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2 Automation Solution

2.6 Hardware and software components

2.6.1 Remote station

Hardware components
Table 2-9
No. Ordering number Qty. Component
1. 6EP1332-1SH71 1 SIMATIC S7-1200, PM 1207, 2,5A
2. 6ES7211-1AD30-0XB0 1 SIMATIC S7-1200 CPU 1211C
3. 6ES7241-1AH30-0XB0 1 SIMATIC S7-1200 CM 1241, RS232
4. 6NH9720-3AA00 1 SINAUT MD720-3, GSM/GPRS Modem as of
HW3.4, FW1.7.4
5. 6NH9860-1AA00 1 SINAUT ANT 794-4MR, antenna
6. 6NH7701-5AN 1 SINAUT ST7 connecting cable, RS232, 1:1, or
comparable cable “modem cable”
7. 6XV1870-3QH20 1 For configuration, 2 meter, or comparable cable
8. 5SX2116-6 1 Line protection switch, 1 pole B, 16A
9. 6ES5 710-8MA11 1 Standard 35mm DIN rail
Copyright ¤ Siemens AG 2011 All rights reserved

10. Available at your mobile 1 SIM card (check whether special M2M tariffs
services provider. with included data volume are available)

Software components
Table 2-10
No. Ordering number Qty. Component
1. 6ES7822-0AA01-0YA0 1 STEP 7 Basic V11

2.6.2 Central station

Hardware components
Table 2-11
No. Ordering number Qty. Component
1. 6EP1332-1SH71 1 SIMATIC S7-1200, PM 1207, 2,5A
2. 6ES7647-7BE20-0DB0 1 SIMATIC IPC427C
3. 6ES5 710-8MA11 1 Standard 35mm DIN rail
4. Specialist dealer 1 Router with port forwarding

Note The listed order number of the SIMATIC IPC427C covers the following system
Processor: CORE2 SOLO 1.2 GHZ, memory: 1 GBYTE DDR3 SODIMM, hard
disk: 32 GB SSD Disk, operating system: WINXP PROF MULTI-LANGUAGE
View/adjust system data in detail:
Instead of the IPC427C, a standard Windows PC may be used for testing.

S7-1200 and GPRS

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2 Automation Solution

Software components
Table 2-12
No. Ordering number Qty. Component
1. 6NH9 910-0AA10-0AA3 1 SINAUT MICRO SC 8 stations
(available license: for 8, 64 and 256 stations)
2. 6AV6613-1BA51-3CA0 1 WinCC flexible 2008 Runtime for 128 tags

Note The WinCC flexible version specified here enables you to start and operate the
Runtime file (*.fwx). Should it become necessary to also edit the project file
(*.hmi), other licenses are required.
For example, WinCC flexible 2008 Engineering (6AV6613-0AA51-3CA5)

Services of a provider
Table 2-13
No. Ordering number Qty Component
1. Internet provider 1 Internet connection with static IP address
Copyright ¤ Siemens AG 2011 All rights reserved

2. Dyn-DNS service 1 If no static IP address is available (e.g.

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3 Configuration

3 Configuration
3.1 Networking plan
Figure 3-1
Interner Port (LAN)
Externer Port (WAN) IP-Adresse
IP-Adresse Providerabhängig Subnet Maske

DSL Modem/Router

Remote Station
Central Station
Subnet Maske
Copyright ¤ Siemens AG 2011 All rights reserved

Subnet Maske Büronetzwerk

Entfernte Station

Subnet Maske


3.2 Installing and wiring the hardware

Table 3-1
No. Instruction Note/picture
1. Mount all required components on a top-hat x Remote station:
rail. components list chapter 2.6.1
x Central station:
components list chapter 2.6.2

2. Wire and connect all required components for x Remote station:

the remote station and for the central station configuration picture Figure 1-2
as described. Please watch the ground x Central station:
connections of the components and only configuration picture Figure 1-3

S7-1200 and GPRS

22 V1.1, Entry ID: 39863979
3 Configuration

No. Instruction Note/picture

activate the power supply for the SIMATIC PM
1207 at the very end.

3.3 Configuring the central station

Table 3-2
No. Action Note/picture
1. Install all software components on your central x SINAUT Micro SC
station IPC. x WinCC flexible Runtime
2. Establish the internet connection on your IPC. x It is assumed that the router has already
Assign the Ethernet parameters mentioned in been connected to the internet.
Figure 3-1 (or comparable) to all network x Test the internet connection at your
nodes existing in the office network. central station using an internet browser
by calling up a random internet page
3. x At the router you set a port forwarding for
port 26862 to the IP address of the
Port: 26862 an
central station
x If you have activated a firewall on your DSL Modem/Router
central station IPC, you define an
exception for port 26862
Copyright ¤ Siemens AG 2011 All rights reserved

Central Station


4. Copy file m2mopc.xml (see Table 5-1 no 4) C:\Program Files\Siemens\SINAUT Micro SC

into the installation directory of SINAUT Micro
5. Terminate the SINAUT MICRO SC Server
Use the right mouse-button to click the icon in
the info area of Windows and select “Exit”.
Restart SINAUT Micro SC.

6. Open the file from Table 5-1 no 3 with WinCC

flexible 2008.

3.4 Configuring the remote station

Table 3-3
No. Instruction Note/picture
1. Network the S7-1200 controller with your Assign an S7-1200 IP address:
programming device. Assign the Ethernet
parameters displayed in Figure 3-1. W/view/en/36932465 --> chapter 7.1.3

2. Open the file from Table 5-1 no 1 with STEP 7

Basic V11.

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V1.1, Entry ID: 39863979 23
3 Configuration

No. Instruction Note/picture

3. Configure the instance data block
“com[FB144]” which is called in “Main[OB1]”
as described in the library description from
chapter 3 on. Note these particularities:
x The SMS receiver (parameter
“cmd_sms_TARGET_NUMBER”) is later
transferred via WinCC flexible
x The SMS text (Parameter
“cmd_sms_MESSAGE_TEXT”) is
transferred in network 5 of the function
Copyright ¤ Siemens AG 2011 All rights reserved

4. Select the program folder of the S7-1200 and CE-X21_StartupProject_V10

transfer the program into the controller
“Online/Download to device”. Ensure that the
LED of the S7-1200 controller displays the
status “RUN”.


S7-1200 and GPRS

24 V1.1, Entry ID: 39863979
3 Configuration

3.5 Operating the WinCC flexible project locally

Table 3-4
No. Function

Measure Cycle (ms)

6 2
Copyright ¤ Siemens AG 2011 All rights reserved

Here you set the measured data acquisition as well as the send cycle. The process values (2)
and (4) are updated following the interval of the send cycle. See also chapter 2.2
2 The filling level of the inspection shaft simulated in the S7-1200 controller is displayed here
3 The modem tags are displayed.
From a filling level of 100 units on, the pump is automatically activated in the S7-1200 controller.
Alternatively, you can also control the pump manually.
Use the “Actualize Status” button to evaluate the connection quality to modem MD720-3 and to
the S7-1200 controller. The result is displayed in (3) “Modem connected” and “Controller
5 connected”.
The “Actualize variables” button fetches all control tags, which are configured in WinCC flexible,
from the S7-1200 controller.
Enter a mobile phone number (e.g.: “+49123456789”) in the ”SMS receiver” field and press
6 “ENTER”. Pressing the “Send SMS” button now sends an SMS from the remote station to the
given receiver. The GPRS connection is temporarily interrupted for this.
If the pump is manually activated in (4) and the filling level drops under 10 units, an alarm
message is sent from the remote station to the central station. This alarm message (Dry run of
the pump) is signaled in the alarm window. This error message is deactivated if the filling level of
the inspection shaft rises to over 10 units again, i.e. the pump is switched off again (4).
This graphic display visualizes the course of the process values “FillLevel” and “PumpState” over
8 a period of approx. 2 minutes. For this display the “FillLevel” tag is scaled from 0=0 and 1=100

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3 Configuration

3.6 Buffer and archive data

Table 3-5
No. Action Comment
1. Disconnect the connecting cable between
S7-1200 controller and modem MD720-3
during runtime of the remote station.

2. In the “demo” monitoring table of the STEP 7 Basic project in Table 5-1 no 1 it can be checked
how values are written to the measured value buffer in the interval of the measured data
acquisition cycle.
3. Restore the wiring between S7-1200 controller
and modem MD720-3.

4. At the next run of the send cycle counter all

data records are sent individually from the
measured value buffer to the central station. A
Copyright ¤ Siemens AG 2011 All rights reserved

script is executed in WinCC flexible which

writes a data record to a csv-file at each value
update. The csv-file is filed in the “C:\Program


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26 V1.1, Entry ID: 39863979
4 Option: WinCC flexible project via Sm@rtAccess

4 Option: WinCC flexible project via

Using the file from Table 5-1 no 5 it is possible to show and operate the operating
screen (as described in chapter 3.5) of the central station on other PCs too.
This is an image of the actual WinCC flexible server project. However, the
configured OPC connection was removed here and replaced by a SIMATIC HMI
HTTP connection. Using this connection the remote project can now access the
server project via internet.
All previous steps from chapter 3 must be performed here as usual. The following
settings must be observed here in addition.
Table 4-1
No. Action Comment
1. Supplement the settings for the port forwarding
to your router by an entry for port no 80.
Port: 80 an

DSL Modem/Router
Copyright ¤ Siemens AG 2011 All rights reserved

Central Station


2. Open the file from Table 5-1 no 2 and activate

the runtime service “Sm@rtAccess: SIMATIC
HMI HTTP Server”. This option is available in
the “Device Settings” folder.

3. Now generate your own Runtime. Save and close the project. Now start your Runtime at the
central station PC.
4. Open the file from Table 5-1 no 5 and enter
the external IP address of your router. This is
the IP address which you have also used in
the projects for the remote stations.

5. Now generate your own Runtime. Save and close the project. Now start your Runtime at the
remote PC.

Note Operation via Sm@rtAccess requires acquiring and installing the license with the
order number 6AV6618-7AD01-3AB0 for central station and remote PC.

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5 Code Elements

5 Code Elements
Table 5-1
No. Component Note
1. CE-X21_StartupProject_Vxx.ap10 Startup project of the remote station for the
development environment STEP 7 Basic V11.
2. CE-X21_S7- WinCC flexible configuration file. Only relevant if
1200_GPRS_control_centre.hmi changes shall be made using the software
WinCC flexible 2008 Engineering.
3. CE-X21_S7- WinCC flexible Runtime file. Runnable as of
1200_GPRS_control_centre.fwx WinCC flexible Runtime 128 Tags.
4. m2mopc.xml Configuration file for SINAUT MICRO SC
5. CE-X21_S7- WinCC flexible configuration file. This file is
1200_GPRS_remote_project.hmi required exclusively in combination with chapter

6 Links & Literature

Table 6-1
No. Document / Link
Copyright ¤ Siemens AG 2011 All rights reserved

1. SINAUT Micro SC System Manual
2. SIMATIC S7-1200 System Manual
3. S7-300 based remote control solution
4. SINAUT MD720-3 GSM/GPRS Modem Manual

7 History
Table 7-1
Version Date Changes
V1.1 06/2011 Adapted to STEP 7 V11. No changes in functionality.
V1.0 05/2010 First issue

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