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SPINE Volume 38, Number 15, pp 1260-1267

Spine ©2013, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


Comparison of Lumbopelvic Rhythm

and Flexion-Relaxation Response Between 2
Different Low Back Pain Subtypes
Min-hee Kim, PhD, PT,* Chung-hwi Yi, PhD, PT,t Oh-yun Kwon, PhD, PT,t Sang-hyun Cho, PhD, MD,t
Heon-seock Cynn, PhD, PT,tYoung-ho Kim, PhD,t Seon-hong Hwang, PhD,* Bo-ram Choi, PhD, PT,*
ji-a Hong, MSc, PT,* and Doh-heon Jung, BHSc, PT§

response of the erector spinae muscle disappeared in the LFRS and

Study Design. A cross-sectional study to compare the kinematics
LFRS LBP subgroups.
and muscle activities during trunk flexion and return task in people
Conclusion. These results show that the lumbopelvic rhythms are
with and without low back pain (LBP).
different among healthy subjects and patients assigned to 2 specific
Objective. To characterize the lumbopelvic rhythms during trunk
LBP subgroups. These results provide information on the FR response
flexion and return task in a group of healthy persons and 2 different
of the erector spinae muscle.
subgroups of patients with LBP, identifying the flexion-relaxation
Key words: lumbopelvic rhythm, flexion-relaxation response,
(FR) responses in each group.
lumbar flexion with rotation syndrome, lumbar extension with
Summary of Background Data. The lumbopelvic rhythm is the
rotation syndrome, low back pain.
coordinated movement of the lumbar spine and hip during trunk
Level of Evidence: N/A
flexion and return and is a clinical sign of LBP. However, the reported
Spine 2013;38:1260-1267
patterns of lumbopelvic rhythm in patients with LBP are inconsistent,
possibly because previous studies have examined a heterogeneous
group of patients with LBP. To clarify the lumbopelvic rhythm

umbopelvic rhythm is a specifically organized pattern
patterns, it is necessary to study more homogeneous subgroups of
characterized by coordination of the lumbar region and
patients with LBP
hip region connected to the pelvis during trunk flexion
Methods. The study involved the following subjects: control group
and return.'"^ In previous studies, various patterns of altered
of healthy subjects (N = 16); lumbar flexion with rotation syndrome
lumbopelvic rhythm have been reported in patients with low
(LFRS) LBP subgroup (N = 1 7); and lumbar extension with rotation
back pain (LBP)/^'' Paquet et aP have shown that lumbar spine
syndrome (LERS) LBP subgroup (N = 14). The kinematic parameters
movement during trunk flexion is reduced in people with LBP.
during the trunk flexion and return task were recorded using a
In contrast, Porter and Wilkinson' and Esola et aP reported
3-dimensional motion capture system, and the FR ratio of the erector
that lumbar spine movement was greater in patients with LBP
spinae muscle was measured.
compared with that in healthy people. The literature on lum-
Results. The flexion angle of the lumbar spine was larger in
bar spine and hip movement patterns in people with LBP is
the LFRS subgroup than in the control group and the LFRS LBP
inconsistent, and despite much investigation, the relationship
subgroup, and the hip flexion angle was larger in the LFRS LBP
between LBP and lumbopelvic rhythm remains inconclusive.
subgroup than in the control group and LFRS subgroup. The FR
Several factors may underlie these inconsistent findings.
Deyo et aP° suggested that inconsistent findings were the
From the *lnstitute of Health Science, Yonsei University, Wonju, Gangwon- result of studies conducted on a group of subjects with wide
do. Republic of Korea; Departments of tPhysical Therapy and ^Biomédical variety of LBP subtypes. Most previous reports have been
Engineering, Yonsei University, Wonju, Cangwon-do, Republic of Korea;
and §Department of Rehabilitation Therapy, The Graduate School, Yonsei conducted in people with a heterogeneous type of LBP, and it
University, Wonju, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea. may be difficult to compare lumbar spine and the hip move-
Acknowledgment date; November 13, 2012. First revision date; January 26, ment patterns among different LBP subtypes. Moreover, the
2013. Second revision date; March 2,2013. Acceptance date; March 4,2013. assessment of lumbopelvic rhythm in people with LBP may
The manuscript submitted does not contain information about medical be discordant because of considerable variation in the move-
ment patterns in heterogeneous LBP experimental groups.''•'-
No funds were received in support of this work.
Therefore, several investigators have suggested that studies
No relevant financial activities outside the submitted work.
conducted in homogeneous subgroups of LBP are necessary
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Chung-hwi Yi, PhD, PT,
Department of Physical Therapy, Yonsei, 1 Yonseidae-gil, Wonju, Gangwon- to address these concerns. ""^^'
do 220-710, Republic of Korea; E-mail: During the trunk flexion, the eccentric muscle activity of
DOI; 10.1097/BRS.0b013e318291 b502 the erector spinae (ES) increases, and then when lumbar spine
1260 July 2013
BlOMECHANICS Lumhopelvic Rhythm and Flexion-Relaxation Response • Kim et al

is fully flexed, the ES muscle activity suddenly

This response, referred to as flexion-relaxation (FR), is a reflex TABLE 1 . •nëral Charactenstics of the Subjects
that allows the ES to deactivate and the passive components
of the spine to produce the extension movement. This specific Control LFRS* LERSt
response has been reported to occur in the lumbar region of Parameter (N = 16) (N = 17) (N = 14) P
more than 90% of healthy people who do not have LBR'^"-"
Age (yr) 23.8 ± 2 . 9 23.5 ± 2 . 4 23.8 ± 3.9 0.94
In persons with LBP, the trunk muscle activation pattern is
altered and the lower back muscles are strongly activated dur- Height (cm) 169.1 ± 8.7 173.3 ± 9.8 169.4 ± 7.0 0.30
ing a long period.-' It is also necessary to evaluate ER response Weight (kg) 61.3 ± 9.2 67.2 ± 1 1 . 9 65.0 ±11.2 0.29
in a classified homogeneous subgroup of LBP.
P values in the ANOVA
Classification systems to categorize people with LBP into
homogenous subtypes and to establish appropriate treatment 'Lumbar flexion with rotation syndrome,
strategies for people with LBP have been proposed.""-' The f Lumbar extension witb rotation syndrome.
movement system impairment classification system, which
SD indicates standard deviation; ANOVA, analysis of variance.
uses the kinesiopathological approach, categorizes LBP into
5 subtypes by examining the alignments, movements, and
symptoms associated with LBP.^^ The reliability and construct The diagnostic movement tests related to LERS included trunk
validity of the movement system impairment classification flexion or rotation while standing, unilateral or bilateral hip
system has been reported to be acceptable.-"^ The lumbar and knee flexion and hip abduction with lateral rotation in
flexion with rotation syndrome (LERS) and lumbar exten- the supine position, knee flexion or hip rotation in the prone
sion with rotation syndrome (LERS) subtypes were selected position, backward rocking in the quadruped position, and
for this study because these have been reported to be more lumbar flexion while sitting. The primary tests were provoca-
common.^^'^' Subjects in the LERS LBP subgroup tend to have tion tests, designed to assess movements or stresses in flexion
rotation and flexion of the lumbar spine during trunk and and rotation motion. The secondary tests were confirmatory
lower extremity movement. These symptoms usually increase tests, designed to correct or inhibit the flexion and rotation
with repeated flexion or axial rotation, and usually decrease motion. If a primary test was positive, a secondary test was
when lumbar flexion or axial rotation motion is restricted.-^" performed. When movements or symptoms were reduced in
People in the LERS LBP subgroup tend to have lumbar spine the secondary test, the result was confirmed as positive. In this
rotation and extension during trunk and lower extremity study, 17 subjects in the LERS LBP group showed positive
movement. These symptoms usually increase with repeated results in the primary test for 8 or more items and positive
extension or axial rotation, and usually decrease when lum- results in the secondary test for 5 or more items. The diag-
bar extension or axial rotation movement is restricted and nostic movement tests related to LERS included return from
corrected.'- bending, lateral flexion and trunk rotation in the standing
The purpose of this study was to compare the lumbopelvic position, straight leg raise, shoulder flexion to 180°, and hip
rhythm and ER response in healthy adults and 2 homogeneous abduction with lateral rotation in the supine position, knee
LBP subgroups. We hypothesized that the lumbopelvic rhythm flexion, hip rotation, and hip extension in the prone position,
and the ER response of the ES muscle would differ between forward rocking and shoulder flexion in the quadruped posi-
healthy and LBP groups and between the 2 LBP subgroups. tion, and knee extension in the sitting position. The primary
tests were designed to assess movements or stresses in exten-
MATERIALS AND METHODS sion and rotation motion. The secondary tests were designed
to correct or inhibit the extension and rotation motion.
Study Design According to the examinations, LERS LBP subjects had posi-
tive results for 10 or more items in the primary test and 8 or
This study used a comparative cross-sectional design to com-
more items in the secondary test. This study was approved
pare kinematics and muscle activities during trunk flexion
by the Yonsei University Eaculty of Health Sciences Human
and return task in people with and without LBP.
Ethics Committee. The subjects were provided with details of
the experiment and each provided written informed consent
prior to participation.
The control group consisted of 16 subjects with no history of
LBP (Table 1). The inclusion criterion for the LBP subgroups
was mechanical LBP without radiating pain. Exclusion crite- Testing Protocol
ria for these groups were (1) a history of spinal or leg surgery, The trunk flexion and return task consisted of relaxed stand-
(2) a medical diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis, (3) a medi- ing, bending, hanging, returning, and recovery standing
cal diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, (4) a medical diagnosis periods (Eigure 1). The subjects were required to stand com-
of degenerative disease, (5) a medical diagnosis of any other fortably for 5 seconds (relaxed standing period) and then to
neurological disorder, or (6) visually fixed kyphosis or sco- bend forward with their arms dangling freely for 3 seconds
liosis. Seventeen subjects were classified into the LERS LBP (bending period). The subjects were instructed to hold the
subgroup and 14 were classified into the LERS LBP subgroup. fully flexed position for 3 seconds (hanging period), they
Spine 1261
BlOMECHANICS Lumbopelvic Rhythm and Flexion-Relaxation Response • Kim et al

1 Time
I I I I Figure 1 . Period definitions for the trunk
Relaxed standing Bending Hanging Returning Recovery standing flexion and return task.

were then instructed to return to the upright position for and femur segment. Each link between segments was set to
3 seconds (returning period), and finally, the subjects were a joint coordinate system with the x-axis directed antero-
asked to maintain the return standing position for 5 seconds posteriorly, the y-axis directed mediolaterally, and the .j-axis
(recovery standing period). The mean score of the 3 trials directed superoinferiorly.
was used in the kinematic and electromyographical (EMC)
data analysis. Surface Electromyography and EMG Parameters
Muscle activity was measured using the Noraxon Telemyo
Experimental Apparatus 2400T (Noraxon Inc, Scottsdale, AZ) with a pair of Ag-AgCl
surface electrodes measuring 2 cm in diameter. The electrodes
3-Dimensional Motion Capture System and were applied over both ES muscles at the level of L3-L4 later-
Kinematic Parameters ally 2 cm from the spinous process.^' The reference electrode
The 3-dimensional motion capture system consisting of 6 was attached to skin overlying the iliac crest. The raw EMG
infrared cameras (Vicon MX, Oxford Metrics Ltd, Oxford, signals were band-pass filtered between 20 and 450 Hz, sam-
UK) was used to record the kinematic data. The kinematic pled at 1000 Hz, and processed using MyoResearch Master
data were collected using camera sampling at 60 Hz. A Edition 1.06 XP software (Noraxon Inc). The EMG signals
total of 20 retroreflective markers 14 mm in diameter were were processed into the root-mean-square (RMS) moving
attached to the subject's lumbar spine and lower limb using window of 300-ms duration of EMC data. The ER ratio (%)
double-sided adhesive tape as follows: (1) four markers at was calculated as the ratio of the RMS activity of the hanging
the T12 and L2 spinous process and bilaterally 3 cm lateral period to the RMS activity of the bending period.-'^ Mathieu
from L2 spinous process; and (2) 16 markers on the lower and Eorin" suggested that if ES muscle activity during hang-
limb bilaterally: the anterior and posterior superior iliac ing period is less than 10% of muscle activity during bending
spines, lateral femoral epicondyle, midpoint between the period, it indicates the presence of ER (ER ratio < 10%). The
anterior superior iliac spine and lateral femoral epicondyle, ER ratios were measured in the bilateral ES muscles.
lateral malleolus, midpoint between the lateral femoral epi-
condyle and lateral malleolus, distal head of second meta- Data Collection and Processing
tarsal, and posterior aspect of the calcaneus. All markers The kinematic data during the bending and returning peri-
were attached to the skin overlying these bony landmarks. ods were interpolated to 101 data points for subsequent divi-
All trials were processed using Vicon Nexus software (Vicon sion into quartiles of 25 points each. The kinematic variables
MX, Oxford Metrics Ltd). The recorded kinematic data during the task were investigated by angular displacements
were filtered using the Woltring filter and calculated using of the lumbar spine and hip joint during the bending and
Vicon Plug-in Gait and a customized BodyLanguage model returning periods. The angular displacements were statisti-
(Vicon MX, Oxford Metrics Ltd). The kinematic param- cally analyzed in quartiles of 25% time intervals in bending
eters included lumbar and hip flexion angles.^" Lumbar and returning period (Eigure 1). Also, the EMG data collected
flexion angle was defined as the y-axis angle between the during the trunk flexion and return task were analyzed and
lumbar spine segment and the pelvis segment; the lumbar reported using MyoResearch Master Edition 1.06 XP soft-
rotation angle was defined as the z-axis angle. Hip angle in ware (Noraxon Inc). The ER ratio was calculated by dividing
sagittal plane was defined as the y-axis angle between pelvis the RMS value during the 3 seconds of hanging period by
1262 July 2013
BlOMECHANirS Lumbopelvic Rhythm and Flexion-Relaxation Response • Kim et al


IQO 0 50 7S 100

(B) 70
/u •

eo ' 60

50 • SO

40 • «3

30 • 3Q '

20 <
/y' •&

10 • IQ

0' * O
7S 100 ?5 100

! Uimbir angl*


40 '
- \

3D '


25 100

Figure 2. Averaged flexion movement of the lumbar spine and hip. (A) Control group. (B) Lumbar flexion with rotation syndrome LBP subgroup.
(C) Lumbar extension with rotation syndrome LBP subgroup. The x-axis represents the normalized time (%) and the y-axis represents the flexion
angle (°). LBP indicates low back pain.

the RMS value during the 3 seconds of hending period and RESULTS
multiplying by 100.^^ Only the data from the right side were analyzed because
there was no significant difference between the right and left
Statistical Analysis sides (P > 0.05). The continuous movement trajectories of
The SPSS software (version 14; SPSS, Inc, Chicago, IL) was used the lumbar spine and hip in the control group revealed the
to detect differences among the 3 groups using a 1-way analysis normal lumbopelvic rhythm (Figure 2A). Indeed, the lum-
of variance (ANOVA). Tukey correction was used when making bopelvic rhythm in healthy subjects showed that the lumbar
multiple comparisons. A paired t test was used to test differences spine motion was dominant in the early stage of the bending
in measured data between the right and left side in each group. period and that hip joint motion was dominant in the final
The results are expressed as the mean ± SD, and P values less stage. This rhythm is reversed during the returning period, so
than 0.05 were deemed to be statistically significant. that hip extension is dominant early, and lumbar extension
Spine 1263
Spine BlOMECHANICS Lumbopelvic Rhythm and Flexion-Relaxation Response • Kim et al

TABL E ¿. of * ' lÄBLt J. ¡Kiiges (Mean '± SD in Degf'SfoT''^

I^PLumbar and Hip Flexion Angles ^Lumbar and Hip Flexion Angles at
at Each Quartile D u r i n ^ h ^ e n d i n ^ . ach Ouartile Durins the Returning

Control LFRS
j^^K. ^ »Period : | ^ ^ ^ H | | ^ ^ ^ ^ H H H I I I Í H H
Quartile Control LFRS LERS P
Lumbar flexion angle Lumbar flexion angle

1st 9. 6 ±2.6 11.2 ±3.3 9.9 ± 2.2 0.210 1st 6.7 ± 1.8 7.8 ± 3.9 6.0 ± 1.7 0.205
2nd 20.0 ± 3.8 20.1 ± 4.9 16.3 ±2.5*t 0.017
2nd 20.0 ± 5.2 22.1 ± 4 4 19.3 ±4.1 0.217
3rd 16.7 ±4.2 18.5 ±4.7 15.7 ±2.9 0.160
3rd 14.0 ±3.7 16.5 ± 3.1 13.5 ± 2 . 9 t 0.029
4th 4.6 ± 1.9 64 ± 3.3 6.2 ±2.6 0.108
4th 4.7 ± 1.4 54 ±2.1 4.7 ± 1.7 0405
Hip flexion angle
Hip flexion angle
1st 11.9 ±3.9 8.4 ± 4.7 12.7 ± 4 . 6 t 0.022
1st 7.2 ± 2.2 7.0 ± 3.7 9.8±2.1*t 0.016
2nd 22.7 ± 7.2 16.5 ± 7.3* 23.0 ± 5.6t 0.014
2nd 20.1 ± 3.7 16.0 ± 5.6* 23.3 ± 3 . 4 t 0.000
3rd 14.9 ± 3.9 14.1 ± 3.9 16.7 ±2.9 0.142
3rd 19.6 ±3.6 14.4 ± 5.0* 20.1 ± 4.4t 0.001
4th 5.0 ± 1.8 4.47 ± 2 4 4.96 ± 1.7 0.732
4th 9.5 ± 1.9 6.7 ± 3 . 1 * 7.8 ± 4.0 0.038 P values in the ANOVA.
P vaiuesin the ANOVA. 'Significant difference compared with the controi group in the post hoc test.
"Significant difference compared with the control group in the post hoc test. fSignificant difference compared with the LFRS LBP subgroup in the post
hoc test.
fSignificant difference compared with the LFRS LBP subgroup in the post
hoc test. LERS indicates lumbar extension with rotation syndrome; LFRS, lumbar
flexion with rotation syndrome; SD, standard deviation; ANOVA, analysis of
SD indicates standard deviation; ANOVA, analysis of variance; LBP iow variance; LBP, low back pain.
back pain.

then follows. In the LERS LBP subgroup, the lumbar spine of the LERS LBP group in the first to third quartiles (? <
showed a tendency for more movement than the hip in all 0.05). In the returning period, the lumbar angle in the second
movement periods (Eigure 2B). The lumbopelvic rhythm dur- quartile was significantly less than that of the control and the
ing the bending and returning periods in the LERS LBP sub- LERS LBP subgroup (P < 0.05), and the hip angles in the first
group showed hip dominance (Eigure 2C). and second quartile were significantly greater than those of
In the control group, during the early and middle stages of the LERS LBP subgroup (P < 0.05; Table 3).
the bending period, the magnitude of the lumbar spine move- The lumbar/hip movement ratios, which represent the rela-
ment was greater than that of the hip (first quartile) and then tive contribution of the lumbar spine and hip are shown in
was similar to that of the hip (second quartile), whereas the Table 4. Eor the control group, the lumbar/hip movement
relative contribution of the hip was greater than that of the ratio was 1 or greater in the first and second quartiles and
lumbar spine during the final stage (third and fourth quar- was less than 1 in the third and fourth quartiles during the
tiles) of the bending period (Table 2). The results during the bending period. During the returning period, the lumbar/hip
returning period indicated that hip movement was dominant ratio was less than 1 during the first quartile and was then
in the early stage (first and second quartiles), but in the later maintained at about 1 in the second to fourth quartile. Eor the
stages (third and fourth quartiles), the lumbar spine and hip LERS LBP subgroup, the lumbar/hip movement ratio was 1
movements were performed smoothly, and the patterns were or greater in all quartiles in the bending and returning period,
similar (Table 3). In the LERS LBP subgroup, the mean angle and the ratios were significantly higher than those of the con-
of the lumbar spine was greater than that of the control group trol group at every time interval except third quartile (P <
throughout the bending period, but the differences were not 0.05). The LERS LBP subgroup exhibited a pattern of hip
statistically significant (P > 0.05; Table 2). The mean angle of dominance during all of the bending and returning periods.
the hip was significantly less in the second to fourth quartiles, The lumbar/hip movement ratios were less than 1 at almost
compared with the control group (P < 0.05). In the returning every quartile in bending and returning periods. Additionally,
period, the hip angle of the LERS LBP subgroup was signifi- the ratios were significantly lower than those of the LERS LBP
cantly less in the second quartile, compared with the control subgroup at the first, second, and third quartiles during the
group (P < 0.05; Table 3). In the LERS LBP subgroup, the bending and returning periods.
lumbar angle in the third quartile in the bending period was The maximal lumbar flexion angle was significantly less
significantly less than that of the control group (? < 0.05; and the maximal hip flexion angle was significantly greater
Table 2), and the hip angle was significantly greater than that than that of the LERS LBP group (P < 0.05; Table 5).
1264 July 2013
BlOMECHANICS Lumbopelvic Rhythm and Flexion-Relaxation Response • Kim et al

TABl iK^Hios (Mean ± bU) ot tumbar to Hip TABLE 5. xiníal Ailgular Displacements
I ^ R x i o n Movement (Lumbar Angle/Hip .ean ± SD in Degrees) During the
w Angle) at Each Quartile of the Trunk F • • n i l , « "j.^|JJ,1] IB^IIII •^tUil
1 Flexion and Return Task r Control LFRS* LFRSt P
Quartile Control LFRS* LERSt p Lumbar 48.5 ± 6.9 55.4 ± 8.8* 47.8 ± 7.2§ 0.013
Bending period flexion
1st 1.4 ± 0.4 2.0 ± 0.9t 1.0 ± 0.2§ 0.000
Hip flexion 56.6 ± 10.4 45.6 ± 15.4* 61.1 ± 9.8§ 0.003
2nd 1.0 ±0.2 1.5 ± 0.4* 0.8 ± 0.2§ 0.000 angle
P values in the ANOVA.
3rd 0.7 ± 0.2 1.3 ±0.5+ 0.7 ± 0.2§ 0.000
'Lumbar flexion with rotation syndrome,
4th 0.5 ± 0.2 1.0 ±0.7* 0.8 ± 0.6 0.018
f Lumbar extension with rotation syndrome.
Returning period
^Significant difference compared with the control group in the post hoc test.
1st 0.6 ± 0.4 1.2 ± 0.9* 0.5 ± 0.2§ 0.002
§Significant difference compared with the LFRS LBP subgroup in the post
2nd 1.0 ±0.5 1.5 ± 0.7* 0.8 ± 0.3§ 0.002 hoc test.

SD indicates standard deviation; ANOVA, analysis of variance; LBP, low

3rd 1.2 ± 0.2 1.4 ±0.3 1.0±0.3§ 0.003 back pain.
4th 1.0 ± 0.4 1.6 ±0.7* 1.3 ±0.5 0.011
P values in the ANOVA.
was likely the result of stiffness in the posterior pelvic region,
*Lumbar fiexion with rotation syndrome, caused by shortened hip extensors. As we know from the clas-
f Lumbar extension with rotation syndrome. sification tests for each LBP subgroup, the LFRS LBP subgroup
was susceptible to lumbar flexion; thus, in this group, exces-
^Significant difference compared with the control group in the post hoc test.
sive lumbar flexion would likely be present during trunk flex-
^Significant difference compared with the LFRS LBP subgroup in the post ion. Also, lumbar flexion would be increased by movements
hoc test.
compensating for the limited hip flexion. These changes may
SD indicates standard deviation; ANOVA, analysis of variance; LBP, low
back pain.
cause overstretching in posterior connective tissue in the lum-
bar spine and increased stress on the discs."* The lumbar flex-
ion limitation in the LERS LBP subgroup can be explained
The FR ratio of the ES muscle was significantly greater in by tightness in the lumbar extensor muscles, such as the ES
the LFRS and LERS LBP subgroups than in the control group muscle. Increased lumbar extensor muscle tightness produces
(P < 0.05; Tahle 6). anterior pelvic rotation and may induce excessive lordosis in
the lumbar spine. Thus, the LERS LBP subgroup felt pain dur-
DISCUSSION ing lumbar extension and showed symptoms associated with
The results showed that the lumbopelvic rhythm in healthy excessive lordosis in the lumbar spine.^^ Increased hip flex-
subjects was similar to that previously reported^-'*-'^'^'*; how- ion, combined with decreased lumbar flexion, was observed
ever, the lumbopelvic rhythm in the LBP groups was consid- in the LERS LBP subgroup. Hip flexion would be increased
erably different from that reported in previous studies. The by movements compensating for the limited lumbar flexion.^
homogeneity of the LBP subjects in this study may explain the Furthermore, the FR ratio of the ES muscle was higher for
differing results between this and previous studies."'^ the 2 LBP subgroups than for the control group. To a large
In this study, the LFRS LBP subgroup showed a significant extent, the movement and alignment patterns that occur
decrease in hip flexion with excessive lumbar flexion during during motion are produced by active muscles and passive
trunk flexion, compared with the control group. In the LERS ligaments.^"'* According to the ligament-muscular reflex, in
LBP subjects, the maximal lumbar flexion was lower and the normal condition, stretching of the supraspinous or inter-
maximal hip flexion was greater than in the LFRS LBP sub- spinous ligaments stimulates the mechanoreceptors that, in
jects. These results show that in the LFRS LBP subgroup, the turn, cause the paraspinal muscles to contract." When the
lumbar spine was flexible and the hip was relatively restricted. ligaments are appropriately stretched in the full flexion or the
In contrast, in the LERS LBP subgroup, the lumbar spine was hanging position, the stretch-inhibition reflex occurs. Conse-
restricted and the hip was more flexible. Full flexion of the quently, the paraspinal muscles relax, that is, the FR response
trunk allows pelvic anterior rotation, combined with lumbar becomes apparent. Therefore, passive structures rather than
flexion. The limited hip flexion in the LFRS LBP subgroup the paraspinal muscles provide spinal stability. However,
is considered to result from shortness of hip extensors, such changes in the flexibility of the spine exert a major influence
as the hamstring muscle.^^ Shortening of hip extensors can on the neuromuscular stabilizing system."*" In the higher flex-
induce posterior pelvic rotation and reduce the anterior tilting ible condition of lumbar spine in the LFRS LBP subgroup,
of the pelvis."* Thus, the decreased hip flexion in this group the passive elements undergo lengthening, and the reduced
Spine 1265
BlOMECHANICS Lumbopelvic Rhythm and Flexion-Relaxation Response • Kim et al

muscle was observed. This study provides information that

TABLE 6. 1 lon-Reiaxation Ratios (Mean ± SD will aid in the clinical assessment of movement patterns and the
igKnts)^ MAe^ ES.^^MjusQl^,ä^ittai measurement of related factors. Also, these results may help
Control LFRS* LERSt P clinicians classify patients into LBP subtypes, thereby improv-
ing the selection of appropriate treatment interventions.
ES 8.9 ± 2 . 3 20.8 ± 13.2* 24.5 ± 14.4* 0.005
P values in the ANOVA.

*Lumbar flexion with rotation syndrome, Key Points

f Lumbar extension with rotation syndrome.
• The lumbopelvic rhythms and FR response ofthe
Significant difference compared with the control group in the post hoc test. ES muscle during the trunk flexion and return task
SD indicates standard deviation; ANOVA, analysis of variance; ES, erector were evaluated in healthy subjects and in 2 different
spinae. subgroups of patients with LBP.
• The "LFRS" LBP subgroup showed lumbopelvic ;
tension is insufficient to activate the stretch-inhibition rhythms with greater lumbar flexion and less hip
flexion, and a higher FR ratio forthe ES muscle.
reflex.''' Therefore the paraspinal muscles are not able to
relax, which creates greater reliance on the active muscles • The "LERS" LBP subgroup showed lumbopelvic
during trunk flexion.''^ In contrast, in the lower flexible con- rhythms with less lumbarflexion and greater hip
flexion, and a higher FR ratio forthe ES muscle.
dition of lumbar spine in the LERS LBP subgroup, the liga-
ment-muscular reflex is maintained and the stretch-inhibition
reflex does not occur because the ligaments of the lumbar
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