Fel 30 Intelligence Social Character has innate grasp of languages.
Quick Draw — Agility Finesse Draw weapon as Free Action.
Radiant Presence Fel 40 Fellowship Character has an inspiring aura.
Resistance† — Toughness Defence Gain +10 bonus to particular resistance Test.
Sound Constitution — Toughness General General Gain an additional Wound.
Street Fighting WS 30 Weapon Skill Add half WS to Critical Damage.
Sure Strike WS 30 Weapon Skill Reduce penalties for melee Called Shots.
Takedown — Weapon Skill Make special attack to stun opponent.
Total Recall Int 30 Intelligence Character can remember trivial facts and
Knowledge. minor details.
Unarmed Warrior WS 35, Ag 35 Strength Offence Improves unarmed attacks.
Unremarkable — General Social Character is easily forgettable.
Weapon-Tech Engineer(any Intelligence Tech Increase potency of advanced weaponry.
one) +10, Int
Weapon Training† — General Finesse Use Weapon Group without penalty.
Armour Training — General Defence Gain proficiency with wearing heavy armour.
Armour-Monger Int 35, Intelligence Tech Increase the efficacy of physical armour.
Engineer(Ad hoc
repair) +10
Backstabber Ag 30, Stealth Agility Fieldcraft Add Ag to melee damage in the surprise round.
Battle Rage Frenzy. Strength Defence Parry while frenzied.
Bulging Biceps S 45 Strength Offence Remove bracing requirement from certain
Combat Master WS 30 Weapon Skill Opponents get no bonus for outnumbering the
Defence character.
Counter Attack WS 40. Weapon Skill May attack after successful Parry.
Crack Shot BS 50 Ballistic Skill Add +2 to ranged Crit Damage.
Crippling Strike WS 50 Weapon Skill Add +2 to melee Crit Damage.
Deflect Shot Ag 50 Weapon Skill Add WS Bonus to AP against Primitive ranged
Defence attacks.
Exotic Weapon — Intelligence Gain proficiency with one exotic weapon.
Training† Finesse
Foresight Int 30 Intelligence Contemplate to gain +10 bonus to next Test.
Furious Assault WS 35 Weapon Skill On a successful WS Test, gain a free second
Offence attack.
Hard Target Ag 40. Agility Defence –20 to hit character when he Charges or Runs.
Hardy T 40 Toughness Character always heals as if lightly wounded.
Hatred† — Weapon Skill Gain +10 bonus to attack hated creatures.
Hip Shooting BS 40, Ag 40 Ballistic Skill Characters may shoot when moving.
Independent BS 40 Ballistic Skill Fire at multiple targets more than 10 metres
Targeting Finesse apart.
Inspire Wrath Air of Authority Fellowship Inspire crowd to hatred and anger.
Iron Discipline Fel 30 Fellowship Comrades resist Pinning and Fear.
Killing Strike WS 50 Weapon Skill Spend Fate Point to make melee attacks
Offence unavoidable.
Marksman BS 35 Ballistic Skill Halve penalties for firing at long or extreme
Finesse range.
Mutation Misbegotten Toughness General Gain a mutation. At character creation only.
Nerves of Steel — Willpower Defence Reroll Pinning Tests.
Paranoia — Perception Character is always alert for danger.
Precise Blow WS 40, Sure Strike Weapon Skill Reduce penalty for melee called shots.
Rapid Reaction Ag 40 Agility Fieldcraft Test Ag to ignore surprise.
Sharpshooter BS 40, Deadeye Ballistic Skill Decrease penalty for ranged called shots.
Shot Finesse
Storm of Iron BS 45, Weapon Ballistic Skill Allocate extra full-auto and semi-auto hits to
Training (any one Offence additional targets within five metres.
Swift Attack WS 30 Weapon Skill May make multiple melee attacks.
Two-Weapon — Weapon May fight with two weapons.
Wielder† Skill/Ballistic Skill
Unarmed Master WS 45, Ag 40, Strength Offence Deadly fighter while unarmed.
Unarmed Warrior
Unshakable Faith WP 35 Willpower Defence May reroll failed Fear Tests.
Whirlwind of Death WS 40 Weapon Skill Make one attack for each melee opponent.
Arms Master WS 40, BS 40, Weapon Skill Less penalty for using weapons untrained.
Weapon Training Ballistic Skill
(any two)
Assassin Strike Ag 40, Acrobatics Weapon Skill After making melee attack, test Acrobatics to
Fieldcraft move.
Blademaster WS 30, Weapon Weapon Skill Reroll missed attack, once per Round.
Training(any Finesse
Blade Dancer WS 40, Two- Weapon Skill Reduced penalties for fighting with two melee
Weapon Wielder Finesse weapons.
Crushing Blow WS 40 Weapon Skill Add half WS Bonus to Damage inflicted in
Offence melee.
Eye of Vengeance BS 50 Ballistic Skill Adds Damage and Pen to ranged attack.
Fearless Nerves of Steel Willpower Defence Immune to Fear and Pinning.
Gunslinger BS 40, Two- Ballistic Skill Reduce penalties for fighting with two pistols.
Weapon Finesse
Hammer Blow Crushing Blow Strength Offence Make a thunderous strike with a melee
Infused Knowledge Int 40, Lore (any Lore (any one) Know a little bit about everything.
one) +10 Intelligence
Into the Jaws of Hell Iron Discipline, Fel Fellowship Comrades ignore Fear and Pinning.
50 Leadership
Lightning Attack Swift Attack Weapon Skill Character may make many melee attacks with
Weapon Skill Finesse single roll.
Master Chirurgeon Medicine +10 Intelligence Perform advanced medical procedures.
Master Engineer Engineer(Ad hoc Intelligence Tech Gain +10 to Ad hoc repair Tests, and spend
repair) +20, Luck Points to automatically succeed on
Engineer(any two) engineer Tests.
Master Orator Inspire Wrath. Fellowship Affect larger groups with Charm and
Leadership Intimidate.
Mastery† Rank 4 in Selected Intelligence May spend Luck Point to succeed on Test.
Skill Knowledge
Mere Flesh Wounds T 40 or automaton Toughness Focus Add one to your toughness when calculating
received damage.
Mighty Shot BS 40 Ballistic Skill Add half BS Bonus to ranged Damage rolls.
Never Die WP 50, T 50 Toughness Ignore penalties from Critical Damage by
Defence spending a Luck Point.
Preternatural Speed WS 40, Ag 50 Agility Offence Double speed when charging.
Rapid Reload — Agility Fieldcraft Reduce reload time.
Sidearm WS 40, BS 40, Weapon Skill Reduce penalties for fighting with pistol and
Two-Weapon Ballistic Skill melee weapon.
Wielder (Ballistic,
Sprint — Agility Fieldcraft Move more quickly in combat.
Step Aside Agility 40, Dodge Agility Defence May make additional Dodge or Parry attempt.
or Parry
Target Selection BS 50 BS 50 Ballistic Skill May shoot into melee without penalty.
Thunder Charge S 50 Strength Offence Break enemies with armoured charge.
True Grit T 40 Toughness Reduce Critical Damage taken.
AIR OF AUTHORITY Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40, Ballistic
Tier: 1 Skill 40, Weapon Training (any two)
Prerequisite: Fellowship 30 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership The character is a true master of weapons
The character was born to command, either and there is practically nothing he cannot
motivating or terrifying those under their pick up and use with ease, from autoguns to
charge. When making Command Skill Tests, plasma pistol or chainswords to shock
the character may affect a number of targets mauls. When the character uses a weapon
equal to 100 times their Fellowship Bonus he is untrained in, he only suffers a –10
rather than just 10. If the character is giving penalty, rather than a –20. The only
an Order to his Squad, the order’s range is exception to Arms Master are exotic
increased by 100 metres. This Talent has no weapons, which are so unusual or rare that
effect on hostile targets and only affects they always require their own weapon
NPCs. training Talents to use without penalty, and
gain no bonus when combined with this
Tier: 1
Prerequisite: Agility 30 ASSASSIN STRIKE
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill Tier: 3
This Talent does not represent true Prerequisite: Agility 40, Acrobatics
ambidexterity so much as sufficient training Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Fieldcraft
with both hands to make the distinction The character’s natural agility and graceful
moot. The character may use either hand martial form turn him into a dervish of
equally well for any task, and does not suffer death on the battlefield. After making a
the –20 penalty for actions using their off melee attack, a successful Acrobatics Skill
hand. Test allows the character to move at half
Special: When combined with Two-Weapon rate as a Free Action. The character’s
Wielder Talent, the penalty for making opponent does not receive a free attack
attacks with both weapons in the same Turn resulting from this move. The character may
drops to –10. only make this move once per Round.


Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Intelligence 35, Tech-Use, Prerequisite: Frenzy
Trade (Armourer) Aptitudes: Strength, Defence
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech Long experience and indomitable will have
The character is a skilled armourer and allowed the character to master the beast
constantly tinkers and improves his armour within, directing its rage while keeping his
or keeps it in pristine shape by repairing the head, despite the howling bloodlust in his
slightest damage it sustains. With years of mind. The character may Parry while
training, the character has even learned to Frenzied. In addition, such is the character’s
enhance the protection afforded by his control, he may re-roll a failed roll to snap
armour and how to use it to its optimum. out of Frenzy or resist entering Frenzy if he
The character increases the Armour Points so chooses.
of any armour he wears by 1 on all locations
it would normally cover, as long as he has at BERSERK CHARGE
least an hour each day to clean and repair it Tier: 1
or make minor modifications. This bonus Prerequisite: None
applies only to armour when worn by the Aptitudes: Strength, Offence
character, as it combines his training as The character has learned to put the whole
much as his skill at armoury. force of their momentum behind their
weapon blows and when the character
ARMS MASTER charges into combat, few can stand before
Tier: 3 them. If the character uses the Charge
Action, his Weapon Skill Test is Easy (+30) Whereas a weaker man might be sent flying
instead of Routine (+20). by the recoil of a heavy weapon, this
character’s strong physique allows him to
BLADEMASTER remain standing. The character can fire
Tier: 3 heavy weapons using Semi-Auto Burst or
Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 30, Weapon Full Auto Burst without bracing, and he does
Training (any melee) not suffer the –30 penalty for failing to
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse brace. In addition, whenever the character
The character’s mastery of bladed weapons uses the Athletics Heft Special Skill Use (see
and their martial disciplines has no peer. page 117) he may add +20 to his Athletics
When attacking with any bladed weapon, Skill Test to reflect his massive muscles.
including swords, axes, and sword staves,
the character may re-roll one missed attack CATFALL
per Round. Tier: 1
Prerequisite: Agility 30
BLADE DANCER Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft
Tier: 3 Gymnastic ability and natural balance
Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40, Two enables the character to fall great distances
Weapon Wielder (Melee) without harm. The character automatically
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse reduces the distance of all falls by a number
The character has mastered the difficult of metres equal to his Agility Bonus,
ability to wield a blade or other melee ignoring this distance as if it did not exist. In
weapon in either hand, making expert addition, the character adds +20 to their
simultaneous attacks as they weave a Acrobatics Skill Tests when using the Jump
deadly pattern of steel. When armed with Special Skill Use as it pertains to reducing
two single-handed melee weapons with the Damage from falling.
Balanced Quality, the character reduces the
penalties for Two-Weapon Fighting by 10 COLD HEARTED
(so –20 would drop to –10). If taken with Tier: 1
the Ambidextrous Talent, this drops the Prerequisite: None
penalty to +0. Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence
Either chemical and surgical treatments or
BLIND FIGHTING sheer will has rendered the character
Tier: 1 immune to most mundane temptations.
Prerequisite: Perception 30 Seduction attempts against him
Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft automatically fail and Charm Tests increase
Years of practice and development of other their Difficulty by one level.
senses allows the character to fight in close
combat without the benefit of sight. This COMBAT FORMATION
Talent reduces all penalties for fighting with Tier: 1
a melee weapon while suffering from Prerequisite: Intelligence 40
obscured vision by half (rounded up), Aptitudes: Leadership, Fieldcraft
permitting the character to fight in fog, The character makes sure the Squad is
smoke, or darkness more effectively. See constantly alert and prepared for danger,
(see page 253) for a full list of attack planning out their actions for many
penalties based on lighting and vision. Note contingencies if attacked. All members of
this Talent only improves a character’s the Squad (including the character) add +1
chances to hit with melee weapons and has to their Initiative rolls. Any member of the
no effect on ranged weapon attacks. Squad may also choose to use the
Intelligence Bonus of this character for their
BULGING BICEPS Initiative roll rather than their own Agility
Tier: 2 Bonus.
Prerequisite: Strength 45
Aptitudes: Strength, Offence COMBAT MASTER
Tier: 2 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse
Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 30 The character can land their blows precisely
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence where they will inflict the most harm,
The character’s weapon seems to be cutting into seams or hammering at weak
everywhere at once, keeping many more points. When the character’s melee attack
opponents at bay in close combat than causes Critical Damage, add +2 to the
would seem possible. Opponents fighting Damage result.
the character in hand-to-hand combat gain
no bonuses for Ganging Up. CRUSHING BLOW
Tier: 3
COMBAT SENSE Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40
Tier: 1 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence
Prerequisite: Perception 30 The character has the ability to focus their
Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft entire body into close combat attacks. The
The character has the ability to consciously character adds half their Weapon Skill
recognise the proddings of his subconscious Bonus rounded down to Damage they inflict
as it reacts to his preternaturally sharp in melee.
senses, giving him an edge that mere speed
cannot match. The character may use his DEADEYE SHOT
Perception Bonus in place of their Agility Tier: 1
Bonus when rolling Initiative. Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 30
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse
COUNTER ATTACK The character’s rock-steady hand and hawk-
Tier: 2 like eyesight make him a dreaded
Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40 marksman. No target, however agile or
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence small, can escape his crosshairs. When
The character’s lightning ripostes are things making a Called Shot (see page 244) ranged
of deadly beauty; swift and invisible as the attack, the character reduces the penalty by
wind. After successfully Parrying an 10 (so a –20 becomes a –10 instead).
opponent’s attack, the character may
immediately make an attack against that DEFLECT SHOT
opponent using the weapon with which they Tier: 2
parried as a Free Action, even though it is Prerequisite: Agility 50
not their Turn. This attack suffers a –20 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence
penalty and may not be combined with any The character’s weapons move with such
ability which allows more than one hit or speed that they can deflect thrown weapons
attack such as Lighting Attack or Two- and shots fired from primitive weapons.
Weapon Fighting. This ability may only be When the character is armed with a readied
used once per Turn, even if the character melee weapon, they add their Weapon Skill
makes more than one Parry attempt. Bonus to their Armour Points on all
locations (even unarmoured locations)
CRACK SHOT when calculating Damage from hits from
Tier: 2 ranged weapons with the Primitive Special
Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 50 Quality or Thrown weapons.
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse
The character can place his shots where DIE HARD
they will inflict more harm, such as at Tier: 1
creases, gaps, or joints in armour. When the Prerequisite: Willpower 40
character’s ranged attack causes Critical Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence
Damage, add +2 to the Damage result. Through either willpower or sheer
stubbornness, the character refuses to die.
CRIPPLING STRIKE When he suffers from blood loss, he may roll
Tier: 2 twice to avoid death.
Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 50
DISARM The opposite of Peer; the character is
Tier: 1 particularly despised and possibly hunted
Prerequisite: Agility 30 by a specific social group or organisation.
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence The character suffers an additional –10
The character can wrest weapons from their penalty to Fellowship Tests when dealing
opponent’s hands through practised with this group, and the GM may use them
technique or brute force. If in close combat, to complicate his life from time to time.
the character may use a Full Action to Unlike other Talents, this Talent does not
disarm his foe by making an Opposed cost any experience points to purchase and
Weapon Skill Test. If the character wins the cannot be taken as an advance. Instead the
Test, the enemy drops his weapon at his GM and player may agree to award this
feet. Should the character obtain three or Talent when appropriate to the adventure
more Degrees of Success, he may take the or campaign. This Talent can be removed
enemy’s weapon from him. with an Elite Advance and the approval of
the GM, if the character has redeemed
DISTURBING VOICE himself with the group in question.
Tier: 1 This Talent may be awarded multiple times
Prerequisite: None for the same group, in which case it should
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social be listed as Enemy (X), with X equalling the
The character’s voice has particularly number of times the Talent has been
baleful or menacing qualities, causing others awarded. This can be used to represent
to quail before it. The character gains a +10 groups who particularly hate the character
bonus to all Intimidate Skill Tests, but and want to see him dead. In game terms,
suffers a –10 penalty to Fellowship Tests the
when dealing with others in a non- penalty to Fellowship Tests increases to –10
threatening manner, such as animals, times X, with X being the number of times
children, or the easily startled. In addition, the Talent has been awarded.
the character is more adept as instilling fear
in his followers and when using the EXOTIC WEAPON TRAINING
Command Terrify Special Skill Use and adds Tier: 2
+10 to his Command Skill Test to counter Prerequisite: None
the effects of Fear. Specialisations: (each single exotic
DOUBLE TEAM Aptitudes: Intelligence, Finesse
Tier: 1 The character is trained to use a particularly
Prerequisite: None obscure type of weapon, allowing them to
Aptitudes: General, Offence use armaments few others have ever seen.
The character has experience of fighting in Weapons requiring this unique Talent are
paired teams that work together to take noted in their armoury descriptions. When a
down their enemies. When ganging up on an character attempts to use a weapon for
opponent, the character gains an additional which he does not have the correct Weapon
+10 bonus to Weapon Skill Tests. If both the Training Talent, he suffers a –20 penalty to
characters that outnumber the enemy have any relevant Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill
this Talent then both gain an additional +10 Test. Unlike other kinds of weapons
bonus, for a total of +20. This bonus is in training, this Talent applies only to a single
addition to the normal bonus gained from weapon and not a class of weapons.
Ganging Up on an opponent.
ENEMY Tier: 3
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 50
Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence
Specialisations: The character can focus their intent on
Aptitudes: General, Social where it is likely to do most damage to their
enemy and then strike them down with a
single shot. Before making a ranged character must attack the nearest enemy in
Standard Attack Action, the character may melee combat if possible. If he is not
spend a Fate Point. If he does so, his attack engaged with the nearest enemy, he must
deals +X Damage and gains +X Pen, where X move towards that enemy and engage it if
equals the number of Degrees of Success possible. The character will not take
scored on the attack roll. obviously suicidal actions such as leaping off
a building in order to engage someone on
FEARLESS the ground, but he will take any actions that
Tier: 3 have a reasonable opportunity to engage in
Prerequisite: Nerves of Steel melee with the nearest enemy.
Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence While Frenzied, he is immune to Fear,
Through hard experience with horrifying Pinning, stunning effects, the effects of
situations, fear no longer commands the Fatigue, and he may not Parry, retreat, or
character’s actions. The character is flee. He remains Frenzied for the duration of
immune to the effects of Fear and Pinning, the combat. After
but disengaging from combat or backing combat ends, or if there are no more eligible
down from a fight is difficult for them to enemy targets for the character to attack, he
stomach, and as such requires a successful can make a Willpower Test to snap out of
Willpower Test. his Frenzy. If he fails, he must continue to
attack, favouring NPCs over PCs. Each
FORESIGHT successive round, however, he may make
Tier: 2 another Willpower Test, with a cumulative
Prerequisite: Intelligence 30 +10 bonus to return to a stable state of mind
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge and come out of Frenzy. After Frenzying, a
Logic and analysis do for the character what character may not Frenzy again for at least
animal entrails and the bones claim to do for an hour as he recovers his mental and
the superstitious masses. By careful physical strength.
consideration of all the possible
consequences and examination of all FURIOUS ASSAULT
evidence and information, the character can Tier: 2
identify the best path for success. By Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 35
spending ten minutes studying or analysing Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence
a problem, the character gains a +10 bonus The character’s speed and martial prowess
to his next Intelligence Test or a Skill Test allow him to land several blows where
based on Intelligence. lesser combatants land one. If the character
successfully hits his target using the All Out
FRENZY Attack Action, they may spend their
Tier: 1 Reaction (and thus cannot Parry or Dodge
Prerequisite: None until their next Turn) to make an additional
Aptitudes: Strength, Offence Attack using the same bonuses or penalties
The character’s temper and passion boil just as the original attack.
below the surface of his psyche, mostly held
in check by his rational mind, but easily GUNSLINGER
released when needed. If the character Tier: 3
spends one full Round fuelling his anger— Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40, Two-
by flagellation, drugs, or other means—on Weapon Wielder (Ranged)
the next Round he goes into an uncontrolled Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse
rage, gaining a +10 bonus to Weapon Skill, The character has trained with pistols for so
Strength, Toughness, and Willpower, but long that they are like extensions of their
suffering a –20 penalty to Ballistic Skill, own body, barely requiring conscious
Intelligence, and Fellowship—note that thought to aim and fire. When armed with
Characteristic penalties are different from two pistol class weapons that he can use
Characteristic Damage, and cannot reduce a single handedly, the character reduces the
Characteristic below 1. While Frenzied, the penalty for Two-Weapon Fighting by 10 (so
–20 would drop to –10). If taken with the against them. The character also finds it
Ambidextrous Talent, this drops the penalty difficult to back down from a fight with his
to +0. hated foe and must make a Willpower Test
to retreat or surrender when fighting them,
HAMMER BLOW unless massively outnumbered or
Tier: 3 outclassed..
Prerequisite: Crushing Blow
Aptitudes: Strength, Offence HEIGHTENED SENSES
The character strikes a single blow with Tier: 1
such focus and force that it breaks armour Prerequisite: None
and pulps flesh as it strikes. When the Specialisations: Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste,
character uses an All Out Attack manoeuvre Touch
to make a single melee attack, they may add Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft
half their Strength Bonus to the weapon’s Either genetics or training have made one of
Armour Penetration. The attack also counts the character’s senses superior to others.
as having the Concussive (2) Special Quality When the character gains this Talent, select
to represent the shocking force of the blow’s one of the five senses: The character gains a
impact +10 bonus to any Tests specifically
involving this sense. Thus, Heightened
HARD TARGET Senses (Sight) would apply to an Awareness
Tier: 2 Test to see a distant flock of Shale Crows,
Prerequisite: Agility 40 but not to a Ballistic Skill Test or a Weapon
Aptitudes: Agility, Defence Skill Test because the character is not just
Light on his feet, the character dodges and using their eyes.
weaves as he moves, skills learned from This Talent may be taken more than once,
long years in the line of fire. When the each time with a different specialisation.
character performs a Charge or Run action,
opponents suffer a –20 penalty to Ballistic HIP SHOOTING
Skill Tests made to hit the character with a Tier: 2
ranged Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40, Agility 40
weapon. This penalty continues until the Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse
start of the character’s next Turn. The character’s prowess with ranged
weapons is such that they can still fire
HARDY accurately without their eye behind the
Tier: 2 sights. As a Full Action, the character may
Prerequisite: Toughness 40 both move up to their Full Move rate and
Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence make a single attack with a ranged weapon.
The character’s constitution rebounds This attack can only be a single shot and
quickly from shock or injury. When may not be a semi- or full-automatic ranged
undergoing medical treatment or healing attack. Characters with the Two-Weapon
from injuries, the character always recovers Fighting Talent may use this Talent with Hip
Damage as if lightly wounded regardless of Shooting to make two single shots, if they
the level of Damage they have sustained. are armed with a ranged weapon in either
Prerequisite: None Tier: 3
Specialisations: Prerequisite: Intelligence 40, Lore (any
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Social one)
A group, organisation, or race has wronged Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge
the character in the past, fuelling this The character has been infused with a great
animosity. When fighting opponents of that wealth of lore and knowledge, either
group in close combat, the character gains a through punishing noetic techniques or by
+10 bonus to all Weapon Skill Tests made arcane methods kept secret by the
guardians of technology and learning. The Tier: 3
character counts as having all Common Lore Prerequisite: Iron Discipline, Fellowship 50
and Scholastic Lore Skills at Rank 1 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership
(Known) (basically they know something The character’s cool demeanour and inspire
about everything). If they wish to later those around him to great feats. Crew and
improve their Lore Skills, these advances subordinates become immune to the effects
must be bought using Experience Points of Fear and Pinning as long as they are
(from Rank 1) as normal. Such is their skill, within 10 metres of him.
they also add one Degree of Success to any
successful Common or Scholastic Lore Tests. IRON DISCIPLINE
Tier: 2
INDEPENDENT TARGETING Prerequisite: Fellowship 30
Tier: 2 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership
Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40 Iron sharpens iron. The character does not
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse coddle his crew nor motivate them through
The character has developed their kindness. The character’s stalwart example
situational awareness to a point where they and stern leadership exhorts them with
can fire in two directions within a split steel instead of praise. If the Player
second. When firing two weapons as part of Character fails a Fear or Pinning Test, his
a single action (using the Two-Weapon Crew only fails if the roll was a double.
Fighting Talent, for example), the targets do
not have to be within 10 metres of each IRON JAW
other. Tier: 1
Prerequisite: Toughness 40
INSPIRE WRATH Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence
Tier: 2 The character has taken blows from beasts
Prerequisite: Air of Authority and given back as good as they got. The
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership character can bounce back from most
The character’s personal vitriol and bitter strikes without ill effects. If ever Stunned, a
hatred is so ingrained in his being that he successful Toughness Test allows the
can inspire the same hate in others. As a Full character to ignore the effects.
Action, the character can make a Charm Test
to grant the effects of the Hatred Talent to JADED
their Squad, or any people in their Tier: 1
immediate vicinity. Success on the Test Prerequisite: Willpower 40
grants the Hatred Talent to the listeners Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence
(with the object of hate chosen by the The character’s wide travels have shown
character) for the duration of an encounter. them both wonders and horrors beyond the
Listeners can resist the effects of the ken of most. The galaxy has thrown its
character’s speech (and therefore not be worst at the character and they have yet to
burdened with his chosen hatred) by flinch. Mundane events, from death’s
passing an Opposed Willpower Test against horrific visage to mutant abominations,
the character’s Charm Skill Test. Inspire have the duration shorted to one round (as
Wrath affects a number of people up to 10 if the character automatically snaps out of it
times the character’s Fellowship, which can after one full turn).
be increased with the use of the Master
Orator Talent as normal. Both players and KILLING STRIKE
GMs should bear in mind, however, that Tier: 2
once a crowd has been inspired to hatred or Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 50
mindless anger, the effects can be Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence
unpredictable and are seldom exactly as the With expert precision, the character can
character intends. land blows which defy their opponent’s
ability to counter, slicing through their
INTO THE JAWS OF HELL defences as surely as a powerblade cuts
flesh. At the start of any of his combat, the The character always expects trouble, even
character may spend one Fate Point to in the most innocuous situations, allowing
choose to make all their melee attacks for them to act quickly when needed. When
that Round unavoidable with Parry or making an Initiative roll, the character may
Dodge Skills. These effects last only for the roll twice and add the higher of the two dice
Round, though they apply to all the results to his Agility Bonus.
character’s attacks (i.e. such as extra attacks
gained with Talents such as Two-Weapon MARKSMAN
Fighting or Furious Assault), and only stop Tier: 2
the use of evasion (i.e. Parries and Dodges) Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 35
to counter them. Other means of stopping Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse
attacks (such as Shadow Fields or The character’s steady hand and eagle eye
Displacement Fields) are unaffected. allows him to keep crosshairs steady on any
target, regardless of range. Distance is little
LEAP UP protection against the character’s
Tier: 1 marksmanship and he suffers only halve
Prerequisite: Agility 30 penalties for Ballistic Skill Tests at long or
Aptitudes: Agility, General extreme range.
A combination of athletic ability and speed
allow the character to spring to their feet in MASTER CHIRURGEON
virtually any circumstance. The character Tier: 3
may stand up as a Free Action. Prerequisite: Medicine +10
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fieldcraft
LIGHT SLEEPER The character’s advanced medical skills
Tier: 1 enable him to knit flesh with deft mastery.
Prerequisite: Perception 30 The character’s exceptional education in use
Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft of the Chirurgeon tools, herbs, and
The slightest change in conditions or supplemental drugs give their patients an
disturbance brings the character from sleep enormous advantage. The character gains a
to full awareness, remaining alert even in +10 bonus on all Medicine Skill Tests. If the
slumber. The character is always assumed character fails his Medicine Test while
to be awake, even when asleep, for the performing Extended Care, he reduces the
purposes of Awareness Tests or surprise. amount of Damage suffered by his patience
Unfortunately, the character’s sleep is not due to his failure by an amount equal to his
deep and can be frequently interrupted, Intelligence Bonus. If their patient is in
resulting in a less-than-cheery disposition danger of losing a limb from a Critical Hit
when awake. the character provides the patient with a
+20 bonus to the Toughness Test to prevent
Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Swift Attack MASTER ENGINEER
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse Tier: 3
The character’s speed with weapons is Prerequisite: Engineer(Ad hoc repair) +20,
unmatched, allowing him to launch flurries Engineer(any two) +10
of attacks in melee. A Player Character with Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech
this Talent may make the Lightning Attack The character’s knowledge of engines and
Combat their machine components surpasses all but
Action. the most venerable Skyloft tinkerers The
character can feel the steam pulsing
LIGHTNING REFLEXES through a reactor’s conduits as if it was in
Tier: 1 his own veins. The character gains a +10
Prerequisite: None bonus on Engineer(Ad hoc repairs) Skill
Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft Tests. The
character may spend a Luck Point to Prerequisite: None
automatically succeed on an Engineer(any Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social
one) Skill Test for enhancement, repair, or Mutation, training, or innate abilities allow
upgrade of a machine’s system, taking the the character to accurately mimic the voice
minimum amount of time possible on the of another. For proper imitation, the
task. In addition, at the GM’s discretion, the character must study the voice patterns of
character may repair objects without all the their intended target for at least one hour
parts to hand, jury-rigging a working device and speak the same language. The character
as good as the original. cannot accurately copy the voice of a beast
due to the difference in physiology and the
MASTER ORATOR subtle complexities of most alien languages.
Tier: 3 Listeners must succeed on a Scrutiny Skill
Prerequisite: Inspire Wrath Test with a –10 penalty to penetrate the
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership deception. The character’s deception
The character has learned the techniques automatically fails if the listener can clearly
required to influence large audiences. When see them.
the character uses the Charm or Intimidate
Skill to affect more than one person, they NERVES OF STEEL
may Tier: 2
affect a number of people up to a 100 times Prerequisite: None
their Fellowship Bonus rather than just 10. Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence
Long years on the battlefield enable the
MASTERY character to remain calm as fire impacts all
Tier: 3 around them. The character may re-roll
Prerequisite: Rank 4 in Selected Skill failed Willpower Tests to avoid or recover
Specialisations: Any Skill from Pinning. In addition, he is seldom
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge impressed by the aggressive displays of his
The character has become a consummate enemies
master of a single Skill and can perform and gains a +10 to Willpower Tests when
feats with it that would baffle lesser men. resisting the effects of enemy Intimidation
The character may spend a Luck Point to Skill attempts.
automatically pass a Skill Test with his
chosen Skill, provided the final modifier to NEVER DIE
his Skill Test is 0 or better. In addition to Tier: 3
simply passing the Test, the character will Prerequisite: Willpower 50, Toughness 50
pass it by a number of Degrees of Success Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence
equal to the Characteristic Bonus of its The character’s will or devotion to the
associated Characteristic. This Talent may Emperor can sustain him when his mortal
be taken more than once, each time for a body fails him. The character can spend one
different Skill. Luck Point to ignore the effects of injury,
Fatigue, and Stunning for a single combat.
MIGHTY SHOT This Talent does not prevent the Damage,
Tier: 3 but allows the character to temporarily
Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40 ignore its effects for the duration of the
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence combat. Death still affects him normally.
The character knows the weak points in
every armour and material, and has the skill PARANOIA
to ensure that his shots land exactly where Tier: 2
they will do the most damage. The character Prerequisite: None
adds half his Ballistic Skill Bonus to Damage Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft
inflicted with a ranged weapon. The character knows that danger lurks
behind every corner and that the galaxy will
MIMIC hit him as soon as he lets his guard down.
Tier: 1 The character gains a +2 bonus on Initiative
rolls and the GM may secretly Test using the The character’s eye, hand, and weapon act
character’s perception to notice hidden seamlessly together, placing his blows
threats. The price of this eternal vigilance is where he intends. When making a Called
a twitchy disposition and the inability to Shot (see page 244) melee attack, the
relax. character reduces the penalty by 10 (so a –
20 becomes a –10 instead). If combined
PEER with Sure Strike, this reduces the penalty to
Tier: 1 0.
Prerequisite: Fellowship 30
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social Tier: 3
The character knows how to deal with a Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40, Agility 50
particular social group or organisation. The Aptitudes: Agility, Offence
character gains a +10 bonus to all The character is a swift moving bringer of
Fellowship Tests when interacting with this death; a living, bloody scythe before whom
chosen group and at the GM’s discretion foes die like corn before the reaper. When
may call upon them for favours from time to making a Charge Move, the character
time. The GM and player may agree to doubles
award this Talent when appropriate to the his normal charge movement (i.e. a
adventure or campaign, though the character with an AB of 3 has a charge
character must still pay the experience cost movement of 9 metres, which is then
for the Talent as normal. doubled to 18 metres by the Preternatural
This Talent may be awarded multiple times Speed Talent).
for the same group, in which case it should
be listed as Peer (X), with X equalling the QUICK DRAW
number of times the Talent has been Tier: 1
awarded. This can be used to represent Prerequisite: None
groups who particularly like the character Aptitudes: Agility, Finesse
and may even be staunch allies. In game The character has practised so frequently
terms, the penalty to Fellowship Tests with his weapons that they practically leap
increases to +10 times X. into his hands in response to a simple
thought. The character can draw and ready
POLYGLOT a weapon as a Free Action when the
Tier: 1 character is armed with a Pistol or Basic
Prerequisite: Intelligence 40, Fellowship class ranged weapon, or a melee weapon
30 that can be wielded in one hand.
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Social
The character has an innate ability to derive RADIANT PRESENCE
meaning from unknown languages and can Tier: 1
make himself understood using this Prerequisite: Fellowship 40
intuitive grasp. The character can make Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership
untrained Skill Tests with the Linguistics There is something strong and inspiring
Skill even though it is a Specialist Skill. about the character, the way he holds
Being a Polyglot is not the same as having a himself and the look in his eyes, that puts
true knowledge of a language, and people at ease, filling them with confidence.
characters must make a Linguistics Skill Everyone within 20 metres that can see the
Test (with the –20 for being untrained) to character feels inspired just by being near
have more than the most basic them and suffers lessened effects from
conversations or exchanges of ideas. things that would upset or distress them.
Those affected gain a +10 to Willpower
PRECISE BLOW Tests to resist Fear or against Intimidation
Tier: 2 attempts. This ability affects all allies close
Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40, Sure Strike to the character, though not the character
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse himself.
Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Agility 40 Prerequisite: WS 40, BS 40, Two Weapon
Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft Wielder (Ranged and Melee)
The character has honed his reactions to a Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill
razor’s edge, allowing him to act while most Many Officers among the ranks of the
stand dumbfounded. When surprised or Imperial Air Navy favour fighting with both
ambushed, a successful Agility Test allows blade and pistol. When armed with a pistol
the in one hand and melee weapon in the other
character to act normally. (both of
which the character could normally use
RAPID RELOAD single-handed), the character reduces the
Tier: 3 penalty for Two-Weapon Fighting by 10 (so
Prerequisite: None –20 would drop to –10). If taken with the
Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft Ambidextrous
The firing ranges and weapon drill Talent, this drops the penalty to 0.
chambers are the character’s constant
abode, and hours of reloading countless SOUND CONSTITUTION
magazines or power cells means that he can Tier: 1
replace them without looking and without Prerequisite: None
thinking. The character halves all reload Aptitudes: Toughness, General
times, rounding down. Thus, a Half Action The character gains an additional Wound.
reload becomes a Free Action, a Full Action The character may purchase this Talent
reload becomes a Half Action, and so on. multiple times up to twice their Toughness
Bonus. When a character has gained this
RESISTANCE Talent multiple times, note the number of
Tier: 1 times it has been taken after the Talent,
Prerequisite: None such as Sound Constitution (3).
Specialisations: Cold, Fear, Heat, Poisons,
Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence Tier: 3
The character’s background, experience, Prerequisite: None
training, exposure or plain stubbornness Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft
has developed a resistance within him. Each The character can move at great speeds.
time the character selects this Talent, When taking a Full Move Action, the
choose one area of resistance. The character character can move an extra number of
gains a +10 bonus when making Tests to metres equal to their Agility Bonus. When
resist effects of this type. The GM may wish taking the Run Action, the character may
to approve certain choices or have them double their movement for one Round. The
justified by the character’s past. character gains one level of Fatigue if they
use this Talent two Turns in a row.
Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40, Deadeye Tier: 3
Shot Prerequisite: Agility 40, Dodge or Parry
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse Aptitudes: Agility, Defence
The character’s steady hand and eagle eye The character can sway their body out of the
allow him to place shots or strikes exactly path of an attack, causing it to pass through
where he wants. When making a Called thin air or turn their blade in mid swing to
Shot, the character reduces the penalty by deflect a blow. The character may make an
10 (so a –20 becomes a –10 instead). When additional Evasion attempt (either a Dodge
combined with Deadeye Shot, this reduces or a Parry) once per Round. In effect, this
the penalty to 0. gives the character a second Reaction that
may only be used for Dodge or Parry with this Talent may make the Swift Attack
attempts, allowing two Dodges, two Parries, Combat Action.
or a Dodge and a Parry in each Turn.
However, the character may still only TAKEDOWN
attempt a single Dodge or Parry against Tier: 1
each individual attack. Prerequisite: None
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence
STORM OF IRON As a Half Action, or when making a Charge
Tier: 2 Action, the character may declare that he is
Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 45, Weapon attempting a takedown against an opponent
Training (any ranged) in melee combat. He then rolls to hit (using
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence his Weapon Skill) as normal, using any
When facing massed enemies on the modifiers for weapons and Talents (or the
battlefield, the character lays down a storm +20 bonus from Charging). If the character
of firepower that even the most foolhardy hits and would have done at least 1 point of
cannot push through. When the character Damage (after reduction for Armour and
deals Damage to a target with a semi-auto Toughness), no Wounds are caused, but the
burst or a full-auto burst, the character may character’s opponent must make a
allocate his extra hits to any other target Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or be
within five metres, instead of the usual two stunned for 1 Round and knocked prone. In
metres. addition, when performing a Stun Action,
the character does not suffer a –20 penalty
STREET FIGHTING to his Weapon Skill.
Tier: 1
Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 30 TARGET SELECTION
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence Tier: 3
The character is adept in close and dirty Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 50
fighting, favouring small weapons or even Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse
his bare hands to take down his foes. When The character’s dread gaze marks out his
armed with a knife (powered, chain or chosen victim and not even the riotous
otherwise), similar small weapon, or simply confusion of close combat interferes. The
armed with his bare hands, he adds half his character may shoot into melee with no
Weapon Skill Bonus to any Critical Damage penalty. If he aims beforehand, he can avoid
he inflicts. any chance of hitting friendly targets.


Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 30 Prerequisite: Intelligence 30
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech
The character’s eyes, hand, and weapon act Either through the ease of long practice, or
seamlessly together, placing his blows the proper ritual to appease a weapon’s
where he intends. When making a Called machine spirit, the character can clear
Shot melee attack, the character reduces the stoppages with a simple knock or solid
penalty by 10 (so a –20 becomes a –10 smack of his hand to a weapon. The
instead). character may un-jam any gun as a Half
Action, but may only use this Talent on one
SWIFT ATTACK weapon per Round. The character must
Tier: 2 touch the weapon (often quickly and
Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 30 violently) to make this Talent work.
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse
The character’s ability with weapons is THUNDER CHARGE
legendary, allowing him to attack with Tier: 3
amazing speed in melee. A Player Character Prerequisite: Strength 50
Aptitudes: Strength, Offence
The character charges into combat using his (ether melee or ranged weapons), after
body as an additional weapon to push foes making a Half Action Attack (this can be a
away or to the ground. Driven by his rage Single Attack, a Swift Attack, or a Lightning
and momentum, the impact of such a charge Attack with a melee weapon, or a single
can knock a foe flying or bring them to their shot, semi-auto burst, or full auto burst with
knees. When the character makes a Charge a ranged weapon), he may make a single
Action, he can barrel through foes to get to additional Half Action Attack following the
his target. Make an Opposed Strength Test same restrictions with the other weapon. (In
between the character and each foe in his effect, this allows the character to attack
way (i.e. each foe his charge would take him twice in a Round; once from each of their
past or through). Those that fail are weapons). Both of these Attacks count as
knocked to the ground. Once the character being part of the same Half Action, and both
has Tested to knock down those in his way, Tests made to attack with the weapons
he may complete his Charge and make his suffer a –20 penalty. This Talent may be
attacks against his intended target. taken twice, each time with a different focus
(melee or ranged). If a character possesses
TOTAL RECALL both Talents, then he may fight with one
Tier: 1 melee and one ranged weapon. When this
Prerequisite: Intelligence 30 Talent is taken with the melee focus it
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge counts as having the Weapon Skill and
Mental conditioning or cranial Finesse Aptitudes, and when it is taken with
augmentation enables the character to the ranged focus it counts as having the
record and recall great amounts of Ballistic
information, effectively granting them a Skill and Finesse Aptitudes. This Talent may
perfect memory. The character can be enhanced by the Blade Dancer,
automatically remember trivial facts or Gunslinger, and Sidearm Talents.
pieces of information the character might
feasibly have picked up in the past. When UNARMED MASTER
dealing with more detailed, complex, or Tier: 2
obscure facts, such as the exact layout of a Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 45, Agility 40,
defence network, the GM may require a Unarmed Warrior
successful Intelligence Test to recall the Aptitudes: Strength, Offence
information. The character possesses unparalleled
mastery of unarmed combat. He counts as
TRUE GRIT having the Deadly Natural Weapon Trait
Tier: 3 (see page 155).
Prerequisite: Toughness 40
Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence UNARMED WARRIOR
The character is able to shrug off wounds Tier: 1
that would fell lesser men. Whenever the Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 35, Agility 35
character suffers Critical Damage (after Aptitudes: Strength, Offence
reduction for Armour and Toughness), After extensive training, the character has
reduce the amount by his Toughness Bonus gained the Natural Weapon Trait (see page
(to a minimum of 1). 156), improving all his unarmed attacks
from 1d5-3 to 1d10, and meaning he counts
TWO-WEAPON WIELDER as armed even when facing opponents with
Tier: 2 weapons while bare handed.
Prerequisite: none
Category: Melee, Ranged UNREMARKABLE
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill, Tier: 1
Finesse Prerequisite: None
Intensive training allows the character to Aptitudes: General, Social
use a weapon in each hand when needed. Something about the character’s face just
When armed with two one-handed weapons doesn’t stick in people’s memories. The
character can more easily blend into crowds The character can only use weapons with
or pass themselves off as a nobody. Any Class: Heavy without suffering the –20
attempts to recall the character’s face or penalty if he has both Weapon Training in
spot him in a crowd suffer a –20 penalty. In the appropriate group and Weapon Training
addition, the character gains a +20 when (Heavy).
using the Deceive Skill to either convince This Talent may be taken more than once,
someone they have never seen or met him each time with a different specialisation.
before or if he is trying to appear harmless
and ordinary. Naturally, this Talent doesn’t WHIRLWIND OF DEATH
work if the character wears distinctive Tier: 2
clothes, armour, or carries unique Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40
weaponry. Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse
When facing massed opponents in combat,
UNSHAKEABLE FAITH the character becomes a whirlwind of death,
Tier: 2 moving, hacking, gutting, and beheading
Prerequisite: Willpower 35 with ceaseless fury. When attacking more
Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence than one foe in close combat, the character
The Guardsman’s faith in the Emperor and may make one melee attack for each foe he
his abilities is so strong that he can face any is facing, up to a maximum equal to his
danger. The character may re-roll any failed Weapon Skill Bonus. Each additional attack
Willpower Tests to avoid the effects of Fear. beyond the first counts as a Free Action, but
cannot be combined with any other Talents
WEAPON-TECH or abilities which would grant extra attacks
Tier: 1 or hits (i.e. Lightning Attack, Furious Charge,
Prerequisite: Engineer(any one) +10, Int etc.). The character may choose in which
40 order he attacks his opponents.
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech
The character has developed an extensive
understanding of advanced technological
weapons and their functions, opening them
up and learning what makes them tick, hum,
or click. Once per combat, the character can
enhance his weapon, increasing its
firepower and deadliness. For one Round
per combat encounter, a weapon personally
wielded by the character from the Exotic
category increases its Damage and
Penetration by an amount equal to his
intelligence Bonus.

Tier: 1
Prerequisite: None
Aptitudes: General, Finesse
The character can use all weapons with
Class: Pistol, Basic, Melee, Throwing, and
Vehicle within the group he has selected
with this Talent. When a character attempts
to use a weapon he does not have the
correct Weapon Training Talent for, he
suffers a –20 penalty to any relevant
Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill Test.

Bla bla

Bla bla

“Steady on, she doesn’t need to burn,

She tries to flee, she tries to turn,
Grappling fire, we grab her hull,
We’re starting to roll, but we’ve got her on a leash!”
– Abney Park, Airship Pirate

In 2150, airships rule supreme. In a world pressure regulation which put the more
where the ground is dangerous, space for sleek-looking airships of previous eras to
runways at a premium and factories almost shame, and what the airships lack in
non-existent, airships – which can be largely technical refinement is more than made up
hand-crafted and are relatively easy to for by the expertise of their crews.
repair – are the vehicle of choice. Most The only parts of an airship which can’t
airships conform to the same pattern – a easily be hand-built are the engines. While
ship-like wooden hull strung beneath a Jervis & Bottingly and a few other Skyloft
streamlined cylindrical gasbag. Some of the companies (all of them small, traditional
bigger airships have rigid hulls, but most are family firms) produce a range of relatively
blimps, their gas-bags kept in shape by gas efficient steam engines, most diesel and
pressure. Most have individual gas cells gasoline engines are reclaimed from pre-
within, so that a puncture does not lead to apocalypse vehicles and tinkered with to #t
the loss of all lifting gas, and many have their new roles. To an airship pirate, a small,
outer skins made of Calgorite, a rubber-like light, efficient diesel engine is a find worth
material which is “self-sealing”, naturally more than gold.
expanding and bonding together to close
small punctures such as those caused by AIRSHIPS OF THE SKYLOFT
bullets. In the Skyloft, no two airships are alike.
Most airships are lifted by helium, much Though there are shipyards which produce
safer than inflammable hydrogen (though standard designs, owners of airships take
the latter is cheaper). They are usually pride in customizing their craft and making
propelled by either steam engines (fuelled “improvements”, whether it be to speed, li&
with easily obtainable wood or more capacity, weapons capability or interior
expensive but more efficient coal), or by luxury. Some insist on building their own
diesel or gasoline engines. Many augment airships from scratch. Others will buy a
their engines with sails, extending their standard ship from one of the big
range as long as the winds are blowing in shipbuilding companies of Isla Aether and
the right direction. Some of the more tinker with it, so that within six months a
experimental ships augment their li& with sleek design such as Jervis & Bottingly’s
steam and/or hot smoke from steam popular “Tigerfish” model is bristling with
engines, or hot exhaust fumes from diesel extra engines, gun ports, sails, grappling-
engines. hook launchers and the like, and is almost
Though the airships of 2150 usually look unrecognizable to the uninitiated.
ramshackle and hand-built, they are often That said, there are very few within the
remarkably sophisticated, as the people Skyloft who are uninitiated when it comes
who build them, and nurse their often to airships. From the schoolyard to the bar-
idiosyncratic systems, are masters of the art room to the retirement home, nothing is
of lighter-than-air flight. They have more guaranteed to encourage excited
developed systems of ballast control and conversation than airships – lift capacity,
aerodynamics, the latest helium valve, strange customizations that characterize a
Captain “Crazy” Eagle’s forward fin design. Skyloft airship. Only the Imperial Air Navy
Everyone has an opinion, and things can and the Chuno Ggun operate airships for the
often get heated, particularly where alcohol Neovictorians, as no-one outside the
is also involved. People in High Tortuga still military (with the exception of the
speak in awed tones of the Great Brawl of occasional bureaucrat) is allowed to travel.
2147, which took in seven bars, led to the Discipline aboard an IAN ship is harsh, and
serious injury of a hundred-and-thirty- cleanliness and neatness drummed into the
seven people, and began as an argument sailors with severe punishments for non-
over the relative merits of water and sand compliance. IAN airships are always
as ballast. gleaming, their decks scrubbed constantly,
The Neobedouin have been wont to say that their paintwork touched up regularly. The
if all the hot air spoken about airships by officers and sailors of the IAN see Skyloft
Skyfolk could be collected, they’d never airships as messy and inefficient and often
need to buy Helium again. underestimate their capabilities in combat.
Conversely, the Skyfolk describe the
AIRSHIPS OF THE IMPERIAL AIR NAVY Imperial Air Navy as “all scrub and no
The Neovictorians’ airships are made in scrap”, though they are careful to avoid a
factories to a number of tried and tested broadside from an Imperial Frigate, which is
designs. They tend to be sleek and efficient more than most Skyloft airships can cope
and lack the numerous added features and with.

All airships follow the same basic design. - Forecastle mounts: an Airship can
Helium balloon stay in the air and a gondola carry even more guns! Forward
to actually have some use being in the air. facing guns are mounted on the
There is a common misconception that Forecastle. While their number is
space in the gondola is the limiting factor not great enough to be as
what can be taken along the trip. The truth devastation as broadsides, they are
is it all comes down to weight. Each basic used to deliver precision shots
design has a few attributes which (usually) which can debilitate opponent
cannot be changed much by customisation. airships.
- Floating capacity: This determines - Aftcastle mounts: Just like the
how much weight the airship can forecastle, more guns can be placed
carry and how high the airship can here. These guns a aft- (or back)
go. facing position.
- Sail Riggings: The size of the airship
limits how many sails can be used in Engines also have some similarities between
manoeuvring the vessel. them. They are characterised by the
- Manoeuvring: The innate ability of following statistics.
an airship to manoeuvre. This is - Engine type: This limits on which
further adjusted by the engine and airship hull this engine can be
additional sails. placed.
- Armour: Armour is used to protect - Weight: Like all airship components
the helium balloons from incoming an engine has a weight.
cannonballs. - Cost: Nothing is free. This holds
- Engine type: Independent of the especially true for engines. Which
weight of an engine block, it needs are sometimes more expensive then
have right size for the airship. the hull on which they are mounted.
Therefore, There is a restriction - Fuel type: What powers this sky
which type of engine can be placed. vessel. Usually this is steam (water
- Air Regulator: Air regulators are plus coals) or diesel. However, some
limited by size, similarly as the more exotic (or advanced) airships
engine block. may be powered by other forms of
- Crew deck: Each Airship comes energy.
equipped with a basic crew deck, - Speed: This denote two things, firstly
this can be further modified and a tactical speed (how much a airship
extended. can move during a combat round)
- Gun decks: There is only some much and a cruising speed.
space for guns. This denoted by - Range: How much fuel is carried
series of numbers, for example 5,6,4. aboard determines the range of the
This means that the upper most gun ship. The given range is for a smooth
deck has five gun mounts, the next windless flight, which is rarely the
one has six gun mounts and the case.
lowest one has four gun mounts.
Always remember that airships are
build symmetrically and therefor
has the specified amount of mounts AIRSHIP HULLS
both on their port- and starboard
side. Gun decks are used to deliver Below follow several airship hull
devastation broadsides. descriptions.


Floating capacity Air regulator type frequently customized by Skyfolk, and is a
15 small common sight in the skies of 2150.
Sail Riggings Crew deck size
Manoeuvrability Gun decks Floating capacity Air regulator type
+0 - 80 Small
Armour Forecastle mounts Sail Riggings Crew deck size
13 1 3 60
Engine type Aftcastle mounts Manoeuvrability Gun decks
Small 0 +20 3
This small airboat is often used to travel Armour Forecastle mounts
short distances. Some larger airships have 17 3
an airboat which they use to transport small Engine type Aftcastle mounts
numbers of crew between airship and docks Medium 1
or between different airships within a fleet. The IAN corvette is a dangerous ship
$e IAN has a very similar design, which is employed by the imperial air navy. At first it
often used for ferrying officers about. looks like an awkward design, however, it
Resource space is often kept for cargo, extreme adept at its purpose: boarding.
though a small cannon may be fitted instead,
Floating capacity Air regulator type
Floating capacity Air regulator type Sail Riggings Crew deck size
17 small 3 90
Sail Riggings Crew deck size Manoeuvrability Gun decks
1 15 +0 6
Manoeuvrability Gun decks Armour Forecastle mounts
+0 - 16 2
Armour Forecastle mounts Engine type Aftcastle mounts
11 1 Medium 0
Engine type Aftcastle mounts This airship fills the gap between the two
Small 0 popular Jervis and Bottingly designs. The
This small airboat is a direct concurrent to Ancestor, however, never became as
the Jervis and Bottingly “Guppy”. Similar in popular as it was unable to fill the rolls that
design but slightly large, it features the the Barracuda or the Tigerfish performed.
possibility to use sails.
Floating capacity Air regulator type
Floating capacity Air regulator type Sail Riggings Crew deck size
90 Medium 3 150
Sail Riggings Crew deck size Manoeuvrability Gun decks
2 50 +15 4,5
Manoeuvrability Gun decks Armour Forecastle mounts
+10 5 19 2
Armour Forecastle mounts Engine type Aftcastle mounts
17 1 Large 1
Engine type Aftcastle mounts Often used by merchants and traders, this
Medium 1 hull can also easily be customized as a
This airship, built in the famous Jervis & heavily armed pirate or privateer. It is often
Bottingly shipyards in Isla Aether, is very used by some of the larger pirate and
popular with pirates and small traders. It mercenary combines, being able to
has plenty of space for adding resources, is
outmanoeuvre an IAN frigate and prey on Although it is unlike to find ship hulls just
smaller ships. floating around the market, they can be
Floating capacity Air regulator type
190 HUGE
Sail Riggings Crew deck size
4 170
Couple a hull to an engine (or the other way
Manoeuvrability Gun decks
around) and one has a functional airship!
+20 5,5
Below are the descriptions of the most
Armour Forecastle mounts
common engines. Most shipbuilders build
20 2
an engine with a ship in mind or vice versa.
Engine type Aftcastle mounts Therefore, the Guppy engine is also named
Large 1 the Guppy engine. However, the Guppy
Designed as an upgrade to the Barracuda, engine could easily be installed on the
the Marlin is the largest of the Jervis and Granny.
Bottingly craft. It is a more recent design
and is jet to became popular among JERVIS & BOTTINGLY “GUPPY” ENGINE
merchants. It is, however, already popular Type Cost
among pirates. At least, when they are Small 300
piloting them.
Weight Fuel
5 Steam
Speed (tactical) Speed (cruising)
Floating capacity Air regulator type
3 50 mph
230 Huge
Manoeuvring bonus Range
Sail Riggings Crew deck size
+10 20 miles
3 190
The most basic engine produced by Jervis &
Manoeuvrability Gun decks
Bottingly. Aimed at the Guppy airship.
+10 5,6,4
Armour Forecastle mounts MAGNUS MEMPHIS “GRANNY” ENGINE
20 3
Type Cost
Engine type Aftcastle mounts Small 500
Huge 1
Weight Fuel
The IAN frigate is the most commonly used 8 Steam
patrol ships of the IAN. With better
Speed (tactical) Speed (cruising)
firepower than most pirate ships, and plenty
2 40 mph
of space for air marines, it is a formidable
Manoeuvring bonus Range
vessel. This ship type is also the basis of the
+0 50 miles
feared black frigates of the Chuno Ggun,
According to Magnus Memphis their basic
who add 10 Automaton Mounts. The black
engine is more robust and has a longer
frigates have extremely quiet engines and
range. While that is true, it does take some
are black all over, including sails and
patience while flying with this propulsion.
PRICE LIST (in Helios)
Jervis & Bottingly “Guppy” 700
Type Cost
Magnus Memphis “Granny” 1500
Medium 4000
Jervis & Bottingly “Tigerfish” 10000
Weight Fuel
IAN Corvette 14000
20 Steam
Magnus Memphis “Ancestor” 12000
Speed (tactical) Speed (cruising)
Jervis & Bottingly “Barracuda” 14000 5 100 mph
Jervis & Bottingly “Marlin” 24000 Manoeuvring bonus Range
IAN Frigate 30000 +0 1000 miles
Jervis & Bottingly “Tigerfish” engine is the variant is being used by the Chungo Ggun
most produced engine by Jervis & Bottingly. black frigates.


Type Cost
Weight Fuel
For now only the most basic air regulator
25 Diesel
has stats, it has several variants.
Speed (tactical) Speed (cruising)
6 120 mph
Type Weigth
Manoeuvring bonus Range
Small/medium/Large/Hug 2/5/10/15
+10 1200 miles
The IAN corvette uses a powerful diesel
Operation capacity cost
engine which cannot be mass produced.
(-3/0/3/6)/ 400/
(-4/0/4/8)/ 700/
(-5/0/6/12)/ 2000/
Type Cost
(-5/0/7/15) 8000
Medium 7000
Weight Fuel
30 Steam
Speed (tactical) Speed (cruising) CANNONS!
5 100 mph
Manoeuvring bonus Range
+0 2000 miles CANNON, 12 POUNDER
Many consider the Ancestor engine heavily Weight cost
overpriced and overweight. 1 20
Damage Range
ENGINE Reload Crew units needed
Type Cost 3 1
Large 7000
Weight Fuel CANNON, 24 POUNDER
30 Steam Weight cost
Speed (tactical) Speed (cruising) 2 40
7 130 mph Damage Range
Manoeuvring bonus Range 1d10+1 7
+0 1500 miles Reload Crew units needed
A finely tuned engine, many consider this 4 2
the master piece of the Jervis & Bottingly
engine productions. CARRONADE, 32 POUNDER
Weight cost
Type Cost Damage Range
Huge 20000 1d10+2 3
Weight Fuel Reload Crew units needed
40 Steam 3 1
Speed (tactical) Speed (cruising)
6 110 mph
Manoeuvring bonus Range
+0 3000 miles
The IAN frigate engine is simply the biggest ADDITIONAL COMPONENTS
engine. Rumour has it that an improved
Below are descriptions of additional hammocks. This means the ship starts
components that can be installed on the with 10 crew more than normal,
airship. though if they are killed, new crew
must be recruited in the usual way.
ARMOR (3 weight, He50)
This adds 1 AP to the overall armour of the GRAPPLING HOOK LAUNCHER (2 weight,
airship by strengthening the hull, internal He20)
bracing, etc. This also increases the crew Can be fired to grapple an enemy airship
rank by 1, but only for calculating casualties and pull it closer for boarding. Each added
received. launcher is fired as an in depended action.
Grappling hook launcher do not take up
AUTOMATON MOUNT (1 weight, He25) weapon mounts, however, their facing is
A rack on the side of the airship capable of fixed. Unless they are mounted on a
holding a single unit of ganger-sized turntable, in which case they take up a
automatons for quick deployment. These weapon mount (either a foredeck mounts or
are usually only available to the Chuno Ggun an aftdeck mount). Range is 50 yards.
black frigates, although they occasionally
appear on the black market at vastly inflated MARINE QUARTERS (5 weight, He 100)
prices. Space for 10 air marines to sling their
hammocks. These marines do not add to the
CABIN, LUXURIOUS (5 weight, He200) crew of the ship and count as two unit of
A splendidly decked-out cabin with rich troops in fighting involving crews. Marines
carpets, wall-hangings, a large four-poster acquired sepperately, and have their own
bed and the like. May be the cabin of a crew level. Usually Marines are one step
particularly decadent captain, the working easier to acquire compared to their crew
room of a high-class prostitute, or a room to level. So a krack (4) marine crew is just as
house well-paying passengers. This hard to find as competent (3) sailer crew.
component adds one crew unit to the crew,
this unit serves the one assigned to this MUSIC STUDIO (10 weight, He500)
cabin and functions at +10 crew level This room has all that is needed for a group
(which increases the crew bonus for this of musicians to practice; cost includes
group only). whatever musical instruments are needed
for the band, instrument stands, electrical
CABIN, STANDARD (3 weight, He100) connections to the airship’s engines to
A plain, functional cabin, with bed, provide power for electrical instruments, a
washstand, small writing desk and the like. cylinderrecording device, etc. Characters
Suitable for a ship’s officer with simple who have access to a Music Studio needn’t
tastes or a paying passenger. This take too much trouble keeping track of
component adds one crew unit to the crew, which musical instruments they have, but
this unit serves the one assigned to this can (within reason) produce any instrument
cabin and functions at +5 crew level. when needed, whether it be a kazoo or a
double bass.
However, GMs may disallow any ridiculous
CANNON TURNTABLE (2 weight, He40) claims; if players want to equip a 50-strong
This turntable can be fitted on deck, this marching band with tubas, they can’t just
takes up one foredeck mount or aftdeck get them out of the music room without a
mount. A cannon can be mounted on the very good backstory!
turntable, allowing it to be swiveled in
sideways directions for firing, although care PROPS ROOM (8 weight, He300)
must be taken not to shoot away rigging or $is room has all the equipment, costumes,
fellow pirates. make-up, etc. needed by a theater group,
circus troupe or the like (not including
CREW SPACE (5 weight, He100) performing animals!). Characters who have
Space for 10 crew to sling their access to a Props Room needn’t take too
much trouble keeping track of costumes and be a side of mammoth bacon, a Portnoy
clothing they have, but can (within reason) portabledirigible or a deactivated doll.
produce any props or costumes when
needed whether it be a Neovictorian TRAINING ROOM (10 weight, He100)
gentleman’s dinner suit or a vase of artificial A training room is a space big enough for a
roses. group of people to practice physical
However, GMs may disallow any ridiculous activities, whether that be weapons training,
claims; if players want to equip a 50-strong circus skills or dancing. It will include other
marching band with red uniforms, they can’t necessary equipment – padded mats, wall-
just get them out of the props room without bars, gym equipment, a cylinder-player,
a very good backstory! space to keep a small amount of equipment,
etc. Crews wanting space for more
SCIENCE LAB (5 weight, He200) equipment are encouraged to fit their
This room has all the resources needed for airship out with a Props Room or Weapons
doing experiments and is fully equipped Locker.
with scientific equipment. A useful asset for
the budding mad scientist. WEAPONS LOCKER (3 weight, He 500)
A small storage room filled with weapons,
SICK BAY (5 weight, He300) ammunition, etc. There will be enough
A sterile, well equipped environment which weapons in this locker to kit out a 50 man
makes all Medicine rolls aboard ship at +20. crew with two weapons each (usually sword
and some form of firearm); larger airships
STABLES (3+ weight, He50+) will need to buy multiple Weapons Lockers.
A 3 weight stable costs He50 and provides On top of weapons for the crew, there will
enough space for one horse and storage be plenty of ammunition and a few
space for food. A 10 weight stable is big specialist items such as grenades, a
enough to hold a mammoth or a mastodon mammoth gun, etc. Characters who have
and costs He300, and a 12 weight stable will access to a Weapons Locker needn’t take too
hold an indrikki and cost He500. High costs much trouble keeping track of which
for mammoth and indrikki stables include weapons they have, but can (within reason)
deckstrengthening to take the weight, and a produce any weapon when needed, whether
ramp and hatch big enough to get the animal it be brass knuckles or a heat-ray. If a crew
through! Stables include closable ports is fully equipped with extra weapons (that
through which animal waste may be means there are enough weapon lockers to
shoveled in flight – not to be used in port or fully arm the crew), they operate at +10
while flying over a built-up area, unless you crew level in boarding action, (and firing
want to make enemies! platoons actions for marine).
However, GMs may disallow any ridiculous
STORAGE ROOM (1+ weight, He10) claims; if players want to equip a 50-strong
This is a storage room separate from the mercenary unit with steam gatlings, they
cargo hold, which can be locked to prevent can’t just get them out of the weapons
the crew getting in. It is not completely locker without a very good backstory!
secure to a determined thief, but will
withstand casual pilfering. Larger storage WORKSHOP (4 weight, He300)
rooms will add ARPs, but the cost will not go A fully equipped workshop with all the tools
up, as the cost of a lockable door doesn’t needed for building and repairing
change, no matter what the size of the room. equipment large and small. Any Ad-Hoc
Can be used to store those items which the Repair rolls made aboard ship are at +10.
PCs want to keep to themselves, whether it

Running out of time, so go over this very d10’s can be used for Canister Shots. Roll a
quickly, the basics are the same as voidship ballistic test (gunnery) modified by range.
combat from rogue trader. There are several On success and for every degree of success
ways to damage an opposing airship Let’s go you score one hit. The maximum number of
over them one by one. hits is determined by the number of
Note: Personal talents do not affect cannons fired. Roll damage only for the first
gunnery! hit, each additional hit deals one extra
damage. Subtract from the damage the
opponents crew level and other defence that
apply to damage, whatever is left is dealt as
MOVEMENT ACTIONS damage to the opponents crew.

BROADSIDE! (Grape Shot)

Pick one of your gun decks that is ready to
fire. For grape shot the range of the weapon
BROADSIDE ACTIONS is halved. Roll a ballistic test (gunnery)
modified by range. On success and for every
degree of success you score one hit. The
BROADSIDE! AIM FOR THE BALLOON! maximum number of hits is determined by
(Roundball) the number of cannons fired. Roll damage
Pick one of your gun decks that is ready to only for the first hit, each additional hit
fire. Roll a ballistic test (gunnery) modified deals two extra damage. Subtract from the
by range. On success and for every degree of damage the opponents crew level and other
success you score one hit. The maximum defence that apply to damage, whatever is
number of hits is determined by the number left is dealt as damage to the opponents
of cannons fired. Roll damage, adding crew.
together all hits subtract the opponents
armour and whatever is left is dealt as
damage to the opponents airship.
Pick one of your gun decks that is ready to
fire. Roll a ballistic test (gunnery) modified MARINE ACTIONS
by range. On success and for every degree of
success you score one hit. The maximum FIRING PLATOON! (Marines)
number of hits is determined by the number Deploy a number of Marine units up to your
of cannons fired. Each hit damage one of the widest gun deck plus one. Roll a ballistic test
cannons on the opponents vessel, randomly (appropriate fire arm) modified by range,
determine which gun deck is affected. If you usually the range of marines is 3. On success
score at least three degree of success on the and for every degree of success you score
ballistic skill test you may pick which gun one hit. The maximum number of hits is
deck is affected. Moreover, you deal your determined by the number of units of
number of hits to the opponents crew, marines deployed. Roll 1d5 damage only for
subtracting crew level and other defences the first hit, each additional hit deals one
before applying damage. extra damage. Subtract from the damage the
opponents crew level and other defence that
BROADSIDE! (Canister Shot) apply to damage, whatever is left is dealt as
Pick one of your gun decks that is ready to damage to the opponents crew.
fire, only cannons that deal damage with

Calculate the remaining Floating capacity
after all components have been installed.
Divide this number by three (rounding
down), this is your floating height level.
Multiply your height level by 50 to obtain
your height above sea level. If there is a
difference between you actual high level and
your floating height level you will start
adjusting. If the difference is 1 you will
move up or down 1 level after three turns. If
the difference is two, you will move up or
down 1 level after 2 turns. If is three you
will move up or down one level each turn.
For each difference above three you move
up or down an additional level.

Keep score how much damage your airship
has sustained. Each 10 damage lowers your
height level by one.

As you keep sustaining damage to you crew,
you will have less and less crew units to
operate your airship.

Should hurt.

Counters used for crew, to distribute during



“We’re the nomads, the Neobedouins,
I don’t want to end up dead again,
On this night we’ve traveled far.
Over desert wasteland, prairie grassland,
Traversed the silken endless sands.
We’ve survived this global scar!”
– Abney Park, Neobedouin

Bla Xlab la
To do

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