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1. Some people say that Ebooks and modern technology will totally replace
traditional newspaper and magazines to what extent do you agree or
Technology is flourishing by leaps and bounds and providing us new
avenues while keeping ourselves updated with the latest news and
current affairs. Therefore, a fair amount of people believe, a
conventional way of newspaper reading will be disappeared. I do not
completely accord with it because a conventional newspaper is an
easiest and cheapest way to get news.
To embark on, there are multiple reasons why the traditional ways of getting news
are still popular. First of all, reading newspaper has become the ardent habit of
many people. Everyone whether from affluent or middle class are seen desperately
waiting for paper in morning and enjoy it reading with a cup of tea. Moreover,
these are the portable, cheapest an easiest way of knowing about the global
activities. It can be carried from one place to other in the bag and available at
economical price. It is so handy and merely by continuing flip of pages can make
you omniscient. Secondly, electricity and other appliances are not required.
Moreover, the other attachments are like icing on the cake. For instance, the
Hindustan times has multiple attachments like women’s fashion, career guide,
culinary art and so on.

However, undoubtedly, technology has given the radical approach to reading news,
for example, videos provide a full and clear view to reading besides that we can
download, share and forward it to our relatives and friends. Needless to say that
technophobic will be having no place in this ever-advanced modern world.

To conclude, the lives of people are drastically affected by advanced versions of

technology yet, in my opinion, it will not be able to pose threat to the existence of
traditional newspaper and magazines.
Some people believe that teenagers should be required to do unpaid
community work in their free time. This can benefit teenagers and the
community as well.

To what extent do you agree or disagree.

Children are the backbone of every country. So, there are people who tend to
believe that youngsters should be encouraged to initiate social work as it will result
in flourished society and individualistic growth of youngsters themselves. I, too
believe that this motivation has more benefits than its drawbacks.

To begin with,  social work by children can be easily associated with personality
development because, during this drive, they tend to communicate with the variety
of people, leads to polished verbal skills. For example, if they start convincing
rural people to send their children to school they have to be such a convincing
attitude along with developed verbal skills to deal with diverse kind of people
there. This improved skill will help them lifelong in every arena. Apart from this,
the true values of life like tolerance, patience, team spirit, cooperation can be
learned. Besides that, young mind serve the country with full enthusiasm that gives
the feeling of fulfillment and self-satisfaction. This worthiness for themselves
brims them with self-confidence and patriotic feeling. Moreover, going and
experiencing multiple culture and tradition make their horizon so broad that add
one more feather in their cap.

However, It is truly said, no rose without thrones. Can the drawbacks of this
initiation be ignored? Children go to school, participate indifferent curriculum
activities, endure the pressure of peers, parents, and teachers and in the competitive
world, they should not be expected to serve society without their self-benefits. This
kind of pressure might bring resentment in their mind.

In conclusion, I believe, the notion of a teenager doing unpaid work is indeed good
but proper monitoring and care should be given to avoid untoward consequences.
3. Do children behave better when they are physically punished or rewarded?
Children are the future of the nation and how they should be raised, is a debatable issue.
Some people believe that they should be exposed to the physical punishment while other
say constant appreciation is required for them. According to me, these arguments need
proper scrutinization before forming an opinion.

To begin with, there are many advantages of conferring rewards to children first of all,
appreciation and verbal praise can have a magical impact on the behavior of the children
because when they are appreciated for good conduct they come to know about the value of
good behavior and try to keep continue with that. The more they brim with positive
comments, the more they are confident. On the other hand, children who are subjected to
artificial physical punishment are seen with lack of self-confidence. A survey conducted on
the behavior of children revealed that a child exposed to punitive actions my parents are
more aggressive and furious than others of his age. Hence beatings to a child can never be

On the contrary, there is no denying the fact that training to the notorious and ferocious
mind is a hard nut to crack because it is true that rod the only logic for the fools. Moreover,
some children repeat mistakes even after being warned and punished, this type of
stubbornness force parents and guardians to give them beatings. Needless to say, over-
pampering may have an adverse effect on children. In this present scenario, parents have
one or two children and this pampering distract them away from their path.

To conclude, children are the tender buds and nurturing them is really a major
responsibility. Therefore, a fair judgment on behavior is required for good upbringing.

Some people say that feeling of competition should be encouraged in children

others say they should be taught to become cooperative. What is your opinion?
Children are the tender buds of the society and they are required to be taught true values of
life. Therefore, some people tend to believe that feeling of competition should be infused in
them while others believe that the possession of cooperative values is required for them. I
will discuss the merits and demerits of both aspects before reaching to any opinion.

To begin with, there are many reasons why children should be having competional values?
Firstly, competition motivates youngsters to accelerate their efforts to attain a higher level in
education and in other activities. They start doing work hard to compete with others and
understand the value of hard work. This dedication and hard work help them to stand first
everywhere. Secondly, competional values inculcate self-confidence and self-independence
in children. When they participate in activities and compete with others, they are more likely
to have a feeling of self-achievement and fulfillment. They feel themselves worthy that
provide them balanced and peaceful mind. They tend to become self-reliant and that result
in best decision talking ability in them. Moreover, sense of completion is the need of the
hour. Undoubtedly, in the modern era, people since their childhood till adults, face
completion for example- in school there are a dance competition, race competition, poem
competition and when they grow adults, they face competition in taking a job while taking
admission in college and even face competitive in an exam. Thus, a value is highly

On the other hand, it is needless to say that how important is it to inculcate the value of
cooperation. This is the only feeling by which a child can learn teamwork, team spirit, co-
existence, tolerance, and patience. Moreover, if the history is seen it becomes quite evident
that the well-known icons of the society are only those who had a helping and sacrificing
attitude. A self-centered human being cannot earn fame in society. Secondly, incessant
preaching for competition may result in rivalry feeling for the peer group and others. These
rivalry feelings take no time in turning in to jealous and personal grudges. A heart full of
jealousy for others can never hold good for themselves and for others.

To conclude, after gauging both, competitional and cooperative values, I feel that both
values have its own importance. Thus, a child should be brought up by imparting both
Some people think that the government is wasting money on the arts and this
money could be better spent elsewhere.
To what extent do you agree or disagree.
Art is the externalization of the individual skills and reflects the heritage of a country. At
present, art seems to lose its value because of less concern by the government, however, I
feel that art still requires being given more value than other basic necessities of any nation.

To begin with, there are many reasons why art should be the priority of any country? First of
all, It is the best source of generating revenue income for the government. Museums, art
galleries, and musical concerts are the place, from where a handsome revenue is taken.
Mesmerizing sculptures, beautifully engraved paintings by renowned artists adorn the
beauty of the museums and attract tourists. Undoubtedly, these tourists are the greatest
source of revenue income. These tourists throng in large number on these historical places
and monuments that help to promote local handicrafts, resulting in providing income to the
small-scale industries.  Secondly, art is the cultural and historical reflection of every country.
It is the real asset of every country that brings uniqueness and pride for every country and if
a fund is not allocating by the government then it will be difficult to keep this alive.

However, some opponents of the art say that spending money by a government on art
hampers the development of the country in regards to good infrastructure, road system,
efficient transport system and medical facilities. Moreover, allocating money to education
and medical facilities definitely lessens the literacy rate and increases well being of the
nation that helps a country to grow.

To conclude, art is really an integral part of every country, therefore, the government should
fund art museums and promote artists’ values to keep and maintain the glorify the history of
the country otherwise artists and the art will be lost in oblivion.
6. When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of
life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive.
Do you agree and disagree with this statement?
Technology is flourishing by leaps and bounds and undoubtedly this advancement is taking
a toll on the traditional values. I do believe that in this technological world traditional values
are bound to disappear.

To initiate with, there are many reasons why these conventional values have no existence
in this modern world. First of all, In this fast-paced world, everyone is assisted with the
mobile phone to stay connected with their family and friends. However, in olden times
people used to send letters and stand in the long queues on S.T.D and I.S.D just for a
maturity of one call.  This advancement in the modes of communication has proved that
traditional skills are worth for nothing. Secondly, technology has transformed the world of
fashion. Earlier people used to do knitting, stitching, and designing manually but now
machines have made every task easier and comfortable. To substantiate my view, many of
fashion designing students were seen portraying pictures of model themselves for checking
the compatibility of colors but at present, this work is done in seconds on multifarious
advanced software. Apart from this, hardly anyone is seen purchasing pitcher for cool water
because of the invention of refrigerators.

To conclude, an evolution of modern technology is an ongoing process, so, the time

consuming traditional methods will not be able to maintain their pace with these latest
trends. hence, it is useless and wastage to time to preserve them.
7. Artists need a certain amount of freedom to develop their creativity . some
people think that artists should have total freedom to express any thoughts
and ideas.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Art is the externalization of the skills of an artist. Therefore, there are the people who are in
the favor to impart full liberty to the artists; however, others oppose this opinion freely. In my
opinion, freedom is necessary up to a greater extent but there should be proper surveillance
on their work to avoid any unpleasant situation.

To begin with, there are many reasons why some people are in favor to give full freedom to
artists. First of all, if they are free from any suppression that helps them to unveil all the
social issues of the society without any fear. They expose the cancerous spot and request
the society to uproot that. Any type of confinement will not let them express their thoughts.
Secondly, these creative artists are the nerve of every nation because of their extraordinary
skills; if they work freely they, undoubtedly, have the potential to make a masterpiece that
brings recognition for every country in the map of the world.

However, I feel that the full autonomy may have an adverse effect on the individual and on
the society because many times artists are seen painting any objectionable picture, adding
any anti-social dialogue in the films that result in the communal riots and hurt sentiments of
the people. These types of acts cost the life of the people. For example, once in the popular
film, some Hindu gods are shown begging. This film has not only brought criticism by the
Hindu society but also sparked communal riots that have ended up in the demise of some
people. Therefore, they should not be given full freedom.

To sum up, although artists are required to give full liberty for exploring their creativity yet
government should ensure that that very act may not hurt others feeling.
8. Some people think that art is an essential subject for children at school while
others think it is a waste of time.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
There has always been a raging debate whether art is an important subject for children in
schools or it can be neglected in the views of other important subjects. I am going to
scrutinize on both the aspects in further paragraphs before forming an opinion in the last.

To begin with, on the one side of the coin, there are many reasons for supporting other
important subjects in children’s school curriculum; firstly, modern technology like computer
literacy has become the need of the hour.  It is one of the most demanded skills for a job in
every sector.  If they spend most of their time in learning art they will not be able to face cut-
throat competitions of this scenario. Moreover, the knowledge of essential subjects like
math, science is highly required in every field. Secondly, Art despite being highly
appreciated, still do not ensure any career growth because most of the fields like
engineering, marketing, IT professionals and managers are a found graduated and post
graduated in these important subjects.

On the other flip side of the coin, art is a creative skill that has wonderful imagination power.
It provides the wings to the fantasy and expresses the feelings without exchange of words.
To illustrate, once I have come across with the painting in which the difference between the
rich and poor’s plight was depicted through painting only. Moreover, music is also a piece of
art and works as a healing therapy into the hectic world.  Secondly, artists bring laurels for
the country across the world and ensure that the cultural heritage of the country may not
extinct.  For this, they are highly paid and appreciated.  That kind of respects is not less
than a flourished career.  To conclude, in my views the selections of the subjects should be
left on the students in which they are interested because that very interest helps them to
grow in their life.
. Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed
because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types
of relationships people make? Has this become a positive or negative
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Write at least 250 words.
Technology is flourishing by leaps and bounds in each and every field and communication
is not the exception. However, this tremendous change in the ways of interaction cannot be
regarded fruitful straightforwardly because of its certain drawbacks which spark debate on
its positive and negative effects.

To embark on, with regards to positive development, one of the prominent benefits is that
technology has made communication easier and comfortable. At present, people are hardly
one click away from the nears and dears one because of the modern developments like
Skype, video conferencing, Whatsapp and social networking sites, like facebook. These
advancements have made everyone social up to much extent. Secondly, there are
tremendous chances in the way of letters and telegrams were sent and in making calls.
People used to stand in long queues on S.T.D and I.S.D booth but now mobile phone and
advanced gizmos facilitate everyone to interact freely.

On the other hand, certain drawbacks cannot be ignored like today’ people not only spend a
long time in using computers but also do not prefer to meet their friends and relatives face
to face leading to a faded relationship. For instance, one of my childhood friends preferred
to meet me personally on different occasions like a festival and on birthdays but nowadays,
she sends messages for wishing me and send greetings on my mail. Even most of the
family members are suffering from asphyxia, a disease sparks from isolation. This is really a
worrisome issue for the imitate relationships.

To sum up, despite having numerous drawbacks, no one can afford to turn face from this
ever fast modern technology that has to facilitate our lives.
 Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign
language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of
this outweigh its disadvantages?
It is true that language acquisition is a complex process. Therefore, it is advisable to teach a
foreign language at elementary school than secondary. According to me, the merits of this
notion outnumbered its demerits.

To embark on, there are numerous benefits of teaching a foreign language to children in
early age. First of all, children are having a receptive mind with good grasping power. This
age is the learning stage of life. Whatever is learned in child age, can remember longer in
life. Besides that, children are less egoistic and do not afraid of committing a mistake in
learning. As failures are the pillars of success while continuous practicing they may attain a
reasonable level of language. Undoubtedly, a language consists of different dialects,
grammatical rules, intonations, denotation, functions syntax, and style. By practicing these,
a child can possess unmatchable linguistic skills. Secondly, everyone is in a mad race to fly
board in this modern scenario and possession of foreign language equip them to
communicate freely for easy survival. Moreover, polished communication skills have
become a need for the hour of the cutthroat competitional world.

However, it is also a fact that going to school, doing homework, taking part in extra-
curriculum activities is itself a time-consuming activity for students. If they are exposing to
the regular language teaching sessions that will make them pressurize and psychological
illness. This type of burden will hamper their physical, mental and psychological growth.

To conclude, even though, teaching foreign language may aggravate their existing burden
yet preparing the young mind for further survival has become mandatory by imparting
linguistic skills.
The most school offers some type of physical education program to their
students. Why is it important? Should physical education classes be required
or optional?
Physical education programs are having paramount importance in a school curriculum,
therefore, there have been a number of given opinion, that physical education should be
compulsory because of its mental and physical health benefits for a student, however, some
oppose it. I will discuss both types of opinions before a conclusion.

To begin with, undoubtedly, it has been proved that physical activities are the part and
parcel of healthy life. Students who are exposed to these types of physical exercises can
increase their stamina and resistance power. According to medical science, the Strong
immune system helps to prevent certain diseases like diabetes, obesity, and indigestion. It
not only improves stamina of body but also make one mentally strong. Besides that, A
recent study has revealed that indulgence in these activities do not let the students sneak
time for electronic gadgets.

Furthermore, physical programs are very helpful in inculcating the values of team spirit,
cooperation, and coexistence. Therefore, the array of benefits make it an inevitable part of
the school’s curriculum…

On the other hand, there are the situation and certain circumstances when a physical
program needs to be sacrificed. Students with certain disability and illness somehow should
not be forced to be the part of this. Their impairments prevent them to be active and
physically enthusiastic. Indeed, there is the requirement to have it optional but it is also
imperative to understand that they should be equipped with any other educational aspects
like computer numeracy and soft skills.

In conclusion, physical education should not be optional since it provides physical and
mental growth to a student but the circumstances of impaired candidates should be kept in
What are the main reasons and solutions for re-offend?
Ans. Every country has its own laws to combat crime and criminals. However, nowadays, it
is quite apparent that many criminals repeat crime even after being punished. It has really
become a matter of concern because of multiple reasons and according to me, this kind of
problem should be addressed immediately.

To start with, undoubtedly, these criminals get influenced by many reasons like social
isolation, unemployment, psychological disabilities and lack of education. Unfortunately,
they are subjected to humiliations very frequently by society people that disturb them
mentally and pull them in the constant state of depression. The imbalanced mental
condition never lets them get rid of a criminal record. Moreover, their past criminal
background leaves them in the lurch of unemployment. While finding no way to meet their
both ends, they start following the same path of destruction. Lack of knowledge and skills is
the other most contributing factor.

It is true that there is no problem without the solution. The government should get up from a
long slumber and initiate rehabilitation programs for them in which they should be given
vocational training for self-employment. The other sustainable approach is the psychological
nourishment where they can be exposed to regular spiritual and religious lecture. That will
help them to keep them away from criminal activities. Moreover, the individual should do
something on grass root level by remaining sympathy towards them as Gandhi Ji said; Hate
the sin, not the sinner.

Indeed, the aforesaid measures are highly required to curb this problem as a stitch on time
saves nine.
13. Every year several languages die out. Some people think that this is not important
because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this opinion?
Language is the best way of communication. However, it is seen that many languages are
getting disappear in this modern era. There are the people who believe that it will be
convenient if there are fewer languages across the globe. I also support this opinion up to a
greater extent.

To start with, in the justification of my notion, first of all, the less the languages, the easier
the communication. There will be no language barrier and exchange of ideas among people
that will ultimately help in developing harmonious relationships. Besides that, it will not only
result in a flourished relationship among masses but also make political relation strong as
there will be more chances of exchanging scientific research and invention.

Moreover, having fewer languages will prove the boon for students and businessmen. The
survival in other countries will be convenient. Hence, the disappearance of some certain
languages seems to have the more positive impact on the world.

However, up to some extent, it is irrefutable fact that language diversity shows the richness
of culture and tradition. Fewer languages mean less linguistic skills. These languages are
the identity of some certain community and tribe because languages are closely associated
with the culture of individual and devastation of these vernacular languages will take a toll
on diverse culture.

To sum up, although, it seems to be necessary to save regional languages yet the declined
barriers of languages will result in good psychological relationships among people.

14. Some people say that Government should break down all the historic building and
replace them with modern buildings. Do you agree or disagree?
It is undeniable fact that every country’s monuments and historic sites are their heritage.
Surprisingly, there are some who feel it less valued and want the government to pull it
down. In my opinion, these are the greatest assets of every country and deserve respectful
attitudes by citizens.

To embark on, in the justification of my notion, every country has its own cultural history that
exhibits old civilization. These historic sites are priceless and irreplaceable. This is the only
way to appraise the next generation about our ancestors and their sacrifices. Moreover,
visiting these locations will help us to learn from our ancestor’s lapse and provide the better
course of action.

Furthermore, these locations are the best source of revenue income for the government.
Tourists visit different places and their spending help the government to improve
Infrastructure of the country. Moreover, tourists show their interest in purchasing handicraft
that results in the growth of a small-scale industry. It increases the flow of foreign money.
Above all questions, it is quite apparent that tourists’ visit leads to good bonding among the
people across the world.

In conclusion, I feel that preserving historical sites means saving the history of the country.
It has Paramount importance because of its array of benefits for existing and forth coming
IELTS Essay, topic: Capital Punishment

Without capital punishment our lives are less secure and crimes or violence increase. To
what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Serious crimes need capital punishment so that the offender are unable to get involved in the crime in
the future. However, If they want to stop the acts of violation in the future then it would be better
to forget him and judge him for a change .

Overall, I agree with the fact that punishment is the way to avoid the crime to be increased and
hence our lives become more secure. If the wrongdoer wants to be a good man and there is a
particular financial or personal problem that led him to the wrong way, then it would be the nice
option to forgive him and try to solve the problem he have. Although by this way, some bad man may
become effective part of the society but some do not bring themselves to the right path because they
are very much used to of it. The person that _ involved in the crime and never try to stop the law-
breaking act should be punished in the extremely serious way. However, it totally depends on the
nature of crime. Some crime led to a capital punishment and some may require a small penalty. The
law-making institutions are responsible to bring the bad man to the right level of punishment that he
deserves. If there is weak legislation to properly handle the offender, it may become our society less
secure for the good man. The government should be the responsible authority to provide a secure and
better state to live. Laws should be implemented and executed in the most proper way that do not
allow the offender to commit violent acts or to break the law in any way and to any extent. To sum
up, it is the responsibility of the state runner to stop people to involved in crime. It may be done
through solving the problems of the people that led them to commit that violence act or by the
punishment accordingly.
IELTS Essay, topic: Education with or without a teacher

Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others
think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons
to develop your essay.

It is certainly said that learning is an ongoing process .Every person learn something new according

to their age, experience, knowledge and education. According to my point of view it is always better to
have _teacher or guide for study.

One teacher has adequate knowledge to teach their student. He knows all the possible ways to make
subject easier for the students, moreover, he teaches them in an effective manner. For example,
some students are weak in some subjects but a teacher always guides them according to their mental
capacity. He teaches them as fun. Some people can learn better in group by discuss the topics with
others. In class people can know the views of others, even they know how we can learn
effectively. Where the teacher always gives an easy direction to learn.

In the today’s competitive world, everybody is busy, some people think that rather to waste their
time to go for classes they can learn better their subject _. They can attend online classes by using
the Internet at home. They can get relevant information from the Internet regarding their topic. There
is not specific time or age limit to learn something new. Some new things we can only learn from
experience – for example new facts, new habits and so on.

In sum up, I would like to say that it is always better for the people to have a teacher because a
teacher has good knowledge, experience and is educated how to teach others. People will learn from a
teacher in an easier way rather than on their own.
IELTS Essay, topic: A popular hobby rather than a
favorite passtime

Nowadays people like to change their day by day activities according to the latest trends and also they
are following popular things what their surrounding peoples make them popular in their area. This
essay will explain the reason why the people are spending more time
for popular hobbies rather than their individual activities.

Hobbies and interest are different for everyone; this is the human nature,which is given by god. The
current generations peoples are very much interest in the latest trend which makes them happy and
also help them to make more money. For example, cricket is the most famous game in many of the
country, children and teen ages are starts playing it whenever they have free time in their daily life.
This makes them will become a star in this game when they reach a certain age in their life. In
addition, this popularity will help them to make lots of money in their life. Beside this, there are
many hobby changes the peoples entire life into different way.

Those are from poor family aiming to spend more time to make money rather than on their own
interests. However, some of them are not worry about the popular hobbies and interests. For instance,
drinking alcohol is one of the popular hobbies between low income and high level budget peoples

In conclusion, _spending more time for popular hobbies and interests really depends on

their surrounding people's activity and environments. It may be a helpful for them to become a star in
their life or spending time with many friends.
IELTS Essay, topic: University money better spent on
libraries or sports

Universities should allocate the same amount of money to their sport activities as they
allocate to their libraries. Do you agree or disagree?

Yes, I do feel that universities should have an equal budget for their libraries as well as _ sport
activities. It is our general belief that a good player can not be _ good student and hence we restrict
our children’s sport activities at college level. Moreover, an academic degree has much more value
than sport activities which naturally compels students to focus more on their studies than their
interest in sport.

Most of the universities keep sports at last number of their priority list, because of which good players
do not get enough facilities and equipments to improve their skills and eventually they loose their
interest.Universities can play _ substantial role in shaping this upcoming talent by providing good
trainers and equipments which is otherwise too expensive to afford. Also it will attract other
students towards sports and inculcate importance of physical fitness in them.

Universities should produce genious in all fields rather than only concentrating on progress of scholars.
Hence, I feel that universities should allot equal amounts of money to liabrary as well as sport
IELTS Essay, topic: Modern medicine helps to live longer

Modern medicine helps to live a longer life. Do you agree?

The modern medicine is very important for living a long life. It is depend on new technology. People
take very easy and quickly. Also modern medicine is very quick absorbing to human body. It is helps
to back to normal for people health condition. Therefore I agree that the modern medicine is helps to
live longer.

First of all, the modern medicine can prevent incurable diseases. Doctors can find some diseases very
early. Then doctors can give suitable medicines to patients. New modern equipments are
helps doctors is going to correct way. Also intelligent people in the world live a long life on helps
from modern medicine. That is very important in the human society because their creative things are
coming with them and they can help others for a longer time when they are living in long life with

Beside, old population is increasing in the country. It is badly effect in country’s economy
and especially for third world countries. But old people are very important in human society because
their experience definitely helps to living safely and planning to new project. ‘Experience is better
than qualifications’ However, old people are living a long life; it is helping others to live a long life
because we can get advice from them and they are covering our culture and society.

Moreover, modern medicine is being addictive for some people, so that they cannot live without
medicine. They should take medicine all their lives. Also modern medicine is very expensive. Therefore
most of poor countries couldn?t take modern medicine and it has taken a commercial shape, also it is
depending on money. In the modern medicine have not facts of human kindness. People who have
money can take modern medicine. But indigenous medicine has well human friendly shape. It does
not depend on money.

To summarize; in my personal view, modern medicine is helping to live a long life with comfortably.
Modern technologies are being supported to find unburnable diseases very early. So doctors can
take correct path immediately. Therefore, may I not hesitate to agree with the above mentioned
IELTS Essay, topic: the mother’s and father’s role in a

Boys are most influenced by their fathers and girls are most influenced by their mothers. Do
you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons to support your opinion.

It is true that nowadays parent have a great influence over the children. Some people hold the opinion
that the same sex is the major determination of influencing parent, but others have a negative
attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree that boys are most influenced by their fathers and girls are
most influenced by their mothers. My arguments for this point are listed below.

First of all, a father is the person who have already passed that ways which are his son is passing
now, in other words, sons are following their father’s footsteps. So, based on experience it is easy for
a father to notice his sons’ drawbacks and to influence them.

Secondly, it is true that a boy is countedas a strong characteristics human , but a girl is a subtle and
fragile one. It is hard for mothers to influence their sons, because it is not likely that vulnerable
something can affect a strong one.

In conclusion, it seems to me unfair that boys are most influenced by their mothers. Based on at least
two points above I strongly agree that children are influenced by a parent of the same gender.

IELTS Essay, topic: keeping pets to live a more enjoyable


Some people believe that having a pet such as a cat or a dog helps old people to live a more
enjoyable life and to stay healthier. How do you think old people benefit from having a pet?
Do you think there are any problems related to old people who have pets?

Pets have become far more familiar within mankind community, and indeed, the importance of
relationship between human beings and their pets has been proved to be slightly exaggerated in some
nations. However, although problems regarding animals’ hairs may affect the health conditions of old
people, the benefits that these lovely animals bring to them, physically and mentally alike, are clearly

In term of physical benefits, the well-being conditions of elderly people with pets are more
favourable compared to those without pets, since not only do they have to take care of
themselves, __ the responsibility that ensure their love one being fed and well looked after
encourages them to become even more active. Due to these extra activities, this though might not
have an obvious influence on their health, but at least this could help them to avoid bad living styles.
Coupled with physical side, their mental wellbeing will also be improved, and the reason is that having
someone to take care of would reduce the chance of feeling loneliness. Therefore, their depressing
rate could be minimised.
In spite of the above advantages, the threats of too close interaction between pets and vulnerable old
people still exist. One of the major concerns is the harmfulness of these animal hairs on their
tracheas, especially those with asthma. Because of the virtually invisible in the air, many asthma
symptoms are caused unconsciously by pets. In addition to the fact that old people might experience
difficulty in looking after their pets, as their health conditions are limited, which could become even
more challenge when they try t take care of others.

In conclusion, it is true that obstacles still exist for elderly people in adopting pets, but the benefits of
this topic outnumber its shortages. For such reasons, instead of discontinuing them, further support
would be far more beneficial.

IELTS Essay, topic: Natural resources cannot sustain

economic growth, agree or disagree?

There is no longer enough natural resources to sustain current levels of economic growth.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Recently, the demands of natural resources have risen dramatically across the world due to population
growth. Some people state that we have not enough resources. However, there are some individuals
who disagree with this opinion. In this essay, the issues behind this phenomenon will be examined.

On the one hand, some people state that if the number of natural resource will continue
to degrease we cannot have a comfortable life because natural resources are limited. According to
a government research in the USA shows that if this situation will continue, the petrol will lose in
2050. Moreover, it is widely said that the number of population in the world will increase. This will
make the amount of natural resource decrease.

On the other hand, there are some individuals who disagree with above-mentioned perception.
The demands of natural resources will be lessen owning to improving the technology. For example,
the developments of technology such as electronic cars gave a positive impact in the society. By using
this, we can decline the consumption of natural resources. Eventually, we will not need natural fuel. In
my opinion, decreasing of natural resource is quite crisis, I think the loss of it give a negative
impact in the society because even we won’t have a comfortable life any more.

In conclusion, I agree with the idea that there is no longer enough natural resources to sustain this
situation. In order to defense our life, the governments every countries should tackle this issue.
IELTS essay, topic: In the modern world it is possible to
shop, work and communicate online without face-to-face
contact, is it a positive or a negative development?

In the modern world, it is possible to shop, work and communicate with people via the
Internet and live without any face-to-face contact with others. Is it a positive or negative

Sample Band 8 Essay

The feasibility of shopping, working and communicating through the Internet is gradually eliminating
the necessity of in-person encounters. I believe the merits of this opportunity outnumber its demerits
and the lowered volume of traffic in addition to the possibility of long-range communication will be
discussed as reasons for this claim in this essay.

One chief benefit of using the Internet as a means of making purchases, working and communicating
would be the lowered demand for transport, through eradicating the need for face-to-face contact.
Such decreased volume of transportation would result in fewer harmful gas emissions which could
significantly contribute to creating a cleaner environment. Furthermore, reduced commuting burden
yields more free time for individuals. It could be spent in various ways such as working, studying and
socialising with family and friends to name a few, which would be more productive and enjoyable.

Another key merit of using the Internet would be the emergence of state-of-the-art
telecommunication applications. These technologies have made it possible for those with access to the
Internet to get in touch and send and receive audiovisual content by pushing just a few buttons. This
presents a stark contrast to the situation only a few decades ago, when long-distance communication
was possible solely through paper-based letters, which could possibly take months to reach the

There are, however, some drawbacks to online communication, in particular the possibility that the
lack of contact brought by technological advancements could potentially weaken human bonds. Taking
into consideration that humans are sociable species, this could pose a dire threat to our mental health.
This predicament, however, would be mitigated by the extra free time technological developments
create for us. This free time could be spent with friends and family and in the long run would
strengthen our relationships and improve our emotional wellbeing.

To recapitulate, the Internet’s demolishing the need for person-to-person contact brings about
numerous benefits. A more sustainable environment as well as more free time generated for
individuals, a reduced need to commute in addition to the feasibility of conducting long-distance
communication in the easiest way possible, are all instances of the above-mentioned merits.
IELTS essay, topic: In many countries young people start
living on their own after high school, is this a positive or
negative development?

In many countries around the world young people decide to leave their parents’ home once
they finish school. They start living on their own or sharing a house with friends. Is this a
positive or a negative development? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant

Sample Essay

Nowadays it is becoming increasingly common for youngsters to start their independent life by moving
out of their parents’ home after graduation from school. This trend has positive effects on the society
and the reasons behind it will be discussed next in this essay.

There are various benefits for both young people and their parents when individuals start living
independently after finishing school. Young adults, in this way, have to take care of their daily needs,
from house chores, cooking or cleaning to financial independence. Thus, instead of wasting time on
childish activities, they are motivated to learn skills and work part-time or full-time in order to cover
their living expenses. Although it might seem challenging for them to live on their own at first, it
would give them valuable experience, helping them to become mature, responsible adults. Parents
would also be pleased with this practice since they can enjoy their own lives by having more time for
themselves. Not only would they have more financial flexibility due to independence of their children,
but they also don’t have to change their habits in order to adapt to the new generation’s lifestyle. For
instance, it allows many people to travel around the world, which would be impossible if their children
were to stay with them after finishing high school.

Admittedly, there might be some challenges involved in this way of life. In some cases and especially
under the influence of new friends or housemates, youngsters might choose to get involved in
dangerous activities that involve drugs or petty crimes. However, instead of keeping their children
close through adulthood, parents should prepare in advance and raise their children to distinguish
between right and wrong and teach them to take responsibility for their actions.

In conclusion, although there might be some adverse consequences to this relatively new practice, I
believe that the advantages of young people leaving family home outweigh its drawbacks, for both
children and parents.
IELTS essay, topic: Children today are spending more
time watching TV than in the past, is it a positive or a
negative change?

Today children are spending much more time watching TV compared to the past. Why do
you think this happens? Is this a positive or a negative change?

Sample Band 8 Essay

A trend has emerged in the last two decades with youngsters watching more TV than ever before. One
of the main reasons behind this issue is the recent advancements in technology in gaming and film
industries. This tendency has both pros and cons, and will be further discussed in this essay.

The latest developments in video game consoles attracted both children and adults to spend extra
time watching TV, compared to the past. With interactive gaming characters and high quality graphics,
children are more likely to spend long hours playing games in front of the TV. A recent survey showed
that TV addiction among young people, for example, has significantly increased from 5% to 80%,
which was supposedly caused by the introduction of advanced gaming consoles. This increase is also
partially due to films, drama series and cartoons being easily available on pirated websites and various
gaming platforms.

This trend has had more negative than positive effects on young citizens. More time spent watching
TV adversely affects the mental and physical wellbeing of a child. For instance, the obesity ratio
among young individuals in the past 10 years has risen dramatically; this has caused further health
problems such as anxiety and depression. However, TV can also be used in a positive way. It is a
great source of information that can help youngsters increase their knowledge and succeed in their
future careers.

In conclusion, recent breakthroughs in technology are driving up the amount of time our youngsters
are spending in front of their TV screens. This can do more harm than good if we don’t regulate the
use of TV, but parents have the power to make TV time useful and beneficial for their children.
IELTS essay, topic: Nowadays families move to different
countries for work and some think it has a negative
effect on children (agree/disagree)

Nowadays families move to different countries for work. Some people think it has a
negative effect on children, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own

Recent advancements, in technology and transportation in particular, are reshaping our world in an
unprecedented manner. Nowadays, it is not unusual for people to work abroad. Most expatriates
relocate their families to the countries they work at. Some people argue that this phenomenon
negatively affects children, however, I agree with those who believe the opposite is true.

Those who think that relocating children to a new place is undesirable do so for many reasons. Their
most common argument is the negative impact of moving on a child’s personality. There is no doubt
that living in a different community comes with its challenges, especially to young people, as they get
exposed to behaviours, actions and customs they might not be familiar with. As a result, children
could possibly feel a lack of stability and some confusion. It is also likely that their patriotic feelings
and sense of belonging to their home country could weaken as they would miss many opportunities to
celebrate their national events.

Nevertheless, I firmly believe that opinion to be ludicrous, as it seems that getting exposed to a new
culture is beneficial in many ways. It fosters young people social and emotional capabilities. Moreover,
children living abroad have better opportunities to lean and practice new languages. Mastering more
than one language improves not only their intellectual development, but also their opportunities in
acquiring better jobs in the future. According to a recent study published by the University of Chicago,
competency in more than one language increases employment chances on average by 200%.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that living in a different country positively affects children in all
aspects. Acquiring new languages, and an open minded and tolerant personality are just few examples
of the many possible benefits.

IELTS Essay, topic: Globalization

Even though Globalization affects the world’s economics in a very positive way, its negative
sides should not be forgotten. Discuss.

Everything has tow sides in the world, and so has the prosses of globalization too. The effects of
globalization on the world economy are diverted.

We must acknowledge that the negative effects are from a different kind than the positive
ones.Therfor the negative sides, like low paiment in less developed countries are important
to conciderate.
If we take the Eurozone for example, the economic changes according to the gloablisation process are
huge. Many companies have transferred their factories into cheaper production earies to compeat in
the world markes. The results are rising unemployment rates in the “old industrial countries”.

In regard to the other countries on the world market, such as China, this job transfer is a big
opportunity. But no one can denie that the consequences for the less developed countries where
economy flourished, based on availability of cheap employees are highly important: globalization
based on this facts brings enviromantal problems.

Nevertheless, there are also posive reasons for globlaistaional effects. In general it is remarkable that
there is a new tendency in “Thinking Global”. For instance, people are willing to leran more languages
and get educated about othe cultures. Countries fromaly knowen as undeveloped, such as India, are
getting chances to be the main leader in a certain field.

All in all it can be said that the effects of globalization are enormous. The unerstanding of economic
processes has changed completely. It is important to think in bigger terms, not just about
the owen country. The positive things that this globalization process have brought must sensible us for
the negative sides. The all over aim should be a world in balance, but this has yet to come.
IELTS Essay, Topic: The positive and negative sides of

Even though globalization affects the world’s economy in a very positive way, its negative
side should not be forgotten. Discuss.

Everything has two sides and the globalization is not the exception. Our first thoughts about this topic
include the process of global “McDonaldisation” and, generally speaking, spreading the one, American,
lifestyle across the whole Globe.

Firstly, I would try to concentrate on the positive aspects of globalisation. As far as economy is
concerned, institiutions like the Global Bank or IMF are always focused on developing the ‘Third World’
and helping poor people to combat their life obstacles (through loans and donations). Moreover, the
world becomes an area of sharing thoughts (e.g. philosophical or economical doctrines), which
become popular due to lack of barriers.

However, disadvantages of globalization are also widely known. Some people insist that because of
this process, the spirit of countries and nations rapidly disappears. The integrity,
established houndreds years ago is on the verge of collapsing. Furthermore, there’s a strong lobby of
communists who reckon, that the globalization indicates an uncontrolled reign of capitalists and slave
work of lower labour-class. We should never forget about the detrimental impact of global investments
on the environment – the green house effect or soar rains are triggered by globalization.

To sum up, globalization has both positive and negative influence on our everyday life. I can’t agree
with the popular statement that we should try to avoid being affected by it. However, we must not
forget about our surroundings and local communities. They have a great value which should last
IELTS Essay, topic: Aspects of globalization

Even though globalization affects the world’s economy in a very positive way, its negative
side should not be forgotten. Discuss.

Globalization is a process of advancement and increase in interaction between the worlds’ countries
and people. It involes in locomotion, communication, knowledge and skills. Globalazation is
gaining speen over the entire world. It has attract enough world attention needed from international
organization in promoting and encouraging human right and freedom , opportunities, economic, social
and culture rights.

However, there are some countries that are missing out the opportunities that are offered and its
taken as a big problem to their country. They are the poorer countries that are not connected to the
people globally and their people are unskilled due to the lack of knowledge and equipments. They are
also unable to trade with the other countries which are richer and larger as they are unable to meet
the demand propose of them. They also will not have the opportunities and the challenges that
are require.

Globalization has also encourage crimes like the illegal drug trafficking around the world through the
air, sea and land. This has involved human smuggling and stuffing it in anything they come across.
This has affected a lot of problems to the country and the families of the drug addicts. This will also
lead to other crimes like robbery and violence in the country.

Another negative side of globalization is the dumping of the dangerous waste to the river, sea or the
ocean. This will effect the aquactic creature, contaminate the water and cause harm to the people too.

To conclude, globalization has contributed a lot to the world’s econnmics but the international

organization should also not forget the poorer countries and the countries should also tackle its other
negative sides that affect the world
IELTS essay, topic: Advertising affects what people think
is important and has a negative effect on their lives

Today people are surrounded by advertising. This affects what people think is important
and has a negative impact on people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

With the advent of the Internet, advertisements, originally displayed only on TV, billboards, posters
and so on, are becoming increasingly ubiquitous and commonplace for the general public. In my view,
this kind of impact could be both crucial and, on a certain level, detrimental.

On the one hand, this phenomenon could denote that although we have already had a diverse range
of advertisement, people are still capable of inventing innovative approaches catering for all kinds of
requirements of advertising. It is a symbol that demonstrates the creativity rooted in human beings.
Apart from that, it also represents that the speed of spreading information is conspicuously escalating.
More purposeful is, therefore, the fact that, besides booming of the advertising, it constitutes a major
reason why people could be so prosperous in this digital age.

On the other hand, there are various unpleasant consequences as well. Firstly, with the
omnipresent advertisement, it could potentially cause people to do impulsive shopping. Secondly,
the advertisement, if regulated in a mismanaged method, could make people constantly feel
uncomfortable or annoyed. In this sense, instead of being an instrumental tool to promote amenities,
advertisements could be considered a hindrance when people are frequently blocked by them.
Furthermore, it would cost one precious time to have to sift the helpful ad from a host of others.

In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, advertising is a beneficial phenomenon for all with a number
of insignificant drawbacks. I believe that in the future we can improve the way advertising is done at
present, and embrace the positive influence of advertising even further in the long run.
IELTS Essay, topic: Critical factors to the development of
a country

Some people say education is the only critical factor to the development of a country. To
what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

One the one hand good education is a highly recommended skill in the developed countries, on the
other hand the highest wish of many people in regions of poverty. But what makes education to
the key factor for the development of a country?

We must acknowledge that education is something that we all need. The differences are just what we
learn. Mostly the limited educational horizons of poor and less educated people have more to deal with
their personal situation than with problems of bigger effects on a country. Attending school is
sometimes too expensive and it does not feed a family.

Nevertheless there must be a reason for education. For me it looks like some countries have realized
that Education is the key for the globalization process. If we take India for example we can see that a
change in the educational system had changed the economy of the country. The country has changed
from a poor region to a high potential aria for IT knowledge.

In regard to this fact it is a must that the Governments of less developed countries take the power of
education seriously and offer it to a wide range of people. Spending money for education is the key
tippy title=”for”]to[/tippy] a new future effects on the economy and social life. All in all I agree with
the importance of education for the development of a country. Less knowledge leads to poverty
and not to knowledge that has wide effects. Learning and Knowledge is Power and an investment in
the near future and therefore it has to be an official task.
IELTS essay, topic: The education system is the only
critical factor in the development of a country,
agree/disagree (from Target Band 7 book)

Education plays an imperative role in the overall progression of a country. Many people may heavily
rely on quality education as preparation for real life employment and experiences. However, there are
other factors that are needed to propel a country towards success.

We must acknowledge the way the education system of a country prepares most individuals by
equipping them with various skills. Prior to gaining a qualification to practice certain professions such
as teaching, nursing or accounting, it is necessary for the individuals to undergo rigorous training.
Certificate and diploma programs as well as university degrees are good examples of that. Some
graduates may even choose to pursue further studies to attain certain requirements to be able to
practice their chosen profession.

The education system is undoubtedly important in preparing individuals to take on roles leading to the
development of a country. However, it seems that producing graduates alone isn’t a guarantee of the
advancement of a country. There are other factors that should come into play, and motivation of
individuals is one. Without motivation, people may lose track of what they intend to do to contribute
to the improvement of a country. Motivation drives people to achieve and maximize their potentials,
because they are determined to get better at many aspects of their life, eventually yielding
improvement for their entire country.

Furthermore, the availability of natural resources and job opportunities may also affect the growth of a
national economy. Innovations of many individuals require raw materials, and should the country be
able to mine these, their production and perhaps even export may help in stabilizing the local market.
Finally, it is also important that the availability of employment is aligned with the skills of individuals
applying for the positions. Giving skilled people the opportunity to apply their knowledge and
experience in their profession makes them more productive, which contributes to GDP growth.

In conclusion, education continues to play a pivotal role in the development of a country. However,
other important factors should play a role in order to achieve steady and continuous progress.
IELTS Essay, topic: Teachers are more responsible for
social and intellectual development of students than
parents (agree/disagree)

School teachers are more responsible for social and intellectual development of students
than parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is often argued that educators have greater responsibility in developing students’ cognitive and
social aspects compared to parents. I absolutely agree with this notion, as teachers are well-trained to
teach formal lessons. Aside from that, school is the best place for children to socialize and make more

It is known for a fact that parents play a vital role in the upbringing of their offsprings. Nevertheless,
educating them at home alone does not always mean leading them to a bright future. For this reason,
it is extremely important that children be given a formal education. This is when school teachers come
into play. Apart from providing a conducive learning environment, most schools constantly update
their faculty with various contemporary methods of teaching through seminars and trainings. This
approach has long been practiced in order to ensure that students can cope with technological
advancements. Furthermore, practical exercises and laboratory experiments significantly help increase
their problem-solving, logical thinking, and reasoning abilities.

With regard to social aspect, it is also at school where youngsters learn to interact with peers. Apart
from their daily classroom interactions, varied extracurricular activities are likewise offered to them,
depending on their interests. These can be scouting, sporting events, and other organizations, just to
name a few. These opportunities basically enhance leadership skills, camaraderie, and
teamwork, that may not be acquired at home alone. It is, therefore, not surprising that majority of
friendships emanate from schools.

By and large, I strongly believe that when it comes to honing the overall academic and social skills of
the youth, mentors have a more crucial role than parents. It is because they are professionally trained
in performing so.
IELTS essay, topic: the development of technology
causes traditional skills to die out, agree or disagree?

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is
pointless to try and keep them alive.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this

Nowadays, technological advances and their rapid and wide applications are having a significant
impact on a nation’s traditional skills and ways of life. Some argue that such impact is so
extraordinary that it would make conventional skills and life styles obsolete. However, I believe they
would continue to thrive by providing alternatives to modern ways of life, and innovative ideas for
modern technologies.

First of all, traditional skills and ways of life are becoming an alternative solution to the problems
caused by “mainstreamed” ways of life which are greatly influenced by modern technologies. For
instance, a cozy restaurant where traditional, home-brewed beer is served, offers another experience
to people who are bored with branded beers that have the same flavor and come out of mass
production with new technologies. It is in such a venue where traditional skills are preserved, people
become relaxed and educated. Providing diversity and thus enriching modern ways of life, such
traditional skills and ways of life would continue to have their place.

Furthermore, conventional skills provide innovative ideas to the development of modern technologies.
For example, sparkled by how the word “Love” is traditionally knitted into a sweater by some ethnic
minority women in some parts of Asia, some business managers from textile industry have developed
some production lines by applying the traditional skills to Computer-Aided Designs (CAD). The
products have boosted the companies’ sales which in turn have increased their investment in
preserving traditional skills for further developing their technologies.

To conclude, traditional skills and life styles are increasingly becoming a useful alternative to the
homogeneity brought by global applications of modern technologies. However, the evolution of
technologies is a selection process, whereby some would become obsolete, but there is no doubt that
some would thrive when their roles are appreciated.
IELTS Essay, topic: Education as a critical factor

“Some people say that the education system is the only critical factor to development of a
country. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?”

Education plays a vital role in the development of a country. Therefore, some people think that the
education system is the only important factor to the development of a country and they may be right.

Education is the foundation of well developed society. It is rightly said, ‘education is a

ladder for success’. If all the people of any country are educated then they becomes broadminded,
civilized and progressive. An educated society improves the standard of life as well.

Besides this, education also creates a good employment opportunity and therefore country does not
have to suffer from big problems like unemployment. Educated peoples are more aware
of problems such as pollution and many more. A country becomes technologically advanced because
of educated people.

Not only this, but also by giving importance to education, the nations can get rid of problems
like iliteracy, poverty, unemployment and population growth that delay the progress of a nation. The
crime rate can also be kept under check. The standard of living of the people will go up. If the
nations wants to be progressive it is very important that the people are more educated and
progressive. Any country can become more technologically advanced and developed because of

However, there are other factors that also play an important role in the development of a country.
Such as governments have to encouraged people to do so._

In conclusion, I would like to say that a good education system will lead to a developed country.
IELTS essay, topic: The advantages and disadvantages of
studying in another country

Every year an increasing number of students choose to go to another country for their
higher education. Do you think the benefits of this development outweigh the problems
associated with it?

The past twenty years have seen a dramatic change of the number of students who go abroad to
begin college in China. In this essay, I will explore the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.

On the one hand, both students and their country can benefit from this trend. First, students can
choose more suitable education methods for themselves because there are more options.
The course and teaching methods are quite different from China. According to foreign experts, the
higher education in China is really not good as that of those developing countries, especially in
contrast with Europian or US. Secondly, people can improve their foreign language, but, they can
contact with others when they are in a foreign country, and they will quickly master the foreign
language. Thirdly, it helps to promote the mutual understanding between their mother land and their
destination countries. These students exchange information with the locals. Students can get better
understanding of the destination countries. People in their home country will get more vivid
information about other countries through these messages. Similarly, the locals also can get more
clear recognition about other countries.

On the other hand, there are disadvantages too. Firstly, it costs people a lot of money to begin college
in foreign countries. Many families have to take out all their savings to support their children to
go abroad. Secondly, some students cannot stand the big difference of the new environment,
they maybe quit their study and come back home.

To conclude, given the undisputable fact that to begin college in foreign countries helps students with
their studies and promotes the mutual understanding between countries, even if there are some
drawbacks, I think the benefits outweigh the problems.
IELTS essay, topic: should children grow up in the city or
countryside (advantages/disadvantages)?

Some people think it is better for children to grown up in the city, while others think that
life in the countryside is more suitable for them. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of both places?

Living in the rural area is thought as the best option for children by a group of people, while others
believe that cities offer more opportunities. In my opinion, if the city offers security and green areas, I
agree it is a better place to raise the next generation enjoying some advantages from both sides.

Firstly, the countryside let children be in touch with nature, taking care of animals and helping with
the gardening. Because of that, they learn how to protect the environment and to live without any
technological equipment. Besides that, they have more freedom to play outside the house without any
security worries, whereas in the city they are kept at home using smartphones and computers for this
reason. On the other hand, schools usually have lower quality and it is hard to find extracurricular
classes. Therefore, children have difficulties trying to develop their abilities besides the school

However, schools at metropolitan areas tend to have better quality and offer all kinds of activities.
Even if there is a sport or an art course that the institution does not offer, it is possible to look for it in
another place around the city. As a result, all children’s talents and passions can be easier to develop.
On the other hand, security, pollution and low contact with nature are issues that we have to worry
about. The better option would be a city with an excellent quality of life where children could play in
parks and gardens.

To sum up, growing up in the countryside can be very positive for someone’s childhood, but the city
will usually offer better opportunities for their talents’ development.
IELTS Band 9 essay, topic: Some schools insist that
students have laptops in class (advantages /


Several schools around the world insist that all students should bring their own private laptop to class
to assist in their education. Technology has become a significant component of educating children and
is considered beneficial in many ways. Nonetheless, there are likewise many disadvantages to using
private technological equipment in classrooms.

Bringing a private laptop to class offers a variety of benefits for students. Firstly, laptops can be used
to take notes in classes where teachers sometimes speak at a high speed. Many children find that they
can type faster than they can write by hand and therefore prefer typing their notes in class so as to
not miss any important information. Teachers could furthermore make use of learning programs and
websites during class, as students would have the possibility of using these websites on their private
laptops. Moreover, students can use periods meant for working on assignments effectively, because
they can work on their assignments digitally right away and not have to type up handmade notes later
on. Information can additionally be distributed more easily to students, as for example hand-outs can
simply be emailed or shared electronically and do not have to be printed.

Although bringing private laptops to class offers these various advantages, it also creates several
disadvantages. Laptops firstly are fairly expensive, meaning that families with more than one child will
have to spend a large amount of money to purchase laptops for all their children. Furthermore,
laptops can easily be damaged during class and outside of class as well as stolen, which could create
future costs for families. During class laptops can also distract students, because they can surf the
Internet or look at non-class-related work during class periods. The amount of time students are
exposed to technological equipment is also increased by incorporating laptops into classrooms, which
can result in several health-related problems.

In conclusion, bringing a private laptop to class involves several advantages and disadvantages.
Nonetheless, I personally believe that if used wisely, a laptop is an extremely useful tool in lessons
and therefore I would support this initiative.
IELTS essay, topic: Some people think that sport in
schools is a waste of time and resources, while others
believe it is a vital part of education (opinion)


In most education systems around the world, physical education is one of the components of the
syllabus. However, this is a controversial topic, as it has been argued that sport as a school subject is
unnecessary. Opposing this is the view that physical education is a vital aspect of the education.

Physical education was introduced into schools to promote a healthy lifestyle by exposing students to
different types of sport and ensuring that those who are not naturally sporty are exposed to exercise
and its benefits. For students who are already very active, having a sports lesson might be
unnecessary, but those who are not given the opportunities or who are not from active families
depend on schools for exercise. Furthermore, a school is supposed to educate on multiple levels, a key
aspect of which is healthy living. It is not sufficient to discuss exercise in class; students must
experience the effects that ensue. One of these benefits is that exercise enables people to concentrate
more efficiently and work more efficiently, meaning that having sport as a subject is beneficial to
other subjects as well.

On the other hand, exercise to some degree is a personal matter and forcing students to exercise in
class can then have the opposite effect. This feeling can lead to students not pursuing any sports later
due to negative experiences and memories connected to it. Another argument is that exercise is a
leisure activity and therefore not school-related and should be practiced outside of school.

In conclusion, while negative results can be caused through physical education, it is vital for students
to take part in it. Some students are only exposed to a healthy lifestyle in schools and therefore there
is a responsibility to educate individuals in this area.
IELTS Band 9 essay, topic: Some people believe that
teaching music in schools is vital, while others think it is
unnecessary (opinion)

Some people believe that teaching music in schools is a vital part of growing up and the
human experience, whilst others believe that teaching music in schools is a waste of time
and resources.


In modern day society, education has become a vital aspect of every child’s life. Educational facilities
tend to offer a wide range of subjects aimed at educating children and teaching them various skills.
Fundamental subject areas are said to be mathematics, science, languages and physical education.
Depending on the type of educational facility, a certain subject might be emphasised, yet these core
subject areas are usually incorporated into nearly all educational facilities. Although it is commonly
agreed that these subjects are vital for a child’s educational upbringing, opinions differ when it comes
to the subject of music. Whilst some believe that musical education is an important part of growing
up, others believe that it should no longer be taught in schools, as it is considered a waste of time and

Music falls under the subject area of art, causing it to often be considered as less valuable than other
subjects. Typically people believe that learning to express oneself in a creative manner is less
important than learning about mathematical theories and scientific facts. Often the opponents of
musical education propose that a more rationally-based education will benefit children later on in their
lives, as they will be able to perceive and comprehend the logical aspects of life more easily. The
supporters of musical education argue that music is beneficial for children, because it offers a manner
of creative self-expression. Furthermore, music is part of human culture, as it brings people together
and therefore children who study music can obtain a sense of cultural knowledge.

Personally I believe that music should be taught in schools and that it is not a waste of time and
resources. I played piano for seven years and believe that this has helped me become a more
balanced person. It is important for a child to learn about thinking creatively and to take a break from
logical subjects once in a while.

In conclusion, music should be taught at school, because it enables children to express themselves
creatively and to learn more about culture and human interaction.
IELTS Band 9 essay, topic: Schools should teach their
students how to survive financially in the world today

Today’s schools should teach their students how to survive financially in the world today.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


In schools, students learn to analyse literature, calculate using trigonometry and understand how
photosynthesis works, but often students are inexperienced and helpless after graduation when
encountering the real world. It is therefore argued that schools should teach their students how to
survive financially in the world.

This topic is difficult though. Many educators believe that a school is supposed to teach students in
subjects that they will most probably not encounter again post-graduation, so that teachers can
develop open-minded and well-informed individuals. At the same time, it can be argued that schools
should impart skills that would be applicable in everyday life. Mathematics, for example, is supposed
to not only communicate actual mathematics skills, but also teach logic to students. However, schools
are supposed to prepare the youths for their lives following high school. Currently this goal is not fully
met, as often students are unable to handle their finances sensibly and therefore can often face
significant problems. Schools that teach students how to survive financially could change this.

This significant shift in the ideology of education is unlikely to take place soon, as the education
system has been in place for too long to be easily changed. Also a change of this scale would be
costly, as teachers would have to be trained and a syllabus for this potential subject would have to be
created. However, in some countries, for example Germany, a community subject is available in which
politics and finances are discussed. This leaves students from Germany in a better situation to deal
with finances in their lives.

In conclusion, training school students in financial matters would be very useful. Adding new content
to the syllabus would require a significant amount of money, but the entire community would benefit
from students being better prepared for adult life.
IELTS essay, topic: Schools should select students by
their academic abilities, agree or disagree?

Some people think that schools should select students according to their academic abilities,
while others believe that it is better to have students with different abilities studying
together. Discuss both views and state your own opinion.

Some people contend that mixed ability classes are more beneficial for children’s development than
streaming them on the basis of judgement about their academic abilities. However, from my
perspective, I disagree with this contention.

Admittedly, mixed ability classes provide a better environment for children’s all-round development. In
such classes, children with different abilities study together and in turn they can learn from one
another. From example, a student, who is good at academic study but weak in dancing or painting,
can learn how to dance or paint form his peers. In this sense, mixed ability classes allow students to
develop their abilities in different subjects instead of only academic abilities

Despite the argument above, I believe streaming students brings more benefits to teachers and
students. As for teachers, separating children with better academic abilities from others facilitates
effective teaching. This practice helps teachers to control their students more conveniently and easily.
Compared with mixed ability in which teacher should consider students’ differences when they are
using teaching methodologies, streaming makes this situation simpler. To be more specific, students
are at the same level of academic ability in a class, and in turn teachers can use the same
methodologies for them all. In this way, the narrower the spread of ability in the class, the more
convenient the teaching can be.

On top of this, steaming enables students to learn in an effective way. According to students’ different

abilities, they are taught in different ways that are more suitable for them. In the top streams,
students use more difficult materials, therefore, they can learn more. In sharp contrast, teachers can
explain the material more slowly to those in bottom streams. Under this circumstance, students with
different academic abilities can study effectively and efficiently.

In the final analysis, mixed ability classes are beneficial for students’ versatile development, but in my
opinion, segregating students based on different academic ability is better for both teachers and
IELTS essay, topic: Nowadays many people choose
ready-made food and refuse to cook at home, why and
what are the advantages/disadvantages?

Nowadays many people choose ready-made food and refuse to cook at home. Why do you
think it happens? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a choice?

It is a very popular practice in the modern society to order ready-made food from restaurants, rather
than cooking at home. The main reasons for such a tendency may be cheap prices in some
restaurants and people’s desire to save some time from cooking. Even though ordering
food have some obvious advantages, its disadvantages should not be underestimated.

On the one hand, ordering prepared food may be the best choice for a busy person, who does not
have time for cooking and cleaning. Cooking food at home requires a considerable amount of time,
moreover the cleaning process may take even more time and resources than cooking itself. For
example, cooking a simple dish such as chicken with rice and home requires significant amounts of
water and electricity for electrical appliances such as the oven and dishwasher. Hence, having an
opportunity to order food from a restaurant will save a lot of time, electricity and water.

On the other hand, delegating the process of cooking to some restaurant have a dramatic
disadvantage of not having the information about the ingredients used in the meals. With high
demand, grow the volumes of required products, which sometimes can affect the quality of purchased
produce. For example, it is a very common practice in some restaurants to make salads from products
that are about to go bad and mask the rotten scent by adding some chemicals and spices. Hence,
some restaurants may use poor quality products or chemicals for boosting taste and preservatives,
which may have a negative effect on the customer’s health in the long run.

In conclusion, ordering food from restaurants may be a tempting choice for people who have no time
for cooking at home, but this approach has a critical disadvantage of being not informed about the
ingredients used in the meal, which can have destructive consequences.
IELTS essay, topic: Nowadays more and more people
want to live by themselves, why is this happening?

Nowadays more and more people want to live by themselves. What are the reasons? Is it a
positive or negative trend?

These days a vast majority of people want to lead an independent life. The fundamental reason lies in
people’s educational qualifications that fuel their craving for freedom in life. This can be seen as a
positive trend because living alone is likely to nurture a mature mindset at early stages of one’s life.

Many people are well educated to stand up on their own. Tertiary education broadens their horizons,
and they wish to experience freedom of life. With a very good educational background it becomes
easier to find a well-paid job, and with lucrative income they gain confidence to lead an independent
life, thereby achieving their goals. For example, engineering graduates can find a job in another town
and their salary is enough for them to move and settle down there. This enables them to move away
from their family and live on their own.

Living alone helps one to develop maturity, which can be seen as a positive impact on individuals and
the society as a whole. Being independent means young people have to face life challenges alone and
going through this process improves their resilience. They become more responsible, as they have to
take care of themselves and develop budgeting skills and saving habits, for their future needs as well.
Better planning of their finances nurtures the custom of wise spending at early stages of adult life.

In conclusion, the reason why many people wish to live independently these days is because their
education level gives them both the awareness of freedom in life and means of achieving it. Since
living alone promotes one’s maturity, it seems to be a positive trend in today’s society.
IELTS Essay, topic: Nowadays celebrities earn more
money than politicians, what are the reasons for this?

Nowadays celebrities earn more money than politicians. What are the reasons for this? Is it
a positive or negative development?

Sample Essay

Nowadays celebrities make more money compared to people working in politics. This essay will look at
the possible causes of this tendency and explain why, in my opinion, this is a negative development.

There are two main reasons why celebrities generate more income than politicians. One of them is
that with the advent of the Internet, there are more ways available for celebrities to earn money, such
as online streaming services. For example, singing a song in a YouTube video with some
advertisements enables them to easily make a few million dollars. Another cogent reason for this is
the growing global concerns over excessively high remuneration for political leaders, which can easily
lead to public discontent. In response to such criticism, many governments have decided to reform the
reward system for lawmakers, sending their salaries on a downward trend.

I personally believe that this development is relatively negative for several reasons, with the main one
being the potential corruption scandals this issue can create. The enormous salary gap between
celebrities and political leaders might discourage the legislators from putting in work or even motivate
them to commit crimes such as money laundering. In addition, the relatively low salary for stressful
jobs of governors may deter people with foresight on politics from becoming politicians. This is
particularly undesirable because it would result in low level of citizens’ loyalty to their incompetent
government, creating unstable society with more crime and other social problems.

In conclusion, the fact that celebrities are paid more than political leaders now is caused by a wider
variety of income sources available to them, and supported by the social norm that a politician should
not be a profit driven professional. However, I believe this is a negative trend which may lead to more
political corruption and less talented governments.
IELTS essay, topic: Many believe that international
tourism is bad for their country (reasons and solutions)

Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their countries. What are
the reasons for this? What can be done to change this negative attitude towards
international tourism?

Many individuals think that foreign tourism brings negative effects to their countries. There are several
reasons for such negative attitude towards international travelers. However, a couple of solutions
could be adopted to handle this situation, as will now be discussed.

International tourists are often criticized for their contribution to the environmental degradation. It has
continuously been noticed that they throw rubbish in their surroundings irresponsibly, which increases
the amount of litter everywhere, despite all attempts to reduce waste produced by the local
community. This contributes to water, air and soil contamination.

Furthermore, foreign tourism has a harmful influence on traditional customs and indigenous practices
of host countries because many tourists are careless and insensitive about the emotions and feelings
of local residents. For instance, in India, some foreign travelers wear inappropriate clothes or expose
too much of skin when they visit sacred places, which leads to some negative attitude and irritation
in the local public.

However, this situation can be improved adopting different solutions which could be handled by the
government. The government should explain the benefits of international tourism which contributes to
the development of local residents. They not only spend money in shops and restaurants but also
create jobs in service industries, and this aspect could be publicized. Additionally, the government
should increase the awareness among the foreigners through different media such as roadside
billboards and advertisements, and tourists should be encouraged to get rid of rubbish correctly.

In conclusion, the inhospitable feeling that the local people have for international tourists can be
explained in many ways. However, in my opinion, the government’s involvement is essential to
change the negative attitude by citing various advantages of international tourism to their country and
raising awareness among tourists in order to protect local habitats.
IELTS essay, topic: Some people use the Internet to
search for solutions to their medical problems, is this a
positive or negative development?

Some people use the Internet to search for solutions to their medical problems. Is it a
positive or negative development? Give your own opinion and examples from your

At present, the Internet plays a vital role in almost every aspect of human life. As a result, individuals
are searching online in order to get reasonable solutions to their illnesses. Not everyone is convinced
that access to such information online is safe and helpful. However, in my view, providing the general
public with access to trustworthy information about medical disorders would invariably improve the
quality of the medical care for the whole society.

Nowadays, even though there are plenty of online platforms have been developed for medical
education, most of the sites have not been written by professional healthcare providers. Hence, there
is a high possibility of spreading wrong medical information throughout the world, unless the site
developers are held accountable for the content they provide. If patients receive incorrect information
about a medical procedure and follow the wrong advice, for instance, to remove a wart at home, it
might lead to a serious infection, excessive bleeding or another medical emergency. That would
constitute a negative effect of using online knowledge for medical treatments at home rather than
visiting a professional.

On the flip side, for the sake of the Internet, the society is well aware of most common medical
disorders and preventive measures. Consequently, a reasonable and prudent individual can decide
whether to get professional opinion on one’s disease or to handle it at home, providing that they get
reliable online medical information. Moreover, if patients can manage mild medical problems
themselves, it would certainly reduce the workload at the local hospitals, freeing more doctors for
patients in real need. Besides, if patients come with a certain extent of knowledge about their
condition to the medical consultation, it would invariably be helpful to the medical practitioner for
effective decision making.

To sum up, it is evident that online search for information on medical disorders can be a positive
development as long as the general public receives trustworthy information.
IELTS essay, topic: The proportion of older people is
increasing, what problems will this cause and what
solutions can be suggested?

In many countries the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. What problems will
this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to
reduce the impact of ageing populations.

It is true that nowadays people in industrialised nations can expect to live longer than ever before.
Although there will undoubtedly be some negative consequences to this trend, societies can take steps
to mitigate these potential problems.

As people live longer and the populations of developed countries grow older, several related problems
can be anticipated. The main issue is that there will obviously be more people of retirement age who
will be eligible to receive a pension. The proportion of younger, working adults will be smaller, and
governments will therefore receive less money in taxes in relation to the size of the population. In
other words, an ageing population will mean a greater tax burden of working adults. Further pressures
will include a rise in the demand for healthcare, and the fact young adults will increasingly have to
look after their elderly relatives.

There are several actions that governments could take to solve the problems described above. Firstly,
a simple solution would be to increase the retirement age for working adults, perhaps from 65 to 70.
Nowadays, people of this age tend to be healthy enough to continue a productive working life. A
second measure would be for governments to encourage immigration in order to increase the number
of working adults who pay taxes. Finally, money from national budgets will need to be taken from
other areas and spent for vital healthcare, accommodation and transport facilities for the rising
numbers of senior citizens.

In conclusion, various measures can be taken to tackle the problems that are certain to arise as the
populations of countries grow older.
IELTS Band 9 essay, topic: Some people believe that the
world’s increase in population is unsustainable, while
others think it is necessary and beneficial (opinion)

Some people today believe that the world’s increase in population is unsustainable and will
eventually lead to a global crisis. Other people believe that world population increase is
necessary and beneficial as it creates the growth of the world’s economy and society


The population of the world is ever growing. Some people believe that this increase has created an
unsustainable situation and that it will lead to a global crisis. Other people believe that only through
an increasing population can the world’s economy and society develop.

This population increase is not constant around the world; population is undergoing significant growth
especially in less developed countries, and the continent of Africa is predicted to undergo the highest
increase. Many people living in these less developed countries frequently face shortages, such as
water, food, heating, cooking fuel and medicines, and people have to live in substandard living
conditions by western standards. With more inhabitants, these difficulties will become exacerbated
and helping these countries might also create strain on the resources and economies of other

On the other hand, many countries are unable to reach their economic potential due to a lack of
skilled work forces. For these countries a growing population can mean a stronger economy and, due
to that, a better standard of living. Growing populations can also lead to growing demand for goods,
allowing economies to expand. The problem is, however, that countries that are in need of labour
forces and increasing demand are already the more developed countries and they meet some of these
needs by immigration and exporting goods.

In conclusion, while certain areas of the world are in need of larger work forces to develop their
economies, the continuously increasing population could potentially lead to crisis within countries that
already struggle to provide for their inhabitants.
IELTS essay, topic: Nowadays people waste a lot of food,
why is this happening and how to reduce waste?

Nowadays people waste a lot of food that was bought from shops and restaurants. Why do
you think people waste food? What can be done to reduce the amount of food they throw

At the time when famines heavily strike impoverished third world countries, many people living in
wealthy countries waste tremendous amounts of food daily. In my opinion, understanding the
probable reasons of this phenomenon is important and may lead us to some applicable solutions that
will result in reducing food waste.

The low cost of food seems to be one of the obvious reasons, exacerbating the problem. Due to the
revolutionary technological achievements, people have increased both the quality and the quantity of
their crops. In turn, according to the laws of supply and demand, the prices of the crops have
immensely dropped. A recent study of the FAO stated that the global crops prices have dropped 50
per cent over the last decade. This enabled people to buy excessive amounts of food without a real

Furthermore, the absence of strict regulations to discourage or punish this attitude can also be
considered a major cause. Not everyone is aware that wasting food may create problems.
Consequently, they are likely to resist any calls for controlling the consumption of dietary supplies
unless they are forced by the power of law. Several countries in the world saw a drop in their national
food waste after implementing a ban on the excessive purchasing of food.

Fortunately, there are some possible approaches that can be adopted by both people and
governments. Firstly, raising the awareness of this issue is immensely important. Using social media
platforms can draw public attention to the potential dangers of food waste and how communities can
confront it. Secondly, enforcing laws that prohibit the wasting of food by people and companies will
deter such harmful practice.

In conclusion, the decreased price of food as well as lack of regulations allowed the unfortunate trend
of throwing away food to continue. I believe that creating awareness and legislation are parts of a
straightforward solution to this issue.
IELTS essay, topic: Some parents encourage young
people to leave home while others think they should stay
with the family, discuss and give your opinion

Many parents encourage young people to leave home when they become older, while others
think they should stay at home with the family. Discuss both views and give your own

With the tremendous influence of modernisation, remarkable changes have taken place in the family
structure to such an extent that nowadays, youngsters are motivated by their parents to live alone as
they grow up. However, some people are of the view that it is more practical for a youngster to live
with their family.

On the one hand, there are many positive aspects to youths living away from their parents at young
age. This provides the opportunity to young people to live a life on their own terms and make any
decisions without the interference of their parents. Besides, living alone not only makes them
independent but also makes them self-reliant, which is a crucial life skill to their successful career. For
instance, managing all the house chores such as cleaning, paying bills, cooking and so on will make
them well experienced at learning and managing diverse activities and will also boost their confidence

On the other hand, there is no denying the fact that youngsters living away from their family may find
themselves in circumstances that may adversely affect their life. Naïve and inexperienced young
people in the absence of parental supervision are more likely to fall prey to bad influence and
dangerous activities, such as drugs or alcohol consumption, which may jeopardise their career or lead
them astray from moral values. However, this situation is less likely to take place with youngsters still
living with their parents. Besides, emotional bonding and family relationships can be maintained better
if everyone is living together under one roof.

In my opinion, although encouraging youngsters to live alone may lead them to learn various life
skills, negative aspects and risks associated with living alone can far outweigh the benefits.
IELTS essay, topic: Some think that children should leave
their family home as soon as possible while others
believe they should stay for as long as they like (discuss)

Some people think that it is best to encourage children to leave their family home as soon
as possible. Others believe children should stay at the family home for as long as they like.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Sample Essay

Although it is thought by some that urging young people to abandon their family home at an early age
is beneficial for them, others believe that it is better if children stay with their families for longer. In
my opinion, I consider that leaving family home early has many advantages for children.

On the one hand. Some people think that youngsters ought to leave their parents’ house so as to
learn life skills at an early age. Their reasoning is that it should push young people towards
independence and make them learn from life lessons rather than merely rely on their parents. For
example, students who tend to pursue tertiary study away from their home city might learn taking
personal responsibility. Also, living independently will teach children a lot by presenting some
difficulties, which, consequently, will add some more experience that may prove essential in their
future lives.

On the other hand, it is argued that children should stay with their parents for longer for several
reasons. Firstly, young people need advice from adults, and no one would be better suited to that than
their parents. Secondly, life can be generally harsh, for children in particular. In other words, they
might get involved in dangers or take unnecessary risks if they mix with the wrong crowd. It is
commonly known that young people tend to be seduced easily by unethical people. To avoid that,
being under parental supervision is utterly important for children.

To sum up, while people’s opinions may vary, I believe that young people should leave their family
home at an early age, while parents ought to provide them with appropriate advice and keep an eye
on their well-being.
IELTS essay, topic: Obesity is becoming common among
children, give reasons and solutions (from Target Band 7

Obesity was once considered a disease of adults; however, it is becoming increasingly

common among children. Why do you think this is happening? What can be done to help
children stay healthy?

For many years obesity was perceived as a condition occurring only in adult life. However, in recent
years the number of children suffering from obesity has grown significantly. There are several causes
and numerous solutions which can be used to tackle this worrying phenomenon, and this essay will
present a couple of them.

While some reasons for childhood obesity are genetic, others include poor food choices exacerbated by
easy availability of fast food, insufficient physical activity and a history of family members being
overweight. Unlike the former, the latter factors can be changed, if the adults in the child’s life gain
awareness and are willing to take action.

To begin with, health is a complex matter which requires a balanced approach. In other words, there
isn’t a single solution to maintain health, on the contrary, it is rather a mixture of multiple factors,
such as healthy dieting and regular physical activity. For this reason, increasing the awareness of
healthy habits among children is a responsibility of utmost importance. What is more, it can be easily
achieved through the education system.

On the other hand, children’s education might be not sufficient enough to stop the situation from
worsening. Along with well designed health education schemes, we should also try to stop food
companies from overusing sugar in products dedicated to the young ones. It has been proven that
more than 70% of the products available in an average supermarket contain dangerously high levels
of white sugar. Sugar rich diet not only causes a significant weight gain, but also contributes to
diseases, such as diabetes in young population.

To summarize, emphasis put on the awareness of healthy living among children is invaluable.
Furthermore, combining healthy habits with stopping food companies from overdosing sugar in
products which are easily accessible for children can be effectively implemented by the governments.
Positive outcomes of such measures taken today will definitely have a long lasting effect on the future
IELTS essay, topic: Children these days are suffering
from obesity, why and how can it be solved?

Modern children are suffering from the diseases that were once considered to be meant for
adults only. Obesity is a major disease prevalent among children. What are its causes and
what solutions can be offered?

Nowadays, the increasing rate of overweight children and adults is a worldwide health issue. Obesity is
a major problem which is increasing day by day in school going children. There are various reasons
behind it. This essay will discuss the causes of obesity and offer some solutions.

The first cause of obesity is junk food. It is often seen that mostly children are fond of burgers, pizzas,
noodles and coke. These types of foods are easily available to them in school canteens. Children love
to purchase chips, chocholates, - ice-cream for lunch. Moreover, in this modern era, parents are
working and they do not have time to cook at home. Parents often buy dinner for their children
instead of preparing food at home. This calorie-rich diet is making children obese. This problem can be
solved by teaching children to cook healthy foods for themselves and banning junk foods and fizzy
drinks in schools. This diet can be replaced by milk, juice and fruits for lunch.

The second cause of obesity is sedentry life style. It is true that the use of computers and television is
increasing in children. They spend most of their time watching television or playing video games on a
computer. This technological advancement has reduced the level of physical activity in this specific
age group. This issue can be resolved by encouraging children to do physical exercises. Parents can
take their children to park to encourage playing with friends. Furthermore, schools can add sports in
their curriculum to maintain physical fitness in their students.

To sum up, it is clear that main causes of obesity are unhealthy eating and not enough physical
activities. This ailment can be prevented and treated by healthy eating habbits and physical exercises.
IELTS Essay, topic: children and rules

In some countries children have very strict rules of behavior, in other countries they are
allowed to do almost anything they like. To what extent should children have to follow

The extent to which children have to follow rules is in itself a very complex issue, since children across
the world grow up in very different cultures. In India for example, children are expected to be very
submissive to their parents as well as other adults around them. This, however, is not the case with
the Western countries of the world where children follow the motto ‘Thou shalt do what thou wilt’ as
promoted by celebrities and rock stars. I believe that following strict rules has both advantages as well
as serious drawbacks as discussed below.

Firstly, strict rules of behavior create responsible and respectful children who in turn mature into
respectful adults. This forms a stable society which is virtually free from negative trends such as
prostitution and drug abuse. Secondly, if children do not follow strict rules of behavior, they may get
out of hand and become work-shy and indolent. This may then create a burden on the society since
the government has to find ways to cater for these social ills.

However, forcing children to follow strict rules of behavior doesn’t always yield positive results as
discussed above, most of the time it backfires and works against society. For example, teenagers are
more likely to do the opposite of what they’re told to do simply because they want to be independent.
Children should also have rights to exercise their free will and develop their own pattern of behaviors.
Imposing strict rules may simply destroy the individuality of children.

At the end of the day, it is clear that children should be guided by rules, but these rules should not be
imposed on them because as human beings, they need to have room to develop their own traits of
character and adopt a behavioral pattern of their own.

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