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Wollo University

Kombolcha Institute of Technology

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Communication Stream

Internship Report

Hosting Company; Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation

By: Yimam mohammmed (WOUR/1138/07)

Seid nurye (WOUR/0739/07)

Submission date 26/06/2011Ec



We undersigned, declare that this internship report is my original work, has not been
presented in this or any other university.

This Report has been submitted for

Submitted by:

Yimam mohammed ----------------------- ---------------------

Signature Date

Seid nurye ----------------------- ---------------------

Signature Date

Approved by:

Wondater ---------------------- ----------------------

Signature Date



Executive Summary
This report is a compilation of progress reports of my internship experience that we have
taken during the last four months. The document summarizes those progress reports,
examines and presents the overall aspects of the internship experience. In the beginning
chapter of the report, general information about the host company Ethiopian Broadcasting
Corporation is provided. Accordingly, the chapter starts with the brief historical timeline of
the company. The main focus of second chapter is details of my internship experience. This
chapter starts by outlining the different sections that we had been working on: TV
broadcasting system, Digital Satellite News Gathering (DSNG), Outside Broadcasting,
Terrestrial transmitter and Radio Section Followed by explanations of the different tasks that
We had accomplished. Hence this chapter is all about the details of my internship experience,
it tells the challenges that we had faced and how I solved. In the third chapter, the benefits
gained from the internship experience are explained

Key word: - Broadcasting system, Satellite, Transmitter



First and for most we would like to thank the almighty God. we wish to express my deepest
appreciation to my advisor, Mr. wendater for his assistance, invaluable comments and
excellent supervision throughout my internship report. we would also be very grateful to
thank staff members of EBC specially Mr. Teshome, Miss Aregash, Mr. Yidnekachew, Miss
Yordanos, Miss Harer, Mr. Solomon and Mr. Haileluel.



Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ ii
Acknowledgment ................................................................................................................................... iii
List of Acronyms ................................................................................................................................... vi
List of Figure ...................................................................................................................................... viii
Chapter One ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Historical Background of EBC ................................................................................................. 2
1.2. Main Services or Products of the Company/Organization/ ................................................... 2
1.3. Customers of EBC ................................................................................................................... 3
1.4. Overall Organization and work flow ...................................................................................... 3
1.5. Objective of the Report.......................................................................................................... 4
1.6. Statement of the Problem ..................................................................................................... 4
Chapter Two ......................................................................................................................................... 5
General Description, Materials & Methodology Used...................................................................... 5
2.1. Tasks observed in Television studio system .......................................................................... 5
2.1.1. Color Television standards ............................................................................................. 5
2.1.2. Video signal elements .................................................................................................... 6
2.1.3. Video test signal ............................................................................................................. 6
2.1.4. Production Room ......................................................................................................... 11
2.1.5. Control Room............................................................................................................... 13
2.1.6. Equipment Room (Master Production Room) ............................................................. 14
2.1.7. Master Control Room (MCR) ...................................................................................... 14
2.2. Tasks observed in outside Broadcast & Digital Satellite News Gathering Section .............. 15
2.2.1. Digital Satellite News Gathering (DSNG) Section ...................................................... 16
2.2.2. Transmission and reception parameters ....................................................................... 20
2.2.3. Earth station ................................................................................................................. 22
2.3. Tasks observed in Radio section .......................................................................................... 25
2.3.1. Radio-Production-Control Room ................................................................................. 26
2.3.2. Master control room ..................................................................................................... 26
2.4. Tasks Observed in Terrestrial Transmitter ........................................................................... 27



2.5. Challenges Faced During Internship ..................................................................................... 28

Chapter Three..................................................................................................................................... 29
Overall Internship Experience .......................................................................................................... 29
3.1. How we get into the company ............................................................................................. 29
3.1.1. The sections I have been working on ........................................................................... 29
3.2. Overall Benefits I Gained from The Internship ..................................................................... 30
3.2.1. In terms of Improving Practical Skill ........................................................................... 30
3.2.2. In terms of improving theoretical knowledge ............................................................... 30
3.2.3. In terms of improving interpersonal communication ................................................... 30
3.2.4. In terms of improving team playing skill ..................................................................... 31
3.2.5. In terms of leadership skill ........................................................................................... 31
3.2.6. In terms of understanding work ethics related issue ..................................................... 31
3.2.7. In terms of Entrepreneur ship skill ............................................................................... 31
Chapter Four ...................................................................................................................................... 33
Conclusion and Recommendation..................................................................................................... 33
4.1. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 33
4.2. Recommendation ................................................................................................................. 33
References ........................................................................................................................................... 35



List of Acronyms
EBC…………………………Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation
ETV…………………………Ethiopian Television
DMNG………………………Digital Mobile News Gathering
OAU…………………………Organization of African Unity
AM…………………………...Amplitude Modulation
FM……………………………Frequency Modulation
HD……………………………High Definition
SD……………………………Standard Definition
DSNG………………..………Digital satellite news gathering
RCU…………………………..Remote Control Units
RCP….………………………..Remote Control Panels
CCU.…...………………….Camera Control Unit
CG.……...……………...….Character Generator
FS……………………………Frame Synchronizer
VTR…………………………Video Tape Recorder
LNB………………………….Low Noise Block
HPA………………………….High Power Amplifier
LNA…………………………..Low noise Amplifier
LOS……………………………Line of Sight
CR…………………………….Control room
SCR…………………………...Studio control room
LAN……………………………Local Area Network
OB……………………………...Outside Broadcast
IF……………………………….Intermediate Frequency
RF………………………………Radio Frequency
BUC…………………………….Block Up converter
FEC……………………………..Forward Error Correction



VHF…………………………….Very high Frequency

UHF…………………………….Ultra high Frequency
SDI……………………………..Serial digital interface
IP……………………………….. Internet Protocol



List of Figure
Figure 1 Overall organization and work flow ........................................................................... 3
Figure 2 Additive system Figure 3 Subtractive system ............................... 6
Figure 4 color bar ..................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 5 Studio Floor ................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 6 teleprompter ................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 7 key light ...................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 8 fill light ....................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 9 virtual TV studio background ................................................................................... 10
Figure 10 video wall TV studio background .......................................................................... 11
Figure 11 Signal flow in News room ...................................................................................... 11
Figure 12 vision mixer ........................................................................................................... 12
Figure 13 audio mixer ............................................................................................................. 12
Figure 14 production room .................................................................................................... 13
Figure 15 Signal flow inside the studio .................................................................................. 15
Figure 16 OB van ................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 17 Low-Noise Block (LNB) ........................................................................................ 17
Figure 18 satellite dish ........................................................................................................... 19
Figure 19 RF coaxial cable ..................................................................................................... 20
Figure 20 Up-linking.............................................................................................................. 23
Figure 21 Signal Direction During Up Link ........................................................................... 23
Figure 22 Down-linking .......................................................................................................... 24
Figure 23 Signal from satellite ................................................................................................ 24
Figure 24 microphone ............................................................................................................ 26
Figure 25 UHF transmitter ...................................................................................................... 27
Figure 26 work flow in the media technology department ..................................................... 28



Chapter One


The mass media in Ethiopia consists primarily of radio and television, (which remains under
the supervision of the Ethiopian government), as well as privately run newspapers and
magazines. The Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation programming includes News, sport,
music and other entertainment. This company is responsible for building up of image and
national consensus through an interactive broadcast media that provides timely, informative,
educative and entertaining programs utilizing state of the art media technology. The
technology department, which is part of this media house is working on software
development, graphics design, computer and camera maintenance also adjusting satellites&
networking. Radio broadcasting is the transmission or sound signals distribution using the
electrical energy. Television is a widely used telecommunication medium for transmitting
and receiving moving images, either monochromatic or color, usually accompanied by
sound. in keeping governmental policy radio and TV broadcasts occurs a variety of

The main channels of EBC

 EBC1-The main channel with 24 hours‟ coverage, with content on culture, politics
documentaries and economy
 EBC2-Achannel which focuses on News in various languages of Ethiopia.
 EBC3- A channel which focuses on dramas, sports, as well as the lifestyle

EBC also has Regional channels that used to transmit regional data by broadcasting media

 Oromia TV
 Amhara TV
 Tigray TV
 Ethiopian Somali TV
 Dire TV



 Debub TV
 Harari TV

1.1. Historical Background of EBC

Ethiopian Television was initially established during Haile Selassie with assistance from the
British firm, Thomson in 1946. It was created to highlight the Organization of African Unity
(OAU) meeting that took place in Addis Ababa that same year. Color television broadcast
began in 1964. Since the recent times the obvious broadcast transmission was only antenna
based, Now the company become more modernize, the studios organized in SD and HD
output data format and fully digitalize. The current structure and goals of ETV were
established 1987. In 2014 the channel changed its name from ETV to EBC, also changing its
logo in the process then EBC is established as corporation. Ethiopian broadcasting
corporation EBC website accessed on May 24, 2009. EBC distributes its news and programs
nationwide and overseas via Radio, television and online streaming. Ethiopian broadcasting
corporation is a 24 hour working public media.

1.2. Main Services or Products of the Company/Organization/

The main services of Ethiopia broadcasting corporation are being a bridge between people
and government as a source of information. So it gives the service of transferring different
News, historical, economic, cultural, political information, idea and reality from government
to the people and from people to government in a country or outside Ethiopia. Hence the
corporation is a government owned media structure, its products circle around the policy
framework of this government. The main products of the Corporation are;

 News
 Entertainment
 Advertisement
 Production
 Documentary service



1.3. Customers of EBC

As we know the company is national operation by Ethiopian government. it should give the
service for all Ethiopian as the sentence say that “the voice of diversity” in many different
Ethiopian and foreign languages. in Ethiopia Over 109 million people and outside of Ethiopia
are getting this service through antenna or satellite.

1.4. Overall Organization and work flow

EBC has its own organizational structure in which all the daily activities are distributed
among the personnel employed in its services.









Figure 1 Overall organization and work flow



1.5. Objective of the Report

The objectives of this Report are the following:

 to give general information about EBC

 to explain the operation of indoor system
 to explain the operation and function of outside broadcasting (OB)
 to describe the operation of radio broadcasting
 to describe how to operate terrestrial transmitter

1.6. Statement of the Problem

Television broadcasting requires cables to transport video and audio traffic. Ethiopian
Broadcasting Corporation (EBC) uses a serial digital interface (SDI) cable. The SDI cables
can carry only a single unidirectional signal. As a result, a large number of cables, frequently
stretched over long distances, are required, making it difficult and time-consuming to expand
or change an SDI-based infrastructure.



Chapter Two
General Description, Materials & Methodology Used
2.1. Tasks observed in Television studio system

Television broadcasting is the transmission of electromagnetic audio and visual signals.

Before jumping to the details of the television studio systems, since EBC is mainly
concerned with video and audio signal, we would like to outline few about color television

2.1.1. Color Television standards

There are different standard signal types in the world. Throughout Ethiopia the television
standard is PAL (phase alternating line) systems. In analog video transmission the
component video signals which carry the three primary colors Red, Green and Blue
separately and the composite signal which contains all the three primary colors together.

 Primary colors (RGBs): -Primary colors are basic colors (true colors) because they
can‟t be created by mixing other hues and they give secondary colors mixing. Primary
colors are the building block of all other colors. The primary colors are Red, Green
and Blue. These RGBs in percent green=59%, red=30%, blue=11%
 Secondary colors: -Secondary colors are created by the mixture of two primary
colors. On a color wheel they are located between two primary colors these include
yellow, magenta and cyan.

 Tertiary colors: -Are intermediate colors and are created when you blend secondary
and primary colors together. On a color wheel they are located between primary and
secondary colors these includes green-yellow, red-yellow etc.



Additive and subtractive color system

The additive color system is used for generating digital media on a computer a color change
occurs by adding different hues if you want the color to appear red you add more red. The
subtractive color system doesn‟t generate digital data rather it‟s for painters here the color
change occurs based on which color you subtract or takeaway if you want the color to appear
yellow you subtract the other color till you have left is yellow. In additive system addition of
all colors produce white while in subtractive system subtraction of all color give black.

Figure 2 Additive system Figure 3 Subtractive system

2.1.2. Video signal elements

Luminance (Y): -Luminance is the intensity or brightness of a video signal, usually

represented by the letter Y. Video signals are split into separate Luma and Chroma (color)
components for higher-quality and more efficient transmission and encoding. Luminance
tells about the light information. =1 which is white

Chrominance: - Chrominance is the color of a video signal. it is the signal used in video to
convey the color information of the picture.

2.1.3. Video test signal

Test signal for video is a color bar which begins from white and ends with black that is in
descending order of the colors value i.e.:



Color bars Color value

White R (30%) + G (59%) + B (11%) =100%
Yellow G (59%) + R (30%) = 89%
Cyan G (59%) + B (11%) = 70%
Green 59%
Magenta R (30%) + B (11%) = 41%
Red 30%
Blue 11%
Blacks 0%

Table 2.1 Color bars

Figure 4 color bar

News Room or studio floor

Studio floor is part of television studio where the show will be recorded. It is the place where
the live transmission begins. the video and audio signals are sent separately to the production
control room through wall box. TV studio are sound proofed with an Acoustics design of a
rough wall of corrugated design and gypsum board called aspestos to break down external
voice or vibration entering to the studio which creates eco . A professional studio floor setup
should have the following features and equipment‟s available to use at any given time:

 Professional video cameras mounted on pedestals

 Stage lightening equipment along with control systems
 Teleprompters (auto cue)



 Well-designed background
 Professional video monitors
 Device for communication (e.g. intercom)
 A viewing window between the studio floor, production room and control room

Figure 5 Studio Floor

 Teleprompter (auto cue)

It‟s a device that the anchorman will read the news from. The mirror of the teleprompter is
called transparent lucent and it is mounted on studio pedestal tripod with the camera.

Figure 6 teleprompter
Studio lights

Like the human eye the camera can‟t see well without a certain amount of light. In order for
the camera to take a proper shot there must be sufficient amount of either natural light or
artificial light since studio floor is an indoor system artificial lights are installed inside.
Lighting is a method that allows the camera to make a picture. A good lighting makes the
picture interesting.



The main lights used for a studio floor are:

 Key light
It‟s the first light and the important light that helps the cameraman; the purpose of this light
is to highlights the form, dimension and surface detail of the subject matter. These type of
light use tungsten light which is used to remove shadow. It is given to the anchorman.

Figure 7 key light

 Fill light
Fill lights use fluorescent light and given face to face to the object for keeping the gloss of
face of the anchorman.

Figure 8 fill light

 Back lights
This light helps to separate the subject from the back and this light helps to create glowing
effects on the edges of the subject, while other areas are darker. It can be natural or artificial
source of light a back light which lights foreground elements from the rear is not to be
confused with the background, which lights background element.



 Background light
This light is used to illuminate the background area of a set. Background light will also
provide separation between the subject and the background.

There are two types of background designs in EBC

 Virtual background
It is still picture wall and each wall display the same picture. Source is not from computer
rather it is created by the background man. Virtual background is used for SD television
studio. There are two types of virtual backgrounds:

o Blue background: here the anchorman shouldn‟t wear blue outfit because it
creates mixed up pictures and also shadow is created.
o Green background: since green is 59% (greater than all the RGB colors) the
outfit of the anchorman doesn‟t matter and all medias prefer green

Figure 9 virtual TV studio background

 Video wall background

It is a moving picture wall and each wall display different picture. video wall background is
used for HD television studio.



Figure 10 video wall TV studio background


A video camera is used for electronic motion picture acquisition, film rendition of that
optical image. A camera uses an objective lens to create an image of an object; it‟s the main
component at the studio.

Wall Box

It is located at one side of the wall of the News room. it‟s task is to transmit the video and
audio signal which it received from the camera and microphone respectively through coaxial
cable, triax cable or fiber optic cable. Most of the time studio uses Triax Cable.



Figure 11 Signal flow in News room

2.1.4. Production Room

The production control room is the place in a television studio in which the composition of
the outgoing program takes place in addition to the control of lights inside the News room.
The following lists are facilities found in the Production control room.

 Studio monitors: are high-quality television sets that display the video from the
program switcher.



 Vision mixer: is a large control panel used to select the multiple-camera setup and
other various sources to be recorded or seen on air. on the set as can be noted from the
figure, this vision mixer has many keys and feeders.

Figure 12 vision mixer

 Audio mixer
This is the main element of the audio processing section. It is used for further processing of
the audio signal which may be coming from the wall box or pre-recorded sound from CD,
flash or VTR.

Figure 13 audio mixer

 Character generator (CG); This creates the majority of the names and full digital on screen
graphics that are inserted into the program lower third portion of the television. The company
used a software called „clarity CG‟ to generate character.
 Logo inserter: The logo inserter inserts the logo, graphics and texts generated by the
character generator.



Figure 14 production room

2.1.5. Control Room

Control room (CR) or studio control room (SCR) is the place in television studio in which
composition of the outgoing program take place. Here white balance and black burst are
controlled. This is the part of television studio where you find RCP/RCU/video raider,
dimmer switch, monitors, scoop, communication, patch panel, and rack mounted servers of
the router, CG, vision mixer, FS, SPG, logo inserter, CCU and different cards.

 Video raider/RCP/RCU: Remotely controls the CCU and to track and match many
cameras together remotely.
 Dimmer switch: is a switch used to control the light setup of the studio floor
 Vector scoop: it is like a wave form generator which displays the video signal quality.
The standard quality of video signal is 1V peak to peak.
 Monitor: it views all the camera content of that studio only.
 Router: Router is used to route the signals right to their destination.
 Patch panel: A patch panel is a device or unit featuring a number of jacks usually of
the same or similar type for the use of connecting and routing circuits for monitoring,
interconnecting and testing circuits in a convenient flexible manner. Additionally,
patch panels make it easier to troubleshoot problems.



 Sync pulse generator (SPG): SPG is used to generate a standard signal like reference
signal to communicate all devices.
 Frame synchronizer (FS): is used to synchronize, reduce noise, amplify, clip/crop and
color correction.
 Intercom: An intercom (intercommunication device), talkback or door phone is
wireless communication system for use within a building independently of the public
telephone network. In EBC a wireless intercom systems are available since has easier
 Camera control unit (CCU): Serves as storage for studio camera the number of CCU
depends on the number of cameras used. It is responsible for powering the
professional video camera, handling signals sent over the camera cable to and from
the camera and can be used to control various camera parameters remotely.

2.1.6. Equipment Room (Master Production Room)

It is like the production or gallery room but these room views the on air program of all
studios. In this rooms you can only find monitors and communications either wired or
wireless. Here the monitors view the on air/PGM content of all studios.

2.1.7. Master Control Room (MCR)

Master control is the final point before a signal is transmitted to the transmitter section
through a fiber link or satellite provider for broadcast through the earth station. Television
master control rooms include banks of Video monitors and

 Audio/Video Switcher
 Audio/Video Routers
 Satellite receivers,
 DMNG receivers
 Decoders
 Transmission equipment, and all rack mounted devices that found on control room







Figure 15 Signal flow inside the studio

2.2. Tasks observed in outside Broadcast & Digital Satellite News Gathering Section

The OB (outside broadcast) vans are vehicles equipped with every equipment that is needed
for program transmission outside studios and master control rooms. Whenever there is some
event taking place and the program is to be recorded outside the studio, like football matches
or some athletics games, holiday, entertainment, etc. events taking place the OB vans are the
ones doing the production and transmission. OB vans use a microwave link to transmit live
programs and the microwave link and the satellite needs to be in a line of sight path; this
limits them not to move far away from the main office due to the geographical structure of
the country. Equipment inside the Van is

 Audio Mixer, Video Mixer

 Video Rider, Video cable, RCP
 Camera, Router, VTR, Wall box
 Dazzle generator
 Triax cable, CCU



Figure 16 OB van

2.2.1. Digital Satellite News Gathering (DSNG) Section

It is employed for new coverage‟s and has an up linking system to uplink the signal to the
satellite. In this department, their main concern is with the satellite transmission of the final
program or News for direct transmission program outside Ethiopia or to the regional states.
DSNG requires a lot of man power to install due to its utilization heavy equipment. To
transmit the program across the world, EBC uses different satellites; in the past AMOS,
BELSTAR and GALAXY and during the past five years, they use HOTBIRD, EUTELSAT,

Ethiopian broadcasting corporation does not only transmit Television program through
DSNG, but also it transmits Radio programs around the world. DSNG section transmits
signal received from studios through the earth station. The responsibility of this section is not
only to transmit but also receive other signals from different station.

 Responsibilities of DSNG

The DSNG section is responsible in identifying or addressing all equipment used in the digital
satellite News gathering such as; dish, antenna, BUC, HPA, Waveguide etc. Additionally, the
section is also responsible in understanding on what type of satellite they use for broadcasting,



comparing and contrasting the major difference between the outside broadcasting and digital
satellite News gathering section, installation and configuration of the earth station and
accommodating applications for live transmission purpose. This is executed by up linking the
recording live into the allocated frequency on the respective satellite. There are different kinds
of components we use in a satellite transmission at a television broadcasting station some of
them are;

 Block Up Converter (BUC)

 Satellite Dish
 Modulator
 High Power Amplifier(HPA)
 Decoder
 Encoder
 RF Cable
 Wave Guide
 Low Noise Blocks (LNB)

The LNB is a combination of low-noise amplifier, frequency mixer, local oscillator and
intermediate frequency (IF) amplifier. It receives the microwave signal from the satellite
collected by the dish, amplifies it and down converts the block of frequencies to a lower
block of intermediate frequencies (IF). A low-noise block down converter (LNB) is the
receiving device mounted on satellite TV reception, which collects radio waves from the
dish and converts them to a signal which is sent through a cable to the receiver inside the
building. This is also called low-noise amplifier (LNA). There are many types of LNB

 C-band LNB
 Ku-band LNB
 Ka-band LNB
 Universal LNB
 Wide band LNB
Figure 17 Low-Noise Block (LNB)



EBC has C-band and Ku band LNBs and they use C-band LNB for transmission and
receiving purpose.

C-Band (4-8GHz) Ku-Band (12-18GHz)

Large dish antenna due to lower frequency Small dish antenna
compare to Ku
Higher power use in transponder Higher power use in transponder (for higher
accuracy of beam)
Lower output power Output is higher
Less rain fade occur Rain fade occur
Larger coverage area Small coverage area
Downlink: 3.7-4.2 GHz Downlink: 11.7-12.2 GHz
Uplink: 5.9-6.4 GHz Uplink: 14.0-14.5 GHz

Table 2.1 C-band and Ku-band

 Block up converter (BUC)

A block up converter is a device that converts a radio signal from a lower frequency to a
higher frequency. BUCs are used in satellite uplink transmission in order to transfer data
from the ground based unit to a satellite in orbit; then it will be redirected to another ground
based unit in separate location.

 Satellite dish

A satellite dish is a parabolic antenna designed to receive electromagnetic signals from

satellites, which transmit data transmission or broadcast, such as satellite television. The
parabolic shape of a dish reflects the signal to the dishes focal point, mounted on a brackets
at the dishes focal point is a device called a feed horn, this feed horn is essentially the front
end of a waveguide that gathers the signals. Satellite dish is used for transmission and
reception purpose.



Figure 18 satellite dish

 Modulator
Is a device that performs modulation, transmit an analog base band signal. It transfers an audio or TV
signal over an analog band pass channel at different frequency.
 Encoder

An encoder is used to compress and convert the data into some bits only known to it. At
Ethiopian broadcasting corporation there are two types of encoder that have a separate
modulator module and encoder and an encoder with a modulator embedded inside it.An
encoder is a device, circuit, transducer, software program, algorithm that converts
information from one format or code to another, for the purposes of standardization, speed or

 Decoder (Receiver)

It is a device which transforms those coded bits to generate the original data. In the process
of transmission, the transmitted signal is often received and played back in order to monitor
and check the progress of the signal.

 Wave Guide
A waveguide is a structure that guides the wave, such as electromagnetic wave or sound
waves that enable a signal to propagate with minimal loss of energy by restricting expansion
to one dimension or two. It is located toward the LNB this helps to collect the reflected radio
frequency from the dish in one direction and provides as an input for the LNB.

 High Power Amplifier (HPA)

High power amplifier is used to convert the intermediate frequency (IF) to a radio frequency



 RF Cable

The most common RF coaxial cable consists of a conductor supported and accurately
centered in a tubular outer conductor by means of a dielectric physically and electrically
separate the two conductors. The outer conductor may be covered by a protective jacket for
protection from heat, cold etc. RF cable may be flexible, semi- rigid or rigid.

Figure 19 RF coaxial cable

2.2.2. Transmission and reception parameters

The transmission and reception parameters of a satellite are FEC rate, symbol rate,
modulation standard and polarization.
 FEC rate (Forward Error Correction)
Forward error correction, provides a powerful method to improve the performance of a
digital modulation schemes. FEC is the method used to improve the reliability of data
communication. When an error is found in the unidirectional signal path, the receiver will not
have the authority of asking for data transmission again. FEC rate uses the data itself to
prevent this problem when great amount of data needs to be transmitted, and it‟s one of the
significant parameter of the satellite receiver. FEC is a very significant anti-interference
algorithm in the product with a package. There are five types of rate of FEC code in the
signal stream: ½, 2/3, ¾, 5/6, and 7/8.

 Symbol Rate

It is the number of symbol changes, waveform change, or signaling events, across the
transmission medium per time unit using a digitally modulates signal or a line code.



Symbol rate is measured in baud (BD) or symbol per second. In this case of line code, the
symbol rate is the pulse rate in pulse per second. Each symbol can represent or convey one or
several bits of data.
The symbol duration time can be calculated as;

Where; is the symbol rate

 Modulation Standard
the digital programs have much purer colors and much sharper vision effect than the analog
programs. The picture of the digital program won‟t have the interference too. These
advantages are just owing to the perfect anti-interference characteristic of digital signal. In
the digital signals, put in layers of error correction code in order to prevent the mutation of
the signal caused by other signal‟s interference. This is because the digital signal is very
sensitive in the decoding progress. It may not be able to decode just because of a little flaw in
the signal.

 Polarization
Polarization is a way to give transmission signals to a specific direction. It makes the beam
more concentrated. There are two main types of polarization cross pole and co pol. Signals
transmitted by satellite can be polarized in one of four different ways; those are:

 Linear
 Horizontal or
 Vertical
 Circular
 Left hand or
 Right hand.

The most common polarization is cross pole. Within the cross pole polarization there are two
types of polarization that we are familiar with those are linear polarization (vertical or



Linear polarization is always used at Ku and Ka band. But circular pol (left hand circular or
right hand circular) is used at C-band.

In order to make communication link work effectively, both transmitting and receiving
antennas should be in the same polarization. The Using of polarization allows frequency re-
use and linear polarization is used on domestic and non Intelsat type of satellite.

 Horizontal polarization: is the electric field vector of electro- magnetic wave and
is parallel to the earth; which is generated by having antennas horizontal to the
 Vertical polarization: is the electric field vector of electro- magnetic wave and is
perpendicular to the earth. The vertical polarization is generated by having
antennas perpendicular to the earth.

2.2.3. Earth station

Earth station is where the satellite transmission of program takes place. Even though the
devices are almost the same and can be configured manually like in the DSNG, unlike it, the
earth station can deal with multiple sources at a time. The modules in the earth station are
networked together through LAN (local area network) with a CISCO switch and a
centralized server so that the parameters can be configured remotely. It also provides the
signal flow of the interconnected modules and since each of the modules have their own
address it‟s possible to adjust their current status.

Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation transmits their program worldwide by renting satellite

from different countries. When the earth station sends a signal to the satellite this is called an
uplink and when the satellite transponder converts the signal and sends it down to the earth
station this process is called downlink. The uplink frequency is always higher than downlink



The two can be explained like this: when a program transmitted from one of the studios to
several stations we say it is up-linked. If the process occurs the other way round, for instance,
data or program is received from satellite, it can be called down-link.

Up-link: is the link from a ground station up to a satellite by parabolic satellite dish.

Uplink frequency= downlink frequency + local oscillator of the satellite frequency

Encoder and Modulator Up-

mux convertor

High power



Figure 20 Up-linking

Figure 21 Signal Direction During Up Link

Down-link: is the line from satellite down to one or more ground station.



Low noise Down- De-

amplifier convertor modulator

De-mux and


Figure 22 Down-linking
The maximum frequencies for the uplink and downlink are 6GHz and 4GHz respectively in
C- band. For the following reasons, uplink frequency is greater than down link frequency.On
the earth station we have to penetrate the atmosphere to reach the satellite station. So needs a
lot of power to be generated. Hence uplink is at higher frequency with higher power.As the
frequency is increased the amount of interference caused by the atmosphere reduces, as
higher frequency signal has more signal energy in it. So it can penetrate the atmosphere more

Figure 23 Signal from satellite

 1+1 (HD) earth station

1+1 earth station means only one channel is transmitted through an antenna. In EBC these
channel is the ETV news channel being the only HD channel which is transmitted through
the 1+1 earth station

 8+1 (SD) earth station



8+1 earth station means 8 channels are transmitted through a single antenna by differing their
video bit rate but the same symbol rate, FEC rate, frequency and encoder. In EBC these
channels are the SD ones which are ETV sport, ETV language, ETV entertainment, ETV
news SD etc.

2.3. Tasks observed in Radio section

Radio broadcasting is the transmission or distribution of sound signal using electrical energy.
Sound is a form of energy caused by vibration. It is natural analog signal, a physical
phenomenon that stimulates the sense of hearing. In humans, hearing takes place whenever
Vibrations of frequencies is about 15 to 20KHZ.

Radio Studio

Radio studio or radio production studio is an installation room in which audio productions
takes place. A radio studio has several rooms which are kept separate for noise and
practicality reasons. These rooms are connected via a communication these workstations are:

 Studio Floor

A radio studio floor is specialized for sound recording. It has only microphone since no
visual transmission occur in radio transmission devices like camera and lightening system are
unnecessary. Radio studio are sound proofed with an Acoustics design of a rough wall of
corrugated design and gypsum board called aspestos like a TV studio to break down external
voice or vibration entering to the studio which creates eco and with larger doors and higher
ceilings. A professional radio studio floor setup should have the following features and
equipment‟s to use at any given time:
 Microphones
 Studio monitoring Headphones
 Device for communications (e.g. intercom)
 A viewing window between the studio floor, production room and control

Microphone: is a transducer or device which converts sound energy to electrical energy.



Figure 24 microphone
Headphone: is a device like speaker which converts electrical energy to sound energy.

2.3.1. Radio-Production-Control Room

It is a room for sound mixing and audio production. It is the part of radio studio where you
can find the audio mixer, speaker, computer, tescam, telos, orban and the dump.

 Orban is used to prevent distortion and clip high dBs. It makes the sound optimum for
 Telos is a telephone line connected with the audio mixer to perform telephone
 Tescam is used when the router fails for a playback purpose.
 Dump: Usedto delay up to 8 seconds while in recording till the anchorman gets ready.

2.3.2. Master control room

Radio master control is the final point before an audio signal is transmitted to the transmitter
section through a fiber link or satellite provider for broadcast through the earth station.

In EBC there are 3 radio stations these are FM 97.1, FM 104.1 and National radio (AM )



- FM 97.1 and FM 104.1 - National radio
Frequency modulation Amplitude modulation
- For short distance like A.A and its - For long distance
surrounding with clear sound - Frequency is constant and only amplitude
- Amplitude is constant and only frequency varies
varies - If there is obstacle, signals aren‟t blocked
- Needs LOS rather it bounces
- If there is obstacle the signal gets blocked

Table 2.2 Difference between FM and AM

2.4. Tasks Observed in Terrestrial Transmitter

There are two types of terrestrial signal transmitting mechanisms these are Very High
Frequency (VHF) transmitter being analog and Ultra High Frequency (UHF) transmitter
which is analog and digital. Terrestrial transmitter used in EBC is UHF transmitter.

UHF transmitter comprises fan for ventilation purpose, power amplifier to amplify weak
signal to strong, exciter switch to select between two exciters when one of them faces
failerity, exciter for modulation and amplification, central processing unit for controlling the
status of each transmitter device and data collector to collect data.

Figure 25 UHF transmitter



 Filter: To reject the unnecessary or unwanted signal and allows some frequency bands
to pass. Band pass filters are used for UHF transmitter design in EBC.
 Antenna: used to transmit the signal to end users/receivers. EBC uses dipole antenna
which is placed on the top of telecom tower to send TV signals from terrestrial
transmitter to furi And uses Yagiuda antenna to transmit from furi to final end users.
 UHF Exciter: A UHF TV transmitter exciter is used for modulation and amplification

Figure 26 work flow in the media technology department

2.5. Challenges Faced During Internship

Eventhough we gained many important things from internship, I have faced some challenges.
These challenges were;

 Lack of internet accesss and prohobition of using laptops and flash discs
 The internship coordinator is not willing to change our working room. In one place
we should wait one month but there was a time we stayed more than a month and also
there was a time we stayed 2 weeks only.



Chapter Three
Overall Internship Experience
Internship helps to acquire the basic knowledge and abilities of both practical and theoretical
offered by the company. This internship program helped me to have a close up view of how
broadcasting is done. In this internship program, we have been able to read and understand
flow charts and diagrams with their hardware realization and interface. Additionally, we get
the basic understanding of the main components of a radio and television studio equipment
like studio cameras, audio/vision mixers etc. we was also able to understand and operate
based on the proper use and storage of operating and maintenance materials, for instance,
equipment manuals etc. The following are some of the objectives of the internship program:

 To change the student‟s theoretical knowledge to practical skill.

 To develop skills and techniques directly applicable to our careers.
 To increase our sense of responsibility and to acquire good work ethics
 To develop student‟s interpersonal relationship.

The benefit of this internship is not limited to these, but can be explained as follows, and

3.1. How we get into the company

Wollo University announced us to find hosting company for internship program. Hence, our
department prepared an internship application request paper for students. we submitted
copies of this request papers for several organizations in the city of my residence. we choose
Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation.

3.1.1. The sections I have been working on

At Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation there are three sections through media technology;
which are Radio section, television section and the engineering section. Throughout the time
we stayed at the company we have got the chance to work with television studio system,
outside broadcasting (OB), digital satellite news gathering (DSNG), radio section and
terrestrial transmitter.



3.2. Overall Benefits I Gained from The Internship

Over all benefit can be explained as follows, and accordingly.

3.2.1. In terms of Improving Practical Skill

Theoretical knowledge alone is meaningless without practical skill. But when it is supported
by practical work, theoretical knowledge will improve and increase creativity for new ideas.
we have got the following practical skills from this internship.

 Maintenance and repair of different servers and routers.

 Operational system skills of different electrical devices.
 Improvement in reading electrical device manuals and installation procedures on

3.2.2. In terms of improving theoretical knowledge

Thanks to this program we get the chance to apply our theoretical knowledge in the real TV
communication world and this builds my confidence in theoretical knowledge. Theoretical
knowledge involves principles, logic and calculations. Generally, the internship program
helped me to enhance and strengthen our desire to know more about Electrical and computer
engineering courses

3.2.3. In terms of improving interpersonal communication

The internship allowed me to improve my interpersonal communication skills with various
societies who work in the company in terms of the following important points.

 Communicate effectively and create great work communication skill.

 Practice personal and social responsibility.
 Demonstrate social and global competence.
 Helped me to understand the intensions, motivation and deserve of other people.
 Increase my confidence to give and raise suggestions.
 Improve work place moral without violence.



3.2.4. In terms of improving team playing skill

 Increase the habit of being coworkers, Improve group work division strategies,
 Sharing and being open minded for others ideas.

3.2.5. In terms of leadership skill

As a leader, many issues may happen from different point of view regarding to the company.
Therefore, the leader must be responsible to invite each and every issue properly. Generally,
we have got the following skills.

 How to organize different work divisions

 How to treat customers in different issues?
 Risk taker during any activity and Problem solving ability
 Complain solving ability and Patience

3.2.6. In terms of understanding work ethics related issue

During my internship, may have understood what work ethics meant and how it is expressed
through different workers in their daily activities. Work ethics that we gained from the
internship program includes;
 Equally treat customers without discrimination.
 Follow up Awarding principles of being ethical
 Improve discipline on practical work
 punctuality
 Develop and understand the importance of unity in working place.
 Consolidate the behavior of being diligent.

3.2.7. In terms of Entrepreneur ship skill

Entrepreneurship is the process of creating value giving work by bringing together a unique
package of resources to exploit it. An entrepreneur is a person who is able to create business,
manage his/ her resources properly and takes risks to get good profit. This concept is more
essential in all real world situations especially for an engineering profession; which lays great
value on our country with the use of advanced technology. An entrepreneur must have the
following characteristics.



 Self-confident, risk taker

 Knowledge based decision, Creativity and Innovative
 Understand the marketability of ideas



Chapter Four
Conclusion and Recommendation
4.1. Conclusion
The internship program is intended to introduce students with real experiences of job on
which they will work on after graduation. Moreover, this internship program is a great way to
let students face areas of challenges and benefits of being Professional. Ethiopian
Broadcasting Corporation EBC has a task of broadcasting News, information and
entertaining programs through its radio and television channels. Through the time we stayed
am able to experience most of the steps taken in order to successfully transmit a radio and
television program. Ethiopian broadcasting corporation is one of the oldest media technology
relatively with other local media station. EBC basically works on both radio and television
broadcasting, the corporate broadcasts EBC1, EBC2 and EBC3 in television broadcasting
FM 97.1, FM 104.7 on FM transmission and national wave transmission in medium wave.
The corporate uses two transmission mechanisms for local transmission and international
transmission. The local transmission is through antenna within the country and the
international transmission is through satellite.

4.2. Recommendation
Even though there are many strong sides that is accomplished in EBC. There are a few short
comings as well that are holding back the organization from achieving its maximum. Since
EBC is the national television and radio broadcast of Ethiopia this limitation need to be taken
care of as soon as possible. In my opinion some of the problems and possible solutions are as
 There is a very limited budget that is allocated to EBC with this budget it is impossible
to maintain the existing equipment. So, more budgets should be allocated in order to
improve the quality of the organization.
 There is no training program for the employees to enhance their performance. There
should be some session and courses for voluntary employees free of charge.



 As a broadcast company EBC was supposed to have better internet connection and
better access for information from the outside world. It‟s internet connection speed was
less which makes it hard to retrieve large video information from the internet. The
internet connection speed for the company should be upgraded for a better bandwidth.
 a large number of cables frequently stretched over long distances are required, making it
difficult and time-consuming to expand or change an SDI-based infrastructure. for this
problem the company should design IP television studio which will carry multiple
 bidirectional traffic flows using a single cable.



 [1] Leykun Birhanu. Brief history of the Ethiopian television
service. Addis Abeba: 1985E.C
 [2] Leykun Birhanu. Facts about Ethiopian television. Addis Abeba: 1994E.C
 [3] http//


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