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The faculty of Administration and Business

Marketing II

The student: Stupu Cristina Gabriela 204

4. Some people say that the Interent provides people with a lot of valuable
information. Others think access tos o much information creates problems. Which view
do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
In my opinion, the internet is an important source of information, but besides the
informations we receive, the internet has also some negative effects. I think the internet
provides valuable informations, and used with measure, it can not harm or create any
negative effects on us, as long as we know from where to collect our informations and avoid
online manipulation.
First of all, the internet has been beneficial to people around the globe. My view is a
commonsense one, based on the fact that the web is a vast storehouse of information and
opinion, which can be scientific, literary, political, sporting or sexual. Anyone with access to
a computer and a dialup connection can unlock the door and trawl through its offerings.
The Internet can be used as a broad base of knowledge that contributes to the educational
system. Students and teachers benefit from the use of the Internet, as well as administrators
and others outside of formal education. Students benefit because the Internet provides a
resource to supplemental information for any subject. Educators benefit because the Internet
provides a vast knowledge base to prepare for topics. People are not only learning from the
Internet, they are contributing and sharing knowledge through networked communities. The
Internet is the advancement of education for all its users.
Second of all, internet can deliver better customer services to people. The Internet is
changing the way we do business. Using Internet broadcasting, we are able to target the right
audience, prepare and present a technical presentation on a popular topic, interact with new
customers, and collect hundreds of highly qualified leads. As Internet companies continue to
find innovative ways to leverage the capabilities of the Internet for businesses, the more we
will learn how to provide optimal solutions for customers. Which in turn, will greatly benefit
In conclusion, internet is actually has a lot of benefits for everyone, so use it properly, as
well as you can. Benefit it, for your goodness and your safety. The internet is safe for
everyone, but it will insecurity if we use it weongly. The internet today is a way to transfer
and share information. On the whole, it is a benefit to individuals of all kinds. We do have
problems surrounding the Internet that need to be solved, but as with all new technologies
there are debates and opinions. The internet remains an important source of valuable
information for all people.
words: 406
5. Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try
new things and take the risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples
to support your choice.
In my opinion, taking risks and trying new things in life is very important because the
more we try new things, the more we can develop as individuals. For example, I often do not
take risks because of the wrong thinking that pushes me into thinking that "if I try something
new I will be predisposed to fail," and I regret it over time. I propose to myself that in the
future I will experience as many new things as possible in order to develop, learn something
new and get out of routine.
Risks are everywhere in life, and some people enjoy to face them while others prefer to avoid
them. Indeed, a lot of people prefer to concentrate on what they like and do well. I definitely
enjoy to take risks and venture in new projects. Moreover, I am a curious person and this
characteristic allow me to learn new things. Someone said ‘’ mistakes and risks are both
crucial for our understanding’’, that is why I am an adventurous person.
First, I think people who like to take risks are the one who improve our society. Indeed, I
believe that risks are necessary to create innovative objects. For instance, Steve Jobs had to
take risky choices to be at the top of Apple. In my opinion, it is crucial to venture in new
projects and when I try to get involved, I am often uncertain of the result and sometimes the
outcome of it is great, sometimes it is not. I used to be part of a engineering project and I
think choices are made by curiosity
Second, the best way of being good at creating things is to be curious. Indeed, I believe
that without this characteristic, projects can not work well. We live in an innovative world so
creativity works with curiosity. I consider myself as a curious person and it often helped me
in my life because I could learn new things by being curious. Moreover, trying new things is
also a way of not getting bored. I knew a friend who always worked in what he was already
doing good and I think in some extant he was bored because his work was not exciting
anymore. I am alight with the idea of trying new things.
Third, a lot of people prefer to do what they know because they are afraid to make
mistakes. A lot of people are afraid of risks because it is uncertain. A research shows that the
fear of risks is in our biologic system and it is just a natural feelings. But, I think that
mistakes allow you to improve in life.
To conclude, I prefer to take risks and try new things because it not only helps me to
venture in new projects but it also allow me to be more curious and improve. Mistakes are
essentials if we want to be a better person.
Words: 487

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