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Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science

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A tool for identifying potential Eucalyptus

nitens seed orchard sites based on climate and

Ilaria Germishuizen & Robin AW Gardner

To cite this article: Ilaria Germishuizen & Robin AW Gardner (2015) A tool for identifying
potential Eucalyptus nitens seed orchard sites based on climate and topography, Southern
Forests: a Journal of Forest Science, 77:2, 123-130, DOI: 10.2989/20702620.2014.984554

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Published online: 18 Dec 2014.

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Southern Forests 2015, 77(2): 123–130 Copyright © NISC (Pty) Ltd
Printed in South Africa — All rights reserved SOUTHERN FORESTS
ISSN 2070-2620 EISSN 2070-2639

A tool for identifying potential Eucalyptus nitens seed orchard sites based
on climate and topography
Ilaria Germishuizen* and Robin AW Gardner

Institute for Commercial Forestry Research, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

* Corresponding author, e-mail:

Shy seed production in orchards of Eucalyptus nitens is a major barrier to the deployment of genetic gain in
South African plantations. A machine learning method was used to identify optimal sites for the establishment
of E. nitens seed orchards within the plantation forestry landscape of the summer rainfall region of South
Africa. The ensemble classifier random forests (RF) was used to identify the environmental factors conducive
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 01:35 17 March 2016

to E. nitens floral bud production, and, based on these, build a predictive model deployable to the plantation
forestry landscape for identifying suitable areas for E. nitens seed orchards. The RF model predicted site
suitability likelihood for floral bud production with a high level of accuracy (area under the receiver operating
characteristic curve  0.83). Within the climatically optimal range for growing E. nitens, flower bud production
was more abundant and consistent on cold slopes, i.e. sites experiencing lower minimum air temperatures during
spring and autumn. The model was applied to the commercial plantation forestry landscape for the purpose of
indicating sites climatically optimal for floral bud production in E. nitens and the establishment of breeding and
seed production orchards of the same species.

Keywords: machine learning, predicting flowering, random forests, temperate eucalypts


Eucalyptus nitens is an important species for cool Materials and methods

temperate sites in South Africa (Smith et al. 2005),
particularly those prone to moderate to heavy snowfalls Site conditions
(Swain and Gardner 2003). Tree breeding has made Sixteen E. nitens site  flowering interaction trials were
available significant growth and yield improvement established between 1996 and 2004 across a latitudinal
opportunities with this species (Swain et al. 2013a). (25°02′ to 30°54′ S) and altitudinal (1 473–2 000 m above
However, operational deployment is hampered by low seed sea level [asl]) range in the summer rainfall plantation
production from orchards and poor out-crossing within forestry area (Figure 1). The sites were all located in
orchards, which reduces realised genetic gain (Jones 2002; areas within the optimum growing range for E. nitens
Swain et al. 2013b). Although flower induction controls (mean annual temperature [MAT] 14–16 °C, mean annual
are not fully understood for E. nitens, colder winters have precipitation [MAP] 840 mm, altitude 1 350–1 850 m asl;
been observed to increase flowering and seed production Swain and Gardner 2003; Smith et al. 2005). Differences in
(Moncur and Hasan 1994; Moncur and Boland 2000). In aspect, relief and slope were included as trial site selection
South Africa, studies have shown that floral bud production criteria. Sites with MAP above 840 mm and soils deeper
correlates well with accumulated winter chilling, and at than 0.8 m were selected for the study so as to minimise
higher altitude sites (1 200 m above sea level) flowering possible water supply influence on floral bud induction
is more abundant and consistent (Gardner and Bertling (Owens 1995; Table 1).
2005; Gardner et al. 2013; Gardner et al. 2014). However,
the relationship between floral bud production and the Plant material and experimental design
environment has never been geographically interpreted The genetic material was sourced from an E. nitens clonal
and extrapolated from site to landscape. The aim of seed orchard established by the Institute for Commercial
the work reported here was, firstly, to develop a spatial Forestry Research (ICFR) and located at Tweedie,
understanding of controls of E. nitens floral bud induction KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Two clones (scion genotypes)
based on available observations across sites and years differing in flowering potential were selected from each
using the random forests (RF) classification algorithm of of two provenances (Barrington Tops and Ebor, naturally
Breiman (2001) and, secondly, to express the results in occurring in New South Wales, Australia) represented in the
the form of a suitability map highlighting areas potentially South African E. nitens breeding population. Hence, a total
optimal for the establishment of E. nitens production of four E. nitens clones were included in the investigation.
seed orchards. A 2  2 factorial experiment consisting of 32 grafted trees,

Southern Forests is co-published by NISC (Pty) Ltd and Taylor & Francis
124 Germishuizen and Gardner

30° E 31° E 32° E


South Enlarged area


25°S In Die Diepte 25°S


SOUTH Nelspruit

26° S 26° S


28° E 29° E
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 01:35 17 March 2016


27° S 27° S
Piet Retief

28° S 28° S


Richards Bay

29° S 29° S
Gilboa Tweefontein

Netherby 1 Pietermaritzburg
Netherby 2
Netherby 3 Gowan Brae
Willowmere Mossbank
30° S Blairathol 30° S

0 50 100 km

31° S
Chamisso E. nitens trial sites 31° S
Commercial forestry

28° E 29° E 30° E 31° E 32° E

Figure 1: Locality of the Eucalyptus nitens trial sites within the South African summer rainfall commercial plantation forestry areas. Base map
supplied by the Institute for Commercial Forestry Research, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

with treatments replicated twice, was implemented as a Floral crop data collection
split plot design (Gomez and Gomez 1984). Paclobutrazol Presence of newly emerged floral buds and magnitude
(PBZ) was assigned as a whole-plot factor (PBZ 0  nil PBZ of floral bud crop were scored on an individual tree basis
applied (control), PBZ 1  PBZ soil drench applied), and annually in May/June. This is the time of the year when
‘Scion genotype’ (Clone 1, Clone 2, Clone 3 and Clone 4) swollen individual flower buds are at their most conspic-
as a subplot factor. Each experimental unit consisted of uous. The scoring system adopted for the assessment of
two trees planted at a spacing of 5 m  4 m, for a total of floral bud production is described in Gardner and Bertling
32 trees assessed at each site. Experimental units were (2005). Tree floral bud crop load was scored as follows:
surrounded by two buffer rows of trees of similar species. 0  no floral buds; 1  very light crop, 25% or less of
The purpose of this work was to develop a model that would the secondary laterals bearing one or more floral buds
relate site, particularly climate and topography, to floral bud (secondary laterals defined as branches originating from
production; hence, the PBZ1 treatment was excluded from primary stems); 2  light crop, 25–50% of secondary
the analysis, and only the measurements from the 16 trees laterals bearing one or more floral buds; 3  moderate crop,
in the control plots were used for model development. 50–75% of secondary laterals bearing one or more floral
Southern Forests 2015, 77(2): 123–130 125

Table 1: Site details for the Eucalyptus nitens flowering trials (ranked in order from north to south). MAP  Mean annual precipitation, MAT 
mean annual temperature, MPU  Mpumalanga, KZN  KwaZulu-Natal, EC  Eastern Cape

Altitude MAP MAT Soil form/ Soil depth Slope

Site name Province Latitude Longitude Aspect
(m) (mm)1 (°C)2 Family3 (m) (%)
In Die Diepte MPU 25°02′ S 30°44′ E 1 828 1 241 14.5 Magwa/1 100 1.0 NW 39
Wyntoun MPU 26°12′ S 30°44′ E 1 733 905 15.0 Kranskop/1 200 1.2 S 5
Gilboa KZN 29°14′ S 30°17′ E 1 595 957 15.3 Kranskop/1 200 1.2 N 10
The Peak KZN 29°15′ S 30°09′ E 1 629 929 15.5 Magwa/1 200 1.2 SE 8
Tweefontein KZN 29°15′ S 30°13′ E 1 588 842 15.1 Magwa/1 200 1.2 N 14
Netherby 1 KZN 29°39′ S 29°38′ E 1 688 948 14.1 Inanda/1 200 1.2 N 31
Netherby 2 KZN 29°38′ S 29°38′ E 1 700 948 14.1 Magwa/1 100 1.0 E 31
Netherby 3 KZN 29°38′ S 29°38′ E 1 678 948 14.1 Kranskop/1 200 1.2 SW 7
Willowmere KZN 29°51′ S 29°26′ E 1 708 914 14.1 Kranskop/1 200 1.2 E 10
Blair Athol KZN 29°52′ S 29°37′ E 1 568 843 14.6 Magwa/1 200 1.2 E 7
Thoresway EC 30°50′ S 28°13′ E 1 809 908 13.8 Kranskop/1 100 1.2 E 4
Chamisso EC 30°54′ S 28°11′ E 1 686 904 14.1 Magwa/1 200 1.2 NE 15
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 01:35 17 March 2016

Blystaanhoogte MPU 25°10′ S 30°36′ E 2 000 1 075 15.2 Magwa/1 100 1.0 NE 23
Gowan Brae KZN 29°37′ S 30°08′ E 1 473 919 15.2 Magwa/1 100 1.2 N 2
Mossbank KZN 29°49′ S 29°42′ E 1 661 970 14.2 Magwa/1 100 1.2 SW 17
Tentkop KZN 30°48′ S 28°15′ E 1 911 863 13.6 Kranskop/1 100 1.2 SW 8
1 Lynch and Schulze (2007)
2 Schulze and Maharaj (2007)
3 Soil Classification Working Group (1991)

buds; 4  heavy crop, 75–100% of secondary laterals Table 2: Climatic and topographic predictors used in the study
bearing one or more floral buds. For the purpose of this
study, ‘flowering success’ was defined by average floral Variable Abbreviation
crop score (average of the four- and five-year scores) Aspect Aspect
for each experimental plot, with moderate and heavy Slope Slope
crop scores identifying high flowering success. The data Mean annual temperature MAT
set utilised in the analysis consisted of 28 data points, Mean monthly temperature Tmean01 to tmean12
15 classified as high flowering and 13 as low flowering. Mean monthly minimum temperature Tmin01 to tmin12
Mean monthly maximum temperature Tmax01 to tmax12
Extremes of minimum temperature Tminl01 to tminl12
Environmental data
Extremes of maximum temperature Tmaxh01 to tmaxh12
Climatic variables used as predictors were based on 1′  1′
historical climatic grids derived from more than 1 000
weather stations distributed across South Africa (Schulze
2007). The variables included MAT, monthly mean temper- can be included in the analysis, making it very suitable for
ature, monthly minimum temperature, monthly maximum ecological modelling.
temperature, extremes of minimum temperature and In the present study, the response data set consisted
extremes of maximum temperature (Table 2). Topographic of the flowering success (high and low) observed at the
variables used as predictors consisted of slope and aspect trial sites and the explanatory data sets consisted of 63
that were derived from a 90 m  90 m digital elevation environmental predictors (Table 2). Misclassification rate
model gridded data set (Jarvis et al. 2008). A total of 63 and variable importance were calculated from the out-of-
environmental variables were extracted for each data point bag (OOB) samples. In RF, each tree is constructed using
for input into the model. a different bootstrap sample of approximately two-thirds
of the original data (training data set). Each tree is then
Statistical analysis and model building used to predict the classification of the leftover one-third
The statistical analysis was performed using the RF (OOB) sample and the misclassification rate is calculated.
classification algorithm (Breiman 2001) within the R statis- The overall OOB error rate is calculated from the
tical computing environment (R Development Core Team aggregation of the misclassification rate of each tree and
2008). The RF classifier has been widely used to predict expressed in terms of percentage. Variable importance
the potential occurrence or distribution of a phenom- was assessed using the mean decrease in accuracy and
enon (Debeljak et al. 2001; Thuiller et al. 2003; Cutler the mean decrease in Gini coefficient (Breiman et al. 1984)
et al. 2007; Garzόn et al. 2007; Magness et al. 2008; measures. Mean decrease in accuracy is calculated during
Bradter et al. 2013). The RF classification algorithm has the OOB computation phase. The values of a particular
also been successfully applied to evaluate the vulner- variable are randomly permuted in the OOB sample,
ability of South African plantation forests to a number and this modified sample is used to get new classifica-
of forest pests (Ismail et al. 2010; Adam et al. 2013). tions. The difference between the misclassification rate
Random forests has no assumptions of normality of the for the modified and original OOB sample is the measure
variables, and both categorical and numerical variables of the variable importance. The mean decrease in Gini is
126 Germishuizen and Gardner

calculated as the sum of all the decreases in Gini impurity than random). Model accuracy was measured in terms of
due to a given variable being used to form a split at a the area under curve (AUC). The AUC provides a single
node. A higher decrease in Gini means that a particular measure of overall accuracy with the value ranging from
variable plays a bigger role in partitioning the data set in 0.5 to 1, where 1 represents perfect classification and 0.5
the defined classes. a random classification (Fielding and Bell 1997). The model
A confusion matrix was computed to visualise the perfor- was applied to all commercial plantation forests within the
mance of the model. Precision (p) and recall (r) were summer rainfall region of South Africa where the climatic
calculated from the confusion matrix and are stated as: conditions for E. nitens optimum growth were met (MAT
14–16 °C, MAP  840 mm, altitude 1 350–1 850 m asl;
p (1) Swain and Gardner 2003; Smith et al. 2005). Each 1′  1′
TP  FP pixel was classified 1 000 times and a suitability score on
TP a scale between zero and one was assigned based on the
r (2) proportion of total votes cast. The score was interpreted
as the likelihood that climate and topography at a location
where TP  true positive, FP  false positive, and FN  false would be conducive to high floral bud production by
negative. E. nitens. Maps highlighting areas of high and low potential
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 01:35 17 March 2016

Precision expresses the proportion of predicted positives for the establishment of E. nitens seed orchards were
over observed positives, whereas recall is defined by the generated from the probability map in ArcGis 10.1 (ESRI,
proportion of observed positives over predicted positives. Redlands, CA, USA) to facilitate interpretation. A threshold
The model’s predictive power was estimated using the of 0.5 was set to discriminate between suitable and unsuit-
weighted F-measure (van Rijsbergen 1979), where F  0 able sites. Hence sites that were assigned a score below
indicates no predictive power and F  1 indicates perfect 0.5 were classified as unsuitable and sites with a score
predictive power (Powers 2011): equal or greater than 0.5 were classified as suitable.

( E 2  1)pr Results
FE ( p,r ) (3)
E 2p  r
The RF classifier performed well in classifying high and
where F(p,r)  the weighted version of the F-measure and low flowering sites. The classification error remained
  a weighting factor controlling the relative importance of constant when the number of classification trees was
precision and recall. equal or greater than 300 (Figure 2). The number of classi-
In this analysis,  was set to one, so that precision and fication trees was set to 1 000 to increase the stability of
recall were given equal importance (Peters et al. 2007). The variable importance estimation (Liaw and Wiener 2002).
receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to The number of variables randomly selected at each node
assess the model’s classification accuracy (Fielding and was set to five. The AUC computed from the ROC curve
Bell 1997). The ROC curve expresses the true positive rate (Figure 3) was 0.83.
or recall (y-axis) against the false positive rate (x-axis). A The weighted F-measure obtained was 0.85, indicating
diagonal line divides the ROC space, with points above excellent predictive power. The OOB estimate of error rate
the diagonal representing good classification (better was 15.79%. Misclassification rate was higher in the false
positives (0.18) than in the false negatives (0.12).

0.6 Out-of-bag
Low flowering 1.0

0.5 High flowering


0.2 AUC = 0.83
0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 FALSE POSITIVE RATE
Figure 3: Receiver operating characteristic curve showing the true
Figure 2: Out-of-bag and test errors in relation to the number of positive rate against the false positive rate. The perfect classification
decision trees built. Out-of-bag error rate  total misclassification is given at the upper left corner of the chart (area under the curve
rate, Low flowering  misclassification rate of ‘low flowering’ sites, [AUC] 1), while the diagonal line represents random classification
High flowering  misclassification rate of ‘high flowering’ sites. (AUC  0.5). The distance between the model curve and the
All three measures of error rate are stable when the number of diagonal line represents how much better the model does compared
classification trees is equal or greater than 300 to random guess
Southern Forests 2015, 77(2): 123–130 127

Aspect was rated as the most important predictor by influential variable in the model, with colder, south-
both the mean decrease in accuracy and mean decrease facing slopes being those most associated with flowering
Gini (Figure 4). Minimum temperature extremes in late success. Trial sites were originally selected in areas within
winter, spring and autumn months in order of descending the cool temperate forestry zone where climatic conditions
importance were also scored as highly important predictors. were favourable for optimum growth in E. nitens (Smith
The model overall showed that high flowering success is et al. 2005). Therefore the relevance of aspect as a key
associated with colder sites that experience frequent cold predictor variable further emphasises the floral-inducing
spells during the winter months and, within those sites, effect of colder temperatures, in accordance with what has
colder slopes enhanced floral bud production. been observed by Moncur and Hasan (1994), Gardner and
In the summer rainfall region of South Africa, the commer- Bertling (2005) and Gardner et al. (2014). Low minimum
cial forestry industry manages approximately 354 000 ha temperatures in autumn and spring were also rated as
of land that meet the climatic requirements for optimum important predictors, further stressing the key regula-
E. nitens growth. By applying the RF model to this portion tory role that low temperatures play with respect to floral
of the forestry landscape, the area suitable for establishing induction in E. nitens.
E. nitens seed orchards was quantified and mapped Due to the unavailability of consistent floral crop data
(Figure 5). Fifty-six percent (approximately 200 000 ha) of from existing production and breeding E. nitens seed
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 01:35 17 March 2016

the potential area available for E. nitens was classified as orchards, the reliability of the model in identifying optimal
climatically suitable for optimal flowering (Table 3). sites for floral crop production in E. nitens could not be
tested against the actual performance of existing breeding
Discussion and production seed orchards.
The implementation of the RF model at the landscape
The high performance of RF models in predicting species’ level allows for the practical use of the model in decision
and ecosystems’ ecological niches and envelopes has making. Poor and inconsistent flowering is a major obstacle
been documented in a number of studies (Elith et al. 2006; in E. nitens genetic improvement and commercial seed
Garzόn et al. 2007; Marmion et al. 2009; Ismail et al. 2010; production (Moncur and Hasan 1994; Reid et al. 1995;
Wang et al. 2012; Adam et al. 2013). The strength of RF Swain and Gardner 2002), and the selection of sites for the
models has been attributed to the two sources of random- establishment of productive E. nitens seed orchards is a
ness, bagging and classification tree splitting, which challenge to forest managers. Hence, the mapping of areas
are key to the model building process (Breiman 2001). within the South African summer rainfall region’s forestry
Random forests predicted site suitability likelihood for landscape where climatic and topographic conditions are
E. nitens floral bud production with a high level of accuracy conducive to consistent and abundant flower bud produc-
(AUC  0.83). Both RF variable importance measures tion is a much-needed tool for both cold-tolerant eucalypt
considered in this analysis indicated aspect as the most breeders and forestry practitioners. Given adequate

Aspect Aspect
Tminl08 Tminl08
Tminl011 Tminl011
Tminl05 Tminl05
Tminl09 Tminl04
Tminl04 Tminl09
Slope Tminl06
Tminl07 Slope
Tminl06 Tminl010
Tminl010 Tminl07
Tminl012 Tminl012

0 1 2 3 4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


Figure 4: Measures of relative importance of predictive variables based on mean decrease in accuracy (MDA) and mean decrease Gini
(MDG). The MDA measures the changes in error rate when the value of the predictive variable is randomly permuted. The MDG is calculated
as the sum of all decreases in Gini impurity when a given predictive variable is used to form a split at a node. Variable abbreviations are
explained in Table 2
128 Germishuizen and Gardner

27° E 28° E 29° E 30° E 31° E 32° E (b) 30°20' E 30°40' E 31° E
area (a) LIMPOPO ¯
24° S

25° S
26° S

(a) GAUTENG Enlarged

area (b) 26° S
! Johannesburg

! Piet Retief 27° S

Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 01:35 17 March 2016

26°20' S
28° S

29° S
LESOTHO ! Pietermaritzburg

30° S

26°40' S
0 10 20 km

31° S
! Ugie
E. nitens potential seed orchard sites
E. nitens climatically suitable area
0 100 200 km Commercial forestry
32° S Piet Retief !

Figure 5: Predicted potential Eucalyptus nitens seed orchard sites within E. nitens climatically suitable growing areas in the summer rainfall
region of South Africa (a). Map (b) is an excerpt at a larger scale

Table 3: Available area suitable for the establishment of Conclusions

Eucalytpus nitens seed orchards within the current South African
summer rainfall commercial plantation forestry areas
The modelling framework adopted in this study provided
satisfactory results and highlighted the importance of
Forestry areas Area (ha) Percentage (%) microclimate within the optimal climate range for growing
High flowering potential 198 214 56 E. nitens when establishing breeding and production seed
Low flowering potential 155 450 44 orchards. The implementation of the model in a spatial
Total area suitable for E. nitens 353 664 100
environment and the development of a mapping tool for
site selection for E. nitens seed orchards is a first step
towards a decision tool to support breeders in achieving a
environmental and flowering data, the predictive tool may successful breeding and/or seed production strategy for this
be applicable to other important temperate eucalypt species important commercial species. However, it is advisable to
for similar purpose in South Africa. further enhance the model by broadening the genetic base
The input data set was derived from a trial series that of the data set used in the model development.
included only four clones from two provenances. The limited The model was developed based on data collected at
genetic variation may represent a weakness in the model sites within the summer rainfall region, hence it cannot be
when applied for the identification of optimal sites for the used to identify potential suitable sites in the forestry areas
establishment of E. nitens seed orchards with a broad of South Africa experiencing a winter rainfall regime. This
genetic base. Future model enhancement by adding flower represents a limitation of this tool as climatic conditions
bud production data from E. nitens seed orchards with a suitable for the optimum growth of E. nitens are well
broad genetic base to the original data set is recommended represented in the southern and Western Cape regions of
for the development of a robust management tool. The South Africa. The absence of established site  flowering
data set used in this work was not inclusive of the E. nitens interaction trials in the winter rainfall areas of South Africa
genetic variation in South Africa and results may not be fully preclude further development of the tool in the near future.
applicable when establishing E. nitens seed orchards with a Seed orchards are a long-term investment and climate
broad genetic base. change projections for the southern Africa region foresee
Southern Forests 2015, 77(2): 123–130 129

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Received 19 October 2013, revised 26 June 2014, accepted 3 August 2014

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