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How to Use an Oscilloscope Effectively

The oscilloscope also referred to as a ‘scope’ in the short form is a device that has been
used to draw calibrated graphs of voltage versus time in a fast and convenient manner.
The scope has been significant during the designing and repair of circuits where voltage
and current fluctuate over time.

A transducer enables the functions of a scope. A transducer converts non-electrical

elements such as sound, pressure, position, and light intensity to a voltage. The scope
uses a transducer to plot changes in any measurable quantity, a capability that has been
used in science and technology.

Oscilloscope Functions

Oscilloscopes displays voltage signals in terms of waveforms. They show visual images
of how voltage fluctuates over interval. The signal changes of an oscilloscope are plotted
on a graph where they show voltage measurement on the vertical or Y-axis and the
horizontal or X-axis shows time.

The two major oscilloscope purposes include sampling and triggering.


The trigger controls allow the oscilloscope user to steady and show a multiple waveform.
Edge triggering is commonly used because the slope and show the fundamental trigger
points. The slope controls define whether the trigger point is going up or down at the
signal’s edge. The level regulator governs the edge of the trigger control.

Triggering is useful when operating on complex signals such as series of pulses, where
pulse-width triggering may be necessary. One thing that you to know is that during any
set interval, the trigger-level setting and the next falling edge of the signal should take
place. If these conditions are met, triggering the oscilloscope occurs.

One can also use the short-triggering procedure where the oscilloscope shows a trace
whenever an input signal encounters the right trigger settings. In the procedure, the
oscilloscope obtains and updates, and controls the display to show the trace.

The procedure converts a portion of an input signal into several distinct electrical values
that are used for display, processing, and storage purposes. The size of every sampled
point is equivalent to an input signal’s amplitude during sampling time.

The waveform for input is displayed as a series of dots on the oscilloscope’s screen. If the
dots are placed at a distance from each other, and they cannot be read well, they are
connected through the interpolation procedure. In this procedure, the dots are
connected with lines to show a continuous waveform that can be read.

Black dots show sampling while interpolation is shown by the black line.

Features of an Oscilloscope

If you have to understand how to read an oscilloscope, then you need to learn and
understand the machine’s key features.

What do you expect to see when you view an oscilloscope?

First, you need to understand that we have a traditional or analog and a digital
Digital Oscilloscope. Photo from Shutterstock

Analog Oscilloscope. Photo from Shutterstock


The first feature is the screen where the electron beam strikes. Conventional
oscilloscopes have a cathode ray tube or the CRT. Electronic circuits in the oscilloscope
put on some voltage to one set of the deflection plates. The outcome is that the beam
moves across the screen from the left side to the right at a constant speed which is the
time axis.
Digital oscilloscopes have a flat-panel display or a CRT which operates like a computer's
monitor. The screen of a digital oscilloscope has a one-centimeter graticule on it.

Signal Inputs

These are channels and they are more than two. They are referred to as CH1, CH2, CH3,
and so on. There is also one external trigger input which is known as “EXT TRIG.’

Control Collections for the Horizontal Part of Input Signal

These controls are responsible for setting the time axis and they are calibrated in terms
of seconds per division. For example, 1µs/div translates to one main division that occurs
in 1 microsecond. The horizontal controls are also referred to as “timebase” and the
setting is known as the “sweep rate”.

Trigger Controls

These trigger controls synchronize an oscilloscope's input signal to the horizontal

display. The synchronization is important because there is no constant relationship
between an internal timebase and an external signal. The trigger is responsible for
making the oscilloscope wait until some set level in input is attained before starting its

Control Collections for the Vertical Part of Input Signals

Several controls are related to the vertical part of the display associated with the input
signals. The controls are coupled to the "Direct Current "DC", the one that passes
through a capacitor, the "AC", and the disconnected control "GND". A knob controls the
amplified amount that is applied to the signal and it is set according to screen units such
as a “20mV/div” which means that a 10 millivolt change in the input signal will result in
one major division which is traced vertically.

Essential Safety Tips for an Oscilloscope User

Now that you have learned about all the features of an oscilloscope, there are essential
activities that you need to undertake before you start using it.
It is significant to ensure that you undertake proper grounding because of safety
purposes. You must ensure that the integrated circuits (ICs) that you are testing are safe
while also taking care of your body. You should ensure that all the oscilloscope is
calibrated and the controls are set. The oscilloscopes probes should be well connected
and compensated to ensure that you get the best readings.

Proper Grounding

Proper grounding is one of the essential steps you should observe to ensure that you can
work on internal circuits.

You need to ground the oscilloscope correctly to protect yourself from shock and also
safeguard the internal circuits from damage.

Steps on How to Conduct Proper Oscilloscope Grounding

1. Connect the oscilloscope to an electrically neutral point, for example, earth


2. Plug the oscilloscope’s three-pronged power cord into an outlet that is grounded
to earth ground to ensure that you are protected from shock. In the event of a
high voltage from the contacts of an ungrounded oscilloscope including the
knobs, it is easy to get a shock.

A properly grounded oscilloscope ensures that the current moves through the
grounding part into the earth ground. It eliminates the risk of the user becoming
the earth ground.

Accurate measurements can only be achieved when the oscilloscope is properly

grounded. It should share the same ground as the internal circuits that you are
testing. However, you should note that some oscilloscopes do not need earth
ground because they are well insulated which protects the user from any hazards.

3. Ground your internal circuits because they have miniature conduction paths that
are vulnerable to damages by static electricity which can build up in your body.
You should not that, it is easy to ruin an internal circuit by undressing and
touching its leads. It is essential to weal a grounding strap that sends static body
charges to earth ground.

ESD Anti-Static Wrist Strap Band

4. One thing that you should note is that advanced oscilloscopes need an AC/DC
ground coupling. An AC coupling is needed when you are using an AC signal and
the same should be done for the DC signals.

AC coupling clears the DC component from the oscilloscope so that it oscillates

about zero. The change of one signal to the other helps in getting an accurate and
tight waveform. It plays a significant role when one is measuring small AC

The advanced oscilloscope enables you to choose either to use the DC or AC

coupling. Always note that an oscilloscope can notify you about coupling it to the

Set the Controls

After you plug in the oscilloscope, take a critical look at the front panel. It has three
sections which include the vertical, horizontal, and trigger. You also need to understand
that oscilloscopes have different models and types and the others sections vary.
Oscilloscopes have two input channels that display different waveforms on the screen.
Some oscilloscope models have DEFAULT or AUTO SET buttons that can set up the
controls in a single step and take a signal. If your oscilloscope lacks these buttons, then
it is significant to set the controls to ordinary locations before taking the readings.

Instructions for Setting the Oscilloscope

1. Turn on your oscilloscope such that it shows channel 1 on the screen.

2. Check the vertical volts/division scale and position controls are at the middle-
range positions.

3. Switch off all the magnification settings and variable volts division.

4. Check the channel one input coupling to DC.

5. Ensure that the trigger mode is on auto and also set the rigger to channel one

6. You can turn the trigger source off or at the minimum point possible.

7. Now, you can set the horizontal time/division and ensure that the controls are at
middle-range positions

8. Adjust channel 1 volts/division and ensure that the signal takes the space of 10
vertical divisions to avoid tampering with signal distortion.

How to Calibrate the Oscilloscope

Calibration of the oscilloscope involves setting the machine to ensure that it offers
accurate measurements. Every week, you need to calibrate your oscilloscope at room
temperatures. Usually, the oscilloscope changes by approximately nine degrees Celsius.
Calibrations is also known as signal path compensation and it is significant in ensuring
that the machine functions optimally.

Calibration Involves

 Connecting the Probes

 Compensating the Probes

Connecting probes is a significant procedure that occurs after the oscilloscope is well-
grounded and has been set in standard positions. The next thing is connecting probes to
the oscilloscope to ensure that it is well-matched and allows one to access power and
performance. Probes set the quality and integrity of the signal that you will get when
measuring. You need to understand that measuring a signal needs two connections
which are;-

 The ground connection

 The probe tip connection

It is easy to identify probes since they are packaged with a clip attachment for
grounding the probe to the internal circuits under test. Practically, you need to ground
the clip to ground in the internal circuit, for example, a metal chassis of a product that
you are working on. Then, just touch the probe tip to a test point in the internal circuit.

Compensate the Probes

Compensation of oscilloscopes probes requires passive attenuation voltage. Before you

can use the probes, you must compensate them to balance their electrical properties.
You should always compensate the probe before using the oscilloscope. Research has
shown that when an oscilloscope is not well compensated, the results are inaccurate.

Digital oscilloscopes possess a square wave reference signal present at the terminals of
the front panel and their purpose is to compensate the probe.

How to Compensate the Probes

1. Connect the probe to the vertical channel

2. The probe tip must be connected to the probe compensation to produce a square
wave reference signal.

3. The ground clip of the probe should be connected to the ground.

4. Examine the square wave reference signal.

5. Make the right adjustments of the probe and check if the corners of the square
wave reference signal are square.
Oscilloscope Measurement Methods

These measurements include-;

 Time

 Voltage

You need to learn that these two basic methods form the fundamentals of all other
measurements that you will undertake when using an oscilloscope.

Taking the measurements visually needs an oscilloscope screen. The common method
includes the examination and understanding of the on-screen displays of digital

The interesting part about digital oscilloscopes is that they are automated and they
simply and hasten the analysis of common jobs. This means that their measurements
are reliable and their confidence levels are high. You need to know how to check the
measurements manually since it aids in understanding the automatic measurements.

How to Take Voltage Measurements Using an Oscilloscope

Voltage refers to the amount of electric potential between two points in an internal
circuit, and its measurement is expressed in volts. At the ground point, the voltage is
always zero.

Voltage can be measured in accordance to their variation from peak-to-peak which

refers to the maximum point of signal to its minimal point. On this point, you must be
careful about the kind of voltage that you need.

How To Measure Voltage

1. One of the simplest ways of measuring the signal is to set the trigger button to an
auto mode. At that point, the oscilloscope will begin to quantify the voltage signal
by detecting the zero voltage point of the peak voltage. The simple interpretation
is that the oscilloscope is measuring the voltage range.

2. Adjust the vertical and horizontal controls to ensure that the displayed image of
the square signal wave is perfect and stable. You can take the measurements
along the middle of the vertical line that with the least divisions. The vertical
controls’ reading display the voltage signal.

After you have measured the voltage, now you can move to make the rest of the
calculations. If you are calculating resistance, Ohm’s law states that the voltage between
the two points is a product of current and resistance.

How to Read Peak Voltage and Peak-to-Peak Voltage

1. When you look at the oscilloscope’s screen, it is easy to determine the peak
voltage. The peak voltage is measured from the middle line to the maximum
vertical point as displayed on the screen.

2. The Y gain and number of divisions are multiplies as shown on the screen.

How to Read Peak Voltage

3. In the above image, the red line illustrates the dumber of divisions, and in this
case, they are four.

Therefore the Peak Voltage

Pv = Y Gain x Divisions

In this case, Peak Voltage = 4 x 0.5

Peak Voltage = 2

How to Measure Frequency Using a Oscilloscope

An oscilloscope can measure the frequency spectrum of a signal on the screen, but it
needs some small calculation. Frequency refers to the several times that a complete
cycle of an observed wave takes per second. The optimal frequency that an oscilloscope
can measure is in the Megahertz (MHz) range of 100.

Steps on How To Measure Frequency

1. Raise the vertical sensitivity obtain a good show of the waveform on the screen
while avoiding to truncate any part of the amplitude.

2. You can adjust the sweep rate to ensure that the screen displays more than one
complete cycle of the wave. You should note that the complete cycles should nto
be more than two.

3. Count the number of divisions in every complete cycle on the graticule from the
beginning to the completion.

4. Next, you need to note the horizontal sweep rate and multiply it by the units per
cycle. The product gives the period of the wave. In this case, the period refers to
the sum of seconds each repeating waveform takes. The period can help in
calculating the frequency in cycles made per second or Hertz.

Things that You Should Note When Analyzing Waveform Traces

It is significant to train yourself to see the four qualities of a waveform

These include-:

 Time is examined when looking at the horizontal axis

 Amplitude is examined by looking at the vertical axis

 Waveform shape and its distortion

 Waveform disturbances from external sources

Waveform Variations Can Occur in 10 Styles

1. The rise and fall of the edges

You should note the square waves and pulses rise and fall. It is necessary to note
the depth of the waveforms. The waveforms should have a greater resolution to
ensure that they are accurate.

2. Asymmetrical shape

Repetitive waveforms should be symmetrical. The waveform above the middle

line should be equal to the one below the same line.

3. Momentary Change

It is also referred to as fluctuation where the momentary fluctuations in the

measured signal originate from an external effect or surge in the main voltage.
The connection a device that consumes a lot of power to the same electrical
circuit as the oscilloscope it can easily cause fluctuations. Whenever you note
these fluctuations, you can monitor the signal using the ScopeMeter Test Tool to
make corrections.

4. Drift

These are trivial deviations in a signal's voltage over an interval. These signals
can be difficult to diagnose since they are slow to detect. Drifts can be caused by
temperature variations and the aging of the oscilloscope.

5. DC/Amplitude offsets

Whenever you not that there are amplitude offsets, evaluate the DC offset to
check if it stays stable or fluctuates.

6. Waveform anomalies or Transient Glitch

The glitches often occur at the tip of the waveforms. Instead of a clear fall, the
waveform falls and rises a bit at the tip which causes inconsistencies.

7. Excessive Ringing
The ringing is common in digital circuits. It often shows the transition from a
escalating or dwindling edge to a flat DC level. It is advisable to check for
excessive ringing. The time base should also be adjusted to offer a clear show of
the pulse.

8. Random noise

They are also known as glitches or transients. Waveforms that originate from
switches, transistors, and transients can result in timing errors, bad contacts, and
propagation delays.

9. Period time changes also known as wave shape

Internal circuits and oscillators often produce waveforms that have repeating
periods. Evaluate the period using cursors to note the variations.

10. Horizontal cursors or amplitude

Before you use the oscilloscope, it is good to verify that amplitude is used according to
the operating specifications of the circuit. The waveform should be monitored for some
time and you should also look out for any variations in the amplitude.

The oscilloscope is an easy instrument to use given these instructions. You should have
the right protective clothing such as the ESD Anti-Static Wrist Strap Band to send
charges to the ground. Proper grounding protects an oscilloscope user and the internal
circuits being tested. Always train your eye to see anomalies that can lead to false
readings. If you see the anomalies, take corrective measures to get accurate readings.

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