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A component is to be replaced on high pressure pneumatic system.

the procedure for this. You should assume that all Pep worn, CBs and cockpit
control have been made safe and all parts are of the correct P/N & S/N.

A. Precautions and preparations

Before proceeding with maintenance work on pneumatic system, check the
technical log for any restriction and make tech log entry, and Assuming that
all PPE appropriate to HP pneumatic system is worn, CBs and cockpit
controls have been made safe. Correct component, parts, consumables have
been issued as per AMM.

On the cockpit panel:

Display warning notice prohibiting the start up of appropriate engine
(pushbutton switch is released OFF) , pressurization of pneumatic system and
APU (pushbutton switch is released OFF).

ON the HP ground connecter:

Put warning notice to tell persons not to pressurize the pneumatic system.

B. Component Removal:
Place step below access panel. Open access panel to the component to be
removed. Remove the component as per AMM steps.

C. Component Installation:
- check on the component for its physical condition. Ensure it has serviceable
tag is attached showing shelf life, correct P/n and S/N
- Check the flow direction symbol on the body of the component and place the
component in the correct direction in the system.
- Install clamps, connectors/fittings, sensors etc in correct order given in AMM.
Use new O-rings/washers.. Apply correct torque on clamp nuts, B-nuts and
plugs as per AMM.
- Clean bond surfaces with solvent and install bonding jumpers if required.
D. Make a final check/ inspection as required. Remove all tools, rags and used
parts. Remove safety tags and close CB’s. energize electrical circuit.

E. Test: carryout installation test (leak test/operational test/functional test) and

put back the aircraft to its original configuration as per AMM

F- Make appropriate entry in tech log. And Route the unserviceable U/S
components with proper blanking and U/S label dispatch to appropriate section.

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