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Model Parameters for BEV Drive Cycle Basic Model

Vehicle mass M = 1600 kg;
Tire Rolling Radius R = 30 cm;
Road Load A N = 100 N;
Road Load B N = 0 N/kph;
Road Load C N = 0.035 N/kph;

2. High Voltage Battery

Battery voltage V = 350 V;
Battery internal R = 0.002 Ohm;

3. Reduction Gear
Ratio = 7.0;
Efficiency = 0.98;

4. Motor Drive
Torque max = 360 Nm;
Power max= 150e+3 W;
Time Const = 0.02S;
Rotor inertia = 3.93*0.01^2 kg.m^2;
Rotor damping = 1e-5 Nm/radps;
Initial rotor speed = 0 rpm;
Speed control trqMax (Nm) = motorDrive.simplePmsmDrv_trqMax_Nm;
motorDrive.gearRatioCompensation = 3/bevGear.gearRatio;
% adjust the max motor speed
%% Driver & Environment
bevMotorSpdRef.tireRadius_cm = vehicle.tireRollingRadius_cm;
bevMotorSpdRef.reductionGearRaio = bevGear.gearRatio;
% Road grade range 0-100 % corresponds to 0-45 degrees range.

*equations: *

w == Axle.w;
v == Rtire*w;
Me*der(v) == Ftotal
Incline angle = atan(grade_pct/100)
Fdrive = T/Rtire
Fbrake = brkF*tanh(w/{0.1 'rpm'})
Froll = A_rl + B_rl*v*tanh(v/{0.1 'km/hr'})
Fairdrag = C_rl*v2
Fresist = tanh(v/v_norm)*(Froll + Fairdrag) + Me*G *sin(incline_angle)
F = Fdrive - Fbrake - Fresist
a = F/Me

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