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Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1238–1251

Probabilistic fragility analysis parameterized by fundamental

response quantities
Seong-Hoon Jeong a,∗ , Amr S. Elnashai b,1
a Department of Architectural Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, Republic of Korea
b Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA

Received 12 September 2005; received in revised form 21 June 2006; accepted 23 June 2006
Available online 2 October 2006


Analytical probabilistic fragility studies require extensive computer simulations to account for the randomness in both input motion and
response characteristics. In this study, an approach whereby a set of fragility relationships with known reliability is derived based on the
fundamental response quantities of stiffness, strength and ductility is presented. An exact solution for a generalized single degree of freedom
system is developed and employed to construct a Response Database of coefficients describing commonly used log-normal fragility relationships.
Once the fundamental response quantities of a wide range of structural systems are defined, the fragility relationships for various limit states can
be constructed without recourse to further simulation. The uncertainty associated with modeling simplifications is quantified by conducting
comparisons between the proposed approach and detailed multi-degree of freedom (MDOF) systems. Application examples are given to
demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach.
c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fragility analysis; Inelastic earthquake response; Damage assessment

1. Introduction Existing fragility curves can be classified into the four

generic groups of empirical, judgmental, analytical and hybrid,
The use of fragility curves, defined as a relationships according to whether the damage data used in their generation
between ground shaking intensity and the probability of derived mainly from observed post-earthquake surveys, expert
reaching or exceeding a certain response level, for the
opinion, analytical simulations or combinations of these,
assessment of seismic losses is in increasing demand, both
respectively. Empirical fragility curves are constructed based
for pre-earthquake disaster planning and post-earthquake
recovery and retrofitting programs. This is due to the on statistics of observed damage from past earthquakes. The
difficulties associated with analyzing individual structures and observational source is the most realistic as all practical
the importance of obtaining a global view of anticipated details of the exposed stock are taken into consideration
damage and effects of different interventions, before or after alongside soil–structure interaction effects, topography, site,
an earthquake, respectively. Apart from the regional loss path and source characteristics. However, the empirical data
assessment application of fragility curves, they are useful in are highly specific to a particular situation and clustered in
probabilistic assessment of damage to individual structures the limited damage–low ground motion severity range due to
taking into account response and input motion randomness. the infrequency of large magnitude earthquakes near densely
populated areas. Thus, the application of empirical fragility
∗ Corresponding address: Department of Architectural Engineering, Inha curves is in general very limited. Further details on this type
University, 253 Yonghyun-dong, Nam-gu, Incheon, 402-751, Republic of of curves are given in Rossetto and Elnashai [1].
Korea. Tel.: +82 32 860 7580; fax: +82 32 866 4624. Judgment-based fragility assessment (e.g. ATC-13 [2] and
E-mail addresses: (S.-H. Jeong),
(A.S. Elnashai).
HAZUS [3]) depends on information from experts. This method
1 1240 Newmark CE Lab. 205 North Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL, 61801, USA. is not affected by the limitations regarding the quantity and
Tel.: +1 217 265 5497; fax: +1 217 265 8040. quality of structural damage statistics. Since the experts can

c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

0141-0296/$ - see front matter
S.-H. Jeong, A.S. Elnashai / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1238–1251 1239

be asked to provide damage estimates for any number of

structural types, fragility assessments can be easily performed
to include all the factors affecting seismic response of
various structures. However, the reliability of the judgment-
based method is unquantifiable due to its dependence on the
individual experience of the experts consulted, and the regional
nature of the ensuing relationships.
Analytical fragility curves (e.g. [4–6]) adopt damage Fig. 1. Overall procedure of the parameterized fragility curves.
distributions simulated from analyses of structural models
under increasing earthquake intensity as their statistical basis.
of fragility curves is derived. The parameters influencing the
Extensive analyses usually result in a reduced bias and
shape of the functional representation of fragility are deemed
increased reliability of the vulnerability estimate for different
to be: (i) stiffness, closely related to serviceability limit state,
structures compared to post-earthquake observations or the
(ii) strength, closely related to damage control limit states and
expert opinion. However, elaborate modeling of architectural
(iii) ductility, closely related to collapse prevention. By using
finishes, infill walls, bearings and soil–structure interactions
still remain challenges that may significantly affect the analysis the latter parameters with a Response Database which is a
results. Therefore, it is desirable to calibrate the analytical collection of pre-run inelastic response analyses of structures
curves with damage survey studies provided that appropriate with a wide range of response parameters, the fragility curves
observational data are available. While the application of are directly obtained without the need for simulation, once
analytical methods is generally limited by computation the fundamental response quantities of stiffness, strength and
effort, adopting simplified analytical models responds to this ductility are known. This feature allows consideration of
shortcoming and allows conducting more simulations of wide various structural configurations in the decision-making for
variations of structures. earthquake mitigation strategies, by reducing the time and
Hybrid methods attempt to compensate for the scarcity effort in the derivation of fragility curves, while retaining their
of observational data, subjectivity of judgmental data and probabilistic basis.
modeling deficiencies of analytical procedures by combining As depicted in Fig. 1, parameterized fragility curves are
data from different sources. Fragility analysis may be derived in three main steps: (i) determination of response
performed primarily based on the expert opinion, and it also parameters of the structure, (ii) response estimation using the
incorporates limited observational data. Examples of the latter Response Database, the details of which are presented in the
are the seismic risk assessment methods in ATC-13 [2] and following section, and (iii) construction of fragility curves with
ATC-40 [7]. The hybrid approach can be used to obtain more various limit states.
reliable fragility curves by combining analytical assessment It is noteworthy that the response estimation (step (ii)) can
with the observed structural damage data [8,9]. Analytical be performed without considering the effect of ductility supply.
simulations can be used to supplement the statistical response This is due to the fact that once the yield point is determined
information when the availability of observational data is by stiffness and strength the ultimate displacement capacity
limited [10]. does not affect the shape of the capacity curve which, in this
The various methods of fragility assessment differ in the study, determines the response of a structure. Since the ultimate
required resources and precision of the assessment results. displacement is defined as the product of ductility supply and
Therefore, the choice of a method should be made considering yield displacement, the effect of ductility supply is included
the tradeoff between effort and precision which best fits the in determining the collapse limit state to derive fragility
application. The aim of the method proposed in this paper curves.
is to provide a tool for the construction of fragility curves
with a reasonable precision level using a rapid procedure 3. Response parameters
that is mathematically sound. In order to overcome the
limited applicability of observational data and subjectivity in
In earthquake engineering, inelastic static procedures
damage estimation by expert opinion, an analytical platform is
(referred to in Applied Technology Council documents as
nonlinear static procedure — NSP) have been widely used
2. Overview of the proposed method for the assessment of structures due to their simplicity and
efficiency. Modern seismic design and assessment guidance
Fragility curves may be derived analytically by simulations. documents, such as ATC-40 [7] and FEMA 273 [11],
Even for a limited number of random variables and for modest incorporate NSPs for estimating the peak displacements
ranges of variation of these variables, the simulation effort of multistory buildings. In the latter methods, the peak
is very considerable, reaching several hundreds of thousands displacement estimate is based on a first mode analogy of the
of analyses. Every time the structure is replaced or modified, building in conjunction with an equivalent single degree of
repetition of the simulation is required. It is hereafter proposed freedom (ESDOF) system. The ESDOF system can be used
to parameterize the problem in such a manner that a generic set to estimate the response of multi-degree of freedom (MDOF)
1240 S.-H. Jeong, A.S. Elnashai / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1238–1251

Fig. 2. Bilinear force–displacement relationship and response parameters.

systems when the response is predominantly in a single mode. 4.1. Response Database
Details of the ESDOF are given in the literature [12–15].
The NSP with the SDOF simplification has been considered The structure of the Response Database is represented in
as a suitable method to estimate the maximum responses of Fig. 3. The database is designed to store information on
regular structures. The approach proposed in this paper also maximum responses of a wide range of structures as statistical
employs the latter method. The primary force–displacement parameters. This enables the analyst to construct fragility
relationship adopted in this study is represented in Fig. 2. The curves by dealing with only two statistical parameters (mean
stiffness of the unloading path is assumed to be the same as the and standard deviation) instead of massive data from a large set
yield stiffness (k). The bilinear curve in Fig. 2 is defined by of dynamic response history analyses. Concurrently, the fidelity
of information is maintained because the cumulative normal or
three parameters: period (T ), strength ratio (SR) and post-to-
log-normal distribution that is used to represent the probability
pre-yield stiffness ratio (α). The latter parameters do not entail
distribution of the maximum response depends on only the
any unit conversion in various applications. The strength ratio
mean and standard deviation of the response variable.
(SR) is defined as the ratio of lateral strength (P) to the total
For a structure with known response parameters, a group
weight (W ) of the structure.
of maximum responses is obtained from dynamic analyses
The stiffness of a system is represented by the period T under a set of ground motions. Based on the latter responses,
and the strength is determined by SR. Ductility is calculated a set of means and standard deviations is calculated to be
by dividing the ultimate displacement (∆u ) by the yield the basic elements of the database. This process is repeated
displacement (∆ y ). The definition of the ultimate displacement for a range of earthquake intensities and structural response
is determined by the analyst according to the structure under parameters to construct the response matrix of a specific
consideration and does not affect the proposed calculation earthquake scenario. The dimension of the response matrix can
framework. be reduced by representing the mean and standard deviation
as functions of earthquake intensities. After this step, the
4. Demand estimation employing Response Databases response matrix contains coefficients of regression functions
that represent the relationships between earthquake intensity
In the proposed method, the fragility curve is constructed and statistical parameters (mean and standard deviation) of
using parameterized structural response characteristics (T , the maximum displacement demand. Finally, the Response
SR, α and damping) and the Response Database (RD). The Database is constructed by collecting the response matrices for
structural response parameters are defined for the SDOF system various earthquake scenarios and structural idealization types
that is equivalent to the complex structure. The Response such as the bilinear and the trilinear simplifications.
Computation time for the response estimation of inelastic
Database is obtained from pre-run dynamic analysis results
ESDOF systems with and without employing the Response
for a range of structural response parameters. Simulation is
Database is compared in Fig. 4. The direct calculation without
therefore no longer needed for a newly defined structural
using the Response Database needs hundreds of analyses
system. The proposed methodology has conceptual analogy
for constructing the fragility curves of a single structure.
with earthquake response spectra, because it (i) utilizes For instance, to derive a set of fragility curves for one
simplified structural models (SDOF system), (ii) obtains the of the reference structures in Fig. 9 using Record Set 1
maximum value of the response history and (iii) constructs (Section 5.1), the total number of analyses needed is 200 (10
curves which replace dynamic response history analyses. The records × 20 intensity levels) and each analysis consists of
reliability of the response estimate is always available and 3150 equilibrium steps (duration of a record/time interval of
reflecting it onto the obtained fragility curves is part of the the integration scheme = 31.5 s/0.01 s). When probabilistic
procedure. seismic assessment is performed for a large inventory of
S.-H. Jeong, A.S. Elnashai / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1238–1251 1241

Fig. 3. Structure of the Response Database.

Fig. 5. Force–displacement relationship of the example structure.

4.2. Response estimation

Fig. 4. Comparison of the computation time.

As an illustrative example, a generic structure with

structures and each of them has various combinations of an elastic-perfectly-plastic force–displacement relationship
capacity changes due to retrofit, fragility analysis is required (Fig. 5) is studied. The period and strength ratio of the structure
for a huge number of structural configurations (No. of are 0.8 s and 0.13, respectively.
structures × No. of capacity changes due to retrofit). In this As indicated in Fig. 3, the means and standard deviations
case, the computation time for the response estimation is of maximum displacement responses from a series of inelastic
significant. Fig. 4 shows that the response estimation time dynamic response history analyses are collected and organized
can be drastically reduced for a given earthquake scenario by in the Response Database. Each cell of the response database
employing the Response Database. Even though the SDOF contains six coefficients of a sixth order polynomial regression
system is employed, direct calculation (simulation) takes function with intercept at zero (0, 0) and represents the mean or
19 000 times as much time as using the Response Database. standard deviation of the maximum displacements as a function
Therefore, instantaneous response estimation by the Response of earthquake intensity, as shown in Eq. (1).
Database is suggested especially for mitigation planning of
seismic risk for a large inventory of structures or optimization y = a1 · x 6 + a2 · x 5 + a3 · x 4 + a4 · x 3 + a5 · x 2 + a6 · x. (1)
of retrofit schemes where fragility assessment for a large Here x is the earthquake intensity and y is the mean or
number of structural configurations is needed. standard deviation of the response quantity.
1242 S.-H. Jeong, A.S. Elnashai / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1238–1251

(a) Mean and mean ± σ elastic demand.

(a) Mean of maximum displacement.

(b) Mean elastic and inelastic demand.

(b) Standard deviation (SD) of maximum


Fig. 6. Mean and standard deviation of maximum displacement of the example


The response estimation results of the example structure

(Fig. 5) with 5% damping under Record Set 1 (Section 5.1)
are represented in Fig. 6. The mean (µ) and standard deviation
(c) Mean − σ elastic and inelastic demand.
(SD, σ ) of maximum responses are expressed as sixth order
polynomial functions of earthquake intensities (Eq. (1)).

4.3. Comparison with CSM

The estimates based on the Response Database are compared

with those by the Capacity Spectrum Method (CSM), one of
the most widely used NSPs in earthquake engineering. In the
CSM, the maximum displacement is estimated by locating the
intersection point of the capacity curve and demand spectra.
The latter are inelastic spectra in the acceleration–displacement (d) Mean + σ elastic and inelastic demand.
(or composite) response spectra (ADRS) format. Inelastic
spectra represent the modified response of an SDOF system Fig. 7. Capacity–demand diagrams for the estimation of maximum responses
according to the level of inelasticity. In this study, constant (PGA = 0.3g).
ductility spectra by inelastic dynamic analysis are employed for
the comparison because the latter method gives exact results of accelerations and displacements for a set of records with a
maximum inelastic response of an SDOF system. given earthquake intensity. Fig. 7(a) represents the mean and
In order to obtain the mean and standard deviation of mean ± σ (standard deviation) elastic demand spectra with
maximum displacements by the CSM, the approach proposed 5% damping ratio (ξ ) for 0.3g peak ground acceleration (PGA)
by Shinozuka [16] is employed. In the latter study, the mean level (Record Set 1).
and mean ± σ (standard deviation) of maximum displacements Maximum inelastic displacements are obtained by plotting
are obtained from the CSM with mean and mean ± σ demand constant ductility spectra. Appropriate ductility values are
spectra, respectively. The latter spectra are developed by determined by an iterative method where the ductility demand
plotting the mean and mean ± σ of the spectral acceleration of the intersection point is equal to the corresponding ductility
and displacement in the ADRS. The latter procedure requires value of the constant ductility spectra. This method was
the calculation of the mean and standard deviation of spectral proposed by Chopra [17] to improve the accuracy of the
S.-H. Jeong, A.S. Elnashai / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1238–1251 1243

5. Effect of model simplification

In order to quantify the uncertainty of the response

estimation based on the PFM, probabilistic relationships
between analysis results based on the ESDOF and the detailed
MDOF systems are investigated.

5.1. Reference simulation

Dynamic response history analyses were performed for

detailed inelastic MDOF models of the reference structures.
Fig. 8. Comparison of response estimation results by using the Response
Database (RD) and the CSM. The latter structures are selected to have limited irregularities
and their configurations are shown in Fig. 9. The bridge ‘CU’ is
a typical MSSS (multi-span simply supported) concrete girder
ATC-40 procedures. Estimation of mean and mean ± σ of bridge with multi-column bents in the Central United States.
maximum displacements using the CSM for the example The bridge has three spans with a length of 15.01 m each,
structure in Section 4.2 above (T = 0.8 s and SR = 0.13) constructed of eight AASHTO Type I girders. The bents consist
is represented in Fig. 7(b), (c) and (d). In the latter figures, of a 1066.8 mm wide by 1219.2 mm deep reinforced concrete
the capacity curve overlaps with mean (or mean ± σ ) elastic bent beam supported by three circular RC columns of 914 mm
and inelastic demand spectra for 0.3g PGA. The inelastic diameter.
demand spectrum is developed by plotting the constant ductility Bridge ‘SM’ is the Collector–Distributor 36 of the Santa
spectra in the ADRS format and represents modified responses Monica (I10) Freeway that forms part of a pair of off-ramps
due to inelasticity. The above procedure should be repeated from the eastbound carriageway on the I-10 freeway. The
for a range of earthquake intensities to develop fragility analytical model is simplified from the original configuration
by replacing the wall pier with roller supports which release the
displacement of the deck only in the longitudinal direction [18].
The most accurate response estimation method of inelastic
The deck of the bridge consists of a three-celled box girder and
SDOF systems is the inelastic dynamic response history
is supported by three single column bents, each of which have
analysis which is the basis of the method proposed in this paper. circular cross-sections with 1219 mm diameter. The deck hinge
The CSM with constant ductility spectra and iterations has was modeled using a 3-D joint element allowing free rotations
the same accuracy as the inelastic dynamic analysis, provided in the longitudinal plane of the deck and about the vertical axis.
that the constant ductility spectra are directly computed The bridge ‘HS’ is a part of the Hanshin Expressway route 3
from the given set of records and the resolution of the (Kobe, Japan), consisting of an elevated approximately 18 m
iteration is high. Therefore, response estimation results by wide viaduct supported on single-column bents. The piers
the proposed method and the CSM approach should be the are RC circular sections of diameter 2300 mm for the left
same, theoretically. However, it is noteworthy that the method pier, and 2500 mm for the middle and right piers. Three-
by Shinozuka [16] adopted a minor approximation to save dimensional joint elements are used at the pier-deck connection,
computation costs; it uses the CSM with mean and mean ± σ with moment release about the vertical axis and longitudinal
constant ductility spectra to estimate the mean and standard displacement release where the movable bearings are allocated.
deviation of the responses for a given record set. To obtain more In the analytical models of the above bridges, live loads
accurate results, response calculation should be performed are not accounted for to calculate the initial gravity load
with individual constant ductility spectra of each record. After and masses. Lumped masses are distributed at all pier–deck
performing the latter procedure for all records in the given set, connections and at three locations on all individual spans.
the mean and standard variation of the response are calculated. Five cubic inelastic elements were employed in each of the
Therefore, small (sometimes negligible) differences may exist piers, with shorter elements at the base and top and longer
between the response estimations by the proposed method and elements towards the center. Such an arrangement allowed
Shinozuka’s method; the former should in general be more potential plastic hinge zones to be accurately captured. A
viscous damping ratio of 3% is assumed for each of the
latter bridges. Detailed information on the respective reference
Comparison of calculations by the Response Database (RD)
bridges is given in Neilson [19], Elnashai [18] and Lee [20].
and the CSM in Fig. 8 shows that the difference between the
Mid-rise RC frame buildings are designed in accordance
two methods is small. Therefore, the parameterized fragility with a modern seismic code [21], split into two groups: sets
method (PFM) instantly provides response estimates required of four 12-story RC frames (Fig. 9(d)) and four 8-story RC
for fragility analysis with neither iterations nor repetitions. It frame (Fig. 9(e)). Within each group, combination of two
gives response estimates that are as accurate as (theoretically, design ground accelerations (0.15g and 0.3g) and three design
more accurate than) the use of inelastic composite spectra and ductility classes (High, Medium and Low) lead to the four
the capacity spectrum assessment approach. cases of each set. In the analytical models of the buildings, the
1244 S.-H. Jeong, A.S. Elnashai / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1238–1251

(a) Bridge CU.

(b) Bridge SM.

(c) Bridge HS.

(d) 12-story RC frame. (e) 8-story RC frame.

Fig. 9. Layout of the reference structures.

ends of horizontal elements within the beam–column joints are elsewhere; see e.g., [24,25]. The inelastic response of the cross-
considered rigid. Shear spring connection elements are used to section is assembled from contributions of individual fibers
represent the shear stiffness of the beam–column connection. for which inelastic cyclic material constitutive relationships
The effective slab width participating in beam deformation is are employed. For concrete, a uniaxial constant confinement
taken as the mean width plus 7% of the clear span of the concrete model [26] was chosen. For steel, the multi-surface
structural member on either side of the web. In addition to steel model [27] for cyclic plasticity is utilized.
the dead loads, 30% of the live loads are accounted for to The reference simulations of the detailed MDOF models
calculate the masses, while 100% of the live loads are used of the three reference bridges were carried out with six sets
of ground motions. Record Sets 1–3 are records simulating
for the initial gravity loads. Lumped masses are distributed
earthquake events for the Lowlands soil profile (Holocene
at three locations on all individual beams in addition to all
deposit [28]) in the Memphis area, TN, USA and each of
beam–column connections. Viscous damping is not included in
them consists of ten synthetic records. The three sets of ground
the models while hysteretic damping is considered by nonlinear
motions employed are based on three scenario earthquakes;
material modeling. Further details regarding the modeling are large magnitude–short distance, medium magnitude–medium
given in Mwafy [22]. distance and small magnitude–long distance. Details of the
For analytical modeling of the above structures, use is generation of the latter sets of artificial records are given
made of the ZEUS-NL [23]. This analysis platform is capable in Drosos [29]. Record Sets 4 and 5 are medium-to-large-
of representing the spread of inelasticity within the member magnitude small-distance (4.5 < Mw < 7, 10 km < R <
cross-section and along the member length utilizing the fiber 30 km) natural records in Japan and Western USA, respectively.
approach. The accuracy of the program has been verified Record Set 6 consists of 35 major earthquakes around the
S.-H. Jeong, A.S. Elnashai / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1238–1251 1245

world. The list of the natural record sets (Record Sets 4–6) is
given in Appendix. The reference simulations of the eight RC
frames were performed with the three artificial record sets for
the Memphis area (Record Sets 1–3).
In order to obtain a wider spectrum of response data of the
reference structures, the ground motions are scaled to various
PGA levels, from 0.1 to 0.9g with a step of 0.1g. The numbers
of dynamic response history analyses using the detailed MDOF
models are 2295 (3 bridges × 85 records × 9 intensity levels)
for the reference bridges and 2160 (8 buildings × 30 records ×
9 intensity levels) for the mid-rise RC frame buildings. Fig. 10. Bilinear idealization of the capacity curve.

5.2. Structural simplification system

√ can be obtained as follows: the period is T =
2π m ∗ /K ∗ , the strength ratio is SR = Vy∗ /(m ∗ · g) and the
For transformation of the MDOF structure to the ESDOF post-yield stiffness is a K ∗ .
system, it is assumed that the response of the structure is
predominantly in the fundamental vibration mode. The capacity 5.3. Maximum response evaluation by the ESDOF systems
curve of the MDOF system is obtained from pushover analysis
with lateral forces in proportion to the product of masses The maximum displacement (u max ) of the MDOF system
and fundamental mode shape and it is transformed to the can be estimated by the maximum response of the ESDOF
force–displacement relationship of the ESDOF system. The system as follows:
base shear (V ∗ ) and displacement (u ∗ ) of the ESDOF system u max = Γ · u ∗max . (5)
are the corresponding quantities (base shear, V ; displacement,
u) of the MDOF system divided by the modal participation Since the ESDOF approach is based on the assumption that
factor as the deflected shape of the MDOF system is proportional to
a fixed shape throughout its response history, the maximum
V ∗ = V /Γ and u ∗ = u/Γ . (2) displacement at DOF i(∆i ) is expressed as Eq. (6).
The modal participation factor (Γ ) is defined as ∆i = φi u max . (6)
X .X
Γ = m i φi m i φi2 (3) For the building structure, the maximum interstory drift ratio,
δi , between story i and story i − 1 may be obtained by
where m i is the mass assigned to DOF i and φi is the
displacement amplitude at DOF i of the fundamental mode δi = (∆i − ∆i−1 )/ h i (7)
shape normalized to have a unit maximum amplitude. The mass where h i is the story height between story i and i − 1. The
of the ESDOF (m ∗ ) system is calculated as follows: maximum interstory drift ratio (δmax ) of the whole structure is
m∗ = m i φi . (4) δmax = Max (δ1 , δ2 , . . . , δn ) (8)
Additional details on the ESDOF simplification are given where Max(·) is a function that returns the maximum of a set of
elsewhere [12–14]. values and n is the total number of stories.
The capacity curve of the ESDOF system is idealized The reference structures are simplified to ESDOF systems
to the bilinear force–displacement relationship(Fig. 10) to using the procedure in Section 5.2 and their response under the
obtain the fundamental response parameters. While the given record sets (Section 5.1) are obtained from the Response
ESDOF simplification is an established procedure, the bilinear Database. The maximum displacement of the reference bridges
representation needs engineering judgment. In this study, the (Fig. 9(a), (b), (c)) and the maximum interstory drift ratio of
effective lateral stiffness is taken as the secant stiffness (K ∗ ) the RC frame buildings (Fig. 9(d), (e)) are estimated by Eqs. (5)
calculated at a base shear force equal to 60% of the yield and (8), respectively. Each of the latter responses is compared to
strength of the idealized structure, as shown in Fig. 10 [11]. the corresponding analysis result of the detailed MDOF system
The equal energy assumption is then employed to complete to quantify the uncertainty of the response estimation by the
the bilinear curve: the areas under the actual and the idealized ESDOF system in the following section.
curves until the displacement at plastic mechanism (d p )
are approximately equal [21]. For a simpler procedure of 5.4. Probabilistic relationship between response estimations
idealization, the plastic mechanism point is assumed to be at by the ESDOF and MDOF systems
2% drift ratio (u ∗ = 0.02H/Γ ) which is the Damage Control
displacement limit: the threshold between moderate and major Since fragility analysis requires the predictive mean of
damage according to ATC-40 [7] and Zhong [30]. response quantities, the uncertainty due to the ESDOF
Based on the bilinear idealization of the force–displacement simplification is quantified by comparing the mean responses
relationship (Fig. 10), response parameters of the ESDOF of the reference structures (Fig. 9) estimated by the two
1246 S.-H. Jeong, A.S. Elnashai / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1238–1251

Table 1
Limit states
Structures Limit states References
LS1 — At least minor LS2 — Complete
Bridge ‘CU’ (µ∆ ) 1.0 2.6 Neilson, 2005 [19]
Bridge ‘SM’ (µ∆ ) 1.0 2.7 Elnashai et al.,
2005 [18]
Bridge ‘HS’ (µ∆ ) 1.0 3.2 Kawashima and Unjoh,
1997 [33]
Building ‘12H30’ (δ, %) 1.0 4.0 FEMA-356, 2000 [34]

and for buildings, the mean of maximum interstory drift ratio

may be obtained as follows.

= 1.13 · δ̄max
. (10)
The mean responses of the MDOF systems (µ̄MDOF max , δ̄max )

predicted by the above equations are used for fragility analysis

in this study. The respective uncertainties (standard error) in the
prediction of the MDOF mean responses of the bridges and the
(a) Reference bridges. buildings are 0.1 and 0.17, as shown in Fig. 11.

6. Derivation of fragility curves

6.1. Calculation of limit state probabilities

Three bridges (CU, SM, HS) and one building (12H30)

in Fig. 9 are selected for the reference derivation of fragility
curves. For each structure, two limit states corresponding to (i)
‘at least minor’ and (ii) ‘complete’ damage levels are defined, as
presented in Table 1. For the bridges, the limit state probability
of the pier damage is calculated for fragility analysis purposes.
The limit states of the ‘complete’ damage are determined by
(b) Reference buildings.
previous research for the corresponding example structure.
Fig. 11. Relationships between the means of the maximum responses estimated The ultimate curvature ductility of the bridge ‘CU’ is 5.24
by the ESDOF and MDOF systems. according to Neilson [19]. The latter value is determined
by Bayesian update to incorporate the information from the
methods: ESDOF and detailed MDOF systems, as represented physics-based approach [31] with the information from survey
in Fig. 11. For the bridges, the means of the maximum ductility results. The displacement ductility (µ∆ ) can be obtained by
demand (µ̄max ) by the latter estimation methods are compared. the following equations [32] using the given curvature ductility
Each mean value is obtained for the individual record set (µφ = 5.24).
(Section 5.1) at a given intensity level. Thus, the number of µ∆ = 1 + 3(µφ − 1) · (l p /l) · [1 − 0.5(l p /l)] = 2.6 (11)
mean values for each estimation method (ESDOF or detailed
l p = 0.08l + 9db = 0.08 · 4.6 + 9 · 0.0254 = 0.6 (m). (12)
MDOF) is 162 (6 record sets × 3 structures × 9 intensity levels)
in the comparison (Fig. 11(a)). For the multi-story buildings, Here, l p and l are the plastic hinge length and the height
mean estimates of the maximum interstory drift ratio (δ̄max ) of the pier, respectively. The diameter of the longitudinal
by the ESDOF and detailed MDOF systems are compared and reinforcement (db ) is 25.4 mm according to [19].
the number of mean values for each estimation method is 216 The failure of the pier of bridge ‘CU’ during the Northridge
earthquake (1994) in California was reproduced by pseudo-
(3 record sets × 8 structures × 9 intensity levels), as shown in
dynamic testing of a 1/2 scale specimen in Elnashai et al. [18].
Fig. 11(b).
Based on the ductility demand where the pier failure was
Based on the comparison in Fig. 11, to predict mean observed in the latter test, the ultimate displacement ductility
responses of the detailed MDOF system based on the mean of of the pier of the bridge ‘CU’ is assumed to be 2.7.
the ESDOF system responses, the following relationships are The ultimate displacement ductility of bridge ‘HS’ is
suggested for structures with limited irregularities. For bridges, determined based on the nonlinear analysis result by
the mean of maximum ductility demands can be estimated by Kawashima and Unjoh [33], where analytical studies were
performed to investigate the observed damage of typical piers
max = 1.07 · µ̄ESDOF
max (9) of the Hanshin Expressway Route 3.
S.-H. Jeong, A.S. Elnashai / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1238–1251 1247

For the ultimate interstory drift of the building ‘12H30’, the

upper limit state of the ‘Collapse Prevention’ in the FEMA-
356 [34] is used. The latter performance level is defined as an
interstory drift ratio of 4% for RC frame buildings.
The probability of reaching or exceeding a limit state (LS)
at a given earthquake intensity (s) can be expressed as follows:
P (LS/s) = P [(dLS ≤ dmax )/s] = 1 − Φ (r ) (13)
where dLS and dmax are limit state capacity and maximum
demand, respectively. Assuming that the responses follow a
(a) Bridge CU.
log-normal distribution, the standard normal variate r can be
expressed as
ln dLS − λ D
r= q (14)
2 + β2

in which λ D is the mean of ln(dmax ) and can be expressed in

terms of the mean of the maximum response (d̄max ) and its
dispersion (β D ): λ D = ln(d̄max ) − 0.5β D
LS is the dispersion
of a limit state and is assumed to be 0.3 for the reference
derivation in this study. The dispersion of maximum demand
β D is obtained as the combination of uncertainties associated
(b) Bridge SM.
with demand estimation:
βD = ln 1 + (σr /d̄max )2 + ln 1 + (σc /d̄max )2 + ln 1 + (σm /d̄max )2 (15)

in which σr and σc are the standard deviations due to

randomness in earthquake records and material properties,
respectively. σm is the epistemic uncertainty due to the
simplification of a structural model and is assumed to be 0.1
for the bridges and 0.17 for the buildings, as discussed in
Section 5.4.

6.2. Effect of randomness in material properties

(c) Bridge HS.
Based on the experimental studies of Bartlett [35] and
Mirza [36], the coefficient of variation of concrete compres- Fig. 12. Comparison of statistical parameters of maximum responses estimated
by simulations with and without considering material randomness.
sive strength and steel yield strength are taken as 18.6% and
10.7%, respectively. Assuming that the material properties fol-
low a normal distribution with the latter variations and the mean record set. The latter observation has been continually reported
values given in Fig. 9, 30 sets of concrete strength and steel in recent studies; see e.g. [37–39]. Therefore, the material un-
yield strength are randomly sampled for each of the example certainty (σc ) in Eq. (15) is ignored in this study.
bridges. Dynamic response history analyses were performed on
the three sets of MDOF models. Each set consists of 30 models 6.3. Fragility curves
to represent the corresponding reference structure with 30 dif-
ferent material pairs. In order to estimate the effect of random- Using the proposed method, the fragility curves of the
ness in the material properties, the mean and standard deviation selected reference structures under Record Set 1 are derived for
of the maximum responses obtained from the latter analyses the two limit states in Table 1, as shown in Fig. 13. Based on
are compared with those from the reference structures with de- dynamic analysis of the detailed MDOF models, the probability
terministic mean material properties, as shown in Fig. 12. The of maximum demand reaching or exceeding the limit states
statistical parameters (mean µ, standard deviation σ ) based on is also calculated and plotted in Fig. 13. For the purpose of
the mean material properties shows a very good agreement with comparison between fragility curves derived by the PFM and
those of the structures with 30 random material samples. This the detailed MDOF systems, the uncertainty (σm ) due to the
can be explained by the fact that the mean capacity of a structure structural simplification quantified in Section 5.4 is represented
is only slightly affected by the material randomness which is an as 90% confidence bounds (mean ± 1.645σm ) in deriving the
unbiased normal distribution around the mean material prop- PFM fragility curves.
erties and the effect of material randomness on the response The agreement between the limit state probability estima-
variation is overshadowed by the randomness in the earthquake tions by the Parameterized Fragility Method (PFM) and the
1248 S.-H. Jeong, A.S. Elnashai / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1238–1251

Table 2
Probabilistic performance targets

Description of probabilistic performance target Conditional limit state probability

T1 The probability of reaching or exceeding the LS 1 is less than 30% P1 = 0.3
T2 The probability of reaching or exceeding the LS 2 is less than 5% P2 = 0.05

(a) Bridge CU.

Fig. 14. Fragility contour.

6.4. Application to retrofitting options

Due to the high uncertainties of structural responses

under earthquake loadings, it is desirable to use probabilistic
performance targets for decision making related to intervention
(b) Bridge SM. methods. As an illustrative example of the PFM applied to the
structural retrofit strategy, two retrofit targets of the reference
Bridge ‘CU’ are assumed as given in Table 2. The latter targets
are based on the limit states in Table 1 and determined for
Record Set 1 scaled to PGA of 0.55g which corresponds to the
earthquake intensity level of 2% probability of exceedance in
Memphis, TN area (as per USGS).
The contours of limit state probabilities for the above
performance targets are given in Fig. 14. The conditional limit
state probability (Pi ) in Table 2 can be represented as a function
(c) Bridge HS. of response parameters (T , SR) as follows:
Pi = P(LSi /s = 0.55g) = F(T, SR). (16)
The fragility contour is an inverse problem of the
conventional fragility assessment: finding structural parameters
with a given probability of exceedance. The inverse function,
(T, SR) = F −1 (Pi ), can be solved only by the Response
Database. Since the Response Database is a collection of pre-
analyzed responses for a wide range of structures, the response
estimation of structures entails only retrieving the relevant value
(d) Building 12H30. from the latter database. Thus, the contour chart (Fig. 14) which
needs estimation of limit state probabilities for all possible
Fig. 13. Comparison of fragility curves. response parameters (stiffness and strength) can be obtained
While the as-built or retrofitted structure is shown as a point,
detailed MDOF models are generally good and most of the the performance target which is defined as the probability of
MDOF results are in the 90% confidence bounds which repre- exceedance is represented as the contour line. If the point is to
sent the simplification error (σm ). The latter results confirm that the right of or above the contour line, the corresponding perfor-
the PFM is an accurate and efficient tool for deriving fragility mance target is satisfied. Using the fragility contours, engineers
curves of structures with limited irregularities by trading off the can visualize various options to achieve the performance targets
small uncertainty increase (σm = 0.1 ∼ 0.17 from Section 5.4) and determine a retrofit method based on fundamental struc-
for a very significant saving of computation time. tural parameters. Fig. 14 shows that all performance targets in
S.-H. Jeong, A.S. Elnashai / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1238–1251 1249

Table 2 can be met by increasing the stiffness to 68 kN/mm stiffness, strength and ductility of a structural system, a set of
(Opt #3), or by increasing the stiffness to 59 kN/mm and the probabilistic fragility curves is instantly available, the accuracy
strength ratio to 0.82. In order to satisfy performance target T2, of which is the same as closed-form ESDOF-based inelastic
a ductility-only intervention can be used and increasing the duc- simulation approaches and acceptably close to fragilities
tility to 4 (Opt #1) satisfies the retrofit objective. from detailed, fiber-based finite element analysis. Verification
examples are given for both buildings and bridges.
7. Advantages of the proposed method The implications of the success of the developed approach
are wide-ranging. For cases of selection between different
The parameterized fragility method (PFM) proposed in this retrofitting options, the parameterized fragility curves approach
paper is an efficient tool for rapidly deriving probabilistic gives rapid estimates of probabilities of various damage levels
fragility relationships with quantifiable levels of uncertainty. being inflicted onto the structures under consideration, given
By virtue of its instantaneous nature, the proposed method is only the stiffness, strength and ductility for each alternative
especially useful for practical application of analytical fragility retrofitting scheme. Additionally, the presented fragility
curves to the planning of seismic rehabilitation, and regional assessment method enables the analyst to practically investigate
earthquake mitigation where fast estimation of probabilities of the vulnerability of large numbers of different structural
reaching damage states for a large number of structural con- configurations instantly without simulation. Therefore, this
method blends very well with the Consequence-Based Risk
figurations and different mitigation measures is required. For
Management (CRM) approach of the Mid-America Earthquake
instance, seismic performance assessment of highway bridges
Center, where the fragility assessment for generic structural
requires instant fragility results for a large inventory of different
systems in a large region is sought.
structures as an essential component of transportation network
analysis [40]. The PFM responds to this identified need. Acknowledgements
While the NSP requires repetitions of ‘iteration and
response estimation’, as discussed in Section 4.3, the proposed The work presented above was undertaken as part of
method instantly provides response estimates required for the Mid-America Earthquake (MAE) Center research project
fragility analysis. The calculation speed is thousands of EE-1: Vulnerability Functions, which is under the Engineering
times faster than direct calculation of the SDOF system by Engines Thrust Area. The MAE Center is a National Science
simulation. Therefore, in the case of fragility assessment for Foundation Engineering Research Center (ERC), funded
very large and varied inventories of structures, the PFM is through contract reference NSF Award No. EEC-9701785.
an efficient substitute for conventional methods of fragility Finalization of the paper was supported by the Inha University.
analysis. By proving a method for instantaneous derivation
Appendix. List of earthquake records
of rigorous, analytical, probabilistic fragility curves with the
knowledge of only the stiffness, strength and ductility of the Record Set 4
system, the proposed method enables the use of probabilistic
fragility analysis without inhibition and concern about the Earthquake Station
computational effort required and leads to loss assessment that Kure, 2001 HRS019
has quantifiable uncertainty. Urahoro, 1999 HKD091
Kushkino, 1997 KGS010
8. Conclusions Sendai, 1997 KGS007
Yokota, 2000 SMN003
Derivation of probabilistic fragility curves for a class of Tsuwano, 1997 SMN014
Miyanojoh, 1997 KGS005
structures requires many analyses (tens or even hundreds
Okuchi, 1997 KGS003
of thousands), especially when a large number of random Miyazaki, 1996 MYZ013
variables is considered. These curves will then have to be Toride, 2005 IBR016
re-derived for different structural configurations as well as
for different repair and/or strengthening schemes. In this
Record Set 5
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Mammoth Lakes, 1980 Convict Creek
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Morgan Hill, 1984 Anderson dam downstream
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