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General Perspectives of Human Resource Development

There are many terms that are used to describe the strategies and activities organization or
institutions employ to add value to their human resources’ capabilities, in order for them to
contribute more effectively to overall organizational goals and imperatives. The terms include:-

- Human Resource Development

- Training
- Learning
- Development
- Education

Human Resource Development (HRD) is a broad umbrella term that encompasses all such
activities (training, Learning, Development & Education) and provides a conscious alignment
between an organization’s business and human resource management strategies and plans
(Nankervis, 2008)

HRD is also defined as “the combined use of learning and interpersonal strategies and practices
within an organization to accomplish high levels of individual and organizational effectiveness.


1. Enhance individual performance

2. Improve organizational effectiveness and productivity.
3. HRD is considered as the key to higher productivity, better relations and greater
profitability for any organization


 HRD (Human Resource Development) makes people more competent. HRD develops
new skill, knowledge and attitude of the people in the concerned organizations
 With appropriate HRD programme, people become more committed to their jobs. People
are assessed on the basis of their performance by having an acceptable performance
appraisal system.
 An environment of trust and respect can be created with the help of human
resource development.
 Acceptability toward change can be created with the help of HRD. Employees found
themselves better equipped with problem-solving capabilities.

The significant goals of human resource development are

1. Access to organization proficiency.
2. Increasing quality and efficiency.
3. Promotion in growth and individual development.
4. Integrating people into business.
It is worthy noted that goals must be according to organization's goals and missions.

Learning: - Is a complex process of acquiring knowledge, understanding, skills and values

in order to be able adapt to the environment we live in G, A. Cole (2005)

- Is an on-going process which applies to whole organizations and their employees,

and usually requires positive attitudes towards change complemented with

structured learning programs

Training: - is a more specific term used to describe generally short-term formal and semi-formal

methods of transferring basic knowledge and skills to employees

- E.g. employees are trained to operate machinery or to understand implications of

legal or administrative procedures and processes

- Noe etal., (2003) defines training as that planned effort by a company to facilitate
employee learning of job-related competencies. These competencies includes
knowledge, skills or behaviors that are critical for successful job performance
- Training may be broadly defined as learning activities which lead to the systematic
development of knowledge, skills and attitudes to improve or increase competence in
specific tasks or occupational skills
- Focused on helping employees’ performance in their current job
- Continues to be strategic in nature (highly related to business goals)

Development: - Is usually a longer term process focused on the acquisition of more complex or

deeper competencies, which involve both formal training program and on-the job

Practical experience and mentoring

- E.g. employees may be developed into managers or supervisors by means of a

structured series of on –and off – the job activities

- Development is also said to be a continuous process covering a broad range of

learning activities which contribute to the self development of the individual and the
- Noe etal., (2000) defines development as the formal education, job experience,
relationship and assessment of personality and abilities that help employees prepare
for future
- Future oriented and involves leaning that is not necessarily related to the employee’s
current job
- Helps employees prepare for changes in their current job that may result from new
technology, work design, new customers and new product markets

Education: - Is the long term learning activity directed at preparing a person for a variety

of roles in life

- refers to formal courses provided in the primary, secondary and tertiary Institutions

and now has come to encompass broad learning systems which encourage the

acquisition of conceptual, analytical and evaluative competences within or outside

the organization

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