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“Online Smart Ration Card System With Multifactor




BHARATI KAMBLE Exam No: B150734256

NEHA DAMBE Exam No: B150734224
SHREE VIRKAR Exam No: B150734326
SHRIRAM KULKARNI Exam No: B150734270

Under The Guidance of



JSPMs Bhivrabai Sawant Institute Of Technology & Research
Wagholi Pune.
JSPMs Bhivrabai Sawant Institute Of Technology & Research

This is to certify that the Project Entitled

“Online Smart Ration Card System With Multifactor Authentication”

Submitted by

BHARATI KAMBLE Exam No: B150734256

NEHA DAMBE Exam No: B150734224
SHREE VIRKAR Exam No: B150734326
SHRIRAM KULKARNI Exam No: B150734270

is a bonafide work carried out by Students under the supervision of PROF.

GAURI VIRKAR and it is submitted towards the partial fulfillment of the
requirement of Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) Project.


Internal Guide H.O.D

Dr. T. K. Nagaraj
External Examiner Principal
Place :
Date :
BE Comp-2018 ‘Online Smart Ration Card System With Multifactor


It gives us great pleasure in presenting the preliminary project report on ‘Online

Smart Ration Card System With Multifactor Authentication’.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my internal guide PROF. GAURI
VIRKAR for giving me all the help and guidance I needed. I am really grateful
to them for their kind support. Their valuable suggestions were very helpful.

I am also grateful to Dr. G. M. BHANDARI, Head of Computer Engineering De-

partment,JSPM’s BSIOTR, Wagholi for his indispensable support, suggestions.

(B.E. Computer Engg.)

Department of Computer Engineering I


In this system, we have proposed a smart ration card using RFID card, biometrics,
Multi-color code authentication and SMS gateway to prevent the ration forgery.
The color code sequence is used at the time of uder login. In the proposed system
user request admin. Admin verify user mobile number and generate order after
generating order deliver to the user’s home at the time of delivery biometeric
verification will be take place and after that hand over the grocery. The user will
have to provide thumb impression on the biometric machine. If the user is found
authentic then the quantity of ration to be given to customer according to the total
number of family member will be displayed on the LCD display This smart ration
card is free from theft and forgery as the information about the delivered ration will
be sent directly to the government and customer through SMS gateway.

Acknowledgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
List of Figures...................................................................................................VI
List of Tables....................................................................................................VII

1.1 Project Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Project Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 1
1.3 Internal Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.4 Sponsorship and External Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.5 Technical Keywords (As per ACM Keywords) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.6 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.7 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.8 Goals and Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.9 Relevant mathematics associated with the Project . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.10 Names of Conferences / Journals where papers can be published . . 4
1.11 Review of Conference/Journal Papers supporting Project idea . . . . 4
1.12 Plan of Project Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2 Technical Keywords 8
2.1 Area of Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Technical Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3.1 Project Idea...............................................................................................10

3.2 Motivation of the Project..........................................................................11
3.3 LITERATURE SURVEY.........................................................................11
3.3.1 Existing System...........................................................................14
3.3.2 Disadvantages of Existing System..............................................14

4 Problem Definition and Scope 15

4.1 Problem Statement...................................................................................15
4.1.1 Goals and Objective.....................................................................15
4.1.2 Statement Of Scope.....................................................................15
4.2 Software context.......................................................................................15
4.3 Major Constraints.....................................................................................16
4.4 Methodologies of Problem solving and efficiency issues........................16
4.5 Hardware Resources Required.................................................................17
4.6 Software Resources Required..................................................................17

5 Project Plan 18
5.1 Project Estimates......................................................................................18
5.1.1 Reconciled Estimates...................................................................18
5.1.2 Project Resources........................................................................20
5.2 Risk Management w.r.t. NP Hard analysis..............................................20
5.2.1 Risk Identification.......................................................................20
5.2.2 Risk Analysis...............................................................................21
5.2.3 Overview of Risk Mitigation, Monitoring, Management............22
5.3 Project Schedule.......................................................................................23
5.3.1 Project task set.............................................................................23
5.3.2 Timeline Chart.............................................................................24
5.4 Team Organization...................................................................................24
5.5 Team structure..........................................................................................24
5.5.1 Management reporting and communication................................25

6 Software Requirement Specification 27

6.1 Introduction..............................................................................................27

6.1.1 Purpose and Scope of Document.................................................27

6.1.2 Overview of responsibilities of Developer..................................27

6.2 Usage Scenario.........................................................................................28
6.3 Use Cases.................................................................................................28
6.3.1 Use Case View.............................................................................28
6.4 Use Case Diagram....................................................................................29
6.5 Class Diagram..........................................................................................30
6.6 Sequence Diagram....................................................................................31
6.7 Functional Model and Description...........................................................32
6.7.1 DFD Diagram..............................................................................32
6.8 Non Functional Requirement...................................................................33
6.8.1 Performance Requirements..........................................................33
6.8.2 Safety Security Requirements.....................................................33
6.8.3 Software Quality Attributes.........................................................34
6.8.4 Design Constraints.......................................................................34
6.8.5 Software Interface Description....................................................34

7 Detailed Design Document Annexure A and B 35

7.1 Introduction..............................................................................................35
7.2 Architectural Design.................................................................................37
7.2.1 Database description....................................................................39
7.3 Component Design...................................................................................40
7.3.1 Class Diagrams............................................................................40


9 References 42

List of Figures

1.1 Plan Of Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

6.1 Use case diagram......................................................................................29

6.2 Class Diagram..........................................................................................30
6.3 Sequence diagram.....................................................................................31
6.4 Data Flow Level 0 Diagram.....................................................................32
6.5 Data Flow Level 1 Diagram.....................................................................33

7.1 System Architecture.................................................................................37

7.2 Class Diagram..........................................................................................40

List of Tables

5.1 LOC Based estimation..............................................................................19

5.2 Risk Table.................................................................................................22
5.3 Risk Probability definitions......................................................................22
5.4 Risk Impact definitions............................................................................22
5.5 Timeline Chart..........................................................................................24
Chapter 1



‘Online Smart Ration Card System With Multifactor Authentication’


Internal project






1. C.Information Systems


(b) C.2.0 General

A. Security

BE Comp-2018 ‘Online Smart Ration Card System With Multifactor

B. Integrity
C. Protection

i. C.2.1 Languages
A. Data description languages
B. Data manipulation languages
C. Query languages

ii. C.2.2 Systems

A. Query processing

iii. C.2.3 Database Administration

A. Security
B. Integrity
C. Protections


To develop a smart ration card system to provide security to food distribution

system in India and system with high reliable, fast deliverable and also
authenticated using Biometrics Device.


In this system, we have proposed a smart ration card using RFID card, biometrics,
Multi-color code authentication and SMS gateway to prevent the ration forgery.
The color code sequence is used at the time of uder login. In the proposed system
user request admin. Admin verify user mobile number and generate order after
generating order deliver to the user’s home at the time of delivery biometeric
verification will be take place and after that hand over the grocery. The user will
have to provide thumb impression on the biometric machine. If the user is found
authentic then the

Department of Computer Engineering 2

quantity of ration to be given to customer according to the total number of family
member will be displayed on the LCD display This smart ration card is free from
theft and forgery as the information about the delivered ration will be sent directly
to the government and customer through SMS gateway.


• To provide Reliable rationing card system with no human interaction.

• To provide faster result for consumer.

• And with no change in quantity of goods because no human interaction.


Let S be the Ration Card System Biometrics as the nal set

S = .....

• Identify the inputs as B, L,

T S = {B, L, T}
B = {B 1, B 2, B 3, B 4,. } B given user personnel details.
L = {L 1, L 2, L 3, L 4,. } L given account details.
T = {T 1, T 2, T 3, T 4,. } T given daily details.

• Identify the outputs as

O S = {B, L, T, H, J, K,.
H = {H 1, H 2. . .} H is the Response as valid user.
J = {J 1, J 2. . .} J is the Response as ration details.
K = {K 1, K 2. . .} K is the responses quantity purchase.
M = {M1, M2....}M is the responses amount deducted.

• Identify the functions as

F S = {B, L, T, H, J, K,
F = {F1(), F2(), F3(), F4(), F5(), F6(), F7(), F8}
F1 (B) :processes user personnel details.
F2 (L) : Process given account details.
F3 (L) : Process respond amount deducted.
F4 (L) : Respond as quantity purchase.
F5 (T) : Process daily details.



1. International Journal Of Engineering Research And Application(IJERA).

2. International Journal For Science And Advance Research In Technology(IJSART).

3. National Conference on Advances in Computing(NCAC).

4. International Journal Of Computer Application(IJCA).



1. “ RFID Based Exam Hall Maintenance System

Seating Arrangement of students during examinations is distributed. Students
face difficulties as they have to scrounge for their examination hall numbers
and seating arrangement while they are wits end. An innovation which could
aid the students in finding their exam halls and seats would be welcoming
and very rewarding. This paper RFID BASED EXAM HALL
MAINTENANCE SYSTEM , presents a modernized method of examination
hall management. It is possible for a student to identify the particular exam
hall from any other hall, when they swipe RFID card in a card reader located
there. This helps them to identify the floor or get directions to their
respective halls without delays. The card reader is provided at the entrance of
the building, if the students enters wrongly a buzzer alarm sets off, otherwise
the room number is displayed on the LCD, connected to controller.

2. “ Online Ration Card System by using RFID and Biometrics ”

In this paper, we have developed a smart ration card using Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) technique to prevent the ration forgery as there are
chances that the shopkeeper may sell the material to someone else and take the
profit and put some false amount in their records. In this system, a RFID tag is
used that carries the family member details and the customer needs to show
this tag to the RFID reader. The microcontroller connected to the reader will
checks for the user authentication. If the user is found authentic then the
quantity of ration to be given to the customer according to the total number
of family members will be displayed on display device. This smart ration card
is free from theft as the information about the delivered ration will be send
directly to the government without manual feeding using Global system for
Mobile Communication (GSM) technique.

3. “ Design of an Intelligent SMS based Remote Metering System ”

Electrical distribution utilities are facing problems due to high energy losses
that amount to 8% of the total generation. 4% of the losses are unaccounted.
The problem is mainly associated with sub-transmission and distribution net-
works. This paper presents a unique solution to devise a unit which is tamper
proof, cost effective, fast, accurate and remote metering at any level of the
dis- tribution system. The system helps to access accurate and sufficient data
from metering devices to measure the electrical parameters, eliminating the
use of energy meters and human intervention. The software application
provides a real time parameter like line voltage, line current, power factor,
true power, apparent power and reactive power from remote substations.
Remote meter- ing system is implemented using microcontroller based mixed
signal circuitry.

4. “ Implementation of ZigBee GSM based home security monitoring and

remote control system ”
As technology becomes more advanced and modernized; more features are
added to the existing system for the purpose of satisfying the increasing se-
curity needs of the people. Deploying wireless technologies for security and
control in home offers attractive benefits along with user friendly interface.
In this paper we present a smart security system comprises of Zigbee, GSM,
Sensors and Smartphone for Security monitoring and control, when the user
is at remote premises. Three sensors namely P. IR, vibration and door sensor
are installed at windows and doors. Whenever there is a security breach the
sensors sends the signal to the Pic microcontroller. The Max 232 converter
provides serial interface between the microcontroller and the zigbee. The
Zig- bee end device then transmits the signal to the Zigbee coordinator. The
ZC at the control console communicates with MCU using max 232
converters. MCU would in turn access and control the GSM module via AT
commands and au- tomatically sends SMS to the owners mobile phone
informing him about the security breach. On receiving the SMS, user can
make a video call using Skype account; Smartphone installed at home will
feed us with a live video. On viewing the video the user can know whether
an intruder has entered or not. Then accordingly faint gas valve and door
lock can be controlled by the user. Thus whenever there is an intrusion, our
system lets the user to monitor and control his premises from any part of the

5. “ The Pros and Cons of RFID in Supply Chain Management ”

This paper presents the pros and cons of using radio-frequency identification
(RFID) in supply chain management (SCM). While RFID has a greater num-
ber of benefits than its predecessor, the bar code, it currently comes at a price
that many businesses still consider prohibitive. On the one hand, RFID is ad-
vantageous because it does not require line-of-sight scanning, it acts to
reduce labor levels, enhances visibility, and improves inventory
management. On the other hand, RFID is presently a costly solution, lacking
standardization, it has a small number of suppliers developing endto-end
solutions, suffers from some adverse deployment issues, and is clouded by
privacy concerns. Irrespective of the se factors, the ultimate aim of RFID in
SCM is to see the establish- ment of it em-level tracking which should act to
revolutionize SCM practices, introducing another level of efficiencies never
before seen.

Figure 1.1: Plan Of Project

Chapter 2

Technical Keywords


Data Mining


1. C.Information Systems


(b) C.2.0 General

A. Security
B. Integrity
C. Protection

i. C.2.1 Languages
A. Data description languages
B. Data manipulation languages
C. Query languages

ii. C.2.2 Systems

A. Query processing

BE Comp-2018 ‘Online Smart Ration Card System With Multifactor Authentication’

iii. C.2.3 Database Administration

A. Security
B. Integrity
C. Protections

Department of Computer Engineering 9

Chapter 3



Proportion card is an exceptionally vital archive for each resident in India. Propor-
tion card is utilized to buy different essential things like sugar, oil and so on from
the proportion shops at a less expensive rate, issued by the administration. This
proportion card likewise goes about as address and in addition personality verifica-
tion. Proportion card is required when you apply for identification, PAN number,
driving permit and so on. Thus, proportion card is an essential archive. The ra-
tion distribution system is established by the Government of India under Ministry
of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution to distribute grocery items to
poor people at fair price . The existing conventional ration card system has
numerous problems. These problems ranges from the basic issues of renewing the
ration card every year by pasting excess leaves which has to be done manually by
the employees to the malpractices done by FPS dealers like diverting food grains to
open market to make profits. There is another problem of irregularity in opening
shops and false announcements of deficit in food grains. By using this system the
major problems like bribery, irregular distribution and other difficulties faced by
the poor people are eliminated. Illegal activities in the FPS can be greatly reduced
by this method. The distribution process is automated using centralized server and
so the government fa- cilities reach people properly. The corruption and bribery is
the major problem in FPS which can be avoided using this system. The
computerized database maintained avoids wrong entry of the product by the
officials and provides authenticated trans-

BE Comp-2018 ‘Online Smart Ration Card System With Multifactor

portation and distribution. Ration distribution an initiative by the Government of

India under Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution intend for
the distribution of commodities to destitute at fair price. In the projected system the
biometrics serves the purpose of authentication. Information and the finger print
im- pression of the head of the family and one of the family members are cached in
the centralized database whose access is only legitimized for a government
authority. The authentication step is that he/she should scan the fingerprint of
his/her thumb against biometric.


The motivation is that By using this system the major problems like bribery, ir-
regular distribution and other difficulties faced by the poor people are eliminated.
Illegal activities in the FPS can be greatly reduced by this method. The distribution
process is automated using centralized server and so the government facilities
reach people properly. The corruption and bribery is the major problem in FPS
which can be avoided using this system.


1. “ RFID Based Exam Hall Maintenance System

Seating Arrangement of students during examinations is distributed. Students
face difficulties as they have to scrounge for their examination hall numbers
and seating arrangement while they are wits end. An innovation which could
aid the students in finding their exam halls and seats would be welcoming
and very rewarding. This paper RFID BASED EXAM HALL
MAINTENANCE SYSTEM , presents a modernized method of examination
hall management. It is possible for a student to identify the particular exam
hall from any other hall, when they swipe RFID card in a card reader located
there. This helps them to identify the floor or get directions to their
respective halls without delays. The card reader is provided at the entrance of
the building, if the students enters wrongly a buzzer alarm sets off, otherwise
the room number is displayed on the LCD, connected to controller.

Department of Computer Engineering 11

2. “ Online Ration Card System by using RFID and Biometrics ”
In this paper, we have developed a smart ration card using Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) technique to prevent the ration forgery as there are
chances that the shopkeeper may sell the material to someone else and take the
profit and put some false amount in their records. In this system, a RFID tag is
used that carries the family member details and the customer needs to show
this tag to the RFID reader. The microcontroller connected to the reader will
checks for the user authentication. If the user is found authentic then the
quantity of ration to be given to the customer according to the total number
of family members will be displayed on display device. This smart ration card
is free from theft as the information about the delivered ration will be send
directly to the government without manual feeding using Global system for
Mobile Communication (GSM) technique.

3. “ Design of an Intelligent SMS based Remote Metering System ”

Electrical distribution utilities are facing problems due to high energy losses
that amount to 8% of the total generation. 4% of the losses are unaccounted.
The problem is mainly associated with sub-transmission and distribution net-
works. This paper presents a unique solution to devise a unit which is tamper
proof, cost effective, fast, accurate and remote metering at any level of the
dis- tribution system. The system helps to access accurate and sufficient data
from metering devices to measure the electrical parameters, eliminating the
use of energy meters and human intervention. The software application
provides a real time parameter like line voltage, line current, power factor,
true power, apparent power and reactive power from remote substations.
Remote meter- ing system is implemented using microcontroller based mixed
signal circuitry.

4. “ Implementation of ZigBee GSM based home security monitoring and

remote control system ”
As technology becomes more advanced and modernized; more features are
added to the existing system for the purpose of satisfying the increasing se-
curity needs of the people. Deploying wireless technologies for security and
control in home offers attractive benefits along with user friendly interface.
In this paper we present a smart security system comprises of Zigbee, GSM,
Sensors and Smartphone for Security monitoring and control, when the user
is at remote premises. Three sensors namely P. IR, vibration and door sensor
are installed at windows and doors. Whenever there is a security breach the
sensors sends the signal to the Pic microcontroller. The Max 232 converter
provides serial interface between the microcontroller and the zigbee. The
Zig- bee end device then transmits the signal to the Zigbee coordinator. The
ZC at the control console communicates with MCU using max 232
converters. MCU would in turn access and control the GSM module via AT
commands and au- tomatically sends SMS to the owners mobile phone
informing him about the security breach. On receiving the SMS, user can
make a video call using Skype account; Smartphone installed at home will
feed us with a live video. On viewing the video the user can know whether
an intruder has entered or not. Then accordingly faint gas valve and door
lock can be controlled by the user. Thus whenever there is an intrusion, our
system lets the user to monitor and control his premises from any part of the

5. “ The Pros and Cons of RFID in Supply Chain Management ”

This paper presents the pros and cons of using radio-frequency identification
(RFID) in supply chain management (SCM). While RFID has a greater num-
ber of benefits than its predecessor, the bar code, it currently comes at a price
that many businesses still consider prohibitive. On the one hand, RFID is ad-
vantageous because it does not require line-of-sight scanning, it acts to
reduce labor levels, enhances visibility, and improves inventory
management. On the other hand, RFID is presently a costly solution, lacking
standardization, it has a small number of suppliers developing endto-end
solutions, suffers from some adverse deployment issues, and is clouded by
privacy concerns. Irrespective of the se factors, the ultimate aim of RFID in
SCM is to see the establish- ment of it em-level tracking which should act to
revolutionize SCM practices, introducing another level of efficiencies never
before seen.
3.3.1 Existing System

The existing conventional ration card system has numerous problems. These
problems ranges from the basic issues of renewing the ration card every year by
past- ing excess leaves which has to be done manually by the employees to the
malprac- tices done by FPS dealers like diverting food grains to open market to
make profits. There is another problem of irregularity in opening shops and false
announcements of deficit in food grains. By using this system the major problems
like bribery, irreg- ular distribution and other difficulties faced by the poor people.
Illegal activities in the FPS. The distribution process is not automated and so the
government facilities are not reach to the people properly. The corruption and
bribery is the major problem in FPS.

3.3.2 Disadvantages of Existing System

• In the existing system, there is a drawback of ration forgery.

• The issues of renewing the ration card every year by pasting excess leaves
which has to be done manually by the employees.

• Irregularity in opening shops.

• False announcements of deficit in food grains.

• The government facilities are not reach to the people properly.

• The corruption and bribery is the major problem in FPS.

Chapter 4

Problem Definition and Scope


To develop a smart ration card system to provide security to food distribution

system in India and system with high reliable, fast deliverable and also
authenticated using Biometrics Device.

4.1.1 Goals and Objective

• To provide Reliable rationing card system with no human interaction.

• To provide faster result for consumer.

• And with no change in quantity of goods because no human interaction.

4.1.2 Statement Of Scope

• In government food supply chain in some of government schemes, which are

developed for poor peoples.


For developing this system we will required NetBeans IDE and

implementation language will be Java. For storing back end we used MySQL 5.5.
Above mention software are open source.

BE Comp-2018 ‘Online Smart Ration Card System With Multifactor


The three most significant project constraints -schedule(Time), cost and scope are
sometimes known as the triple constraint or the project management triangle. A
projects scope involves the specific goals, deliverables and tasks that define the
boundaries of the project. The schedule (sometimes stated more broadly as time)
specifies the timeline according to which those components will be delivered, in-
cluding the final deadline for completion. Cost (sometimes stated more broadly as
resources) involves the financial limitation of resources input to the project and
also the overall limit for the total amount that can be spent.

• Time:
This refers to the actual time required to produce a deliverable. Which in this
case, would be the end result of the project. Naturally, the amount of time
required to produce the deliverable will be directly related to the amount of
requirements that are part of the end result (scope) along with the amount of
resources allocated to the project (cost).

• Cost:
This is the estimation of the amount of money that will be required to
complete the project. Cost itself encompasses various things, such as:
resources, labor rates for contractors, risk estimates, et cetera. All aspects of
the project that have a monetary component are made part of the overall cost
structure. The system should have Low cost

• Scope:
These are the functional elements that, when completed, make up the end de-
liverable for the project.



• The single problem can be solved by different solutions. This considers the
performance parameters for each approach. Thus considers the efficiency is-

Department of Computer Engineering 16



• Processor : Pentium

• RAM : 2 GB Minimum

• Processor Speed : 1.1GHz

• Biometrics Device


• OS requirements : Windows 7 onwards

• IDE : Net Beans 8.0 or above

• Technology : Java JDK 1.8 and Above

• Database : MySQL 5.5

Chapter 5

Project Plan


5.1.1 Reconciled

Estimates Time Estimate

Costs of the getting knowledge is depends on the resources and efforts needed for
the development of the system.

• Line of Code (LoC):

LINE OF CODE: Estimating LOC for this project is difficult at estimation
stages this project is of research or innovative type project. Average estima-
tion of this project is five hundred to six hundred line of code.
Efforts in Person in months
E = 3.2 ∗ (KLOC)1.05
Cost of project


Estimation of the man month is divide into following sub activities
1-Technical training of the team member: - This will take nearly 3 to 4
weeks. This will include Java language
2-Research:-Being an innovative project research for the project is an impor-

BE Comp-2018 ‘Online Smart Ration Card System With Multifactor

tant part currently it seems to have 1 to 2 months

• LOC Based estimation:

Function Estimated KLOC
GUI design 7 1.5-2.0
Logical code 1.8-2.2
Client side validation 1.5-1.8
Training Phase 2.0-2.2
Testing Phase 2.5-2.8
Total 9.0-10.11

Table 5.1: LOC Based estimation

Efforts in Person in months

E = 3.2 ∗ (KLOC)1.05
E = 3.2 ∗ 9.01.05to11.0 ∗ 4.21.05
E = 24.62to25.05months
Development time in months
Where E=Efforts in Person in months
N=Number of persons required
D=24.62/4 to 25.2/4
D=6 to 7 months

Cost Estimates

Cost of project
Total cost=20,000*6

Department of Computer Engineering 19

=1,20,000(Per month*total months)
The cost of the project is approximately 1,20,000

5.1.2 Project Resources

1. Designer: To design system and perform requirement gathering.

2. Developer: To develop system and provide to tester for testing.


5.2.1 Risk Identification

For risks identification, review of scope document, requirements specifications and

schedule is done. Answers to questionnaire revealed some risks. Each risk is
catego- rized as per the categories. Please refer table 5.2 for all the risks. You can
refereed following risk identification questionnaire.

1. Have top software and customer managers formally committed to support the
Ans:- Not applicable. As there are no customer or Software managers at this

2. Are end-users enthusiastically committed to the project and the

system/product to be built?
Ans:- Yes, end-users are enthusiastically committed to the project & the sys-
tem/product to be build.

3. Are requirements fully understood by the software engineering team and its
Ans:- Yes, all requirements are fully understood by the software engineering
team and its customers.
4. Have customers been involved fully in the definition of
requirements? Ans:-Yes, Customer is involved fully.

5. Do end-users have realistic expectations?

Ans:- End-users have realistic expectations.

6. Does the software engineering team have the right mix of

skills? Ans:- Yes, software engineering team have the right mix
of skill.

7. Are project requirements stable?

Ans:- Yes, all project requirements are stable.

8. Is the number of people on the project team adequate to do the job?

Ans:- Yes, number of people on the project team adequate to do the

9. Do all customer/user constituencies agree on the importance of the project

and on the requirements for the system/product to be built?
Ans:- Yes, all customer or user constituencies agree on the importance of the
project and on the requirements for the system/product to be built.

5.2.2 Risk Analysis

This one shouldn’t come as a surprise. Quality software has to be fast. Or

at-least feel fast. As a front-end guy, this is the one I always feel first. Its not fast
is a battle I never want to get into. I had this reported as a bug against one of my
projects, but the client wouldnt specify what fast enough was; talk about moving
goalposts. When you think about an app being performant, thing about specifying
the following:
ID Risk Description Probability
Schedule Quality Overall
1 Connectivity Low Low High High
2 User Privacy Low Low High High

Table 5.2: Risk Table

Probability Value Description

High Probability of occurrence is > 75%
Medium Probability of occurrence is 26 − 75%
Low Probability of occurrence is < 25%

Table 5.3: Risk Probability definitions

Impact Value Description

Very high > 10% Schedule impact or Unacceptable quality
High 5− Schedule impact or Some parts of the project have low
10% quality
Medium < 5% Schedule impact or Barely noticeable degradation in
qual- ity Low Impact on schedule or Quality can be

Table 5.4: Risk Impact definitions

5.2.3 Overview of Risk Mitigation, Monitoring, Management

Risk ID 1
Risk Description Connectivity
Category Development Environment.
Source Software requirement Specification document.
Probability Low
Impact High
Response Mitigate
Strategy Let users know in the beginning about all requirement
Risk Status May occur sometime
Risk ID 2
Risk Description User privacy
Category Requirements
Source Software Design Specification documentation review.
Probability Low
Impact High
Response Mitigate
Strategy Better testing will resolve this issue.
Risk Status Identified

Risk ID 3
Risk Description Feedback not uploaded on database
Category Technology
Source This was identified during early development and testing.
Probability Low
Impact Very High
Response Accept
Strategy Database manager will resolve this issue.
Risk Status Identified


5.3.1 Project task set

Major Tasks in the Project stages are:

• Task 1: Requirement Analysis.

• Task 2: Requirement Specification.

• Task 3: System Design

• Task 4: Detailed Design.

• Task 5: Coding.
• Task 6: Testing.

• Task 7: Implementation

• Task 8: Maintenance

5.3.2 Timeline Chart

Work Task Description Duration

Literature Survey Related work done for conceptual 6 weeks
data similarity
System analysis Critical analysis and comparison 4 weeks
of technologies studied and results
achieved in research
Design and Planning Modeling and design and dataset 8 weeks
searching or creation
Implementation Divided into phases
Phase A Implementation module 1 2 weeks
Phase B Implementation module 2 2 weeks
Phase C Implementation module 3 2 weeks
System Testing Test system quality, fix errors if 3 weeks
any and improve if needed. Test
system for different data sets
Final Report Prepare and upload Initial Report 2 weeks
Initial Report Prepare and upload Initial Report 2 weeks

Table 5.5: Timeline Chart


Whatever activities are done related to the project that we all showing all details log
to our guide. All the reporting are noted to the guide.


The team structure for the project is identified. Roles are defined. Our team have
four members. We select this topic after discussing with each other. All the
performing all the task whatever tasks are assign to the members.

5.5.1 Management reporting and communication

Sr. No. Reporting Date Project Activity Guide Changes And


1. 26-Jun-2018 Decide Project Group group should be of 4

Member. members.

2. 01-Jul-2018 Search & submitted 3 Search another difficult

project topics with IEEE papers.

3. 08-Jul-2018 Discussed 5 PPT analy- Detail more study.

sis of IEEE papers.

4. 15-Jul-2018 3 IEEE papers presenta- Change in topic name.

tion and selected paper

5. 22-Jul-2018 Created and submitted Focus on Literature.

synopsis of project

6. 05-Aug-2018 Literature survey and Details literature with

info gathering of se- comparison.
lected topic paper.
Sr. No. Reporting Date Project Activity Guide Changes And

7. 12-Aug-2018 30% project completion H/W & S/W PPT cor-

and presentation. rections.

8. 19-Aug-2018 Draw UML Diagram of Some changes in se-

Project quence and class dia-

9. 26-Aug-2018 50%project completion Changes in System ar-

and presentation. chitecture.

10. 02-Sep-2018 Making Journal paper in Changes in Introduction,

IJSRD. Literature and Plagia-

11. 02-Sep-2018 Made Project report in Changes in Introduction,

Word Literature and Plagia-

12. 22-Nov-2018 Checked Project Report Changes in project plan,

& Made Changes in that. Plagiarism

13. 29-Nov-2018 Finally Made Project re- Completed.

port in Latex

14. 01-Dec-2018 Project Report Submit- Completed.


15. 06-Dec-2018 Finally Submitted hard Completed.

copy of project report in
the college.
Chapter 6

Software Requirement Specification


6.1.1 Purpose and Scope of Document

The purpose of this document understands the project and search time efficiency.
In detail, this document will provide a general description of our project, including
user requirements, product perspective, and overview of requirements, general
con- straints. In addition, it will also provide the specific requirements and
functionality needed for this project - such as interface, functional requirements
and performance requirements.

6.1.2 Overview of responsibilities of Developer

• Perform project design and development activities according to customer

spec- ifications.

• Work with Manager in developing project plan, budget and schedule.

• Coordinate with management in preparing project proposals and contractual


• Track project progress regularly and develop status reports to management.

• Ensure that project is completed within allotted budget and timelines.

• Follow company policies and safety regulations for operational efficiency.

BE Comp-2018 ‘Online Smart Ration Card System With Multifactor

• Research and recommend new technologies to carry out project development


• Provide assistance to other developers, perform peer reviews and provide

feed- back for improvements.

• Develop cost reduction initiatives while maintaining quality and productivity.



All use-cases for the software are presented. Description of all main Use cases using
use case template is to be provided.

6.3.1 Use Case View

Use case diagrams are typically used to model circumstances where your system or
application interfaces with outside entities, which are known as actors. Use case di-
agrams are usually referred to as behavior diagrams used to describe a set of
actions (use cases) that some system or systems (subject) should or can perform in
collabo- ration with one or more external users of the system (actors). Each use
case should provide some observable and valuable result to the actors or other
stakeholders of the system.
Use cases: A use case describes a sequence of actions that provide something of
measurable value to an actor and is drawn as a horizontal ellipse.
Actors: An actor is a person, organization, or external system that plays a role in
one or more interactions with your system. Actors are drawn as stick figures.
Associations: Associations between actors and use cases are indicated by solid
lines. An association exists whenever an actor is involved with an interaction
described by a use case.

Department of Computer Engineering 28


In below diagram it is showing the use cases for the research. The actors in
the use case are data owner and data user who wants to use the files shared by the
data owner.

Figure 6.1: Use case diagram


The class diagram is a static diagram. It represents the static view of an appli-
cation. Class diagram is not only used for visualizing, describing and documenting
different aspects of a system but also for constructing executable code of the soft-
ware application. The class diagram describes the attributes and operations of a
class and also the con-straits imposed on the system. The class diagrams are widely
used in the modeling of object oriented systems because they are the only UML
diagrams which can be mapped directly with object oriented languages. The
class dia- gram shows a collection of classes, interfaces, associations,
collaborations and con- straints. There are three classes in the class diagram such as
cloud and data owner and data user. The attributes for the cloud class are files, ip
address etc.And for the data user attributes are user name ,password,email address
etc. User can download and upload files to the cloud server.

Figure 6.2: Class Diagram


A sequence diagram displays an interaction as a two-dimensional chart. The

vertical dimension is the time axis; time proceeds down the page. The horizontal
dimension shows the classifier roles that represent individual objects in the
collabo- ration. Each classifier role is represented by a vertical column-the lifeline.
Follow- ing Figure shows the typical sequence diagram for the research.In this
research main task performed sequentially are login to the system encrypt the file
upload it to cloud server and download that files.

Figure 6.3: Sequence diagram


A description of each major software function, along with data flow (structured
anal- ysis) or class hierarchy (Analysis Class diagram with class description for
object oriented system) is presented.

6.7.1 DFD Diagram

Level 0 Data Flow Diagram

Figure 6.4: Data Flow Level 0 Diagram

Level 1 Data Flow Diagram

Figure 6.5: Data Flow Level 1 Diagram


6.8.1 Performance Requirements

• System can produce results faster on 4GB of RAM.

• It may take more time for peak loads at main node.

• The system will be available 100% of the time. Once there is a fatal error,
the system will provide understandable feedback to the user.

6.8.2 Safety Security Requirements

• All data will be backed-up everyday automatically and also the system
admin- istrator can back- up the data as a function for him.

• The system is designed in modules where errors can be detected and fixed
6.8.3 Software Quality Attributes

• Reliability: The Client machine will change the status of data indicating suc-
cessful data transmission.

• Usability: The application should be easy to use through interactive interface.

• Maintainability: The system will be developed using the standard software

development conventions to help in easy review and redesigning of the

• Supportability: The system will be able to support to transfer different types

of SQL queries.

• Portability: This software is portable to any system with the requirements

specified. There must also be a server where the database can be set-up.

6.8.4 Design Constraints

In this system, employee makes its registration. He login to the system and send
locations to server, so system design should contain: ext boxes to input user infor-
mation such as name, password.

• User should enter appropriate credentials for logging in to the system.

• Button to submit the login data.

• Text Label to display warnings, exceptions and errors.

6.8.5 Software Interface Description

This system is a multi-user, multi-tasking environment. It enables the user to

interact with the server and attain interact with the server by sending the two
locations for meeting and also leaves a record in the inbuilt database. It uses Java
and android as the front end programming tool and MySQL as the back end
application tool.
Chapter 7

Detailed Design Document Annexure

A and B


In this system color code sequence is used at the time of login.

At the User registration time set color code sequence and at the time of login user
selected sequence if sequence match with registration sequence then user will login
In the proposed system user request admin. Admin verify user mobile number and
generate order after generating order deliver to the user’s home at the time of
deliv- ery biometeric verification will be take place and after that hand over the
The proposed system replaces the manual work in FPS. The main objective of the
designed system is the automation of FPS to provide transparency. The proposed
automatic FPS for public distribution system is based on RFID technology and bio-
metric authentication technology that replaces conventional ration cards. The RFID
tags are provided instead of conventional Ration Cards. Beneficiarys information
along with the finger print impression of the head of the family and one of the fam-
ily members is stored in the centralized database which is only updated or accessed
by the government authority. Beneficiaries have to scan the RFID Smart Card to
RFID reader and then he/she should scan the fingerprint of his/her thumb against
biometric, and then an appropriate fingerprint id checks for valid beneficiarys

BE Comp-2018 ‘Online Smart Ration Card System With Multifactor

mation in the database, after successful verification of the beneficiary, information

is fetched onto the main interface, and beneficiary needs to enter type of
commodity as well as quantity of commodity using keypad. After delivering
proper commodity to him/her, the beneficiary is sent the SMS (Short Message
Service) about the com- modities bought by him.

Department of Computer Engineering 36


Figure 7.1: System Architecture

• Login Module :
In this module, the system takes beneficiaries details like their name,
address, fingerprint, date of birth, age, contact number for sending SMS
alerts, count of family members, color code sequence pattern and category of
the card to which the family belongs to. All the information is stored in the

• Color Code Sequence

In this system Multi-color code authentication sequence is used at the time of
user login.
At the User registration time set color code sequence and at the time of login
user selected sequence if sequence match with registration sequence then
user will login successful.
• Home Delivery & Bio metric Verification In the proposed system user re-
quest admin. Admin verify user mobile number and generate order after gen-
erating order deliver to the user’s home at the time of delivery biometeric
ver- ification will be take place and after that hand over the grocery.

• Biometric Verification Module :

The fingerprint scanning system has two processing steps. Firstly, it enrolls
the fingerprint, where it gets an image of the thumb, and finally performs
match- ing, later it needs to determine whether the pattern of ridges and
valleys in the image matches the pattern of ridges and valleys in pre-scanned
images.The scanning process starts when you place your finger on a glass
plate, and a CCD camera takes a picture. The charge coupled device (CCD)
system actu- ally generates an inverted image of the finger, with darker areas
representing more reflected light (the ridges of the finger) and lighter areas
representing less reflected light (the valleys between the ridges). If the
processor finds that the image is crisp and properly exposed, it proceeds to
comparing the captured fingerprint with fingerprints stored in database. After
verifying the valid ben- eficiaries, the system will provide access to their
ration account. SFG Demo is software used by the project to save the
fingerprints of the beneficiary at the appropriate id, and also to capture,
match and search the fingerprints of the of the same.

• Purchase Module :
After beneficiary identification by using biometrics, the beneficiary is pre-
sented with a list of commodities present in the FPS. The beneficiary has to
select the list of commodity he/she wants to purchase. The system will
display the total quantity of the commodities that he/she wants to purchase.
Once after he/she confirms the commodities, payment is done and
beneficiaries are given a receipt in form of a SMS.

• SMS Gateway Module :

A SMS gateway API serves the purpose of sending bulk messages to its users,
here in this project it plays a role for intimating the beneficiary about the re-
cent transaction made by him/her by sending him/her the message on his/her
registered number.

7.2.1 Database

description MySQL
MySQL is a fast, easy-to-use RDBMS being used for many small and big
businesses. MySQL is developed, marketed, and supported by MySQL AB, which
is a Swedish company. MySQL is becoming so popular because of many good

1. MySQL is released under an open-source license. So you have nothing to

pay to use it.

2. MySQL is a very powerful program in its own right. It handles a large subset
of the functionality of the most expensive and powerful database packages.

3. MySQL uses a standard form of the well-known SQL data language.

4. MySQL works on many operating systems and with many languages

including PHP, PERL, C, C++, JAVA, etc.

5. MySQL works very quickly and works well even with large data sets.

6. MySQL is very friendly to PHP, the most appreciated language for web
devel- opment.

7. MySQL supports large databases, up to 50 million rows or more in a table.

The default file size limit for a table is 4GB, but you can increase this (if
your operating system can handle it) to a theoretical limit of 8 million
terabytes (TB).

8. MySQL is customizable. The open-source GPL license allows programmers

to modify the MySQL software to fit their own specific environments.

7.3.1 Class Diagrams

The class diagram Supports architectural design and provides structural view of
sys- tem to represent the basics of object-oriented systems. Also the class diagram
is illustration of the relationship and source code dependencies among classes in
the UML.
A class defines the method and variables in an object which is a specific entity in a
program or the unit of code representing that entity.

Figure 7.2: Class Diagram

Chapter 8


In this system we have proposed a model for Smart Ration Card by using bio-
metrics and SMS gateway technology. In the current system, there is a drawback
of ration forgery. So, in proposed system we are replacing the manual entries and
thereby reducing forgery. As we are using user with his/her thumb impression thus
there is very less chances to misuse the Ration card. Also, the system will send
transaction details to the users registered mobile number through SMS gateway
thus transparency is maintained in the system.

Chapter 9


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Department of Computer Engineering 43


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