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SERVICE NEWS N°13 Date 21.07.





SUBJECT: New Diluter Model


TECHNICAL MOTIVATION: The new diluter model (P/N: 10-00496-00) is similar to the previous
one (P/N: F –35-0018-00). The only difference between the old and new models is the supplier. This
novelty has been introduced to diversify and strengthen the stock availability in our warehouse.

DETAILS: In order to make the new diluter interchangeable with the original one mounted on the New
Liasys, it is necessary to follow the below operations:

Instrument + PC: Turned Off

1. Remove the protective covers on the samples and reagents.

2. Remove the sample and reagent racks.

3. Remove the teflon tubes on the diluter head by unscrewing the corresponding connectors, being
careful to avoid liquid leakage.

4. Unscrew the four anchored screws (diluter flask), and unplug the corresponding connectors from
the “Sampling Interface”.

5. Remove the diluter, being careful to:

Eliminate the opto sensor (Ref. A) and motor cables (Rif. B)

Eliminate the four Parker screws of the old diluter (Rif. C) and substitute them with four
“3x6 TCPC” screws (Rif. D) equipped with the new diluter.

6. To mount the new diluter (P/N: 10-00496-00), repeat the above steps in reverse order: from 5 to 1.

Turn On the “Instrument + PC”.

7. Enter in the “Diagnostic” program by pressing the “Diagnostic” key.

8. Select the “Configuration” folder, enter the password and then press the “OK” button.

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This document can not be reproduced, distributed or utilized in any other way without authorization of AMS - ANALYZER MEDICAL SYSTEM S.r.l.
SERVICE NEWS N°13 Date 21.07.2003

9. In the “Diluter Type” section, activate the “P/N 10-00496” option and then press the “Save”

10. Select the “Diluter” folder and run the “Probe Wash Test” function at least three times to check
if the hydraulic packing of the sampling path is working correctly and furthermore to be sure that
there are no air bubbles inside the diluter.

11. Select the “Arm” folder and then press the “Reset” button.

12. Remove the “Diluent 1,2” container.

13. Press the “Go Dil” button to move the sampling arm to the first diluent position.

14. Select the “Diluter” folder and then press the “Home” button.

15. In the Operation section, manually set a volume of 300 l through + and – , or by using the

16. Fill a sample cup with distilled water and place it under the sampling arm needle in order to
perform an aspiration as described here below.

17. In the Operation section, press the “Asp” button to perform the aspiration of the above mentioned
volume (300 l).

18. Remove the sample cup and place a sheet of paper below the sampling arm needle in order to
pick up any liquid drops that will be dispensed as described here below.

19. Set manually through + and – or by using the cursor a volume of 1 l

20. In the Operation section, press N at regular time intervals the “Disp” button until the first drop of
liquid is dispensed.

21. Take note of the “Back Lash Dil” so calculated: Back Lash Dil = N – 1 (N corresponds to the
number of times that the “Disp” button has been pressed).

22. Place a sample cup under the sampling arm needle (in order to pick up the residual volume) and
then press the “Home” button.

23. Select the “Arm” folder and in the section Arm Setting, press the “Reset” button.

24. Select the “Configuration “ folder, insert the password and check the Back Lash Dil value. It must
be modified if it is different from that previously calculated. Press “Save” button to confirm.

25. Put back the “Diluent 1, 2” container in its housing.

26. Exit the “Diagnostic” program by pressing the “Diagnostic” key.

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This document can not be reproduced, distributed or utilized in any other way without authorization of AMS - ANALYZER MEDICAL SYSTEM S.r.l.
SERVICE NEWS N°13 Date 21.07.2003


ENCLOSED: --------------

Editing Approval

Enzo Zattini Antonio Gagliarducci

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Via E.Barsanti 17/A - 00012 GUIDONIA (ROMA) MD 28 00
This document can not be reproduced, distributed or utilized in any other way without authorization of AMS - ANALYZER MEDICAL SYSTEM S.r.l.

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