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IOM. — 2019 (2076) — MEMORY BASED | Abn « aes g aoe ee NAMASKAR BOOKS NAME Premises, Putalisadak (Infront of Singha Durbar), Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: 01-4223938, 4252596 NAMASKAR BOOKS, Ph.: 01-4252596, 4223938 Physics TB wooden block 120 kg floats in water and ite density is 600 kg/m’, What mass can bee put on the block to make it just sink a 40g b. 120K c a0kg @. 601@ Alight body A of specific gravity py and metallic body B of specific gravity pz are bound together. ‘The combination is placed in liquid of specific gravity p. I it neither floats nor sink in the Tiquid, the ratio of masses of A and Bis a pulp + Pa) a palo+ Pa) (+3) G+) Gr) 6-4) The position and helium is moved into a ‘magnetic field having same KLE, then what is the ratio of radius? a 1:2 b Vast * eine BS tk The electron is present in first excited state then what is the excitation energy? a0 b. 102ev © 3dev 6. Bev ‘A neutral metal loses electron. The charge of ‘metal sphere having number 10°is a 16ye b. ~16ne © 2he 4. 32H ‘The current through a circuit having 10 V potential is a 158 aA 25a ‘The equivalent focal length of two Tens is 24 em, If one of the converging lens has 8 em then focal length of anather lens is ‘3. Converting lens of 12 em '. Converging lens of 12 cm . Diverging ens of 12 cm 4, Diverging lens of 10¢m b 25A 10. 1. 2. 13, 14. 15, 16, ‘Two thin long parallel wires separated by distance 'b' are carrying a current‘ ampere each. ‘The magnitude of the force per unit length ‘exerted by one wire on the other is cae a oo ats 2x 2b “The initial activity is 19 count per gram per min then the activity becomes 14 count per gram per min. The hal life is 5600 years then what is the activity decreases 10 14 b. 2000 ‘A prism having angle 10° and refractiv 4152 then what isthe derivation produced? 2 082 b. 52" « 1sz" a 52 ‘The wavelength of two waves is 15 em each what is the phase between those waves? ase* 0 Zz ar q a. O75" box ©. 0625R 4. 38n If frequency of a fork is increased by 50% then change in tension is 2, 50% b. 75% 100% 6. 125% ‘A bullet loses half ofits velocity after penetrating, 3 cm, How much further will it penetrate before ‘coming to rest? a. lcm b. 1Sem 4. 2m ‘The maximum particle velocity having amplitude ‘a’ and angular velocity w is aw, baw cw J © 3cm ‘A radioactive elements .X‘ emit a particle and charged from .X®, The particle emitted is a. Positoon , Beto-particle «Neutron 4. Gamma particle A p-type semi conductor is formed by the addition of aN bin ac As NAMASKAR BOOKS, Ph. 1-4252596, 4223938 47. The length of bar magnet having magnetic strength 5 Am? and pole strength 25Amis 2 10cm b. 30cm © 20cm 6. acm 18, If ball of density 0.9g/em’ is dipped in water. if ‘§ diameter is 1 mm, then with what terminal velocity its rises up? 237 b. 18 27 4 56 19, Ifa projectile is fired with velocity 20 ms from height $8 m. What is the horizontal distance it has reached? a. 50m ». 500m ©. 280m 4. 400m 20, If a potentiometer wire having emf 2 V is balanced by 20 em what will i's length if it's emf save a. 30 ». 40 © 60 a 20 Answers ac | 2a | 3a | ab | 5a | oa 72 | 8b | oa | we | ab | a Ga [ua | 15a | 1b | ie | 18a [age [20a —— Zoology TT Which one is the closest relative of modern man today? 2. Oranguton Gorilla © Sinanthropus Gibbon 2, The eranial capacity of modern ma a. 200-400-NHCOCHy act & anseesc "bs idetams © Amoyetc a Artiapde FeS0y * KMnO« #1801» Fe{S0ah + KS, + MinSOc# MeO which one a educedt re Mn ee ae The ueyilaegeasta Soeite aeattel of Tiabondloride ten the product frmed aetna >. Propanal €thanoic sd. Methanoicaid When 100 ml of 1M NaOH is added (030 ml of JON FBO then the alton 2 Alalne Dace Sead oe uke tarcocat nie olen © Miami ‘ Thechemica composition of German ivr cigs ue Peahieane, acd ciaresza The ciher formed by the of butyl alodde tnd methyl fodlde a Meth terbuty ether . Terebuy methyl ether celeb hatte ‘Te weight of 15 N H.SOs having 50 lH Hee aiarer ed Camas od 24S gm Which one i esiy sulphonate? Siseeme Srwdberaene eaten Which one i ned af aden? moderator > Graphite Chae x Proteins None 26. 224 em? of vapour of organic compounds weigh (06 gm. It contains 40% carbon, 6.67% of H and rest of oxygen. The molecular formula of the compound is. 3 GH:0e b. GMO; CHO; 6. GiteOz 27. The density of ice is 1 g/ml. What is the volume of steam produced when 1 ml of ice heated to 596K at pressure of 1 atm (One mole of water ‘contains 24 at 298 K ST) a. 0267 b. 267 133 6. 48 28. Which one of the monosaccharides that contain, aldehydic group can reduce directly into alcohol, during fermentation? CHOW bien vom fo Ep crow, chon « Guo & HoH (, «com, chon ben Gen 28, tm adiabatic proces, which ofthe following is true? a aro ». ars0 © av=0 4. an-0 30, Pot +26 Pb™, E= +1.66V Which of the following is true? ‘2. Po" acts as reducing agent b, Po" act as oxidizing agent ©. Greater tendency for backward reaction 6. Forward reaction is convenient spontaneous Answers: Ht: ae | 2a | 3b | 4a [ sa | ea [ze | 8a | 9a | we | nid | 126 Tae | we | 15a | tee | 7b | 180 wt [| 206 | 21 | 2b | aa | 2d 26< | 2b | a | 29a | 308 NAMASKAR BOOKS Ph: 01-4252596, 4223938

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