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Step 1. Recall what you have learned in statics to solve for reactions. The reactions should be:

A y =30 kN
A x =34.821 kN
Bx =−19.821 kN (The sign is negative because the assumed direction in the figure above is the
opposite of the correct direction).

Step 2. Solve for the forces of each member using method of joints.

P AB=17.619 kN
P AC =36.957 kN
PBC =−26.520 kN
Step 3. Solve for the area of the members. Since it was not directly given in the problem, we
have to determine it using the hint “…all members of the truss are aluminum pipes that have
an outside diameter of 42 mm and a wall thickness of 2.5 mm”:


So, from the illustration, we can say that the Area is hollow. To solve for the shaded region:

A shaded =A outsidecircle −A insidecircle or ¿

Where d o is outside diameter and d i is the inside diameter and t is for wall thickness.

d i=d o−2 t=42−2 ( 2.5 ) =37 mm

A shaded =¿ ¿

Step 4. We can now solve for the normal stresses:

1000 N
σ AB =
P AB 17.619 kN x
= 1 kN (
N or MPa → 56.793 MPa (T) Ans.
2 2
310.232 mm mm
1000 N
σ AC =
P AC 36.957 kN x
= 1 kN (
N or MPa → 119.127MPa (T) Ans.
2 2
310.232 mm mm

Example 1a-3. The cross-sectional area of bar ABCD is 500 mm2. Determine the maximum
actual normal stress in the bar.

Step 1. We must solve first the net force acting on each segment of the bar. This can be done
by making a force diagram acting on the segments. You can assign right forces (positive, or go
up) and left forces (negative, or go down). For problems like this always start at the free end,
in this case at D. See illustration:

a. At D, since the load acting on it is 30 kN to the right, then the graph goes up by 30 kN. The
graph is horizontal from point D to point C.
b. At C, the load acting on it is 20 kN to the left. Take note that there was a net force from D (30
kN to the right). Then 20 kN is subtracted from 30 kN, the result is 10 kN to the right. Since
it still directing at the right direction, then the diagram remains above 0. The graph is
horizontal upon reaching point B.
c. At B, the load acting on it is 25 kN to the right. Since the net force from B is also 10 kN at the
right direction, then 25 kN is added to 10 kN to the right. Thus, the result is 35 kN right
direction. The graph is horizontal upon reaching point A.

Thus, the loads acting on each segment are:

P AB=35 kN
PBC =10 kN
PCD =30 kN
Step 2. Since the area of each members is already given at A = 500 mm2 , we can now solve the
normal stresses acting on each:

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