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1 human population dân số loài người

2 human species/race/beings loài người
3 starvation/famine/hunger nạn đói
4 burgeoning population bùng nổ dân số
5 persistent malnutration and starvation tình trạng nạn đói và suy dinh
dưỡng dai dẳng
6 projected global population dân số ước tính
7 conceptual contrast bất đồng quan điểm
8 grow/increase exponentially gia tăng theo cấp số nhân
9 grow/increase arithmentically gia tăng theo cấp số cộng
10 profilegate childbearing mang thai ngoài ý muốn, sinh đẻ
không có kế hoạch
11 to check profilegate childbearing kiểm soát tình trạng mang thai
ngoài ý muốn
12 abstinence kiêng cữ, tránh thai
13 inequitable (food) distribution phân bổ lương thực không đồng
14 per capita food production lương thực bình quân đầu người
15 the rank of the hungry số người đói
16 food-producing capacity khả năng sản xuất lương thực
17 sustainable balance cân bằng bền vững
18 rapid population growth dân số tăng nhanh
19 environment degradation suy thoái môi trường
20 grow/increasing hunger nạn đói gia tăng
21 life-threatening cycle vòng luẩn quẩn đe dọa mạng sống
22 population policy chính sách dân số
23 National Committee for Population Ủy Ban Quốc Gia Về Dân Số Và
and Family Planning Kế Hoạch Hóa Gia Đình
24 intra-utarine device (IUD) vòng tránh thai
25 oral contraceptive (OC) thuốc tránh thai
26 sterilisation Triệt sản
27 to be fitted with an intra-utarine device đặt vòng tránh thai
28 to remove an intra-utarine device tháo vòng tránh thai
29 to avoid pregnancy tránh thai
30 exploding/booming population bùng nổ dân số
31 to carry on a family name nối dõi tông đường
32 The Minister in charge of Population Chủ nhiệm Ủy ban Dân Số Và Kế
and Family Planning Hoạch Hóa Gia Đình
33 to curb/control/rein/check population kiểm soát tình trạng bùng nổ dân
boom/explosion số
34 to promote family planning thúc đẩy kế hoạch hóa gia đình
35 couples in child-bearing years các cặp vợ chồng trong độ tuổi
sinh đẻ
36 modern contraceptives các biện pháp tránh thai hiện đại
37 birth-control/contraceptive pills thuốc tránh thai
38 The United Nations Population Fund Quỹ Dân Số Liên Hợp Quốc
39 the world’s seventh-fastest-growing quốc gia phát triển nhanh thứ 7
nation thế giới
40 to make considerable progress in có bước tiến đột phá trong kế
family planning hoạch hóa gia đình
41 fertility/birth rate tỷ lệ sinh
42 mortality/death rate tỷ lệ tử
43 census điều tra dân số
44 annual population growth rate tỷ lệ tăng trưởng dân số hàng năm
Malthus was concerned with the relationship between population growth and the earth's food-
producing capacity. We know that increasing numbers and economic activity affect many other natural
capacities, such as the earth's ability to absorb waste. At any given level of per capita pollution, more
people means more pollution. As the discharge of various industrial and agricultural wastes overwhelms
the waste-absorptive capacity of natural systems, the cumulative effects of toxic materials in the
environment begin to affect human health.

Overall, however, the eighties was not happy decade for efforts to achieve a sustainable balance
between people anf=d their natural support systems. Continuing rapid population growth and spreading
environmental degradation trapped hundreds of millions in a downward spiral of falling incomes and
growing hunger. With the number of people caught this life-threatening cycle increasing each year, the
world may be soon forced to reckon with the consequence of years of population policy neglect.

All im the family

One thing is booming; The population

Nguyen Sy Nham and his wife, Nguyen Thi Nhung, are helping to dispel the government's dream of
doubling Vietnam's living standards. Despite official pleas that couples have only two children, Nhung
gave birth to their tenth child.

"I didn't want so many children, but I didn't know how to avoid it," Nham says. Ironically, his village of
Khuong Dinh is located in the suburbs of Hanoi, only six kilometers from the headquarters of the
National Committee for Population and Family Planning. My wife has fitted an intra-uterine device three
or four times, but she had a negative reaction, so it is hard to be removed," says the farmer, who is
struggling to support his family by raising rice and vegetables on a 360-square-meter plot of land.

But problems with intrauterine devices and lack of knowledge about how to avoid pregnancies are only
two causes of Vietnam's exploding population. Other important factors are the strong Confucian
preference to have a boy to carry on family name and the desire by farmers to have a large number of
workers, say Tran Thi Trung Chien, the ministers in charge of population and family planning. A program
to curb the people boom is one key area where foreign aid can go along way.

The population growth rate of 1.7% annually makes Vietnam the world's seventh-fastest-growing
nation. At this rate, the population, estimated at 78 million by the end of last year, will exceed 85 million
by 2005.

Alarmed by this prospect, the ruling Communist Party Central Committee in January passed a resolution
warning that the country faced DISASTER UNLESS FURTHER STEP was taken to rein its population
growth. It increased by 0,25% of Chien's budget to promote family planning, but she still receives only
40 US cents per capita. Many neighboring countries spend roughly 6 times that.

In the late 1990s, only 44% of the couples in child-bearing years used modern contraceptives, and four-
fifths of these used intra-uterine devices. Only 4% used condoms and 2% used birth-control pills. To help
the country expand the production of contraceptives, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) provided US$4
million to build a condom factory in Ho Chi Minh City and has begun supplying pills.

Overall, the Un Fund was providing US#3# million to Vietnam in 1992-1995, is the third-largest budget
after china and India. The government is talking to the Asian Development Bank about lending Vietnam
money to provide credits to families who follow the government's exhortations to have no more than
two children.

Despite years of war and international isolation, Vietnam has made considerable progress in Family
Planning, particularly in urban areas. According to the country's 1999 census, the fertility rate for
women aged 15 to 49 fell to 2.8 births in 1994-97, down from a rate of 3.2 in 1989-94. Chien says the
government hopes to reduce the annual population growth to 1.5% by the year 2002.

"The target is attainable, but only if foreign aid to expand the availability of contraceptives is
forthcoming." says anil Deolakikar, a consultant to the World Bank

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